国际结算课程复习资料 - 图文
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第一章 国际结算的介绍
Correspondent Bank 代理行 Control Documents 控制文件 Test key 密押 Terms and conditions 费率表 Specimen of authorized signature 印鉴 SWIFT 环球银行金融电讯协会
Debit (for bank) 借记 Credit (for bank) 贷记 Nostro account 往户账 Vostro account 来户账 IMF 国际货币基金组织 ICC 国际商会 WBG 世界银行组织
CHIPS 英国同业银行自动支付系统 CHAPS 纽约银行同业电子清算系统 URC522 《跟单托收统一规则》 UCP 600《跟单信用证统一惯例》 国际结算 International Settlement
预付货款 Payment in advance 赊账 Open Account(O/A) 汇款(汇付)Remittance 托收 Collection
跟单信用证Documentary L/C 银行保函 Bank Guarantee
第二章 票据
Recourse 追索 Non-causation 无因性 流通工具 Negotiable Instrument 汇票 Bill of Exchange/Draft本票 Promissory Note支票 Check/Cheque
drawer 出票人payer/drawee 付款人payee 收款人endorser 背书人 acceptor 承兑人Holder 持票人Holder for value 对价持票人
Holder in due course/Bona fide holder 正当持票人/善意的持票人
出票Issue 背书Endorsement) 提示(Presentation 承兑(Acceptance 保证Guarantee 付款Payment 拒付Dishonor 追索Recourse 拒绝证书Protest Tenor 付款期限 Usance bill 远期汇票
Blank endorsement 空白背书 Acceptance/payment for honor参加承兑和参加付款
Crossed check 划线支票 Uncrossed check 非划线支票 Open check 现金支票 Rubber check/bad check 空头支票Collecting bank 托收行out of date 过期
Remittance 汇付,顺汇 Reverse remittance 逆汇
Remitter 汇款人 Remitting bank 汇出行 Paying bank 汇入行,解付行 Beneficiary or payee 收款人,受益人
Reimbursement of remittance cover 拨头寸
T/T 电汇 M/T 信汇 D/D 票汇 Payment in advance 预付货款 Open account / payment after goods arrival 赊销 Consignment 寄售
Documentary collection 跟单托收 Clean collection 光票托收 Direct collection 直接托收 D/P at sight 即期付款交单 D/P after sight 远期付款交单 D/A 承兑交单
D/P.T/R/ 付款交单凭信托收据借单 Outward bills/出口押汇 Inward bills /进口押汇 Principal/委托人
Remitting Bank/托收行 Collecting Bank/代收行
Drawee/付款人Principal’s representative in case of need/需要时的代理 第五章
Applicant 申请人 Beneficiary 受益人 Issuing Bank 开证行 Advising Bank通知行 Confirming Bank 保兑行 Paying Bank 付款行 承兑行Accepting Bank 议付行Negotiating Bank 偿付行Reimbursing Bank 索偿行Claiming Bank 寄单行Remitting Bank
in duplicate 一式两份 in triplicate 一式三份
in quadruplicate 一式四份 in quintuplicate 一式五份
Confirm 保兑 Negotiate 议付 undertaking 承诺
Primary liability forpayment of the Issuing Bank 开证行承担第一性付款责任
Documentary Credit Nominated Bank指定银行 soft clause软条款
跟单与光票信用证 Documentary and clean L/C
不可撤销与可撤销信用证 Irrevocable and revocable L/C 保兑与不保兑信用证 Confirmed and unconfirmed L/C 即期付款、延期付款、承兑和议付信用证,假远期信用证 Sight、 Usance、 Acceptance and Negotiation L/C
可转让与不可转让信用证 Transferable and Untransferable L/C 循环信用证 Revolving L/C 对开信用证 Reciprocale L/C 背对背信用证 Back to back L/C 预支(红条款)信用证)Anticipantory L/C 备用信用证 Standby L/C
第一章 国际结算的介绍
1、是指处于两个处于不同国家的当事人通过银行办理的两国间货币收付业务。 International settlement refers to the money transfer via banks to settle accounts, debts and claims among different countries. Three elements in international settlement (国际结算中的三要素)
⑴Person in different countries(不同国家) Buyers and sellers in the international transaction are not competitors, but corporative partners for seeking long-terms and common interest. (买卖双方是朋友)
注:我国内地与港澳台地区尽管不是跨国货币收付,但因处于不同的货币区域,故在实务中仍作为国际贸易结算来处理。 ⑵Bank’s Participation(银行参与)
Facilitating funds transfer efficiently world-wide (银行参与促进国际间资金转移) ⑶Funds transfer(资金转移)
二、国际结算的类型(Types of IS) 1、International Trade Settlement:
visible trade(有形贸易)→占了国际结算的80%(国际贸易结算) 2、International Non-trade Settlement:(国际非贸易结算) ⑴ invisible trade(无形贸易) ⑵financial transaction (金融交易) ↓
⑶payment between governments 占了国际贸易的20%,但是在快速增长。
三、国际结算的基本方式(Basic method of IS)
1、⑴Settlement on commercial credit:(基于商业信用的结算) ① Payment in advance (预付款/先结后出/先款后货) ② Open Account (赊账交易/赊销/先货后款/先出后结) ③Remittance(汇付)④Collection(托收)
⑵Settlement on bank credit: (基于银行信用的结算)
① Letter of Credit(信用证) ② Bank guarantee(银行保函) 2、Correspondent Bank(代理行):a bank having direct connection of friendly
service relation with another bank.
(1)The factors should be considered when choosing the best bank:
①the reputation of the bank (银行信誉)② size of the bank(规模) ③service offered by the bank(服务) ④physical feature and personnel ⑵sign contract and exchanging control documents(控制文件) ①Specimen Signature(印鉴样本) ② Telegraphic test key(密押) ③Terms and conditions(条款费率表)
4、A nostro a/c is our account of our money, held by you . (往帐) 本国银行在国外银行持有的外币帐户
A vostro a/c is your account of your money, held by us. (来帐) 国外银行在本国银行持有的本币账户
A credit means a sum of money going into my account. (increase)(贷记) A debit means a sum of money leaving my account. (decrease) (借记) ▲、重点句子理解
(1)Please Debit the Sum to Our Account with you.
(2)In cover, we have credit the sum to your account with us.
(3)In cover, we have instructed...Bank to debit our account and credit
your account with them.(作为偿付,我行已授权银行将汇款金额借记我行账户并贷记你行在该行的账户。)
(4)In cover, we have instructed A bank to pay the sum to your account
with B bank.(作为偿付,我行已指示A银行将汇款金额付给你行在B银行 的账户)
第二章 票据
一、Characteristics of negotiable instruments(流通票据的特征)
1、Right to be paid(设权性)票据发行的目的是设定票据上的权利和义务,以便票据能代替现金执行支付手段的功能。 2、Negotiability(流通性) Can be effected ONLY by delivery or endorsement 通过直接交付或背书后交付完成转让。P26 特点:
⑵正当持票人的权利不受前手票据权利缺陷的影响 ⑶票据受让人获得全部票据权利 3、Non-causation(无因性)
票据一旦作成,票据权利和义务的执行就与票据原因相分离。 如:票据的转让过程中,不需要调查票据原因是否合理、合法。 4、Requisite in form(要式性)
票据的存在不重视其原因,但却非常强调其形式和内容。只有形式和内容都符合法律规定的票据,才是合格的票据。 5、Recourse(可追索性)
票据遭到拒付,正当持票人可以向票据债务人追索,要求取得票据权利。 二、 Parties to a negotiable instrument(流通票据的当事人) 1、Main parties(主要当事人)
⑴出票人drawer ⑵付款人payer/drawee ⑶ 收款人payee 2、Remote parties (其他当事人/非主要)
⑴背书人endorser ⑵承兑人acceptor ⑶持票人holder
⑷正当持票人/善意的持票人(holder in due course/bona fide holder) 善意地花了对价,取得一张表面完整、合格的未到期票据的持票人 ⑸付对价持票人(holder for value)
a person who possesses an instrument for which value has been given by himself or by some other person prior to him in forms of money, goods,or services.付对价持票人是本人或前手已经付过对价的票据持有人。
例如:甲为清偿乙的债务开出支票一张交与乙,乙作为礼物赠送于丙。乙为该支票的取得付出了对价而丙取得支票虽并未付出对价,仍是付对价持票人。 汇票
A Bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, signed by the drawer to drawee,require the drawee to pay on demand or at a definite future time a certain sum of money to or to the order of Payee. 汇票是由一个人(drawer)/出票人向另一个人(drawee)/受票人签发的无条件的unconditonal书面命令order in writing要求其在见票时或在未来某一规定的或可以确定的时间(tenor)将一定金额的款项支付给某一特定的人或指定的人或持票人(payee)
二、Essential items required in a bill of exchange(汇票的必要项目) ▲1、Absolutely nec essary items 绝对必要项目 ⑴The word “ bill of exchange/draft”(汇票字样) ⑵An unconditional order to pay (无条件的支付命令) ⑶A fixed amount of money(确定的金额) ⑷Name of the payee(抬头人名字)P32 ①限制性(Restricted Order) 不能流通转让,只有汇票上指定的收款人才能接受票款 e.g. pay to ***only; not transferrable ②指示性(Demonstrative Order) 可经背书转让
e.g. pay to the order of ***/pay to *** (or order) ③来人抬头(我国不允许)pay to bearer ⑸Date of issue(开立日期)
to determine the expiry date and paying date;
make sure whether the drawer has disposing capacity ⑹Name of drawee(付款人名字)
⑺The signature of the drawer(出票人签名)
without the signature of the drawer or forged signature makes an instrument invalid
2、Relatively necessary items 相对必要项目 Place of issue Place of payment Tenor 付款期限 P37
即期付款(pay on demand/at sight)
远期付款:出票后定期certain days after date
见票后定期certain days after sight 定日付款fixed date
提单日后定日付款certain days after B/L (3)Items at will任意记载
利息、利率及汇率(interest ,interest and exchange rate) 提示期限(Limit of time for presentation) 出票依据(Drawn Clause)
“Drawn under ??”凭**行开出的*号信用证
免作退票通知或放弃拒绝证书(Notice of Dishonor Excused or Protest Waived) 付一不付二
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