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本次作业是本门课程本学期的第5次作业,注释如下:大学英语IV 第7单元作业题


1. - May I see your passport, please?


(A) Here it is.

(B) I ve already shown.

(C) Please don t bother.

(D) No, you d better not.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]A 当对方让你出示护照时,你应该递上护照并回答Here it is.。

2. - How long are you going to stay in Toronto?

- ____________

(A) I don t want to tell you.

(B) For a month.

(C) In a minute.

(D) For a moment.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]B 当被问及要在多伦多逗留的时间时,你应该礼貌地回答具体的时间。in a minute 表示“立刻、马上”;for a moment 表示“片刻”。因此只有B for a month 表示“一个月”合乎情理。 3. - What s the purpose of your visit?

- __________

(A) It s none of your business.

(B) I don t know.

(C) Sightseeing.

(D) It s private.


解答参考:[第七单元]C 当被问及旅行的目的时,你可以回答sightseeing(表示观光);如果是以出差为目的还可以说on business。

4. - How can I get my baggage?

- ____________

(A) I m not concerned about it.

(B) You can anyway.

(C) It s up to you.

(D) Use your claim tag.



解答参考:[第七单元]D 当询问如何才能取行李时,你可以说通过行李票来领取。

5. - Do you have anything to declare?

- _____________

(A) Why do I have to declare?

(B) I have nothing to declare.

(C) I don t want to declare anything.

(D) You ll find it out soon.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]B 当被问及有没有什么物品需要申报时,如果没有你应该回答I have nothing to declare/No, I don t.;如果有应回答Yes, I do.。

6. - Please open this bag.

- ____________

(A) Mind your own business.

(B) No, I can t.

(C) You know nothing about this bag.

(D) All



解答参考:[第七单元]D 当被要求打开行李接受检查时,应该配合海关工作人员, all right表示“行、好的”。 7. - Do you have any liquor or cigarettes?

- ____________

(A) Let me see.

(B) Are they important?

(C) They are my valuables.

(D) Yes, I



解答参考:[第七单元]D 当被问及是否有酒类物品或香烟时,如果有就应该礼貌地回答Yes, I do.。 8. - Each passenger is allowed one camera duty-free. You ll have to pay duty for the other one - ____________

(A) I beg your pardon.

(B) Are you kidding?

(C) I don t believe so.

(D) Oh, I understand.



解答参考:[第七单元]D 当对方告知只有一台照相机免税,另一台应该交税时,应该礼貌地回答。 9. - Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.

- ______________.

(A) Thanks for your help.

(B) Sorry, I don t know.

(C) I will keep it.

(D) It s not convenient.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]A 当对方告知将申报单交到出口官员处时,应表示感谢。

10. - I bought a camera, some packages of cigarettes and two bottles of whisky.

- ___________.

(A) That s too much.

(B) You ll have to pay duty on them.

(C) Oh, really?

(D) I really admire you.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]B 当对方讲到自己买了照相机、香烟和两瓶威士忌时,海关人员应告知将需要为这些产品报税。

11. The plan is _________ my idea.

(A) in terms of

(B) in line for

(C) in line with

(D) with regard to

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]C in line with 符合;in terms of 根据、按照; with regard to 考虑到,鉴于……


12. It was last night ___ I see the comet.

(A) the time

(B) when

(C) that

(D) which



解答参考:[第七单元]C 本题考察强调句结构:it be+强调部分+that/who+从句。【译文】我是在昨晚看到了彗星。

13. It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows, serve as a vital _____of milk.

(A) storage

(B) reserve

(C) resource

(D) source

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]D source 来源;storage 储藏;reserve 储备物、储藏量;resource 资源【译文】据说,在世界上某些地区,奶主要来源于山羊而非奶牛。

14. Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred missiles at military _____in the coastal city.

(A) goals

(B) aims

(C) targets




解答参考:[第七单元]C target 目标物、对象;goal 目的;aim 目的; destination 目的地。【译文】近两天,部队向沿海城市的军事目标物投下了200多枚导弹。

15. The writer was so ______ on her work that she didn t notice him enter the room

(A) absorbed

(B) abandoned

(C) focused




解答参考:[第七单元]C focus on 集中注意力;absorb与介词in搭配表示“集中”;be concerned about 关注【译文】这位作家非常专注地工作,以至没有发现他进了房间。

16. Some research workers completely ______ all those facts as though they never existed .

(A) ignore

(B) leave

(C) refuse

(D) miss



解答参考:[第七单元]A ignore 不理睬、忽视;leave 离开;refuse 拒绝;miss 错过、思恋【译文】一些科研人员全然忽视这些事实,仿佛它们从不存在。

17. Showing some sense of humor can be an effective way to _________ some stressful situation

(A) deal with

(B) deal in

(C) deal about

(D) deal



解答参考:[第七单元]A deal with 固定短语,意为“处理、应付”。【译文】展示一点幽默感是应付紧迫情况的有效方法。

18. I ________ to him that I should come.

(A) justified

(B) evaluated

(C) indicated




解答参考:[第七单元] C indicate 表明、暗示;evaluate 评估; justify 使……合理;reckon 计算、估计


19. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _____ which occurred in his dormitory.

(A) occasions

(B) factors

(C) incidents




解答参考:[第七单元]C incidents 事件(通常较小);occasion 场合;factors 因素、要素;issue 问题、争端(用法较正式)。【译文】男孩一到家就对父母讲了他寝室里发生的所有事情。

20. _____ I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man.

(A) Much as

(B) Only if

(C) If only

(D) As much



解答参考:[第七单元] A much as 尽管,引导让步状语从句,等于though/although;only if 要是……就好了;if only 只要。【译文】尽管我从诗人的角度欣赏大卫,可我不喜欢他的为人。

21. Computer technology will _____ a revolution in business administration.

(A) bring around

(B) bring about

(C) bring down

(D) bring up

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]B bring about 导致、使发生、引起;bring around 说服、使恢复知觉;bring down 使落下;bring up 培育。【译文】电脑技术将在商界引发一场革命。

22. He gave a _________ to handle the affairs in a friendly manner.

(A) pledge

(B) mission

(C) plunge

(D) motion

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]A pledge 保证、誓言;mission 任务;plunge 跳进、投入;motion 运动、动作。


23. It is time that such practices ____.

(A) are ended

(B) be ended

(C) were ended

(D) must be ended

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元] C 句型:It + be +time + 虚拟语气从句;从句谓语用一般过去时。【译文】是停止这些行为的时候了。

24. He is always here. It s ____ you ve never met him.

(A) unique

(B) strange

(C) rare

(D) peculiar



解答参考:[第七单元] B strange 奇怪的;unique 独一无二的;rare 罕有的;peculiar 奇特的、罕见的


25. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable ____.

(A) ability

(B) future

(C) possibility




解答参考:[第七单元]A ability 能力;future 将来;possibility 可能性;opportunity 机会。【译文】由于上司发现他是一个能力极强的人,他很快得到了升职。

26. My brother s plans are very ; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.

(A) abundant

(B) ambitious

(C) arbitrary




解答参考:[第七单元] B ambitious 野心勃勃的;abundant 丰富的、充裕的;arbitrary 任意的、武断的;aggressive 好斗的、侵略性的。【译文】弟弟的计划非常雄心勃勃,他要在十六岁之前掌握好英语、法语和西班牙语。

27. Sometimes children have trouble fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.

(A) of separating

(B) for separating

(C) separating

(D) to



解答参考:[第七单元]C 固定句型:have/has trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难。【译文】小孩有时不能区分事实和虚构,以为后者是确实存在。

28. _________ she is, she acts like a grown-up.

(A) A child as

(B) Though a child


(D) Child



解答参考:[第七单元] C 此题考察强调句。将被强调成分置于句首,这种结构可用于强调表语、宾语、定语、状语等。 【译文】尽管她还是个孩子,可举止却像一个成人。

29. Eye ________ is important because a wrong one may create a communication barrier.

(A) contact

(B) contest

(C) content




解答参考:[第七单元] A contact 交流;content 内容;contest 比赛、竞赛;context 上下文。【译文】眼神交流至关重要,因为一个错误的眼神可能引起交流障碍。

30. He is internationally known _____ a score of books.

(A) for

(B) as

(C) to

(D) with

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]A be known for 因……而出名;be known as 作为……而出名;be known to 为……而熟知【译文】他因有20部左右的著作而在国际上享有盛誉。

31. The little girl was terrified, her hands ______.

(A) were shaking

(B) shaking

(C) were shaken

(D) shook

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]B 伴随状语结构:名词+v.-ing/-ed,前者表示主动关系,后者表示被动完成关系。


32. They meet monthly to _______ the current political situation.

(A) access

(B) excess





解答参考:[第七单元] C assess 评估;access 通路;excess 过渡、超过;assert 断言、声称。【译文】他们每月开会一次,评估当前政治情势。

33. She stood _______ when she heard the bad news.

(A) speechless

(B) speech

(C) speaking

(D) to



解答参考:[第七单元]A 此题考察stand作系动词的用法,表示处于某种状态。speechless 一言不发的。


34. This was a ________ moment in his career.

(A) critique

(B) criticized

(C) criticizing

(D) critical

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]D critical 关键的、重要的;critique评论、批评;criticize 作动词意为“批评”。【译文】这是他工作中的一个关键时刻。

35. Scientists sometimes ________the human brain to a computer.

(A) repeat

(B) compare

(C) relate

(D) take

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]B compare…to 把……比作……;relate to 相连、相关。【译文】有时科学家将人脑比喻成电脑。

36. I used to dream _________ becoming a solider.

(A) of

(B) off


(C) on




解答参考:[第七单元]A dream of 为固定短语,表示“梦想……”. 【译文】我过去常常梦想作一名军人。 37. She _______ to us about the event yesterday.

(A) did lied

(B) does lie

(C) did lie




解答参考:[第七单元]C 强调结构:do/does/did + 谓语,表示强调此行为。【译文】她昨天的确在此事上撒了慌。

38. His deeds don t _______ his words.

(A) compare

(B) speak

(C) match




解答参考:[第七单元]C match 和……相配、一致;speak 说、讲;compare 比较;catch 接住、抓住。


39. Important changes are being made _______to security.

(A) regarding

(B) regards

(C) with regard

(D) regarding



解答参考:[第七单元]C with regard to 关于;regarding 关于、就……而言。【译文】关于安全问题已经做出了重要的变革。

40. __________ to realize how hard he worked on the book.

(A) Only then I came

(B) Only then did I come

(C) Only then do I come


(D) Then did I only come

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第七单元]B 倒装结构表示强调语气,谓语部分应该用部分倒装。【译文】到那时我才意识到他是如此专注此书。 (注意:若有主观题目,请按照题目,离线完成,完成后纸质上交学习中心,记录成绩。在线只需提交客



41.Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “My Plan for the Spring Festival”. You should write no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given below. 1) 介绍你的春节计划;

2) 说明其中一项活动。

参考答案: 三、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题)


Today I am known for my voice as much as for my acting. It has been my good fortune to receive jobs such as the speaking role of Darth Vader in George Lucas s Star Wars trilogy and the voiceover announcer for CNN cable television. Perhaps my greatest honor came when I was asked to read the New Testament on tape.

But it took a long time to believe such good things could happen to me. When I was a youngster I stuttered so badly I was completely unable to speak in public. Since I was eight I d had trouble speaking. It was so bad that whenever I stood up in class to read, the other kids snickered and laughed. I always sat down, my face burning with shame.

I am not sure what caused my stuttering. Perhaps it was an emotional problem. I was born in Arkabutla, Mississippi, and when I was five, I moved to live with my grandparents on their farm near Dublin in northern Michigan. It was traumatic moving from the warm, easy ways of catfish co untry to the harsh climate of the north, where people seemed so different.

Fortunately I met Donald Crouch there, a tall, lean man with gray hair. English was his favorite subject and poetry was his deepest love. When he learned that I not only loved poetry but was writing it, we found a kinship. There was, however, one difficulty between us. Professor Crouch (we always called him that) could not stand the fact that I refused to read my poems to the class. With his help, my stuttering disappeared. And encouraged by Professor Crouch, I took exams and won a scholarship to the University of Michigan. Finally, I entered the drama department. About two years later, I learned Donald Crouch had passed on. When I was asked to record the New Testament, I really did it for a tall, lean man with gray hair who had not only helped to guide me to the author of the Scriptures, but as the father of my resurrected voice, had also help


ed me find abundant life.


(1) Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) The writer is famous because of his voice and acting.

(B) The writer is the voiceover announcer for CNN cable television.

(C) The writer was able to speak well in public when he was a child.

(D) The writer was asked to read the New Testament on tape.


(2) If someone stutters (paragraph 2), it means _________.

(A) he can talk humorously

(B) he can talk continuously

(C) he has trouble speaking interestingly

(D) he has trouble speaking fluently


(3) We can infer from the paragraph 3 that _________.

(A) the writer couldn t get used to the new life in the beginning

(B) the writer moved to live with his grandparents at the age of five

(C) the writer knew the reason behind his stuttering

(D) the climate was similar in the two places


(4) The following statements about Donald Crouch are true EXCEPT _________.

(A) he had the most profound love for poetry

(B) he couldn t stand the fact the writer refused to read the poems to the class

(C) he supported the writer s idea of entering university

(D) he introduced the writer to meet the author of the Scriptures

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(5) The passage is mainly about _________.

(A) the writer s voice problem

(B) the writer can write problem

(C) the writer finally find his voice

(D) the writer is a famous person because he has nice voice and can act well

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]




[第七单元]; 第5小题: C 主旨题。这篇文章主要在谈作者是战胜自己的口吃问题,实现人生目标。由此选C。


The most critical three minutes in a speech are the first three minutes. They are unique. First, the audience s attention is naturally high because their concentration level decreases as the time elapses. Second, a speaker only has one chance to make a first impression, which is during the first minutes of the speech.

In line with the nature of the first three minutes, there are at least three goals that a speaker should achieve during this period: to grab the audience s attention, to establish his credibility, and to build rapport.

How to grab the audience s attention? Try to open with a line that makes them listen. Many things can be interesting to the audience. A comment on some current local or national events will surely get them interested. Especially effective are current events relating to retail prices, housing, cars, and fashion. Humor and anecdotes have the same effect because laughing gets the audience feeling relaxed and ready to hear your story. However, keep them short and to the point since incomprehensible jokes and jokes that have nothing to do with the topic sometimes offend certain people.

Our next task is to establish credibility. I mean you need to make your audience trust you. It depends on the speaker s depth of knowledge, personal experience, level of preparedness, and appearance. Among them, I want to stress appearance, because there is not much you can do about other factors such as knowledge and experience—they need time to be accumulated—while appearance takes much less time to take care of and sometimes it plays a more significant role than knowledge and experience. When I use the word appearance , I do not simply mean the way you dress; it also includes the way you speak and your gestures when you speak.

Finally, we need to show respect and build rapport during the first three minutes. By showing your respect to them, you will gain further support from them. The most effective way to show respect and build rapport is to meet the audience s expectations. Many of the expectations can only be met by good preparation before the presentation.


(1) The first three minute of a speech are important because __________.

(A) the audience s attention is naturally high

(B) the speaker has only one opportunity to make a first impression

(C) the audience s concentration level will decrease as time passes

(D) all of the above

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(2) Which of the following statements is not the goal the speaker should achieve during the first three minutes?

(A) to set up a good relationship with the audience

(B) to draw the audience s attention

(C) to show the speaker s uniqueness


(D) to build the speaker s credibility

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(3) If you tend to grab audience s attention, you can do the following EXCEPT ________.

(A) telling humor and anecdotes that will cause laughter from the audience

(B) telling jokes that are funny but have nothing to do with the topic

(C) talking about current events on housing, cars, fashion

(D) commenting on some current local or national events

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(4) According to paragraph 4, which of the following statement is NOT true?

(A) The speaker needs time to accumulate knowledge and experience.

(B) Sometimes appearance is more important than knowledge and experience.

(C) Appearance means facial expression and the way the speaker dresses.

(D) It depends on the speaker s knowledge, experience, preparedness and appearance to win the audience s trust.

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(5) This passage is mainly about __________.

(A) how to make your speech interesting

(B) how to make your audience trust you

(C) how to use the first three minutes wisely

(D) how to respect the audience in the first three minutes



[第七单元]; 第5小题: C 主旨题。全文都是在谈演讲前三分钟的重要性、如何达到前三分种应该达到的三个目标。由此选C,如何合理使用演讲前三分钟。


The need for effective public speaking will almost certainly touch you some time in your life. Even if you never give another speech in your life, you still have much to gain from studying public speaking.

There are many similarities between public speaking and daily conversation. The three major goals of public speaking ---- to inform, to persuade, to entertain ---- are also the three major goals of everyday conversation. In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you employ a wide range of skills. You organize your ideas logically. You tailor your message to your audience. You tell a story for maximum impact. You adapt to feedback from your listener. These are among the most important skills you will need for public speaking.

Public speaking is also different from conversation. First, public speaking is more highly structure


d than conversation. It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker, and it requires more detailed preparation than does ordinary conversation. Second, public speaking requires more formal language. Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang (俚语), jargon (行话), and bad grammar. Third, public speaking demands different method of delivery. Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerisms and verbal habits.

One of the major concerns of students is stage fright. Actually, most successful speakers are nervous before making a speech. You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think positively, choose speech topics you really care about, prepare thoroughly, and concentrate on communicating with your audience.

Because of the growing diversity of modern life, many ---- perhaps most ---- of the audiences you address will include people of different cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. When you work on your speeches, be alert to how such factors might affect the responses of your listeners and take steps to adapt your message accordingly. Above all, avoid the ethnocentric belief that your own culture or group ---- whatever it may be ---- is superior to every other culture or group.


(1) 21. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) You can learn something from studying public speaking.

(B) The three major goals of public speaking are similar to those of daily conversation.

(C) You have to use many skills in daily conversation.

(D) The skills you use in everyday conversation are quite different from those in public speaking.

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(2) Which of the following is NOT the difference between public speaking and conversation?

(A) More attention will be paid to the time limitations in public speaking

(B) More detailed preparation will be required in public speaking

(C) Audience will react warmly to slang and jargon in public speaking

(D) More formal language will be used in public speaking

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(3) In order to overcome stage fright, you need _________.

(A) think positively

(B) choose topics appropriately

(C) concentrate on communicating with audience

(D) do all of the above

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(4) If you hold ethnocentric belief (paragraph 5), you will _________.


(A) address people from different backgrounds

(B) be alert to factors that might affect the responses of your listeners

(C) think your culture is better than any other culture

(D) take steps to adapt your message accordingly


(5) This passage is mainly about __________.

(A) how to be an effective public speaker

(B) how to overcome stage fright

(C) the similarities between public speaking and everyday conversation

(D) the differences between public speaking and everyday conversation



[第七单元]; 第5小题:A 主旨题。文章第二段、第三段分别讲到公共演讲与平时讲话的同和异,第四段讲到如何克服怯场,因此B), C), D)都不是主要内容。因此选A,如何能够成为高效的公共演讲者。 45.

Language is a unified system of symbols that permits a sharing of meaning. Language allows minds to meet, merge, and mesh(相和、协调). When we “make sense” out of people s messages, we learn to understand people.

There is no direct relationship between words and things, as Ogden and Richards s Trangle of Meaning demonstrates. Words don t “mean”; people give meaning to words. A principal barrier to communication is the fact that different people give quite different meanings to the same words. Words change across time, from place to place, and according to individual experience.

Among the communication problems that result from changes in word meaning are (1) bypassing (when people think they understand each other but in fact do not), and (2) mistaking the label for the thing itself (displaying an intentional rather than an extensional orientation).

There are two strategies we can use to improve our oral language abilities. First, we can use common sense to recognize that certain styles of language are appropriate at certain times and certain places. Second, we can seek to make ourselves as clear as possible by selecting words wit h meaning for our listeners, taking account of their educational level and sublanguages they understand.

Keeping each of these guidelines in mind as you interact with others should help to improve your communication skills. If you recognize that every time you communicate with others you run the risk of being misunderstood, then you will be more likely to become sensitive to the ways in which your words affect those with whom you relate. As John Condon, author of Semantics (语义) and Communication, advises, “learning to use language intelligently begins by learning not to be used by language.”


(1) Language is important to us because _________.

(A) it is a unified system of symbols


(B) the meaning of a language will not change across time

(C) it allows us to communicate and understand each other

(D) people can give meanings to a language


(2) The correct understanding of the relationship between words and things is that ________.

(A) words and things are not related with each other.

(B) different people can have different words for the same things

(C) things decide meanings and words

(D) words can change which meanings stay the same


(3) According to the passage, you cannot improve your communication skills by _________.

(A) using common sense

(B) considering the educational level of your listeners

(C) selecting words that are simple and easy

(D) recognizing the fact that you could be misunderstood

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(4) What is the best understanding of John Condon s words in the last paragraph?

(A) You have to avoid using bad language.

(B) You have to learn more languages.

(C) You should be sensitive to the ways languages are used.

(D) You must master the relationship between words and things.

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]


(5) The best title of this passage can be _________.

(A) The Relationship between Words and Things

(B) Try to Use the Language Better

(C) Communication Problems

(D) Language and Meanings

你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对 [正确]



[第七单元]; 第5小题: B 主旨题。全文阐释如何更准确使用语言,因此选B。

46. It s time to make sure that poor countries have a real opportunity to develop. And it s time we __(1)__ decisive action to save the resources of our planet. Yes, we have to __(2)__ terroris


m. Yes, we must prevent the spread of deadly weapons.

But let s also say “Yes” to development. Let s bring hope into the lives of those who suffer. __(3)__ development and hope, there will be no peace.

Just over three years ago, at the Millennium Summit, leaders of all nations __(4)__ to provide that hope. They set themselves precise, time-bound targets—the Millennium Development Goals. To __(5)__ these Goals would cost only a fraction of what our world __(6)__ on weapons of war, yet it would bring hope to billions, __(7)__greater security to us all.

But in 2003 we did not live up __(8)__ these promises. We let ourselves be swept along by the tide of war and division.

2004 must be different. It must be the year when we begin to turn the tide.

We can turn the tide against HIV/AIDS, if we act on the “three-by-five” initiative—the World Health Organization s plan to get three million people on anti-retroviral treatment by 2005.

It s a bold target, but it can be met—__(9)__ rich countries, poor and afflicted countries, governments, civil society, the private sector, and the United Nations system all __(10)__—and if the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is fully funded.



(A) take

(B) took

(C) bring

(D) brought

你选择的答案: B [正确]



(A) combat

(B) kill

(C) fight

(D) strike

你选择的答案: C [正确]



(A) Without

(B) As

(C) Like

(D) Above

你选择的答案: A [正确]



(A) planned


(C) pledged

(D) aimed



(A) realize

(B) meet

(C) get

(D) materialize



(A) costs

(B) takes

(C) depends

(D) spends

你选择的答案: D [正确]



(A) not

(B) though

(C) with

(D) even

你选择的答案: D [正确]



(A) to

(B) with

(C) of

(D) off

你选择的答案: A [正确]



(A) with

(B) if

(C) even

