6A Module 3 Unit 8 The food we eat

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6A Module 3 Unit 8 The food we eat 练习

6A Module 3 Unit 8 The food we eat

Word Box

1.menu (n.) _________ 2.cabbage (n.) ________ 3.garlic (n.) ________ 4.noodle (n.) ____________

5.seafood (n.) _______ 6.steam (v.) __________ 7.prawn (n.)_________8.also (adv.) _____________

9.kind (n.) __________10.fry (v.) ____________11.bacon (n.) ________12.boil (v.) ______________

13.wing (n.) _________14.stall (n.) __________15.section (n.) ________16.frozen (adj.) __________

17.dumping (n.) ________18.packet (n.) ________19.bake (v.) ________20.hamburger (n.) ________

21.item (n.) __________22.price (n.)___________

Little Target

1.also adv. 也egEric can swim. His little brother can also swim.

= Eric can swim. His little brother can swim, too.

2.kind n. 种类 What kind of …? …什么种类的?

eg --What kind of soup would you like?

-- I’d like the tomato and egg soup.

3.frozen adj. 冰冻的 frozen food 冰冻食物 frozen fish 冰冻的鱼

eg You can find ice cream in the frozen food section.

4.have bought…已经买了…

eg I have bought some food in the supermarket.

He has bought some books in the bookstore.

They have bought some ice cream in the frozen food section.

5.Would you like sth.? = Do you want sth.? 你想要某物吗?

Would you like to do sth.? = Do you want to do sth.? 你想要做某事吗?

eg Would you like some bread? Yes, please.

Would you like to have some pizza? No, thanks

6.Would you like …or…? = Do you want …or…? 你想要…还是…?

eg Would you like some bread or sandwiches for lunch? I’d like some bread.



1.A,tomato B, cabbage C, garlic D, bacon

2.A, fish B, onion C, potato D, tomato

3.A, pineapple B, banana C, tomato D, orange

4.A, sausage B, beef C, dumpling D, chicken

5.A, biscuits B, juice C, tea D, coffee

6.A, pears B, apples C, oranges D, ice cream

6A Module 3 Unit 8 The food we eat 练习


1.My mother often writes ___ before she goes to the supermarket.

A, a menu B, a receipt C, an advertisement D, a shopping list

2.People usually eat ___ after dinner.

A, meat B, dumplings C, fruit D, hamburgers

3.You can find ___ in the frozen food section.

A, eggs B, ice cream C, pizza D, cakes

4.A: Where is your aunt? B: She is there, ___ the fruit stall. She wants to buy some apples. A, at B, in C, of D, with

5.A: What did you have for breakfast yesterday? B: Bread ___ jam and an egg.

A, in B, with C, at D, of

6.A: What can I do for you, sir? B: I’d like fried rice. I’d ___ like some boiled eggs. A, and B, else C, also D, only

7.A: ___ did you buy these bananas? B: Yesterday afternoon.

A, Where B, What C, Would D, When

8.A: Are you ready to order, sir? B: No, let me ___ the menu first.

A, read B, look C, see D, buy

9.Jack always ___ breakfast at home.

A, has B, have C, has got D, have got

10.A: The bacon in the market is 30 yuan a kilogram, however, it’s 25 yuan a kilogram in the supermarket.

B: Let’s go to the supermarket to buy it. It’s ___ there.

A, cheap B, cheaper C, dear D, dearer


1.Jack would like ________. 汉堡包

2.Alice would like ________. 三明治

3.Johnson would like ________. 咖啡

4.Mike would like ________. 果汁


1.I have bought some fruit for my grandmother. (一般疑问句)

________ you ________ ________ fruit for my grandmother? 划线提问)

________ ________ you ________ Mr Smith? 划线提问)

________ ________ are these tomatoes? 划线提问)

________ ________ stalls are there in the market?


Pizza is a kind of popular food. It has a long history. Most people think it comes from Italy. The world’s first pizza restaurant is in Naples (那不勒斯),a famous city in Italy. It opened more than 100 years ago. Modern pizza was first made by a person named Rafael Esposito in the 1880s. The pizza had the same colours as the Italian national flag. The Italian national flag is red, white

6A Module 3 Unit 8 The food we eat 练习

and green. The pizza has red tomatoes, white cheese and green herbs (香草).

There are many different kinds of pizza today. We can order chicken pizza, vegetable pizza, seafood pizza, fruit pizza and so on in a pizza café or order one by making a phone call at home or in the office. Some pizza has tomatoes, but some doesn’t. Most pizza is round, but some isn’t. You can choose any kind you want. People all over the world like to eat pizza. How about you?

1.Pizza is very popular in the world.

2.The name of the world’s first pizza restaurant is naples.

3.The first modern pizza was made more than 100 years ago.

4.The first modern pizza looked like the Italian national flag.

5.Pizza has different taste (味道) and shapes.

6.People can only order pizza in a pizza café.


Wendy’s Cafe

Sanwiches (with) ●Chicken...¥6.50 ●Beef... ¥7.50 ●Ham... ¥5.00

Meat / Seafood ●Fried chicken wings... ¥20.00 ●Steamed Prawns with garlic… ¥35.00 Soup ●Tomato and egg soup...¥6.00 ●Tomato soup…¥5.00

●Cabbage soup with beef…¥10.00●Fish soup…¥10.00

Salad ●Vegetable salad…¥5.00●Fruit salad…¥5.00

Drinks●Coffee…¥5.00●Tea…¥4.00 ●Apple juice…¥4.00

1.Amy would like a cheap sandwich. She would like _______________.

2.Amy doesn’t like seafood. She would like _______________.

3.Amy would like a vegetable soup. She would like _______________.

4.For salad, she would like something with fruit. She would like _______________.

5.Amy wants a hot drink, but she doesn’t like tea. She would like ______________.

6.Amy will pay ______________ yuan for her meal.

6A Module 3 Unit 8 The food we eat 练习

6A Module 3 Unit 8 Quiz答案


1,bacon 2,fish 3,tomato 4,dumpling 5,biscuits 6,ice cream II.选择填空:

1-5 DCBAB 6-10 CDAAB


1,hamburger 2,sandwich 3,coffee 4,juice


1,Have, bought any 2,Where did, meet 3,How much 4,How many VI.阅读短文,作T或F回答:



1,a sandwich with ham 2,fried chicken wings 3,tomato soup 4,fruit salad 6,40


