9A unit1 Star Signs教学设计20

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一、教学课题 9A Unit1 Star Signs Reading(A)




大体思路:设问(Ask questions)—快读(Fast Reading)—精读(Intensive Reading)—操练(Practising)—巩固(Consolidation)
















Step 1 Warm-up

1.Teacher says: We have learnt about the twelve star signs. Can you name some of them? Revise the star signs in Period 1. The students listen to their teacher and try to spell out the star signs as much as possible.(和同学们一起复习有关星座的知识为新课做铺垫。)

2. Ask the students to make dialogues like this. Then act it out in pairs.(让学生说出自己的出生时间,来判断自己的星座。)

S1: How old are you? S2: I’m sixteen.

S1: What’s your animal sign? S2: The pig.

S1: When is your birthday? S2: It’s on 10th February.

S1: Oh, you’re an Aquarius.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Br ainstorm the vocabulary that is used to describe people’s characteristics. Encourage students to explain each word to their classmates. (提问有关人的形容词,检查学生的预习情况。)

energetic active impatient selfish stubborn

outgoing easy-going confident modest generous etc.

2. Play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully with closing the books. Then ask them to read after the tape .Follow the text on page 8 . (听录音并跟录音朗读,提高学生的模仿能力,培养学生精读的能力。)

3.Ask one student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which part of the text they do not understand. Less able students may find some of the names of the star signs difficult. If so, do not force them to learn them by heart because they are only used here to arou se students’ interest. It is more important for them to learn the adjectives that describe people’s characteristics. This will enable them to complete the Main Task at the end of the unit. (遵循学生的思维规律,层层深入,同时注意阅读课的要旨是强调阅读,真正地达到提高学生的阅读能力。)

4. Ask some questions to check understanding. (检查他们掌握程度。)

(1) How is a year divided?

(2) What decides your star signs?

(3) What character do the people born on21st April have?

(4) What characters do the people born in other time periods have?

Based on these questions to be more familiar with the adjs that are used to describe one’s characteristics

5. After the students have known sth. about the text, play the tape for the students to listen, let them try to understand it. (提高听力训练,强化掌握程度。)


Step 3 Important points

1.Important Phrases:

be familiar with 对…熟悉be similar to …相似

be divided into 被划分为…

be patient with patients对病人有耐心

energetic and active / take an active part in积极参加

learn more about western culture学更多西方文化

at times =sometimes=from time to time 有时

like to be the leader想成为领导者

can’t wait to do something / be impatient to do something 迫不及待做某事

can’t help doing something情不自禁做某事

give up doing=stop doing something放弃做某事

be curious about 对…好奇

take care of others=look after others照顾别人

save money / save one’s life攒钱/挽救某人的生命

do some cooking 烹饪

be confident of=have confidence in对…有信心

buy sb sth=buy sth for sb为某人买某物

a modest person / never show off 谦虚的人

show sb around sp带领某人参观某地

pay(paid)attention to details注意细节

Step 4 Practice

1. Show the whole class 12 pictures of star signs. Teach them the names and repeat several times. Ask one student What your star sign is. Help him to answer My star sign is....Next, What are your c haracteristics? Kind, generous….Ask more students the questions.(提高他们知识运用的综合能力。)

2. Divide the students into 12 groups. Then play the tape for the whole class to write down the characteristics of each star sign, each group find out their own star sign. Show them a table on the blackboard. And ask some students to fill in blanks. The students can discuss in pairs to think of some questions, ask and answer in pairs. (学生以小组为单位,充分体现新课程自主探究、合作交流的学习方式,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,发展合作精神。)

3.Then ask some able students of each group to talk in front of the class. After it . finish the exercises on the screen.

T: Discuss with your partners: What’s your animal sign?Whose birthday is the same as yours?And can you talk about your characteristics?(通过教师教学方式的转变,突出学生主体,让学生主动思维,拓展视野,畅所欲言。)

4.Ask some students to retell the text that we taught.(检查学生掌握程度,并加以鼓励,增强学习信心。)

Step 5 Make a survey

Do a class survey. Ask students whether they believe in star signs. Count how many say ‘yes’ and how many say ‘no’. Write the numbers on the board. For more able students, ask them to say why they believe or do not believe in star signs. Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to write down five words that describe their part ner’s 3

characteristics in Part D1 and in Part D2. (操练他们自己的性格特征,让学生更加熟悉运用这些形容词。)

Step 6 Summary

Teacher makes a summary that we should remember the adjectives that describe people’s characteristics.

Step7 Homework

1. Copy the new words and remember the important points.

2. Finish the exercise book.

3. Write an articl e about “what’s your star sign?”









