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Scet-3 Dec. 2010

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%) (20 minutes)

Directions; There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C),and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center..

13. The atmosphere _______of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.

A) contains B) consists C) comprises D) includes

14. After a further 20-point rise, the index unexpectedly fell _______ 73 points on April 21,2010.

A) out B) apart C) back D) behind

15. From the top of the ancient tower, we had an excellent _______ of the castle and the surrounding


A) scenery B) view C)vision D) scope

16. You have only two minutes to introduce yourself, so, just tell us about your work experience ______.

A) in fact B) in time C) in detail D) in brief 17. Ford ?Model T? proved to be so ______ that it remained unchanged for twenty years.

A) popular B) fashionable C)feasible D)permanent

18. The cinema is usually crowded on weekends, so it would be wise to ______ the seats in advance.

A) book B) keep C) purchase D)buy 19. The car I?d like to buy must be fashionable, easy to use, and ______, fuel-efficient.

A) above all B) at all C) all in all D) after all

20. Mr. Smith ______ about the people his daughter was meeting and what friend she had made.

A) required B) discovered C) inquired D) detected 21. The Prime Minister may appoint an independent inspector to _______ the case.

A) look on B) look up C) look out D)look into

22. Don?t you think electric cars are ______in terms of environment protection to petrol cars ?

A) better B) modern C) superior D) advanced 23. _______ for their mistake, the police set the French onion-sellers free immediately.

A) Admitting B) Announcing C) Apologizing D) Answering

24. Teachers have a ________ to ensure that students are not injured while they are in their care.

A) duty B) request C) job D) task 25. By the 2015 , scientists of the word probably _________ a cure for cancer.

A) have discovered B) are discovering C) Will be discovering D) Will have discovered

26. In the Information Age, education requires that powerful computers _________ in schools.

A) should introduce B) be introduced C) to be introduced D) must introduce 27. The purpose of new technologies is to make our life easier, _________ it more difficult.

A) to make B) to not make C) not to make D) not making

28. I bought a new car last year, but I _______my old one yet , so at the moment I have two cars.


A) had not sold B) have not sold C) don?t sell D) didn?t sell

29. Many students are busy doing their assignments all day long, ________ little time to think.

A leaving B) leave C) to leave D) left

30. His new book sold ________ copies and was at the top of the best sellers last week.

A) a few thousands B) ten thousands C) few thousands D) ten thousands 31. The scientist is always cheerful about his life in spite of _______ he?s been through

A) all which B) all that C) which all D) what all

32. Shortly afterwards, the train stopped at a small station so that the sick man _______ to hospital.

A) had been taken B) could take C) took D) could be taken

Part III Reading Comprehension (40%) (35 minutes)

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 33 to 37 are based on the following passage.

In Kenya, people born with multiple physical challenges have almost no education or career opportunities. They face many forms of discrimination(歧视) and their condition is often thought of as a result of a course .But one father whose son was born deaf, mute(哑的) and virtually blind aims to change all that. Four years ago, Joseph Shiroko started a school for these physically challenged children and began to teach them a variety of skills so that they can earn a living.

At Brian Resource Center, a school that teachers deaf and blind young Kenyans from across the country, instructors work with students in such areas as raising domestic animals, tailoring ,producing organic fertilizers(有机肥料),and planting trees .The baby clothes the students make are well known in the local community. The school has also developed a reputation for its dried smoked meat products.

“We have a number of philosophies that inform what we are doing: accepting these people; loving them; giving them opportunities; trying to just think outside the box,” said founder Joseph Shiroko. “Above all, what we are saying is, we are trying to do what I would call ordinary things, but in an extraordinary way.”

Shiroko?s son, Brian, was the inspiration behind the Center. Shiroko says he began the school as a project to teach Brian bakery skills. The family later expanded Brian?s training and brought in other young people with similar physical conditions. The elder Shiroko and his wife Mary are now training Brian to head up the center.

33. People with multiple physical challenges are most probably _______.

A) born with unusual talents B) in a demanding situation

C) suffering from a curse D) deaf, mute and virtually blind 34. The name of the person who started the Brian Resource Center is _______.

A) Brian Shiroko B)MaryShiroko C)The Shirokos D)Joseph Shiroko 35. The Brian Resource Center is well-known in the local community because of the _______. A) animal food and organic fertilizers B) baby clothes and dried smoked meat C) dried smoked meat and fertilizers D) organic fertilizers and baby clothes


36. The elder Shiroko and his wife plan to prepare their son for a career in _______. A) the bakery industry B) the local community C) such area as tailoring D) running the school

37. One may conclude that the Brian Resource Center has had some success in _______. A) helping its students learn a way to make a living B) making money in a few local training businesses C) setting up a good example for all schools in Kenya D) giving the physically challenged equal opportunities Passage Two

Questions 38 to 42 are based on the following passage.

Only days after finding out that Tokyo?s “oldest man” had been dead for 30 years, Japanese officials got another surprise today: The capital?s “oldest woman” hasn?t been seen for decades. FusaFuruya was said to be 113 and listed as living as living in one of the Tokyo districts with her Daughter, but when officials went to investigate, they were told that the mother?s whereabouts(去向) were unknown.

The 79-year-old daughter said that she hadn?t been in contact with her mother since moving into a now apartment in the 1980s and had no idea that she and her mother were registered at the same address

Japan has a high life expectancy (预期寿命),with an estimated 40,000 people over the age of 100,But the two cases have put that number in doubt ,leading alarmed authorities to begin a search for other centenarians,The head of the Tokyo district where Furuya was thought to live said. “We would like to confirm the security of the elderly from now on by meeting them face to face.” A person?s age is an important factor to the Japanese, who honor the elderly every year on Sept.21.Furuya?s daughter had kept paying her mother?s health insurance just in case.

A search has begun for the elderly woman?s son in the hopes that she can be found. The daughter gave officials the address where she thought her brother and mother were living together. but when the address was checked , it was found to be a vacant piece of land.

38. The word “centenarians”(line3.paragraph4)refers to people who are_____

A)thought to have been dead B)thought to have been missing C)100 or more years old D)going to be 100 years old

39.What was true about the capital?s “oldest woman” described in paragraphs 1~2?

A) Her whereabouts were kept as a secret. B) Officials felt surprised about her age C) She was living in her daughter?s house. D) She was supposed to be 113 years old.

40.The 79-year-old daughter said she lost contact with her mother_____

A) in the 1980s B) a decade before C) after changing her registered address D)before moving into a new apartment 41.The authorities decided to begin a search for other centenarians so as to___.

A) confirm their whereabouts B)prepare for the Sept.21 event C) honor them face to face D)warn them of potential risks 42.Acccording to the last two paragraphs, the daughter______.

A) would continue to pay her mother?s health insurance


B) had sent her mother to live with her brother

C) had not been in contact with her mother or brother D)had asked the officials to search for her brother Passage Three

Questions 43 to 47 are based on the following passage.

Men who fall instantly for a girl just because she looks attractive are usually accused of being shallow But that, say scientists, is unfair. They are merely following their 'ancient' genetic (遗传的)preference to date pretty women and need less than a second to decide on a potential partner.

Women, on the other hand, do not decide whether a man will be a good partner on looks. Their survival instinct means they need to find out whether the man is committed, has a good personality and is a good provider. These findings come from a study by professors Vogt and Hooff of the university of Amsterdam(UA). They examined humans' bias (偏向) towards looks by conducting a series of tests on 20 women and 20 men.

The subjects were wired up to a machine which recorded brain activity and then were given a task to perform.

While they were doing the task they were shown a series of photographs of faces of the opposite sex, ranging from attractive to ugly. Men were easily distracted(分心)when they saw a pretty face but women stuck to the task.

The findings showed that men made a quick judgment about women much earlier than was previously thought and men's desire for beautiful women was part of evolution. This is something very ancient and a way of helping men find the best mate to produce children.

43. Falling in love with a pretty girl at first sight is generally regarded as___.

A) preferring shallow women B)going for superficial value C) showing survival instincts D) making decisions instantly

44.According to the scientists, a man falls immediately for an attractive woman because___.

A) he is merely following a pattern B)he wants to be fair in choosing a partner C) he doesn't need much time to make a decision D)he is born with a genetic preference 45.The study conducted by UA professors was mainly to examine___.

A) humans' instinctive preference towards looks B) the performance of 20 women and 20 men C) human brain activity D) machine recordings

46.The subjects in the study were given a task to perform while being shown pictures of faces of___.

A) the same sex B)the opposite sex C) either sex D)both sexes

47.in the process of the task, the men were easily distracted by a pretty face while the women were not because___.

A) they were not interested in good looks B)they stuck to the photographs C) they were more absorbed in the task D)they had different personalities Passage four

Questions 48 to 52 are based on the following passage.

I was lucky---I found what I love to do early in life. Woz and started Apple in my parents? garage when was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown form just the two of us in a garage into a $2


billion(十亿) company with over 4000 employees. And then I got fired. How can you get form a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the future began to diverge(分歧) and eventually we had a falling out. When we did , our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out.

I didn?t see it then ,but it turned out that getting fired form Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes lite hits you in the head with a brick. Don?t lose faith .I?m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did .You?ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

Adapted from the commencement(毕业典礼) address by Steve Jobs, at Stanford on June 12,2005 48. The author felt lucky mainly because_____.

A) he started his company when he was 20 B)he started Apple together with Woz C) he had been doing what he loved to do D) he succeeded in business in 10 years 49. The author was fired by the company because______.

A) he was at a loss about the future of Apple B) he lost support of the Board of Directors C) he failed to accomplish his job duties D) he was less talented than another manager

50.The sentence “It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.”(line 2, paragraph 2) implies


A) firing him is a wrong decision made by the management B) getting fired from Apple is a worthy experience to him C) a patient never likes taking any medicine D) he was suffering from a serious disease

51.The author compares true satisfaction in great work to_____.

A) the major part of life B) the need of patient for medicine C) the feeling for a lover D) the pleasant experience in life 52.This passage is most probably part of ____.

A) a speech at a gathering B) a book about himself C) a letter to job hunters D) preface of a book

Part IV Translation from English into Chinese(10%) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, there are five items, and four of them are taken the reading passages you have just read , Below each ,there are five Chinese sentences translated, which are marked A), B),C),D) and E). Each letter stands for a score varying from 0 to 2. You should decide which is the best translation, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. T1. (Lines 1-2,Paragragh 3.Passage One)

We have a number of philosophies that inform what we are doing: accepting these people: loving them: giving them opportunities: trying to just think outside the box.

A)哲学的启迪使我们跳出狭小天地,理性看待这些爱心人士并给他们提供做这些事的机会 B)有几个哲学启迪我们做事:接受这些人,爱他们,给他们机会,努力打破固有的观念。 C)我们凡是都从哲学观点出发:接受和关爱这些人,并给他们机会跳出固有圈子看问题。


D)有几个哲学启迪我们做一些事:接受这些人,爱他们,给他们机会跳出固有圈子看问题。 E)有几个理念指导我们做事:接受这些人,爱他们给他们机会,尽力打破固有的观念。 T2.(Lines 3-4,Paragragh 4.Passage two)

We would like to confirm the security of the elderly from now on by meeting them face to face. A)今后,我们想通过面见老年人的方式来确认他们是平安的。 B) 我们现在喜欢以面对面开会的方式,强化老人的安全意识。 C) 我们要通过面对面开会的方式,确保老人们现在是平安的。 D)往后,我们想通过面见老人的方式来确定他们的安全状况。 E) 我们现在喜欢以面对面保护的方式,强化老人的安全保护 T3. (Lines 1-3,Paragragh3.Passage Three)

Their survival instinct means they need to find out whether the man is committed, has a good personality and is a good provider

A)她们的生存本能需要她们发现对方忠诚与否,人品如何,以及是否有支撑家庭的保障供应的能力。 B)出于生存的需要,她们本能地四处寻找一个男性同伴,个性相宜

C)她们的生存本能意味着她们需要判断对方忠诚与否,人品如何,以及是否具备供养家庭的能力 D) 她们的生存本能使他们能够去判断一个男人是否负责,有无个性,以及是否有充足的供养能力 E) 为了生存,她们通过直觉判断一个男人是否具有责任心和个人性格,再加上是否能够保障供应。 T4(Lines 1-2,Paragragh2.Passage four)

I didn?t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever

happened to me.

A)我当时没有意识到这一点,但事后证明被苹果公司解聘是能够发生在我生活中的最大好事。 B) 尽管我当时不明白为何被苹果公司解聘,但这为我生活中发生的最好的一件事

C)那时我没有预料到,苹果公司会做出开除我的决定,能够发生的最好的事情就是辞职 D)我当时没有看清楚这件事,但事后证明被苹果公司解聘是我一生中曾经遇到的最大好事 E)那是我不明白,被苹果公司解聘这件事会发生在我的身上,但这还是变成了好事

T5. By investing in wind energy, we can reduce pollution and reduce our exposure to future fuel shortages and price increases

A)风能能够使我们减少污染,降低风险,应对未来可能的燃料短缺和价格上涨。 B)随着风能的大量应用,污染问题、燃料短缺问题、价格问题都将迎刃而解。 C)我们应立即着手开发风能,以减少污染和抵御未来燃料短缺和价格上涨风险. D)通过对风能的投资,我们就能减少污染,降低未来燃料短缺和价格上涨的风险 E)把风转变为能源需要大量投资,其减少污染和降低价格的前景是非常可观的。

Part V Writing (15%) (30 minutes)

Directions : For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on

A Green Society from Me. Remember your composition must be written according to the following outline. Write your composition on the Composition Sheet.


1. 你对环保社会的认识。

2. 你将来如何建设环保社会做出自己的贡献 Words for reference:


Environment , low carbon, energy, recycle, pollution


