新标准(新版)三起四年级第四册教案 - 图文

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新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Module 1 Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher. Period 1,2 (总第1课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:nice, a bit,shy,clever,naughty, 2、熟练使用句子:This is xx. He/She is very +adj. 3、会用所学的形容词语描述自己、家人和朋友。 能力:能过听录间跟读,帮助学生掌握的正确的语音语调,鼓励学生自编对话,发展良好的表达能力和创造性运用语言的能力。 情感:1、能过师生配合介绍新知与活动设计。激发并培养学生学习兴趣。 2、充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生在活动中培养协作精神体验英语学习的成功感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、单词shy、clever、pupil、parrot、naughty、clever的音和义。 2、用This is … ; He?s 及She?s …介绍别人。 3、形容一个人的个性,He?s shy/nice/clever/naughty. 和She?s sky/nice/clever/naughty. Teaching Procedures: Step1 Warm-up 1. Greetings: T: Good morning boys and girls S: Good morning teacher T: How are you today? S: I?m fine. Thank you. And how are you? T: I’m fine, too. How was your holiday? (你们假期过得怎么样) 让学生们用简单的词汇来描述他们的假期。 2. Review T: In my holiday, I have made many friends(交了许多朋友). Do you want to know my friends? Ok, Let?s look at them together. Step 2 Presentation 1. Listening (听力教学) T: Panpan also has made many friends in holiday. Let’s see who they are. 1) Listen to the tape and answer the matching question. 2) Listen the ape again and fill in the blanks 2. New words (单词教学) T: Let?s look at the new words for today. Learn the new words by reading and writing (使用单词卡片) 在讲解 shy, nice, naughty 时,向学生展示图片


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

3. New structure (句型教学) T: 叫一个男生到讲台上上, 然后用 This is+ 人名;He’s very\\a bit+ 形容词介绍他,再叫一个女生到前面,用同样的句型介绍。与小组成员用此句型练习对话,介绍其成员。练习后找几组成员到前面表演 ,并给奖励。 Step 3 Practice 游戏: Who is he\\she? (他\\她是谁?) 在课件中呈现几张图片(刘星—naughty; 小雪---clever; 小雨---cute; 躲在妈妈背后的豆豆--- shy; 笑脸---nice)让学生学习的句型介绍他们。 Step 4 Wrap-up 总结复习本课讲的句型和单词 Step 5 Homework 复习本课内容,并向同桌、家人介绍自己的四位朋友。 Blackboard writing: Teaching note: Module 1 Unit 2 He’s cool. Period 2(总第2课时) Teaching Aims: 知识: 1、使学生能听、说、认、读cute , cool等单词。 2、初步感知: He?s cool.等句子,学生能听懂并理解其意思。 能力: 1、能描述一个人物的特征。 2、能自由描述,运用所学知识进行交流的能力. 情感: 1、培养学生注意观察的习惯。 2、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信心。 3、培养学生的合作交流能力。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、学习He?s cool..并运用此句型描述人物。 2、 培养学生合作学习的能力,同时注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Sing a song : find a friend.


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

2. Greetings T:Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, Ms He. T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? T: I’m fine. Thank you very much. What’s the weather like today? Ss:It’s sunny. 3. Revision T: Last week, we learned Module 1 Unit 1 She?s a nice teacher. Now, let’s do some reviews.Are you ready? Ss: I?m ready. T: Wonderful! Now, let?s begin. First, Let?s review some words. Who wants to try? 1) 复习形容词:nice, clever, naughty, shy,fat-thin / tall –short(运用游戏法:接龙游戏。) 2) 复习家庭成员单词:grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister. (运用游戏法:点石成金。) 3) T:Boys and girls, let’s say a chant, ok? Ss: OK! T&Ss: Father and mother help each other. Brother and Sister play together. 4. Play a game. – 接龙游戏 T: Boys and girl, let’s play a game,ok? Ss: OK! T:请同学们依次向大家介绍自己的朋友,并用简单的句子描述朋友的性格特征。 e.g. S1: Stand up,Ella.Look, this is my friend Tina.She’s a bit shy. S2:I’m a bit shy. Look,this is my friend Aric.He’s very naughty. S3: ?? Step 2: presentation and drill 1. Lead in—呈现新单词 T: Great.All of you are very clever.Now,clamp for yourself.Today, Panpan will introduce his family to us,do you want to know them? Ss:Yes. T: 同学们,Panpan 正要把自己的家庭成员介绍给大家,大家可以去认识他们。听过Panpan的介绍,小朋友们也可以试着介绍一下自己的家庭成员。Hello, children. I’m your friend Panpan. I’m a bit fat and very clever. Today, I’d like to introduce you my family. Look, this my father. He’s very tall and he’s very clever.This is my mother . She’s very nice. This is my big brother . He’s cool.(引出课题:Unit2 He’s cool. )This is my little sister. She’s cute.(老师戴头饰扮演Panpan) A.出示单词卡cool,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times), 并用体态语让学生对”cool”一词心领神会。 B.出示单词卡little,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times), 并用体态语让学生对”little”一词心领神会。


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

C.出示单词卡cute,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times),并用体态语让学生对”cute”一词心领神会。 2. 单词操练:cool, little, cute 开火车读或玩“大小声游戏”。 Step 3: Practice 1. T:Boys and girls, let?s play another game—?Do as I say, not as I do?, ok? Ss:OK! (教师发出指令,但故意做错动作,要求学生执行指令,而不是简单地模仿教师地动作,例如,教师说“cool”,但是神态和动作表现地却是“clever”,学生就要白出“cool”地造型。学生以小组位单位参加游戏,做错动作地学生将被淘汰。教师也可以请学生担任“小老师”,发出指令。) 2. Pairwork T:Now, let? s play another game,ok? Ss:OK! (Including these words: naughty,shy,clever,nice cool,cute.) e.g.S1:Are you naughty? S2:No,I am not.(S2在S1身后做shy的动作) S1:Are you shy? S2:Yes,I am.(S2在S1身后做shy的动作 ) Step 4 Wrap-up 1. Listening to the tape.(听课文录音,全班同学跟读课文。) 2. Read the text together.(全班朗读课文。) 3. Learning the text.(讲解课文。) 4. 教师说课文的人物,学生说出该人物的对应的形容词。 T:Panpan’s father. S1:He’s very clever. T:Panpan’s mother. S2:She’s very nice. T:Panpan’s big brother. S3: He’s cool. T:Panpan’s little sister. S4: She’s cute. T:Panpan’s friend. S5: He’s very naughty. 5. Sing a chant.(将课文编成一个chant来帮助学生记忆。) 6. Introduce my family/friends: 介绍家人或朋友.让学生带来家人或朋友的照片/图画,向全班或组员介绍. (e.g. S1: Look!This is my family. This is my father.He is very nice. This is my mother. She is a bit fat and very clever. This is my big brother . He’s cool. ) 7. Say the poem. This is a little girl. And she has a little curl. And when she is good. She is very ,very good. And when she is bad. She is very,very bad! (在读诗中,加上感情和动作。P.S.一边跺脚一边用愤怒的语气大声说: “very,very bad”,微笑着用温柔的语气说:“very ,very good”,同时竖起大拇指等。)


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

8. Cooler T: Time is up. Class is over. See you next time. Ss: See you. T: Have a super nice day! Ss: Thank you. Step 5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching note: Module 1 Exercise Lesson Period 1(总第3课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:nice, a bit,shy,clever,naughty, 2、熟练使用句子:This is xx. He/She is very +adj. 3、会用所学的形容词语描述自己、家人和朋友。 能力:能过听录间跟读,帮助学生掌握的正确的语音语调,鼓励学生自编对话,发展良好的表达能力和创造性运用语言的能力。 情感:1、能过师生配合介绍新知与活动设计。激发并培养学生学习兴趣。 2、充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生在活动中培养协作精神体验英语学习的成功感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、单词shy、clever、pupil、parrot、naughty、clever的音和义。 2、用This is … ; He?s 及She?s …介绍别人。 3、形容一个人的个性,He?s shy/nice/clever/naughty. 和She?s sky/nice/clever/naughty. Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Correct the false sentences. Write these adjectives on the board: clever, naughty, nice, shy Explain to the students that there are other adjectives with the same (ao almost the same) meaning as those on the board. Tell the students that such words are known as ?synonyms?. Hold up Student?s Book and show the second page of Module 1, Unit


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

1. Point to Maomao and say, ?She?s very nice.? Then say, ?She?s very kind.? Explain to the students that ?nice? and ?kind? are synonyms in this context. However, in a different context, thest two words may not be synonyms. For example, a book about London can be described with the adjective ?nice? in Module 2, but not with ?kind?. Do the same for naughty, clever and shy. Now put the students in pairs and have them ask and answer about the personality fo their friends. Encourage them to use the synonyms for the words listed on the board. Step 2: Listen choose and write. Tell the students that they are going to work in groups of four. I increase the number of students in each group to make the game more challenging. Explain that they are going to play a game. Thay have to whisper some information among a look at the infromation on a piece of paper and whispers the information to another group membe. The game dontinues until the message student has to stand up and tell the rest of the class what he/she has heard. The teacher shows and the class will see if their message in correct. Step 3: Think and say. Write these questions on the baord: What?s your favourite book? What?s your favourite film? What?s your favourite food? Write some suggestions on the board. Now put the students into groups and have them ask and answer the questions. Make sure they take it in turns to ask the questions. If time permits, you may also have the students show their preferences in a bar graph. Step 4: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes:


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Module 2 Unit 1 London is the capital of England. Period 1,2(总第4课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:capita、about、beautiful学会London is the capital of England. And it’s very big. This is ? It?s ?的语言结构。 2、初步感知Buckingham Palace的发音。 3、复习巩固词汇from、big、small、house、very及句型What?s this? It?s?及I?m from?的句型。 能力:通过调查访问等多种途径了解英国首都伦敦的风土人情、标志建筑等信息。收集相关文字和图片资料。在课堂上进行交流和介绍。 情感:促进同学之间沟通与交流。通过同学之间互相表述的能力,加强同学间了解,增进彼此友谊。学会如何与他人相处的人际关系,从而提高学生口语交际能力。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、基本能听懂,会说,会读,会写词汇:capital, about ,beautiful ,学会London is the capital of England. And it’s very big .This is?It?s??的语言结构。 2、注意beautiful、Buckingham Palace的发音。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greetings T: Let?s say Hello to our teachers. Thank you ,boys and girls. Sit down, please. 2. Enjoy the music: London bridge is falling down. T: First, Let?s enjoy the music: London bridge is falling down. Step 2: Presentation 1. 呈现中国地图及北京,借助: Beijing is the capital of China. (卡片呈现并教授capital)帮助学生理解 capital的含义. T: What?s the capital of England? Ss: London 引出本节课课题London is the capital of England。并板书。 然后让学生试着说出其它国家的首都,T: Do you know what?s the capital of America?课件展示:Washington D.C is the capital of America. 2. T: You know London is the capital of England . Tell me more about London. Have a try学生自由发言。 Let?s look at London. 课件展示伦敦的景点: River Thames----wide long(加动作)


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Tower Bridge-----nice famous Big Ben-----old, tall Hyde Park----- Are they beautiful? 呈现并学习单词beautiful. 活学活用:She is a beautiful girl. Step 3: Practice 1. (图片1 )T: Let’s look at our old friends Amy and Lingling. T: What are they doing? Ss: They are reading a book.(动作) 语文书Look, ,this is a book about English. This is a book about Chinese. 呈现并学习单词about. T: What’s this book about? Let?s listen(课件隐去单词London). 针对课文内容提出一个概括性的问题,让学生带着问题、有目的的去看、听。 Ss: It?s a book about London 2. Ss read the two questions: 1) Where is Amy from? 2) Is Buckingham Palace Amy’s house? 板书Buckingham Palace(慢读,快读,连读) Is this house big or small?(动作,板书) T: Open your books to p6, listen and point, then answer questions. S1: Amy is from London. S2: No, it isn?t. 课件展示: Is it your house? 直接引出It’s the queen’s house. 学习单词queen,课件展示。 3. What about Amy?;s house? Read the text and find the answer, then check the answer in pairs.板书并复习板书全部内容 4. Listen and repeat, let?s see who can say the best English.重点句子读两遍,学生开火车加深印象。 5. Listen and repeat again. T: Once again. 6. Act in pairs.小组读,同桌读,同桌展示。 Step 4: Wrap-up 1. 改歌词:London bridge is falling down. 老师改,学生改。 ? Buckingham Palace is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. ? Amy?s house is beautiful, my cute girl. 2. 猜一猜T: Spring is coming, let?s go out to have a look, 课件展示,教师示范: It?s very tall and very beautiful. Where is it? Ss: 灯塔 Ss do group work with: A: It’s_________ There is/are ?(可不用) B: This is ______ 小组展示。


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

3. Introduce Xinying Primary School to others. Step 5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 2 Unit 2 It’s very old. Period 1(总第5课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1. 基本会读、会写、会说词汇long、wide、many、river、old、famous 2. 基本会唱歌曲London Bridge is falling down. 3. 巩固复习This is + n.及There be +n的语言结构。 4. 巩固复习Is it + adj.的语言结构,并用Yes,it is.或No,it isn?t.进行回答。 能力:1. 能听懂会说单词:river ,long, wide, old, beautiful, famous . 2. 能听懂会说句型:This is…It?s very…能运用到实际生活中 情感:学习一首英语儿歌,让学生感受学习英语的乐趣。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、让学生会运用句型It is +…(形容词)对事物及物品进行描述。 2、学会运用所学的知识对新事物的特点进行描述以及在交际活动中的运用。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. 师生问候 2. Sing a song: London Bridge is falling down Step2: Presentation 1. 创设情景,复习导入。 T:We’ve leant about London before. What do you know about London ? Did you go to London ? London is a very big city .It’s very beautiful!(可以停顿强调)


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Do you want to go to London ? Today ,Sunnywill be a tourguide .Let?s go to London together ! 2. 新课的呈现。 多媒体呈现London的标志性建筑物,带领学生欣赏,浏览,画面定格在River Thames,这时问Do you know this river? Who knows its name? And what does it look like? 学生如果不知道,老师就可以用句型呈现课文。 T: OK, let me tell you .This is the River Thames. It?s very wide and long. Isn?t it? 3. 播放课文录音第一遍,让学生整体感知课文内容,并用笔勾出形容词long, old, wide等。 在课件的帮助下,整体输入课文内容,让学生在情景中去感知教学内容。 4. 播放第二遍,给学生提出问题,让学生带着问题有目的的听。 T: Do you like London ? Let’s watch it again .Please think about these questions :Tick or cross ? a. The River Thames is short and wide.( ) b. Big Ben is very old.( ) c. Hyde Park is in America.( ) d. You can see many boats on the River Thames. .( ) e. London?s famous Brigde is Tower Brigde .( ) 播放录音,老师带领学生跟读. Step 3 Practice 1. 多媒体呈现包括课文内容的图片,引导学生用:This is?It?s very? 来解说课文,并板书。 2. 角色扮演 多媒体呈现课文图片,两人一组,完成对话。 Step 4 Wrap-up 游戏:小导游(小组活动) 多媒体呈现我国的一些著名景观图片,请学生扮演小导游,并用 This is?It’s very?来介绍。 Step 5 Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes:


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Module 2 Exercise Lesson Period 1(总第6课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:capita、about、beautiful学会London is the capital of England. And it’s very big. This is ? It?s ?的语言结构。 2、初步感知Buckingham Palace的发音。 3、复习巩固词汇from、big、small、house、very及句型What?s this? It?s?及I?m from?的句型。 能力:通过调查访问等多种途径了解英国首都伦敦的风土人情、标志建筑等信息。收集相关文字和图片资料。在课堂上进行交流和介绍。 情感:促进同学之间沟通与交流。通过同学之间互相表述的能力,加强同学间了解,增进彼此友谊。学会如何与他人相处的人际关系,从而提高学生口语交际能力。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、基本能听懂,会说,会读,会写词汇:capital, about ,beautiful ,学会London is the capital of England. And it’s very big .This is?It?s??的语言结构。 2、注意beautiful、Buckingham Palace的发音。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up Move round the classroom, pick up an object and ask, ?What?s this?? Point to another ovject and ask, ?What?s that?? Prompt the students to respond, ?This is a(n)…/ That?s a(n)…? Practist these structures several times with the class. Have the students od the activity in pairs. Remind them that the word ?this? is used for people or objects that are close to or can be touched by the speaker, while ?that? is used for people or objects some distance away. Step 2: Listen, read and circle ‘Ture’ or ‘False’. Before doin the exercise in the Activity Book, play the tape of the story in the Student?s Book again. Tell the students to close their books and listen carefully. Then play the tape for the second time. This time, pause after the first section and ask the students to read the corresponding statement in the Activity Book. Then have the students say whether the statement in ture or false. After getting the asnwer from the students, play the nest section. Continue liks this. After finishing the exercise, play the tape again and check the ansers with the students.


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Step 3: Think and write. Then say. Have the students work in pairs. Have them look round the class and take it in turns to describe objects then can see with adjectives previously learnt. Encourage them to include the adverb ?very? in their descriptions. Step 4: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes:


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything. Period 1,2(总第7课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1. 能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:robot, walk, everything , housework, learn,our;以及短语one day 2. 能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:Robots will do everything .Will they do our housework ? ”Yes ,they will ./No, they won?t .” 能力:1. 学生能够流利地朗读课文。 2. 学生能够通过模仿、操练、游戏、表演等活动,在真实的情景中运用“will”来描述将来可能要发生的事情,做到学有所用。 3. 能够用“can”来描述能力。 情感:1. 培养学生的创新意识以及独立思考、自主学习的能力。 2. 鼓励学生多钻研,激发学生热爱科学的情感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1. 新单词的认读及运用。 2. 会运用Will描述将来可能发生的事情并能够运用学过的语言畅想未来机器人会做什么。 3. 会运用“can” 描述能力。 4. 结合实际在真实的语言环境中运用Will 来描述将来可能发生的事情并能用“will”对将来可能发生的事情进行正确的提问和回答。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. TPR活动: Do as I say , then describe by using “ I can?. ”, for example, I can play football/run fast/make cakes ?.. 3. Free talk T: What will you do tomorrow ? S: I will play football . T: oh, he/she will play football tomorrow. What will you do? S: … Step 2: Presentation 1、 Lead-in 教师通过课件出示机器人的图片,并学习“robot”这个新单词,然后出示两个或以上的机器人,让学生知道“robots”的发音,并介绍“ts”的发音规律。 2、 教师让学生看一组图片并提问:“What can robots do ?”请学生大胆发言,如:“It can talk .They can walk .” 3、 Text


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(1)教师通过谈话导入,让学生听课文前段录音找出(“What can Daming’s robots do ?”):Do you like robots ? Have you got a robot ? Daming has got a robot .Let’s listen to the tape and find “What can Daming’s robots do ?”学生回答,教师板书句子。 (2)教师继续与学生交谈,The robots can walk and talk now .What will the robots do one day ? Will they do everything? 教师利用单词卡片讲解短语“one day 及单词everything,并让学生注意字母组合th 的发音”,然后说“I think :One day , robots will do everything.”并板书,领读。 (3) Do you believe? Ok , let’s have a look .请学生欣赏一段有英文配音的有关科学家研究的未来机器人的录像,了解未来机器人将要可能做得事情。然后教师根据图片提问:“What will the robots do ?”引导学生运用句型“They will ??”来回答,教师板书此句型。并在语境中教授单词“housework” ,并比较“housework,homework”两个单词。 (4)教师通过谈话继续导入课文,In Daming’s imagination, robots will do many other things . 教师提问: “Will they do the housework ?”“Will they do our homework?”并板书句型“Will they ???”并通过单词卡片教授“learn”这个单词。 Let’s listen and look at the CD-ROM.学生根据课文内容回答。教师板书“Yes, they will./No ,they won?t.” (5)再次播放CD-ROM,让学生听指,重复,模仿录音(Listen and repeat)。在听的过程中,注意语音语调,以及新学的单词。 Step 3: Practice(模仿性操练活动) 1. 课件显示课文概括,让学生同桌之间讨论后选词填空。 Talk /robot/walk/housework/homework/will/learn Daming has got a ______. It can ______. It can ______. One day ,robots ____do everything. They will do the ______. They will help children ______. They won?t do our ______. 2. Play a game :Apple--- picking.教师让学生看课本15页,提问“What will robots do ?”边引导学生说“Robots will make cakes .”边说边讲写有“make cakes ”的苹果型卡片贴到画在黑板上的苹果树上,以此类推。然后请一个学生根据苹果卡片的动词词组做动作并提问“What will robots do ?”另一个学生根据动作来说句子“Robots will ??.”,说对的学生可以将苹果摘走。这样多找一些学生下来表演,多给学生创造说英语的机会。 Step 4: Consolidation(巩固活动) 1. Using“Will they ……?”Guess what your partner?s robot will do. 教师谈话: Act out what the robot in your dream will do and ask your partner to guess.


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

学生在小组内,一人做动作,其余同学利用句型Will they ???猜,做动作的同学并利用“Yes ,they will ./No, they won’t .”来回答。 2. 写一写我理想中的机器人能做的事情和将来可能做的事情。 教师谈话: Please imagine what your robot will do one day, write them down and talk about them in your groups.教师出示句型:This is my robot .It can________.It will__________. 学生在小组中写一写、说一说自己理想中的机器人能做什么事。 3. 利用板书,让学生对本节课所学习的内容进行总结、归纳,并朗读加深印象,对学生的表现予以肯定和鼓励。 Step 5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday I’ll go swimming. Period 1(总第8课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、学生在本节课中能学习到有关于星期的单词:周一至周五及homework, help。 2、学生能在以前学过的动词go, play, do, visit, help, read的基础上学习词组:go swimming, play with my friends, go to the park, do my homework, visit my grandma, help my mother, read my books. 3、学生通过学习能用句型On Monday I’ll go to swimming. 表达自己一周的计划。 能力:学生在学习新单词能采用直拼法朗读单词,并能把单词按顺序说出来, 借助歌曲及韵律让学生熟练掌握单词。 情感:学生通过上网查到的资料互相交流,了解星期名称的由来, 增加学生的知识面,了解西方文化,培养跨文化意识。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、学生能用直拼法学习单词并能按顺序流利地说出星期名称。 2、学生能用将来时态“I’ll…”边说边制定自己的一周活动安排。


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3、 学生学完星期名称后能流利回答What day was\\is will be yesterday\\ today\\tomorrow? 并能结合月份理解What’s the date today? It’s the 16th March. 4、在学完课文后学生能用Will you play football on Monday? Yes, I will. No, I won’t. 对话进行调查同学的活动安排。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Sing songs (1)Twelve months. (2)London Bridge is falling down. (3)The Zoo (4)I?m listening to music. 2. Greetings and do free talk. (1)Today is 16th March.(板书) (2)What?s the weather like today? (3)Are you clever? (4)Let?s describe these pictures: This is…. It?s very… This is... She?s (doing)… 3. Play a game: Will you take a (an)---? Yes, I will. No, I won?t.(设计一个袋子,里面放东西,让学生用句型问答。) Step 2 Presentation Talking about weeks:让学生说说星期的由来;提到Sunday是一周的第一天,Saturday是一周的最后一天,在日历中以前三个字母大写体现出来,方法与月份一样并举例;把同学们带来的资料贴在班级的English Corner上进行交流。 Show task.:假期到了,珊珊给自己制定了一个美好的活动计划,她想邀请你和你的朋友们一起玩,今天,我们要通过学习给自己制定一个计划,找到兴趣相同的朋友,和珊珊一起过一个快乐的假期,OK? Step 3 Practice 1. Learn new words about weeks.采用直拼法教学让学生寻找发音规律。(边教边板书) 2. Look at a video and sing the song.看《英语小天才》、听歌曲帮助学生记忆。 3. Answer my questions.展示三个单词:yesterday\\today\\tomorrow问:What day was\\is will be yesterday\\today\\tomorrow? 4. Listen to the text and number.学生听音标号(请一个同学上台做并做讲评鼓励) 5. Make some phrases and do action.:Show verbs words: go, play,


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visit, read, help让学生畅所欲言,边说边比动作(学生可能会使用的动词不止教师提供的范围,应让学生大胆的说,教师再引到新的词组。) 6. Show some sentences. (1)We’re going to go to Hainan. (2)We’re going to visit my grandpa. (3)We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock. 采用变魔术把句型变为 (1)I’ll go to Hainan. (2)I’ll visit my grandpa. (3)I’ll get up at 5 o’clock. 7. Do practices.:On Sunday I’ll go swimming.学生模仿教师的句型进行练习。 8. Look at the CD-ROM and repeat.(预设采用CD-ROM进行教学有利于哪句不会重复朗读。) 9. Make a plan about yourself. 教师先示范填表后请一同学上台展示并讲评。 10. Do a survey.用上节课的句型:Will you …? Yes, I will. No, I won’t..进行调查,允许学生离开座位向同学做调查(预设课堂气氛浓厚,能掌握方法,但时间有限) 11. Make a conclusion .请三个不同层次的学生说说今天的学习心得,总结是否能结找到伙伴与珊珊一起过假期.(预设本课中、上等生学习起来比较轻松)可以给自己制订一个月份的计划。 Step 4 Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes:


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Module 3 Exercise Lesson (总第9课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1. 能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:robot, walk, everything , housework, learn,our;以及短语one day 2. 能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:Robots will do everything .Will they do our housework ? ”Yes ,they will ./No, they won?t .” 能力:1. 学生能够流利地朗读课文。 2. 学生能够通过模仿、操练、游戏、表演等活动,在真实的情景中运用“will”来描述将来可能要发生的事情,做到学有所用。 3. 能够用“can”来描述能力。 情感:1. 培养学生的创新意识以及独立思考、自主学习的能力。 2. 鼓励学生多钻研,激发学生热爱科学的情感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1. 新单词的认读及运用。 2. 会运用Will描述将来可能发生的事情并能够运用学过的语言畅想未来机器人会做什么。 3. 会运用“can” 描述能力。 4. 结合实际在真实的语言环境中运用Will 来描述将来可能发生的事情并能用“will”对将来可能发生的事情进行正确的提问和回答 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Review the words and phrases in Module 3. 2. Act the dialogue in this module. 3. Say the chant in this module. Step 2: Listen and write. Write the following ?words? on the board: lkat, wlka, phel, khuwrooes. Have the students look at the first ?word?. Ask them what is wrong with it. Explain to the students that all of these ?words? are from Exercise 3 in the Activity Book. Prompt the students to guess what the first word is. If they find it difficult, I can do some mimes as hints. Then put the students in pairs and have them work out the remaining words. Step 3: Write. Have the students draw a robot on a piece of paper in class. The robot should be performing an action that has not been described in class. The students should also write a sentence about the robot. For


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example, if a student draws a picture of a robot shopping, he/she should write the sentence ?It will go shopping.? Step4:Find the words and write. Before starting the exercise, revise the seven days of the week with the students. Tell the students that I am going to say a day and they have to say the day that comes right after it. Step4: Answer the questions. Write these questions on the board: 1. What day was the day before yesterday? 2. What day si the day after tomorrow? If the students need some help, draw a partial calendar showing the current week. Have the students tell what day it is today. Then circle it and get them to tell the days for yesterday and tomorrow. Point to the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow on the calendar. Have the students guess the meaning of ?before? and ?after?. Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 4 Unit 1 Will you take your kite? (Period 1, 2)(总第10课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1. 掌握We’re going to have a picnic. 这一句型,学会询问和回答计划带什么东西的句型( Will you take your kite ? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.)这两个句型。 2. 能识单词picnic Saturday great take ball why 能够正确拼写单词:take, ball 能力:能用所学句型:Will you take???Yes, I will / No, I won?t 谈论并制定计划。 情感:通过引导学生参与游戏等教学活动,营造轻松愉快的教学氛围,培养学生的学习兴趣,培养孩子们热爱大自然的情怀。Importance and Difficulties: 1. 培养学生特定语境中领悟和使用语言的能力,掌握句型Will you...? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.


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2. 一般将来时的理解和运用,其中包含句子We are going to have a picnic. Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. T: Class begins .Stand up . Good morning , boys and girls . Ss: Good morning , teacher . T: Sit down, please. My name?s Pengqinnan .You can call me Miss Peng . Do you know ? Ss:Yes . T: Do you like singing ? Ss:Yes . T: Now, Let?s singing . The song is ?London Brige is falling down? . Listen to the tape . 第一遍认真听;第二遍边听边打拍边读;第三遍边打拍边跟着唱。 2.Review the words 拿出单词卡带学生朗读一遍. Step 2: Presentation T: Look at the picture . what are they doing ?(把图片贴在墙上) Ss: 不同的回答。(拿出符合或贴近的答案) T: Yes ,they’re going to have a picnic (野餐).(呈现单词卡picnic). Read after me, picnic.(教读三遍)picnic . Show me your finger . (跟我一起拼写) p-i-c-n-i-c . T: I’m very happy . Because we’re going to have a picnic tomorrow . (在黑板上呈现句型“We’re going to have a picnic .”) Follow me , please .We’re going to have a picnic . (用动作和指着黑板的句型、图片教单词。) Ss: We’re going to have a picnic .(可教读三遍) T: Because . (呈现单词卡because) Read after me , because . Show me your finger . B-e-c-a-u-s-e . Because. T: Would you like to have a picnic ? Ss: Yes . T: Why ?(为什么) Learn the new word . Why .Show me your finger . W-h-y , why .We’re going to have a picnic . I will take my bag and my kite tomorrow .(拿出准备好的包) Can you guess it ?(包里有球、饼干、蛋糕、水果??) What would you take ? S1: cake. S2:fruit . T:那你们知道带走、拿走用英语怎么说吗?Ok . Follow me , please . Take .Show me your finger . T-a-k-e , take . Ss: T-a-k-e , take .


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T: Can you guess it ?(包里有球、饼干、蛋糕、水果??) S1:球(ball) T:Oh! Yes , here you are . S1: Thank you . S2:蛋糕(cake) T: It?s the great . Here you are . S2: Thank you . S3:…… T: Read after me , great . Ss: Great . T: Great . Show me your finger . G-r-e-a-t , great .We’re going to have a picnic . Will you take your kite ?(拿图片问学生,然后板书) S1: 是的。(Yes , I will .) T: follow me , please . (Yes , I will .)(板书) S1: Yes , I will . T: Will you take your kite ? S2: 不想带。(No , I won’t .) T: Read after me . (No , I won’t .)(板书)All together . Read after me , please . Will you take your kite ? Ss: Will you take your kite ?(看着图片跟老师读) T: Yes , I will . Ss: Yes , I will .(看着黑板读) T: No , I won’t . Ss: No , I won’t .(看着黑板读) T: All together . You can ask me . Will you take your kite or …?Do you understand ? Ss: Yes . T:One, two , begin . Ss: Will you take your ball ?(全班看老师手里的图片问) T: No , I won?t . Ss: Will you take your bread ?(全班看老师手里的图片问) T:Yes , I will . Look at blackboard .(看老师的手指哪个句型,学生问) Ss: We?re going to have a picnic . T: Yes . So I will take my fruit and my cake on Saturday .(可问两遍) T: Ok . Listen to the tape . (听里面说了什么事?出现了我们刚才学的哪几个单词和句型并写下来) T:(听完录音后)Who can tell me ? S1:picnic S2:Will you take your kite ? S3:ball T: It?s great! Step3:Practice 1. T: Let?s play a game . This is a box . There are many word cards in it . Pass it one by one and when I say ”stop” . The one who catch the box. Then she/he take out a word cards and show it . The whole class ask you: Will you take your…? You answer : Yes , I will./ No , I won? t . (盒子里有几张小纸条,当哪个学生拿到盒子时,要从里面抽出一张纸条打开看写的是什么,上讲台,老师在其背后拿出图片,让全班同学看


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着图片问讲台上的同学“Will you take your ? ?”如果是就回答“Yes , I will .”如果不是就回答“No , I won’t . I will take a/an ? .”(回答自己抽到纸条上的东西) 2. T:(教师把盒子给了第一个学生)Are you ready ? Ss: Yes .(一个接一个传下去,教师一起与学生拍掌,从慢到快,然后停止,哪个同学拿到盒子就从里面抽一张纸条按照刚才老师说的去做。)(有奖励)(可玩三次) Step4:Extension 1、T: Please open your books ,page 10. Listen to the tape and read .(听完录音后进行男生和女生分角色朗读。) 2、复习黑板上的单词和句型 Step5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? (Period 1)(总第11课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、复习天气状况单词windy, sunny, hot, cold, rain, snow 2、能够灵活运用句型It will be windy in Beijing.Will it be windy in Beijing? 3、会用Yes, it will. / No, it won’t.做相应的回答 能力:学会运用所学知识谈论将来的天气状况,在创编对话交流的过程中,培养学生的发散思维、创造思维,从而提高学生的自主学习能力。 情感:培养学生热爱大自的情感,帮助学生明确学习目标,注重培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。通过小组合作、讨论、交流让学生感受把所学知识融汇到实际交往中的乐趣,从而激发积极的学习情感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、表示天气的单词sunny\\rain\\snow\\windy\\cloudy的听、说、读、写和本课主要句型的灵活运用。 2、将表示天气的单词融入句型“Will it be ? in ? ?”和“It will be ? in ?” 并灵活运用它们。


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Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. T: Greetings. 2. T: Now let?s do finger exercises, first , Look and Listen to me. (one, two , three, four; two ,two, three ,four; there, two , three, four; four, two , three, four) T: Now, show me your hands and do it together. Good, again and do it quickly. Very good! Last and do it more quickly Step 2: Presentation 1. Leading in T:Do you want to be a weatherman? 2. 教学单词 hot、cold、sunny、snow、windy (1)教师用作动作,猜动作来教授新单词。教师放课件,逐播6个单词的图片,如“hot”, T:What’s its mean in Chinese?可以很容易猜出“热的”然后教师领读单词并同时作擦汗表示热的动作.然后教师做热的动作,让学生猜测说出hot。 (2)播放cold 图片,问“What’s its mean in Chinese?”教师领读并作表示冷的动作。然后老师做冷的动作,让学生猜测并说出cold。 (3)播放sunny, 问“What’s it mean in Chinese?” 教师领读2遍单词出示阳光灿然的卡片。 (4)播放snow,以同样方式提问汉意,后教师领读,再让2—3个学生示范读一下snow。 (5)播放rain,提问汉意,后教师领读,再让2—3个学生示范读单词。 (6)播放windy,问“What’s it mean in Chinese?”教师领读并作表示动作表示刮风。可让同学做示范。 3、Practice: 教师让同学们拿出课前事先做的6张天气卡片两个人一组练习以上6个单词。 一个同学随便抽出一张图示让另一个同学尽快说出本单词,练习完可让几组同学到前面表演. 呈现教学城市和天气 T: ask :How many cities did you know?引出城市教学。 放课件中城市和天气,如(Shenyang) T:This city is Shenyang。学生跟读两边Shenyang。然后依次播放 Yinchuan 、Beijing、Hangzhou、Guangzhou、Sanya这六个城市,学生跟读两遍,熟悉城市和天气图像。 Step3:Practice 1、教师出示图片城市,让学生快速说出本城市的天气。如:


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(Guangzhou) 可多次重复练习。然后让学生利用自己手中的卡片两人一组共同练习城市天气,最后让几组同学示范练习。 2、教学句型 It will be ? (1)课件中出现地图,T: Now look at the map, listen and think, what will the weather be like in Beijing? It will be hot in Sanya. It will be sunny in Guangzhou. It will rain in Hangzhou. It will be windy in Beijing. It will snow in Shengyang. It will be cold in Yinchuan. T: Now who can tell me ,what will the weather be like in Beijing? Ps: Windy. T: Very good!然后再播放一遍天气,逐个听,逐个问,让学生在听、说、问的过程中明白句子的意思。然后让学生跟读两遍句子,熟悉句型,会读、会说。 (2)Practice T: now practice the weather with your own cards, work in pairs, please. 两人一组练习句子,一人出示卡片,另一个人说句子It will ?in.. 最后让几组学生拿出卡片演示所学句子。 3、教学句型Will it?? (1) 听听、猜猜、引出新句型Will it?? 及肯定否定回答 Yes, it will. / No, it won’t.教师播放课件中狂风大作的声音、图像,CAI 呈现问:Will it be windy in Beijing?学生会根据图像声音的辅助理解本句型,并能正确回答,yes or no ,教师乘此机会教授他的完整回答。Yes,it will。 然后再问一句,Will it be rain in Beijing? 学会更快的判断NO。教师再趁此机会教授完整回答No,it won?t。 播放第二个下雨的声音图像。 T:Will it be rain in Hangzhou? Ps:Yes,it will。再问: Will it be sunny in Hangzhou? Ss:No,it won’t. 播放第三个阳光灿然的声音图像。 T:Will it be sunny in Guangzhou? Ss:Yes,it will。再问:Will it be rain in Guangzhou? Ss:No,it won?t. 播放第四个炎热的声音图像。 T:Will it be hot in Sanya? Ss:Yes,it will。再问: Will it be rain in Sanya? Ss:No,it won?t. 播放第五个下雪的图片 T:Will it be snow in Shenyang? Ss: Yes,it will.再问:Will it be hot in Shenyang? Ss:No,it won?t. 播放第六个冷的图片 T:Will it be cold in Yinchuan? Ss:Yes,it will. 再问: Will it be snow in Yinchuan? Ss:No,it won?t. (2)Practice:让学生利用手中卡片两人一组练习猜测天气,操练新句型Will it ??及Yes,it will 和No,it won’t回答。操练完后让几组同学用图片表演。说得好的给予奖励. Step4:Extension Make a chart and say the weather 让学生制作一张城市天气的,把学生四人一组分开进行练习。


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Beijing Shenyang Xiamen Hangzhou Guangdong Shanghai Step5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 4 Exercise Lesson (Period 1)(总第12课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1. 掌握We’re going to have a picnic. 这一句型,学会询问和回答计划带什么东西的句型( Will you take your kite ? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.)这两个句型。 2. 能识单词picnic Saturday great take ball why 能够正确拼写单词:take, ball 能力:能用所学句型:Will you take???Yes, I will / No, I won?t 谈论并制定计划。 情感:通过引导学生参与游戏等教学活动,营造轻松愉快的教学氛围,培养学生的学习兴趣,培养孩子们热爱大自然的情怀。Importance and Difficulties: 1. 培养学生特定语境中领悟和使用语言的能力,掌握句型Will you...? Yes, I will. No, I won’t. 2. 一般将来时的理解和运用,其中包含句子We are going to have a picnic. Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Review the words and phrases in Module 4. 2. Act the dialogue in this module. Step 2: Now ask and answer. Get each student to think of an activity they will do tomorrow. Put the students in pairs. Have Student A mime his/her activity and Student B guess what Student A will do by asking, ?Will you … ?? Step 3: Listen and draw the correct symbols on the map.


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Put the students in groups of four and get them to make small cards with pictures of different weather conditions introduced in this module. Put all the cards in an envelope and get one student to take out a card. The other students have to ask questions to find out which card the student is holding. Have them use the structure ?Will it … ?? The student who guess the weather correctly takes another card from the envelope and the game continues. Step 4: Listen and match Tell the students in advance to watch the weather forecast on TV or read a weather report in the newspaper or on the Internet. They should try and find out what the weather will be like tomorrow in the area where they live. In calss, get the students to draw a picture of tomorrow?s weather and write an appropriate sentence under it. Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 5 Unit 1 I was two then. Period 1,2 (总第13课时) Teaching Aims: 知识: 1、能听、说、读、写并正确使用单词:who, me , then, hair, so , grandparents. 2、能理解并使用was ,were来谈论过去的事情和情况。 3、能听懂、会读、理解课文并回答相关的问题。 能力:培养学生的观察能力,发现人物和事物过去与现在的变化, 保持他们对学习英语的热情。 情感:培养学生积极与他人合作,积极运用英语进行交流,在交流中发展运用语言的能力。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、使用was, were描述从过去到现在发生的变化。 2、听、说、读、写并正确使用单词:who, me ,then, hair, so, grandparents. 3、使学生在活动中完成对课文的理解,以及听、说、读、写的训练。


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Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1、Greetings 让学生以小组的形式进行。 2、自我展示学生拿出事先准备好的人物照片向其他同学进行介绍。 3、Let’s chant Tall, tall, tall. I am tall. Short, short, short. You are short. Fat, fat, fat. He is fat. Thin, thin, thin. She is thin. Naughty, naughty, naughty. It is naughty. Old, old, old, They are old. Young, young, young. We are young. 教师加手势与动作进行示范后学生进行展示,做到有声有色。 Step 2: presentation and drill 1、新课呈现 教师让学生拿自己的照片作介绍。 2.、new words: ①教师拿出自己现在的照片,自问自答。 Who is she? She is me. 学习单词who和me ②教师出示自己小时候的照片,与现在的照片作对比。 Then(在那时) I was 2. Now I am 34. Then my hair(头发)was short. Now my hair is long. 学习新单词then和hair。 ③教师课件出示易建联小时候现在的照片继续训练新知。 Then he was fat. Now he is thin. Then he was short. Now he is tall. ④出示grandparents年轻时与现在的照片。 T: They are my grandparents. Then they were young. Now they are old. Step 3: Practice. Let?s chant. Then, then, then. I was 2. Now, now, now, I am 10. Then, then, then, He was short. Now, now, now, He is tall. Step 4: Extention 1、细听录音,跟读课文。 2、听录音回答问题: Who is that little girl? How old was she then ? 3、Choise: (1)Then they young. A.were B.are C.is (2)Now they old. A.were B,are C.is (3)Then he short. A.was B.is C.am (4)Now h tall A.was B.am C.is 4、学生就上一环节练习进行反馈。 5、小记者采访 学生在班内自由走动,看其他同学小时候的照片


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与现在的照片,将其对比情况大胆地表达出来。 6、总结点评,激励进步 7、学生代表总结本节课的知识点,教师加以补充。 8、就学生本节课的表现进行评价,鼓励进步。 Step 5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching note: Module 5 Unit 2 They were young. Period 2(总第14课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、复习词汇:young ,old, short, cute , thin , fat, tall,naught. 2、复习句型:I was… They were… 3、基本能听懂、会说、会读句型:He/She wasn?t ___then. He/She was__.It wasn?t__then.It was___. 能力:学生能够运用was和were,wasn?t和weren?t 来描述过去,介绍自己或他人过去的情况。 情感:同过对过去式的学习,提高学生听、说和交流能力、小组合作精神和学生的自学能力。让学生懂得孝敬父母,多与家人沟通的思想。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、基本能听懂、会说、会读句型: He/She wasn?t ___then. He/She was__.It wasn?t__then.It was __. 2、学生能够运用was和were,wasn?t和weren?t 来描述过去,介绍自己或他人过去的情况。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. TPR Do as I say, not as I do.教师说句子,然后故意做一个与句子内容不符的动作,学生要根据教师所说的句子或发出的指令做动作,而不能简单地模仿教师的动作。教师在这一环节要有意识地多操练“tall, short, long, young, old, fat, thin, big, smll”等形容词,为后面的教学做铺垫。 Step 2: presentation and drill 1、热身活动之后,教师拿出一张自己小时候的“全家福”照片向学生介绍。 T: This is a photo of my family. Look, these are my prarents. They


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were very young then. But now they are old. And look at this little baby. It was very short and fat then. But now, look at me, I am tall and thin. 2、教师板书句子“They were very young then.But now they are old. It”标注出其中的“were, are, was, is”,向学生说明:我们在讲述过去的状况时通常使用“were”和“was”,而在讲述现在的状况时通常使用“are”和“is”。 3、教师告诉学生“Amy到Lingling家做客时,对Lingling家的几张老照片产生了兴趣。让我们一起来看看照片上有哪些人,他们与现在相比有些什么变化。看过Lingling家的照片,让我们一起来看一看同学们自己时候的照片,比较一下过去和现在吧!” Step 3: Practice 1、Listen and point. 请学生看挂图听录音,听一听Amy和Lingling之间的对话,再放录音,请学生边听边看书,勾出课文中的生词和词组,根据上下文和插图猜猜生词和词组的意思。 2、Learn the new words.who, grandparent, then, me, hair, so 教师出示单词卡片,为学生示范发音,并要求学生一起拼读。 使用单词“grandpa”和“grandma”解释“grandparent”;通过比较“now”和“then”帮助学生理解“then”的含义等。 3、针对课文中的一般过去时向学生继续讲解:“They were young then.”表示的是过去的状态。我们讲述过去的状态时通常把在一般现在时中使用的“am/is, are”变成“was, were”。再给学生举几个离子,鼓励学生使用一般过去时造句,表扬和鼓励造句正确的学生。 Step 4 Extension 1、Read after the tape and practice the dialogue in different role. 学生理解了课文内容后,教师播放录音,请学生跟读课文。然后把全班分成三组,分别扮演 Lingling, Amy和Lingling的妈妈,表演对话。 2、Ask and answer. 教师根据课文内容对学生进行提问: Were theyLingling?s parents or grandparents? Were they old or young ? Who was the little girl in the photo,Amy or Lingling? How old was Lingling in the photo, two or four? Was Lingling?s hair long or short? When Lingling was two, was she good or naughty? 3、Fill in the blanks. 用“was”和“were”填空。 Lingling?s grandparents______ young, then. The little girl in the photo_________ Lingling. Lingling?s hair _______ short. Lingling _________ two. Lingling _________ cute and naughty.


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Step 5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching note: Module 5 Exercise Lesson Period 1(总第15课时) Teaching Aims: 知识: 1、能听、说、读、写并正确使用单词:who, me , then, hair, so , grandparents. 2、能理解并使用was ,were来谈论过去的事情和情况。 3、能听懂、会读、理解课文并回答相关的问题。 能力:培养学生的观察能力,发现人物和事物过去与现在的变化, 保持他们对学习英语的热情。 情感:培养学生积极与他人合作,积极运用英语进行交流,在交流中发展运用语言的能力。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、使用was, were描述从过去到现在发生的变化。 2、听、说、读、写并正确使用单词:who, me ,then, hair, so, grandparents. 3、使学生在活动中完成对课文的理解,以及听、说、读、写的训练。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Review the words and phrases in Module 5. 2. Act the dialogue in this module. Step 2: Look, choose and write. Tell the students to say some sentences about people and they have to say whether the sentences describe something in the present or past by saying ?now? or ?then?. Talk about other subjects as well, such as the weather. Step 3: Read and choosef Tell the students to call out some adjectives and they have to say the antonyms. Explain to the students that an antonym is a word which


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means the opposite of another word. Step 4: Listen and say. Then chant. Before saying the chant Have the students look at the picture and describe it in Chinese. While saying the chant Play the first version of the chant and get the students to repeat the words. Play the second version and let the students listen or they can say the chant as they listen. Now have the students stand up and repeat the whole chant again slowly. While they repeat the chant, have them march on the spot. When they say the phrase ?turn right?, get them to do the same action. After saying the chant I will play a simple game that practices the vocabulary of body parts and ?left? and ?right?. The teacher gives instructions and the students have to touch the correct parts o their bodies as they listen. Step 5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 6 Unit1 Were you at home yesterday? Period 1,2(总第16课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:yesterday, out Well,thanks,sun,lesson, 2、熟练使用句子:Were you at home yesterday 3、会用“was,were”询问过去的行为或事件。 能力:能过听录间跟读,帮助学生掌握的正确的语音语调,鼓励学生自编对话,发展良好的表达能力和创造性运用语言的能力。 情感:1、能过师生配合介绍新知与活动设计。激发并培养学生学习兴趣。 2、充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生在活动中培养协作精神, 体验英语学习的成功感。 Importance and Difficulties:


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1、 单词yesterday,well,out,thanks,sun,lesson的音和义。 2、 用“was,were”询问过去的行为或世纪。 3、 谈论过去事物或人物的特征和状态。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Lead-in T:What day is today? Ss:It?s Tuesday. T:We are at school. T:How about yesterday?(板书日期,学生理解“yestrday”。) Ss:It was Monday. T:So we were at school too. Were you at school? Ss:Yes. T:Yes, I was. T teaches “Yes, I was.” T:Were you at the zoo? Ss:No. T:No,I wasn?t. T teaches “No,I wasn?t.” Step 2: Presentation 1. Part 1:老师出示文本第一部分,询问学生想不想知道图中的小男孩昨天去了哪些地方?Let?s have look! 2. Listen and chant. T:Where was he? Ss:He was… 3. T:He was out yesterday.Ss learn “out”. 4. Ss ask and answer. Step 3: Practice 1. T:Was Tom at home yesterday?Listen and answer the questions. CAI 出示题目: 1)Is it sunny in London? 2)Was it sunny in London yesterday? 3)Was Tom at home yesterday? 4)Where(哪里) was he? 2. Listen and repeat 3. Ss learn the new words. 4. Do the exercises of Q4. 语用: 创设情境,学生使用“Were you ??”询问过去的状态。 A:Hello! B:Hello! A:How are you? B:I?m very well. A:Were you at?? B:Yes,I was.\\No, I wasn’t. I was? Step 4: Homework


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Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 6 Unit 2 Was it a big city? Period 1(总第17课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:village 2、熟练使用句子:Was it a big city then? 3、会用“was”询问过去的行为或事件 能力:谈论过去事物或人物的特征和状态; 情感:积极尝试使用英语。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、单词village的音和义; 2、Was it ??询问过去的行为或事件。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greetings: T: Good morning boys and girls S: Good morning teacher T: How are you today? S: I?m fine. Thank you. And how are you? T: I’m fine, too. How was your holiday? (你们假期过得怎么样) 让学生们用简单的词汇来描述他们的假期。 2. Review T: Were you at school\\…\\ yeterday? Ss:Yes, I was.\\No, I wasn?t. T:Let?s chant! Ss and T chant:Were you at …yesterday? Step2: Presentation 1. Part 1: T: Who?s he ? Ss:He?s Tom. T:Tom is strong now.Was he strong then? Ss:No,he wasn?t. T:Please open your books and turn to page 35.Who can read it?


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S!:… Ss read after L.T. 2. Part 2 T:What?s the city? Ss:It?s Shenzhen. T:Shenzhen is a big city.Yes? Ss:Yes,it?s a big city. T:Was it a big city then?Listen and answer. Ss listen to the CD-Rom. S1:No,it wasn?t. T:How was Shenzhen then?Listen again and remember the key sentences. S1:It was a very small village then. 3. Ss read the text together. 4. Ss performe the text. Step 4. Practice. T:Look at Changsha.How is Changsha now? How was it then? Ss:It?s a big city.It was a small city then. T:Look at the pictures.Practise in your groups. S1:Was it fat? S2:No,it wasn?t.It was thin. Step 5. Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module 6 Exercise Lesson Period 1(总第18课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:yesterday, out Well,thanks,sun,lesson, 2、熟练使用句子:Were you at home yesterday 3、会用“was,were”询问过去的行为或事件。 能力:能过听录间跟读,帮助学生掌握的正确的语音语调,鼓励学生自编对话,发展良好的表达能力和创造性运用语言的能力。 情感:1、能过师生配合介绍新知与活动设计。激发并培养学生学习兴趣。 2、充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生在活动中培养协作精


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

神,体验英语学习的成功感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、 单词yesterday,well,out,thanks,sun,lesson的音和义。 2、 用“was,were”询问过去的行为或世纪。 3、 谈论过去事物或人物的特征和状态。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Review the words and phrases in Module 6. 2. Act the dialogue in this module. Step 2: Now point and say. Ask the atudents to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 again. Then ask them questions about the characters in Exercise 1. Now have the students ask and answer questions about the characters in pairs. Make sure they take it in turns to ask questions Step 3: Listen and tick. Tell the students to close their Activity Book. Tell them to play the tape, and they have to listen cardfully and tick the correct weather symbol for each day. Then have some students report their answers to the class. Write the days of the week on the board. Ask the students questions abtout the daily local weather of last week. Now put the stuents in groups of three or four and get each group to write a report about the local weather. Then invite some students to come to the front of the class and present their reports to the class. Step 4: Listen and match. Ask the students to open their Activity Book and look at the map in Exercise 1. Then play the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully and finish the matching task. Tell them to ask questions about the locations of different characters in the exercise and the weather in these places. They have to answer the questions and point to the correct places on the map acctordingly. Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes:


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum. Period 1,2(总第19课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:had phone cook really wash What about? Did didn?t=did not computer love 2、学会并能运用句型:I did?\\He didn’t? 3、会讲述过去的行为或事件。 能力:能过听录间跟读,帮助学生掌握的正确的语音语调,鼓励学生自编对话,发展良好的表达能力和创造性运用语言的能力。 情感:1、能过师生配合介绍新知与活动设计。激发并培养学生学习兴趣。 2、充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生在活动中培养协作精神, 体验英语学习的成功感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1、熟练掌握下列动词的过去式: watch --- watched listen ---listened rain ---rained play --- played cook --- cooked walk ---walked talk --- talked do ---did 2、正确使用动词过去式讲述过去的事件。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up Game: I do, you guess.(教师做动作,让学生猜) watch TV, listen to music, play on the computer, walk in the park,play football… Step 2: Presentation 1. T: It's a fine day today.(教师边说边加上适当的手势以帮助学生理解句子的意思)。出示day的单词卡片,教学单词day。 2. 出示幻灯片: T: Look, Today is Tuesday, June 18, 2009 and yesterday was Friday, June 17, 2009.教学单词yesterday。 3. 出示幻灯片: T: Look, Today I watch TV, but yesterday I watched TV. Today I cook fish, but yesterday I cooked fish .There are some differents in the sentences,Can you tell me? S1:动词后面加了ed S1:当时间是yesterday时,动词后面加ed. T: As usual, when the time is yesterday, we add “-ed” to the verb. 4. 出示幻灯片:


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

say the chant:学习本课主要的动词及过去式。 进行分组练习。 5. 垒词游戏: 出示幻灯片 引导学生依次读出下列内容:cook--- cooked--- cooked noodles---I cooked noodles ---Yesterday I cooked noodles. 6. T: Yesterday I cooked noodles .Did you cook noodles yesterday? 教学Did you cook noodles /listen to music? yesterday? Yes, I did./ No, I didn?t 7. T: Yesterday I cooked noodles. And Amy phoned grandma, Look! 出示图片,教学单词phoned. 8. T: They talked about something. Look, grandma cooked fish, And grandma and grandpa walked in the park. 出示图片:看图说图片。 Step 3: Practice 出示图片进行练习。全班,小组,同桌练习。 Step 4: Consolidation T: Sam played on the computer, Tom helped Mum, Did Amy helped Mum? 1. Listen to the tape and answer the question: Did Amy helped Mum? 2. Read the text and choose true or fault. : (1) Grandma cooked fish.( ) (2) Dad helped Mum. ( ) 3. Listen and mine. 4. Read the text again and try to act out the text in groups. 5. 智力大比拼:看谁能在规定的时间内说出更多的句子。 Yesterday I played football, I listened to music,I?. Step 5: Homework Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes:


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Module 7 Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish. Period 1(总第20课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:him Mrs Miss 2、熟练使用句子:I talked with Mrs Cat yesterday. I walked with Miss Dog yesterday. 3、描述过去的行为或事件 能力:能过听录间跟读,帮助学生.掌握的正确的语音语调,鼓励学生自编对话,发展良好的表达能力和创造性运用语言的能力。 情感:1、能过师生配合介绍新知与活动设计。激发并培养学生学习兴趣。 2、充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生在活动中培养协作精神, 体验英语学习的成功感。 Importance and Difficulties: 1. 单词him Mrs Miss的音和义。 2. 学习描述自己在过去某一时间所做活动的句型主语+动词过去式+其他 3 .能运用动词的过去时态描述过去的活动。学生相互谈论昨天,上周末的活动情况。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up T: Hi, boys and girls! Yesterday I talked with my friends and I walked with Mrs Zhao. What about you? What did you do yesterday? S1: I… T:Whatdid the birds do yesterday? Listen and answer. S2: Step 2 Presentation 1. T:What did Amy?s Grandma do yesterday. S1:Gandma and Grandpa walked in the park. They listened to music. They talked with some friends. Grandma cooked fish. Grandpa cooked noodles. 2. Find out the past tense of the verbs, Underline the past verbs. 3. Read the verbs after the teacher. Which is new word? Ask students to point out. 4. S1: Point out the new words. 5. Learn to say the new words (cards) .Then listen, say and chant.


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

Step 3 Practice T: Now this class we?re going to learn Module 7 Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish. Pair work: Talk about the pictures on page 41 (CAI) 1. Put the sentences in the right order. I phoned Grandma yesterday. Grandma and Grandpa walked in the park. They listened to music. They talked with some friends. Grandma cooked fish. Grandpa cooked noodles. 4 Practice 2. Talk about something about your last weekend. S1: I talked with my grandma last weekend. S2: I played football last weekend. S3: I … Step 4 Practise. Listen,match and say: On Monday he called his friend. Step 5 Homework. Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes: Module7 Exercise Lesson Period 1(总第21课时) Teaching Aims: 知识:1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:had phone cook really wash What about? Did didn?t=did not computer love 2、学会并能运用句型:I did?\\He didn’t? 3、会讲述过去的行为或事件。 能力:能过听录间跟读,帮助学生掌握的正确的语音语调,鼓励学生自编对话,发展良好的表达能力和创造性运用语言的能力。 情感:1、能过师生配合介绍新知与活动设计。激发并培养学生学习兴趣。 2、充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生在活动中培养协作


新标准英语三起第四册 砂子塘泰禹小学 段佳

精神, 体验英语学习的成功感。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Review the words and phrases in Module 7 . 2. Act the dialogue in this module. Step 2: Listen, read, and circle ‘True’ or ‘False’ . Tell each student to write a regular verb in the base form on a large piece of paper, e.g. play, talk, walk. Have two students stand up. Then have Student A show his/her verb, e.g. play, to Student B. Student B has to say the simple past form of the verb, e.g. played. Then have Student B show his/her verb and Student A say the simple past form of that verb. Step 3: Now correct the false sentences.. On the board write as many regular verbs in the simple past form as possible, e.g. cooked, looked, played, pointed, rained, talked, walked. Now tell each student to copy the following grid on a large piece of paper. The students have to choose nine verbs in the simple past form and write one in each box. They can write in any order they like. Now play the Bingo game. Call out a verb and if the students have that word on their grid, they should cross out the word. The first student to cross out all the verbs and say ?Bingo? in the winner. Step4: Listen and match. After the exercise, draw this table on the board: Mr Smart watch TV? Mrs Smart cook noodles? Did Sam phone Daming? Amy play on the computer? Tom play football? Grandpa and walk in the park Grandma Ask questions round the class and prompt the students to answer the questions with ?yes? or ?no?. Blackboard writing: Teaching Notes:


