Unit 4 知识清单

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1. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 7. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 2. get into a fight with sb.与某人发生争执 8. offer to help(parents)主动帮助(父母) 3.look through浏览,过目 9. proper communication适当的交流 4.It’s not a big deal 10. communicate with sb.和某人交流 =It’s no big deal没什么大不了的 11.leave…at home落在家里 5. work out成功解决或者发展 12. trust sb.信任某人 6. get on with sb./sth 13. explain to sb.向某人解释 =get along with sb.与某人相处(处理某事) 14.talk about it on the phone通过电话谈论 二、句型

1. Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening? = Why not go to sleep earlier?(表达提建议)

其余提建议方法还有:You’d better+(not)do sth.//It’s best (not) to do sth.//How/What about..//Would you mind + doing sth.//let’s (not) do sth. 2. You could write him a letter?(给建议) 3. You should call him up?(给建议)

4. My problem is thatI can’t get on with my family?(表语从句,that不要省略)


1. My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.

①allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 They don’ t allow you to take pictures in this museum. ②be (not) allowed to do sth. (不)被允许做某事 Smoking is not allowed here. I am not allowed to stay out past ten.

③Allow me to do sth.表示礼貌的建议 (please) allow me to introduce myself.

2.It is not a big deal.没关系,不要紧。

①big deal固定搭配,多用于非正式交流。否定句中常说It is not a big deal.或者It is no big deal. ②肯定和疑问句中也常常用到:

It is a big deal, David, bigger that you know.

What is the big deal? It’s only a birthday, not the end of the world. ③deal cn.协议,协定。短语:make a deal with…和。。做交易 He made a deal with that man.

It is a deal. 就这么定了。/成交。It is no deal. 不成交

3. Hope things work out. 希望事情会好起来。 work out “成功的发展,解决”。动副结构,代词放中间。名词可中间,亦可后面。 It is an easy problem. I am sure you can work it out.这个问题很简单,我相信你能解决。 Everything will work out all right.一切都会好的。

4. My problem is that I can’t get on with my family.

①get on(well) with sb.=get along (well)with sb.和某人相处的(很)好。 As a new student, she couldn’t get on well with his classmates at first. ②How are you getting on/along with…你和。。相处的怎么样? It is important for kids know how to get on/along with each other.

5.They fight a lot.


八年级下Unit 4知识清单

Section A

①fight vi. fight—fought---fought fight with sb.和某人吵架,争论,打架 ②fight cn. have(get into a) fight 打架(卷入争斗)

6. It is the only communication they have. ①communicate (vi.)----communication (cn.)

②communicate with sb.和某人交流 We communicate with each other by letter.

7. When they argue, it is like …over our home.

①argue vi.arguewith sb. aboutsth. He argued with the taxi driver about the fare.

②argumentcn/un. They had an argument with the teacher about wearing school uniform.(注意argument要去e加-ment!!)

③phrases: angry/bitter/heated argument 激烈的争吵

8. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. ①instead adv. “代替,然而,相反”。位于句首或句末。He is tired, let me do it instead. ②instead of 介词短语。“代替”。后面接代词,名词,v-ing。位于句中。

I walked to school this morning instead of taking the bus. I came instead of my brother.

Who would like to do solve this problem instead of him.

③whatever“任何,每一”连接代词,此处引导宾从。You can show whatever you have.

其他的词还有:whenever(任何时候), however(无论怎样), wherever(无论哪里), 主要引导让步状语从句。

Whatever you say, I can’t agree with you. Wherever you go, you should call me. However you do it, you will fail at last.

9. It is not easy being your age…

It is +adj.+doing sth.表示处于某种状态。 It’s not easy being a volunteer in an old people’s home. It is +adj.+to do sth.表示某一具体动作。It is easy to say something, but not easy to do something.

10…you should offer to help(parents with ..).

① offer主动给别人提供某物。offersb. sth= offer sth. to sb.

The little boy offered his seat to an old woman on the bus. =The little boy offered an old woman his seat on the bus. offer主动做某事。He offers to help me with my homework.

② provide出于某种责任和义务为某人提供某物。provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.

The coach book provides the students with the answers. =The coach book provides the answers for the students.

11. You should explain that…

①explain (vt.)----explanation(n.) 解释,说明。

You still owe me an explanation about that matter.关于那件事,你还欠我一个解释。 ②explain sth. to sb.向某人解释某件事情。不用explain sb. sth.

He explained his outline to me. explain that…

He explained that he couldn’t come because he was ill.

12. My cousin borrows my things without returning them.


①return sb. sth=return sth. to sb.还给某人某物

She will return me the book tomorrow.= She will return the book to me tomorrow.

②return=go/come back to,因此不再与back连用。We return to school at 5.=We go back to school at 5.

Section B


1. lower your stress 减轻压力 10. compare…with… 把。。和。。作比较11. 2.be right about sth. 在某方面正确 push…so hard 把。。。逼得太紧 3. compete with… 与。。。竞争 12. wait a few more days再多等几天 4.the common problem 普遍的问题 13. in one’s opinion 在某人看来 5. have\\take after-school lessons\\classes 14. physical exercise and practice of skills体育锻炼

上课外辅导班 和技能实践 6.take sb.to the football training(un.) 15.think for oneself 为某人着想 带某人去足球训练 16.spend time alone 花时间独处 7. exam skills 考试技巧 17.It’s time for sth. \\to do sth. 8. a typical American family 是。。。的时间\\是做。。。的时间 一个典型的美国家庭 18.start learning at a young age 在很早的年纪开始9. cut out 减去,删去 学习 二、句型

1.However, the tired children don’t get home until after 7:00 p.m. not…until 直到。。。才。。。 2. And they are always comparing them with other children. be always doing总是做某事,表示不满情绪。 3.Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about such stress. a mother of three 同位语,修饰Linda Miller.

4. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children. It’s normal to do sth. 做。。是正常的

5.Why don’t they just let their kids be kids? Why don’t +主语+v. 表建议

6.I believe it’s better if children\\parents… it’s better做I believe的宾语从句;if children\\parents做it’s better的条件状语从句


1. ..give me a lot of pressure about school

pressure un.压力=stress blood pressure 血压 under the pressure of…在。。。的压力之下 He won’t give up under any pressure.他不会在任何压力下屈服的。 Press vt.按压Danny pressed a button and the door closed.

2. …compete with my classmates at school compete vi.竞争

常见短语:compete with\\against sb. for sth. 为某物而与某人竞争 compete in sth.参加某比赛 They decided to compete with us for the honour.他们决定为了荣誉和我们竞争。 Competition cn.竞争;比赛 competitor cn.竞争者;比赛者

3.The Taylors are a typical American family.

The Taylors意为“泰勒一家”。the+姓氏复数表示“全家人或夫妇两人”,用复数形式。 The Greens were watching TV when I came to visit them.

typical 典型的 adj. more typical the most typical type 种类n.=kind eg.This question is small but typical.

The computer is a typical labour-saving machine.

4. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are important for many


children’s future. cut out 删去,减去

You can’t cut out something important.

These words are useless. Please cut them out.

cut away 切掉 cut down 砍倒 cut off切断;阻断 cut up 切碎 cut into 切成

5. In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older. Start very young=start at a very young age

Continue v. 继续;连续过去式:continued Continue doing 继续做同一件事

Eg. He continued writing his diaries until he died.他长期坚持写日记,直到去世。 Continue to do 继续做另一件事

Eg. After finishing my homework, I continued to help my mother with housework. 做完家庭作业后,我继续帮妈妈做家务。

6. And they are always comparing them with other children. Compare v. 比较 compare-compared-comparing compare…with….把。。。与。。。作比较 compare…to…把。。。比作(比喻) Eg. The flowers here do not compare with those at home. 这里的花比不上家乡的花。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。

7.People shouldn’t push their kids so hard.

Push v. 推He pushed me, and I fell into the water.他推了我一把,我便掉进水里了。 v. 逼迫;鞭策 push sb.\\oneself

eg. I’m not pushing you; if you don’t want the job, don’t take it.我不想勉强你,你如果不想做这份工作,就不


Lucy should push herself a little harder.露西应该鞭策自己再加把劲儿了。

Pull v. 拉Don’t push this door; you have to pull it open.别推这扇门,你得把它拉开才行。

8.Dr.Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. Cause v. 引起;造成;导致Cigarettes may cause cancer.吸烟可能致癌。

n. 原因;起因(+不良后果) Ice on the road was the cause of the accident.路面结冰是那次车祸的原因。

9.look for differences and similarities between things similar adj. similarity cn. 10.until

(1) until“直到”,表示某一种行为一直持续到某一时间。用在肯定句中,句子的谓语动词必须是可延续性的。 I studied English until 9 o'clock last night.


(2) not...until“直到...才”表示直到某一时间,某一行为才发生,之前该行为并没有发生. 用在否定句中,主句中的谓语可以是延续性的也可以是短暂性动词。

I did notstudy English until 9 o'clock last night. 延续性动词 我咋晚直到9点钟才学英语.(表示9点才开始学)

I didn’tnotice her until she called my name. 短暂性动词

(3)until可以与till互换,但until可用于句首和句中,till只能用于句中。 They had to wait till\%until Monday to ring the bank manager.


