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(浦东八佰伴联合中心 英语组 提供)

Part 1 words 15%

I. Dictate 10 phrases or words 10%

II. Write the words according to the phonetic symbols 5% 1. Mr. Li is talking to travel _______ /eid?t/about his trip to Beijing. 2. Dogs can _______ /ga:d/ our homes and play with people.

3. Miss Tang is an _______ /a:kitekt/. She works for a construction company. 4. These foreigners are _______ /k?'neindi?nz/ . 5. John is sick. He has a _______/st?m?eik/.

Part 2 Vocabulary and grammar 50%

I. Choose the best answer. 1*20=20% 1. -- I'd like to have some soup. -- _______.

A. Me too

B. So had I

C. Yes, I would

D. So did I

2. Air keeps people _______.

A. live

B. lived

C. alive

D. living

3. Can you swim _______ the river?

A. cross

B. through

C. across

D. past

4. A: We should listen to the teacher carefully in class. B: I _______ you.

A. agree to

B. am agree

C. agree with

D. agree of

5. There _______ seaweed in the sea.

A. was plenty of

B. was a plenty of

C. were a plenty of

D. were plenty of

6. Tomorrow is Grama's birthday. Let's make _______ for her.

A. something special B. special something

C. anything special

D. nothing special

7. Tomorrow is my grandfather's ___birthday. I must give him _______.

A. sixthly, special something C. sixtieth, something special

B. sixtieth, special something D. sixtieth any thing special

8. If you want to be a friend of _______, you must _______ environment.

A. the Earth be kind to C. Earth, kind of

B. the Earth, be kind of D. Earth, kind to

9. He has only had _______ food.

A. a small amount of B. a few

C. fewer

D. a piece of

10. They _______to wear glasses.

A. haven't

B. don't need

C. needn't

D. shouldn't

11. The businessman goes into the bank _______money.

A. about

B. for

C. to

D. of

12. A doctor's job is_______ people's life.

A. saving

B. save

C. to save

D. to safe

13. Jack and Mary have tried, but_______ of them succeeded in passing the exam.

A. both

B. neither

C. all

D. none

14. -- Must I finish the work now ? -- No, you_______.

A. may not

B. needn't

C. mustn't

D. shouldn't

15. -- can you help me? -- _______

A.I can

B. That's right

C. That's all right

D. I'm sorry, but I'm busy.

16.We have no classes on Sunday,_______?

A. don't you

B. don't we

C. do we

D. do you

17.The man felt _______ when he saw so many people giving him gifts.

A. happy

B. happily

C. angrily

D. angry

18.As I haven't learn t the word before, I don't know _______.

A. how to use it

B. how to use

C. what to use it

D. what to use

19._______ enjoyable summer camp it was!

A. What

B. What an

C. How

D. How a

20.The teacher asks me what I _______during the summer holidays.

A. had done

B. will to

C. did

D. have done

II. Fill in the blanks with given words in their proper forms. 2*6=12%

Hurry invite easily britain live high 21.Look, Alice is writing______ to her parents to attend their School Open Day. 22.Yesterday morning Dick got up late, so he ______ to school. 23.My ______is 1.6 meters.

24.It is much______ to cook rice than to fry it. 25.Like the Chinese, the______ drink a lot of tea. 26.How many ______ rooms are there in your flat?

III. Fill in the blanks the verbs in their proper forms. 1*8=8% 27.We enjoy______(lie) on the beach in summer.

28. I will buy an English-Chinese dictionary. I______(lose) one last week. 29. When Bill______(come), ask him to wait for me.

30. You'd better ______(not talk)to your friend in such a rude way. 31. -- where is Tom?

-- He ______(go) to the playground.

32. He ______( fly) to Tokyo if he can get the ticket.

33. There are a few cuts on your arm. What ______ (happen) to you? 34. There______ (be) a lot of traffic in Shanghai.

IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.1*10=10% 35. He drew nothing in the art class.(改为同意句)

He didn't _________ _________ in the art class.

36. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in 2 months' time. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ will the 29th Olympic Games be held?

37. He's hardly done anything for 3 hours, _________ _________? (改为反意疑问句) 38. It took me three days to make the model house. (保持原句意思不变)

I _________ three days _________ the model house.

39. It was fun to have a charity sale(义卖) in our school.(改为感叹句)

_________ _________ it was to have a charity sale in our school.

Part 3 Reading 35%

I. Reading comprehension 14%


Mr. Jenkins works in a middle school. there he teaches his students English. he works hard and is very busy. After supper, when his family watch TV, he always reads some newspapers in his room. at times Robert comes in and asks him to tell him a story. he likes his little son and does all what the boy wants.

One Sunday Mrs. Jenkins was doing some housework and Mr. Jenkins was reading a newspaper.

Robert came in but he didn't say anything. a bout ten minutes later the boy showed a newspaper to him and called out, \

Mr. Jenkins was surprised. he said to himself, \

He held up the newspaper and began to look for the news. but he couldn't find it. at last the boy showed him an exclamation mark on the newspaper. 40. Mr. Jenkins is a ______.

A. doctor

B. teacher

C. driver

D. farmer

41. Mr. Jenkins always reads newspapers after supper because ______.

A. he’s very busy at school C. he wants to teach his son

B. he works hard at school

D. he wishes his family to listen to him

42. \





43. Robert found ______ and called out.

A. a baseball match C. a today’s newspaper

B. a piece of good news D. an exclamation mark

44. Mr. Jenkins thought ______, so he was surprised.


The manager of a big factory was talking to an applicant. He was surprised when the applicant said he was asking for a high pay. So he asked him: \asking for too much? \

A. there was a baseball match C. his little son learned to read

B. his son bought a newspaper for him D. his little son learned to write

\be better paid.\

45. In this article, the word \

A. someone asking for a job

B. someone who wants to go to school

C. the person who hopes to make friends with others D. one who often helps others

46. What was the manager doing?

A. He was talking to a worker.

B. He was paying a visit to the applicant. C. He was talking to the applicant on the phone. D. He was having a talk with an applicant

47. Why was the manager surprised? Because_______.

A. the applicant was not good at his job, but he asked for too much money. B. the applicant was a thief

C. the applicant asked work in the factory

D. the applicant asked for much money, but he did nothing.

48. The manager thought that _______.

A. one who didn't work well should get less money B. the applicant's demand was right C. whoever work well should be passed

D. the workers in the factory should get the same pay

49. Why did the applicant say he should be better paid? Because he thought _______.

A. he would work better than others B. he would work harder than others C. his experience was richer than others D. he would do more work than others


Shanghai, one of the largest cities in China, attracts people both at home and abroad like a magnet. People come here for its culture and its history. Shanghai, also named “Hu” or “Shen” in short, is in the middle of China’s east

coastline. It has a pleasant climate, with four distinct seasons.

These years, a number of modern buildings have been added to the city, such as the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, Shanghai Library and Jin Mao Tower. They have become new scenic sights in Shanghai.

Shanghai, this oriental metropolis, succeeded in sponsoring the 2010 World Expo in 2003. The theme of 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be “Better City, Better Life.” The exposition will give a stage for international exchanges among different countries.

50. Do people of Shanghai like a magnet?

________________________________________________________________________ 51. Why do many people come to Shanghai?

________________________________________________________________________ 52. What is the short name of Shanghai?

________________________________________________________________________ 53. Is Shanghai in the middle of China?

________________________________________________________________________ 54. List three modern buildings in Shanghai.



Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. 10%

The 94th Pulitzer Prizes (普利策新闻奖) were announced on April 12,2010. Washington post wins 4 and New York Times gets 3. To this top honor in journalism, many know the prize, but___55__ know about the man behind it--Joseph Pulitzer.

As the son of a rich grain businessman, Pulitzer was born in the Hungary. But, his ___56__died in the eleventh and his mother remarried. So, he decided to leave Hungary. He moved to the U.S. And joined the American Union Army during the Civil War. But he was forced to leave the___57__ one year later due to his poor eyesight.

Pulitzer's claim to fame, however, is not in his military service but rather in his ___58__ in the press. He spent all his free time at library, studying, English and law by himself. After receiving a law degree and working as a ___59__ for the New York Sun, in 1883, he bought the New Youk World. Under his management, the world became an important newspaper, famous for its sensational and careful ___60__ and strong support to editorial opinion.

Pulitzer ___61__ for his hard work at his newspaper. He became completely blind and his health got ___62__. To continue his career, he ___63__ 2 million dollars to set up the Pulitzer and word's first school of journalism in Columbia University. Today, it has become the ___64__ honor in world journalism. 55. A. many 56. A. father 57. A. family 58. A. change 59. A. writer 60. A. reports 61. A. made much time 62. A. bad 63. A. collected 64. A. only

II. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words 10%


An exhausted-looking blond dragged himself into the doctor's office. “Doctor, there are dogs all over my neighborhood. They bark all day and all .n___65___,and I can't get a wink of .s___66___”

“I have good news for you,” the doctor answered, rummaging through a drawer full of sample medications. “Here are some new sleeping pills that work like a dream. A few of these and your trouble will be over.” “Great,” the blond answered, “I'll try anything. Let's give it a shot.”

A few w___67___ later the blond returned, looking w___68___ than ever. “Doctor, your plan is no good. I'm more tired than before!”

“I don't understand how that could be,”said the doctor, shaking his .h___69__“Those are the strongest pills on the market!”

“That may be true,” answered the blond wearily, “but I'm still up all night chasing those dogs and when I finally catch one it's hard getting him to swallow the pill!”


Fish and chips is a popular take-away food in the United Kingdom. It i___70__ deep-fried fish and deep-fried potatoes. The fried potatoes c___71__ in British English while Americans call them French fries. Fish and chips is also

B. nobody B. mother B. Hungary B. major B. reporter B. photos

B. made much money B. worse B. made B. high

C. somebody C. brother C. the U.S. C. choice C. photographer C. topics C. paid a price C. well C. offered C. big

D. few D. sister D. army D. success D. editor D. reporters D. gained a big name D. better D. borrowed D. highest

very popular in Australia, Canada, South Africa and so on.

In the U.K. Fish and chips is b___72__ to be a cheap and nutritious food popular among the working class in the second half of the 19th century. In 1860, the first fish and chips shop was opened in London. Now, there are 8500 fish and chip shops throughout the U.K. 2010 is the 150th anniversary of the marriage of fish and chips. The national fish & chip shop of the year competition was h___73__ to celebrate the anniversary in January. The competition has been running f___74__ 22 years.

