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河北省中小学信息技术 创新与实践活动








1.中国人的名字是很讲究的,它包括名和字,有的还有号,这就构成了一个小型的文化单元,寄托了长辈或自己的愿望和理想。起名取字也有原则,有的名和字含义相同、相互映照;有的名和字含义相反、对立统一。例如,中国国民党荣誉主席连战,字永平。与连战起名取字原则相同的名人是( )

A.毛泽东 B.蒋介石 C.周瑜 D.韩愈

2.科举制度是中国古代选拔官吏的一种重要手段,始于隋唐,盛于明清。明清的科举以四书五经为考试内容,一般分为乡试、会试、殿试三级,考中的分别称为举人、贡士和进士。三级考试都考取第一名的被称为“连中三元”,这三元分别指( )

A.状元、榜眼、探花 C.鼎元、传胪、进士

3.中国是个文明古国,音乐的发展也有悠久历史,但古乐曲是五声音阶,同西方的七声音阶有别。中国古代音乐中的“五音”指的是( )

A.仁、义、礼、智、信 C.宫、商、角、徵、羽

4.第五届“NOC活动”举办地重庆市是中国西南地区和长江上游最大的经济中心,面积8万多平方公里,人口3000多万,物华天宝,人杰地灵。从这片沃土上走出了一位共和国国家元首、两位元帅,他们是( )

A.毛泽东、朱德、聂荣臻 C.江泽民、彭德怀、刘伯承


(1)“出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟”是诗人___________ 为__________写的诗句。

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B.解元、会元、状元 D.秀才、举人、进士

B.天、地、君、亲、师 D.麻、黍、稷、麦、菽

B.刘少奇、叶剑英、徐向前 D.杨尚昆、刘伯承、聂荣臻




(4)“恸哭六军俱缟素,冲冠一怒为红颜”是清初诗人__________描写 __________的诗句。


今年是日本发动全面侵华战争70周年。70年前的7月7日,日本军国主义者发动了卢沟桥事变,由此开始了全面侵华战争,使中华民族陷入了深重灾难。 怎么认识和看待日本侵华战争,中、日两国近期有不同的声音:







一、中文知识网上行(共20分,其中1~4题每个2分,第5题每空1分) 1、D

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2、B 3、C 4、D

5、(1)杜甫 诸葛亮 (2)郭沫若 蒲松龄 (3)康熙 郑成功 (4)吴梅村(吴伟业也对) 吴三桂

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Write a story with your imagination after the following:

There once lived in a town in Persia two brothers, one named Cassim, and the other Ali Baba. Cassim married a rich wife, but Ali Baba was poor, and made his living by cutting wood.

One day when Ali Baba was in the forest cutting wood, he saw a troop of horsemen coming toward him. Fearing they might be robbers, he climbed up a tree to hide. When the horsemen came up, Ali Baba counted them and found they were forty in number. They dismounted in front of a rock, and one, who seemed to be captain, said the words, \through, and the door closed after them.

Ali Baba stayed in the tree, and after a while the door opened again, and the robbers came out. Then the captain closed the door by saying, \Sesame,\and they all rode away.

When they were out of sight Ali Baba came down, and, going up to the rock, said, \ Then …


Make an online trip to Guilin---a famous tourist city in Guangxi. Write down what you will see, what you will hear and what you will taste there. Pictures can be downloaded from the Internet and reference websites should be given out at the end of your trip.

Save your work as “WORD” or “Power Point” format in the local disk and upload it into the main server.

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Make a special report on Hong Kong to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China. You can make the report in your own style. But the references must be indicated at the end of your work, or loss of marks will be caused. Here are some hints, which may be helpful to you in some way. (You needn’t follow them one by one)

The history of Hong Kong.

The development of Hong Kong before and after its return to China. The efforts the Chinese government made for Hong Kong’s return to China. The significance of Hong Kong’s return to China.

What you will do to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China. …

Save your work as “Word” or “Power Point” format in the local disk and upload it into the main server.


Design an advertisement for Lenovo computer with your imagination.

Save your work as “JPG” format in the local disk and upload it into the main server.


Please discuss the following topic in your group. You can be for or against the topic. Your comments will be recorded and evaluated. Be competitive and be modest.

Should mobile phone be used among middle school students?

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Make a special report on energy saving in today’s China. You can make the report in your own style. But the references must be indicated at the end your work, or loss of marks will be caused. Here are some hints, which may be helpful to you in some way. (You needn’t follow them one by one) The present energy condition in China.

The importance of energy saving for China’s economic development. The measures the Chinese government has taken to save energy. The contributions you can make to energy saving. …

Save your work as “Word” or “PowerPoint” format in the local disk and upload it into the main server.


Design an advertisement for yahoo.com with your imagination.

Save your work as “JPG” format in the local disk and upload it into the main server.


Please discuss the following topic in your group. You can be for or against the topic. Your comments will be recorded and evaluated. Be competitive and be modest.

We should develop more genetically modified food.

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(一)、翻译基础知识 【选择题】 1、事实胜于雄辩

a. Action says louder than words. b. Actions speak alouder than words. c. Actions speak louder than words.

2、人无完人 a. Never a whole man. b. To make a mistake is human. c. A human being always makes mistake.


a. Proud will lead to failure. b. Pride goes before a fall. c. Proud makes lose.

4、You are a chicken. a.你是个胆小鬼 b.你是个小人物 c.你是个小人

5、Who's kicking off? a.现在是谁在开球? b.谁被淘汰啦? c.谁在踢球?

6、Don't count on me.

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a.别指望我 b.别怪我 c.别和我讨价还价



A. When he got to the station, the train had been away for a long time. B. When he goes to the station, the train had been away for a long time. C. When he got to the station, the train is away for a long time.


A. My brother is middle-school student. He goes to school early every day. B. My brother is a middle-school student. He goes to school early every day. C. My brother is a middle-school student. He go to school early every day.

9、To my surprise, he passed the exam at last. A.令我吃惊的是,最后他错过了考试。 B.使我吃惊的是,最后他考试及格了。 C.令我吃惊的是,他最后没有通过考试。

10、Those shoes are either too big or too small for me. A.那些鞋子对我来说不是太大就是太小。 B.那些鞋子对我来说不大也不小。 C.那些鞋子对我来说只大不小。

(二)、口译 [口译]

1、科学没有自己的灵魂,是把它往好处还是坏处用,决定权在我们手里。 Science has no soul of its own. It is up to us to determine whether it will be used for good or evil.

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2、几乎任何一种信息都可以在互联网上找到。在这个电子世界里,有一些地方可以让你玩游戏、谈论政治、科学、历史或者任何你所感兴趣的东西。 Almost any kind of information can be found on the Internet. There are areas within this electronic world where you can play games, discuss politics, science, history, or just about anything that interests you.

3、In order to balance your eating habits, you should eat regular meals made from a variety of foods. This will give you the proper nutrition your body needs to stay healthy.

为了平衡饮食习惯,你的一日三餐必须有规律,必须多样化。 这将为你的身体提供所需的适当营养,从而使你保持健康。

4、There have been two issues about using computers in modern times. One issue states that using computers makes everyday life much easier. Another issue, in contrast to the first one, believes that computers have many disadvantages.



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1.人品越高尚,为人越谦虚。 The more noble, the more humility.


Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. However, man's changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.

3.When one door shuts another opens. 天无绝人之路。

4.In 1896, the modern Olympics began. The modern Olympics were international, and one of the goals was to promote world peace and understanding among people from different countries. Nowadays, we can watch the best sportsmen and sportswomen compete against each other in these games every four years.



(一)、翻译基础知识 [选择]


a. What the heroes look at is alike. b. Great minds think alike. c. Heroes are alike. key: b

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a. Men are not to be measured in inches b. Men are not to be measured by face c. Men are not to be measured by looks key: a


a. Talk of the devil and he's bound to appear. b. Talk of Caocao and he's sure to appear. c .Talk of Caocao and he's here. key: a

4.Count me on a.帮我算算 b.算上我 c.把钱还我 key: b

5.They charged the fault on him. a.他们因为过错而惩罚了他 b.他们把过失归咎于他 c.他们错怪他拉 key: b

6. Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. a.禁吃的果子分外甜 b.越不让做的事情越想做 C.禁止吃最甜的水果 Key :b

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A. China is made of 34 administrative divisions, including Taiwan. B. China is made up of 34 administrative divisions, including Taiwan. C. China is made from 34 administrative divisions, including Taiwan.


A. The Red Cross provides food and shelter for disaster victims. B. The Red Cross provides food and shelter with disaster victims. C. The Red Cross provides food and shelter on disaster victims.

9.A good man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easy.(A) A.君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。 B.善有善报,恶有恶报。


10.Out of sight, out of mind. (A) A.眼不见,心不烦。 B.目中无人。 C.大眼界,大思维。

(二)、口译 [口译]


History is the witness of the times, the torch of truth, the life of memory, the teacher of life.


Books are more than books. They are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men lived and worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives.

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3.There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.


4.The world's economic development is becoming more and more global, and rapid developments in science and technology are bringing instantaneous changes to the international market.





When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem. When water flows, a channel is formed.


Water, whether in the form of a sparkling lake, a meandering river or a vast open sea,

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is one of the most popular natural environments. Most of China's top holiday resorts are located by water.

3.Life itself, without the assistance of colleges and universities, is becoming an advanced institution of learning.

—— Thomas Alva Edison 没有学院和大学的帮助,人生本身也正在变成一所高等学府。 ——托马斯爱迪生

4. The further development of the economic globalization and the rapid advance of science and technology make it possible for the various countries in Asia to introduce new technology and to explore the international market so as to promote the economic growth of their own countries.


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