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@ reward vt. give sth. in return for good and valuable doings 奖赏;回报
@ n. [C, U] sth. as a return for good and valuable doings 奖赏;回报

@  rewarding a. giving sb. satisfaction, pleasure, or profit 值得做的,有益的,有意义的

@ frustrate vt. 1. cause sb. to have feelings of disappointment 使沮丧,使灰心
@ 2. cause the failure of sth. 使挫败,使受挫折

@ junior a. having a low position, level, or rank (地位、水平、层次)较低的
@ n. 1. [C] sb. who is younger 年少者
@ 2. [C] sb. of low or lower position (地位或等级)较低者;晚辈

@ positive a. 1. helpful and encouraging in achieving sth. 积极的
@ 2. definite; allowing no room for doubt 确实的,明确的

@ senior a. having a higher position, level, or rank (地位、水平、层次)较高的
@ n. 1. [C] sb. who is older 较年长者
@ 2. [C] sb. of high or higher position (地位或等级)较高者;长辈

@ former a. of an earlier period 在前的,以前的,旧时的
@ n. (the ~) the first of the two people or things just mentioned 前者

@ unlike prep. not like; different from 不像;和...不同

@ intimidate vt. create a feeling of fear 恐吓,威胁

@ opportunity n. [C, U] a good moment or chance for doing sth. 机会,时机

@ online a. connected to other computers through the Internet 联线的;联网的;在线的
@ ad. doing sth. online 联线地;联网地

@ communication n. [U] the action of sending and exchanging information 交流;交际;通讯

@ medium n. [C] (pl. media or mediums) a method for giving information 媒介,媒体
@ a. of middle size, amount, or quality 中等的

@ modem n. [C] 调制解调器

@ access n. 1. [U] the right to have or use sth. 享用权
@ 2. [U] the means of entering a place 通道;入口

@ participate vi. take part 参与,参加

@ virtual a. 1. created by the computer to be similar to the experience of real life 虚拟的
@ 2. almost what is stated 实质上的;实际上的

@ commitment n. 1. [U] the hard work and loyalty that sb. gives to an organization, activity, etc. 投入, 致力,献身
@ 2. [C] a promise to follow certain beliefs or actions 承诺,许诺,保证

@ discipline n. 1. [U] a state of order and control; self-control 纪律;自制能力
@ 2. [C] a branch of learning 学科

@ minimum a. the least, or the smallest possible 最低的,最小的
@ n. [sing.] the smallest amount 最低限度;最少量

@ assignment n. [C] a piece of work given to a particular person 任务;作业

embarrass vt make sb. feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable 使尴尬,使难堪

@  embarrassing a. making sb. feel embarrassed 使人尴尬的;令人难堪的


 frustration n. [C, U] the feeling of being disappointed, annoyed, or upset 沮丧;不安;灰心

@ post vt. put up sth. on a screen, wall, or notice board 发帖子;张贴

@ continual a. 1. continuing without stopping 不间断的,不停的
@ 2. happening again and again 多次重复的;频繁的

@  continually ad. 1. continuing for a long time without stopping 不间断地,不停地
@ 2. repeatedly for many times and over a long period of time 多次重复地;频频地

@ reap vt. 1. get sth., esp. sth. good, as a result of what one has done 获得,得到
@ 2. cut and gather a crop of grain 收割;收获

@ benefit n. [C] anything that brings help or profit 益处,好处
@ v. be useful or helpful to 有益于

@ insight n. [C, U] an accurate or deep understanding of sth. 洞悉;深刻的见解

@ communicate vi. exchange feelings, opinions, or information with other people 交流;交际
@ vt. make (opinions, feelings, or information) known or understood by others 传达;传播

@ favorite a. (BrE favourite) best liked or most enjoyed 最喜欢的
@ n. [C] sb. or sth. that is loved above all others 特别喜爱的人或物

@ gap n. [C] a big difference between two amounts, situations, or groups of people 差距;分歧

Phrases and Expressions
@ at times sometimes but not usually 有时,偶尔

@ be worth sth./doing sth. be rewarding enough for the time, effort, money, etc. 值得...的

@ not only...but also... 不仅...而且...

@ far from not... at all; rather than 一点都不

@ a couple of two; a small number of 两个;一些,几个

@ get/have/obtain access to have the right to have or use sth. 有权享用;可以使用

@ participate in take part in 参加

@ keep up with keep the same speed as 赶上;不落后

@ feel like sth./doing sth. want to have or do sth. 想要;想做

@ give up stop doing or stop trying to do sth. 停止,放弃

@ think out consider all the aspects and details of sth. before doing it 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨

@ come across meet, find, or discover sb. or sth. by chance 偶然遇到;偶然发现

@ reap the benefit(s) get sth. as a reward for sth. done 获得益处,得到好处

@ trade for exchange for 用...换...

@ give sb. insight(s) into give sb. a deep understanding of sth. 深刻理解

@ now that because of sth. or as a result of sth. 既然,由于

@ instead of 而不是;代替

@ reach out to communicate with; contact 接触,联系
New Words
@ community n. 1. [C] a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc. 团体;界
2. [C] the people who live in the same area, town, etc. 社区居民;社区

@ expand v. make or become larger in size, number, or amount (使)变大;


@ aware a. having knowledge or understanding 意识到的;知道的

@ unique a. 1. unusually good and special 极不寻常的,极好的
@ 2. being the only one of its type 唯一的,独特的,独一无二的

@ ideal a. 1. the best or most suitable that sth. could possibly be 最好的;理想的
@ 2. as good as one can imagine, but not likely to be real 想象的;理想化的

@ forum n. [C] a place where people publicly discuss sth. 论坛;讨论会

@ remove vt. 1. get rid of sth. so that it does not exist any longer 消除
@ 2. take sth. away from the place where it is 移开,挪走

@ visual a. relating to seeing 视觉的

@ barrier n. [C] sth. that prevents sb. from doing sth., or limits what they can do 障碍

@ hinder vt. make it difficult for sb. to do sth., or for sth. to develop 阻碍,妨碍,阻止

@ addition n. 1. [U] the act of adding sth. to sth. else 添加
@ 2. [C] sth. that is added to sth. else 增加物

@ reflect v. 1. think quietly and deeply 深思,考虑,反省
@ 2. show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling 反映, 体现

@ environment n. [C, U] the physical and social conditions in which people live 环境;周边状况;自然环境

@ critical a. 1. very important 极为重要的,关键性的
@ 2. giving a careful judgment of the qualities of sth. 评论的

@ perspective n. [C] a way of thinking about sth. 视角;观点

@ peer n. [C] a person of the same age, class, or position 同龄人;同等地位的人

@ instruct vt. 1. teach sb. sth., or show them how to do sth. 教育,指导
@ 2. officially tell sb. what to do 指示,命令;通知

@  instructor n. [C] a teacher 教师;指导者

@ arise vi. (arose, arisen)
@ 1. come into being; appear; happen 出现;发生
@ 2. (from) come from (由...)引起,(由...)产生

@ absolute a. complete or total 完全的;十足的

@  absolutely ad. completely and in every way 完全地;十足地

@ explicit a. expressed in a clear and direct way 清楚的;直截了当的

@ comment n. [C] an opinion about sb. or sth. 意见;评论
@ vi. express an opinion about sb. or sth. 评论

@ reinforce vt. make sth. stronger 强化;加固

@ requirement n. sth. that is needed or necessary 要求;要求的东西

@ likely ad. probably 可能地
@ a. probably going to happen, or probably true 可能的;有希望的

@ commit vt. 1. decide to use for a particular purpose 使用;用于
@ 2. do sth. wrong or illegal 犯(错误、罪

★ assimilate vt. take in new ideas, information, etc. 吸收,理解,掌握

@ provide vt. give sth. to sb. or make sth. available

to sb. 提供

@ input n. [U] information or some other kinds of resources that are put in/into 输入;投入

@ essential a. completely necessary 必不可少的,非常重要的
@ n. [C] (usu. pl.) sth. necessary 要素;要点

@ challenge vt. 1. question the rightness of sth. 质疑,对...表示怀疑
@ 2. invite sb. to compete against oneself 向...挑战
@ n. [C, U] sth. that needs a lot of skill, effort and determination to achieve 挑战,考验

@ normally ad. in the usual way or to the usual degree 通常;正常地

@ sequence n. 1. [C, U] a series of related events, actions, etc. that happen or are done in a particular order 连续;一连串
@ 2. [C, U] the order that sth. happens or exists in 次序,顺序

@  sequential a. connected with or happening in a particular order 连续的

@ vital a. 1. very important 极其重要的
@ 2. full of life and force 有生命的,充满生机的

@ personally ad. by oneself 亲自

@ effective a. 1. producing the desired result 有效的,起作用的
@ 2. being put into practice 生效的

@ facilitate vt. make it easier for sth. to happen 使容易;有助

@  facilitator n. [C] sb. who helps people do things effectively 促进者,推动者

Phrases and Expressions
@ play a role 1. do sth. and have an influence on it 起作用
@ 2. act a role in a play or film 扮演一个角色

@ be/become aware of know about a situation or a fact 认识到,知道,觉察到

@ in addition what is more; moreover 另外,加之

@ reflect on think carefully about sth. 深思,考虑

@ speak up 1. say sth., esp. to express an opinion 说出意见或看法
@ 2. speak louder 大声说

@ be finished with complete the job that one was doing 做完,完成

@ allow for consider sth. when making a plan or decision 为...留出余地;考虑到

@ on sb.'s part/on the part of sb. done or experienced by sb. 某人所做的;就某人而言

@ catch up (with) improve and reach the same standard as other people 赶上,追上

@ remind sb. of sth. make sb. remember sth. 使想起;提醒
New Words
@ concern n. 1.[U] a feeling of worry 担心;忧虑
@ 2.[C] sth. that makes sb. worried 关心的事;担心的事
@ vt. 1.make sb. feel worried 使担心;使忧虑
@ 2.be about sth. 涉及,与...有关系

@ click vi. make a short, sharp sound 发出咔嗒声
@ n. [C] a short, sharp sound 咔嗒声

@ blast vi. produce a lot of noise, esp. music 发出响亮的声音(尤指音乐)
@ vt. break up by explosion 爆破
@ n. [C] an explosion 爆炸

@ forth ad. out; forw
ard 出来;向外

@ burst vi. (burst, burst) move somewhere suddenly or quickly, esp. into or out of a place 冲,闯

@ horrible a. 1.very bad

or unpleasant 糟糕的;使人不愉快的
@ 2.shocking; frightening 可怕的;令人恐惧的

@ stuff n. [U] sth. that one does not know the correct name 东西
@ vt. push sth. into a space 填;塞

@ rhythm n. [C, U] a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 节奏

@ grab vt. take sth. suddenly or roughly 抓住,夺得

@ thorough a. including every possible detail 全面的,彻底的

@  thoroughly ad. carefully and completely 完全地;彻底地

★ makeup n. [U] paint, powder, creams, etc. that people put on their face 化妆品

@ toast n. 1. [U] bread made brown by heating 烤面包
@ 2. [C] an act of drinking, esp. in order to thank sb., wish sb. luck, etc. 祝酒,干杯
@ vt. hold up one's glass and wish sb. success, happiness, luck, etc. 祝酒,干杯

@ disgusting a. very unpleasant 令人厌恶的,令人反感的

@ bug vt. (infml.) bother; annoy; trouble 打扰;使烦恼

■ eyeliner n. [C] 描眼膏;眼线笔

■ tattoo n. [C] patterns made by putting ink into the skin 文身
@ vt. have patterns made by putting ink into the skin 在身上刺文身

@ pierce vt. make a hole in 穿孔于,打眼于

@ bolt vi. move fast or run away suddenly 奔;窜

@ upset a. feeling ill, worried, or anxious 不适的;心烦的;苦恼的
@ vt. (upset, upset) make sb. worried, anxious, or ill 使心烦;使苦恼;使不适

@ knot n. 1. [C] an uncomfortable feeling, esp. in the stomach, caused by fear, anger, etc. 紧张(感);心窝揪紧
@ 2. [C] a join made by tying rope, cloth, etc. (绳索、布条等打成的)结

@ awful a. very bad or unpleasant; terrible 糟糕的;可怕的

@ tune n. [C] a number of musical notes that form a pleasing pattern of sound 曲调;旋律

@  tuneless a. without tune; not having a pleasant tune 不成调的;不悦耳的

@ offensive a. causing offence; unpleasant 讨厌的;令人不快的

▲ lyric n. [C] (~s) words of a song, esp. a popular song 歌词

@ appeal vi. 1. (to) attract; interest 使喜欢;吸引
@ 2. make a strong request for help, support, etc. 恳请;呼吁

@ rid a. no longer annoyed by sb. or sth. unpleasant or unwanted 摆脱...的
@ vt. (rid, rid) make sb. or sth. free from sth. unpleasant or unwanted 使摆脱,使去掉

@  piercing n. [C] a hole made through part of one's body in order to wear jewelry there 刺穿的孔

@ negative a. 1.bad or harmful 不好的;负面的;消极的
@ 2.saying or meaning no 否定的

@ influence n. [C, U] an effect on sb. or sth. 影响;作用
@ vt. have an effect on 影响

@ p
atience n. [U] the quality of being able to remain calm, esp. when there is a difficulty or one has to wait a long time 耐心;忍耐(性)

@ anchor

n. 1.[C] sb. or sth. that provides support and a feeling of safety 依靠,靠山
@ 2.[C] a heavy metal object that is dropped into the water from a boat in order to keep the boat in one place 锚

@ identity n. [C] who or what a person or thing is 身份;本体

Phrases and Expressions
@ along with together with 一起,一道

@ turn off stop using a piece of equipment by moving a switch 关闭

@ burst into 1. enter a place suddenly 闯入
@ 2. start suddenly 突然开始

@ over and over again and again; repeatedly 一再,反复

@ reach for move one's hand or arm in order to touch or hold sth. 伸手去摸;伸手去取

@ turn up increase the amount of heat, sound, etc. by moving a switch 调大,开大

@ turn down reduce the amount of heat, sound, etc. by moving a switch 调小,开小

@ as well as in addition to 除...之外;和

@ turn on cause water, gas, etc. to flow or equipment to operate 打开开关

@ as usual in the way that happens most of the time 像往常一样,照例

@ in peace and quiet calmly; in a peaceful state 平静地

@ wake up (cause to) stop sleeping (使)醒来

@ make one's blood boil make sb. angry 使某人生气

@ get rid of 1. free oneself from sth. unwanted or unpleasant 摆脱;除去
@ 2. throw away or destroy sth. that one does not want 丢弃;扔掉

@ knots in one's stomach an unpleasant tight feeling 紧张,不安

@ in any case no matter what happens 无论如何;不管怎样

@ talk sth. over talk about sth. thoroughly and seriously, esp. in order to settle a problem or reach a decision 商议;讨论

Proper Names
@ Sandy 桑迪(人名)

@ Steve Finch 史蒂夫?芬奇(人名)

@ Jane 简(人名)
New Words
@ concept n. [C] a thought, idea, or principle 概念;观念

@ consistency n. [U] the quality of always being the same 一致性;连贯性

@ response n. 1.[C] a reply 回答
@ 2.[C, U] an action done as a reaction to sth. 反应,回应

★ refute vt. prove that sb. or sth. is not correct 反驳,驳斥

@ tend vi. be likely to do sth. 倾向于,趋于
@ vt. take care of; look after 照料,照顾

@ evaluate vt. judge the value, quality, or degree of sth. 评价;评估

@  evaluation n. [C, U] a judgment about the value, quality, or degree of sth. 评估;评价

@ guidance n. [U] help and advice 指导,引导

@ career n. [C] a job or profession one is trained for and intends to follow for part or the whole of one's life 职业;一生的事业

@ trend n. [C] a change toward sth. new or different 趋势;倾向

@ apply vt.
use sth. such as a method, idea, etc. 使用,应用
@ vi. request sth., esp. in writing 申请

@ individual a. single or particular 单个的;个别的

@ n. [C] one single person or thing 个人;个体

■ teen n. [C] (infml.) a teenager 少年,十几岁的孩子

@ relate vi. (to) be able to understand a situation or the way sb. feels or thinks 理解;适应;和睦相处
@ v. show or make a connection between two different things 把...联系起来

@ entitle vt. 1.give a title to a book, play, etc. 给(书、剧本等)题名;定名
@ 2.give sb. the right to have or do sth. 使有权做;给予...的资格

@ attitude n. [C] a way of feeling or thinking about sb. or sth. 态度;心态

▲ contagious a. 1. (of an action, thought, etc.) that is likely to cause a similar response in others 有感染力的
@ 2. (of a disease) that can be passed from one person to another 传染的

@ confidence n. 1.[U] the belief that one can do sth. well 信心,把握
@ 2.[U] the belief that sb. or sth. is good and one can trust them 信任,信赖

@  self-confidence n. [U] confidence in oneself 自信

@ sound vi. (linking verb) seem 听起来;好像

■ interrogation n. [C, U] the process of asking sb. questions for information, sometimes using threats 审问,盘问

@ adopt vt. 1.decide to use sth. 采用;采取
@ 2.take sb. else's child into one's family and legally become its parent 收养,领养

@ curiosity n. [U] the desire to know or learn 好奇心;求知欲

@ view n. 1.[C] an opinion or idea about sth. 观点,意见
@ 2.[U] ability to see sth.; sight 视力;视线

@ oppose vt. disagree with sth. such as a plan or idea and try to change or stop it 反对

★ rebellion n. [C, U] opposition to sb. in authority; refusal to obey 反抗;反对;对(权威等的)蔑视

▲ chore n. [C] a regular piece of work or job, esp. in a house 家庭杂务;日常零星工作

@ conflict n. [C, U] a state of disagreement or argument between people or groups 冲突;争论
@ vi. (of ideas, beliefs, etc.) cannot exist together or both be true 冲突;抵触

▲ credibility n. [U] the quality of deserving belief and trust 可信性;可靠性

@ ruin vt. destroy or spoil completely 毁坏,毁掉

▲ carton n. [C] a box made from stiff paper or plastic 硬纸盒;塑料盒

@ admit vt. accept or agree that sth. is true or sb. is right 接受;承认

@ acceptance n. [U] the act of accepting or being accepted 接受;认可

@  self-acceptance n. [U] the act of accepting oneself 自我接受

@ tolerance n. [U] the ability to accept or allow sth. that one does not like or agree with 包容;宽容

@ perfection n. [U] the state of being perfect or without fault 完美

@  imperfe
ction n. [C, U] the state or quality of not being perfect 不完美

@ approach v. move closer 接近,靠近
@ vt. begin to consider or deal wit

h 处理
@ n. 1.[C] a method of doing sth. or dealing with a problem 方法;途径
@ 2.[U] the act of moving closer 接近,靠近

@  hurtful a. painful to the feelings 伤感情的;刻薄的

@ argument n. 1.[C] a disagreement, esp. one that is noisy 争论,争吵
@ 2.[C] a reason given to support or oppose sth. 论据;论点

@ humor n. [U] (BrE humour) the quality of causing fun 幽默;诙谐

@ possibility n. [C, U] sth. that might happen or be true 可能(发生)的事;可能性

■ awaken v. wake up or make sb. wake up 醒来;唤醒

@ neglect vt. give little or no attention to 忽视,忽略
@ n. [U] failure to look after sth. or sb. properly 忽略,疏忽

Phrases and Expressions
@ as a result because of sth. that has happened 结果是

@ in turn 1.as a result of sth. 因此,转而
@ 2.one after the other, esp. in a particular order 依次;轮流

@ tap into understand sth. such as people's ideas, beliefs or attitudes 了解

@ get ahead make progress or be successful 取得进步;成功

@ look to depend on sb. to do sth. 依赖;指望

@ feel like feel as if 感觉好像;似乎

@ the way (used to introduce a clause) in the way that 以...方式,以...方法

@ sound like seem 听起来;似乎

@ rather than instead of 而不是

@ point of view a particular way of seeing or judging a situation, person, event, etc. 观点,意见

@ as opposed to used to compare two things and show they are different from each other 与...对照;而不是

@ get across (cause to) become understood or accepted (被)理解;(被)接受

@ be concerned about give one's attention to or worry about sb. or sth. 担心

@ check in 1.(AmE) call a person to say where one is and what one is doing 打电话报平安
@ 2.report one's arrival, as at a hotel desk, airport, etc. 登记入住;办登机手续

@ put sth. away put sth. where one usually keeps it 把某物收好或放好

@ lose one's cool lose one's calmness and self-control 失去冷静

@ awaken sb. to sth. make sb. aware of sth. 使某人意识到某事
New Words
@ lean vi. 1. be against a wall or other surface 倚,靠
@ 2. bend in a certain direction 倾斜,倾向,偏向

@ balance n. 1. [U] mental or emotional calm 平静,镇静
@ 2. [U] a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread so as not to fall 平衡,均衡
@ v. (cause to) be even and keep in balance (使)平衡,(使)均衡
@ vt. consider in relation to sth. else; compare 权衡,比较

@ severe a. 1. very bad or s
erious 恶劣的,严重的;剧烈的
@ 2. strict or hard in thinking or treatment 严格的,严肃的,严厉的

@  severely ad. in a strict way 严重地;严格地,严厉地

@ cri

pple vt. make sb. unable to walk or move properly 使跛,使残废
@ n. [C] sb. who is physically disabled, esp. unable to walk 跛子,瘸子

@ inward a. 1. located within; inside, esp. in the mind or spirit 在内的,内部的(尤指头脑中、精神上)
@ 2. going toward the inside 向内的

@  inwardly ad. in mind or spirit 内心(或精神)方面

@ bother vt. make sb. feel worried or upset 使苦恼
@ vi. make an effort to do sth. 尽力,费心

@ coordinate vt. cause different parts, body parts, etc. to work together very well 使协调

@ halt v. stop 暂停,中断,中止
@ n. [sing.] a stop or pause 暂停,中断,中止

@ impatient a. 1. easily annoyed; not patient 不耐烦的,没有耐心的
@ 2. very eager to do sth. or for sth. to happen; anxious 急切的,渴望的

@ pace n. 1. [sing.] speed of walking or running 步速;走(跑)的速度
@ 2. [sing.] the speed at which sth. happens 速度,速率;节奏
@ vi. walk with slow, regular, even steps 踱步,慢步走

@ adjust v. (to) become or make suited (to new conditions) (使)适应

@ subway n. 1. [C] (AmE) a railway under the ground in a city 地铁
@ 2. [C] (BrE) a path for walking under a road or railway 地下通道,人行隧道

@ despite prep. in spite of 尽管,不管

@ nasty a. 1. unpleasant; horrible; disgusting 令人不快的,令人厌恶的
@ 2. unkind 不友善的,恶意的

@ wagon n. 1. [C] a kind of cart for children 儿童手推车
@ 2. [C] a four-wheeled box for carrying heavy loads, pulled by horses or oxen 四轮运货马(牛)车

@ cling vi. (clung, clung)
@ 1. (to) hold sb. or sth. tightly 抱住,抓紧
@ 2. (to) continue to believe or do sth. 坚持,忠于

@ rail n. [C] a bar that is fixed along or around sth. 栏杆,护栏

@  handrail n. [C] a long bar that is fixed to the side of stairs for people to hold while walking up and down (楼梯等的)扶手,栏杆

@ tunnel n. [C] a passage under the ground dug for cars, trains, etc. to go through 隧道

@ amaze vt. surprise sb. greatly 使惊异;使惊讶

@ subject vt. (to) cause to experience sth. unpleasant 使遭受(痛苦等),使蒙受

@ stress n. 1. [C, U] continuous feelings of worry 持续的压力,忧虑,紧张
@ 2. [U] special attention or importance 强调,重视
@ vt. give particular importance to 强调,重视

@ complaint n. [C, U] a written or spoken statement in which sb. complains about sth. 投诉;意见

@ envy n. 1. [U] the feeling of wanting sth. that sb. else has 妒忌;羡慕
@ 2. [U] object of envy 妒忌的对象,羡慕的目标
@ vt. have the unhappy feeling of wanting sth. that sb. else has 羡慕;妒忌

@ owner n. [C] a p

erson to whom sth. belongs 物主,所有人

@ precise a. exact, clear and correct 精确的;准确的

@  precisely ad. exactly; just 准确地,精确地

@ engage vi. (in) take part in or be involved in sth. 参与,参加
@ vt. 1. employ sb. to do a particular job 雇用,聘用
@ 2. attract sb.'s attention and keep them interested 使全神贯注;引起注意

@ local a. belonging to a particular place or district 地方的,当地的,本地的
@ n. [C] sb. who lives in the place talked about 当地人

@ knowledgeable a. knowing a lot 知识渊博的

@ occasion n. 1. [C] a time at which sth. happens (事件发生的)时刻,时机
@ 2. [sing.] a suitable or right time (适当的)时机,机会
@ This is not an occasion for fun and games. 这可不是寻开心的时候。
@ I'll buy one if the occasion arises. 如果有机会我就会买一个。

@ punch vt. 1. hit hard with the fist 用拳猛击
@ 2. make a hole in sth. using a metal tool 打孔

@ shove v. push roughly 推挤,推撞

@ content a. satisfied and happy 满足的,满意的

@ aid vt. give help or support 帮助,援助
@ n. [U] help 帮助,援助

@  unaided a. without help 无助的;独立的

@ kid v. make jokes about sb. in a friendly way 开玩笑

@ urge vt. strongly suggest that sb. does sth. 竭力劝告;敦促
@ n. [C] a strong wish or need 强烈愿望,迫切需求

@ dive n. 1. [C] the act of pretending to be struck down to the ground in boxing (拳击中)假装被击倒
@ 2. [C] an act of jumping into water with head and arms going in first 跳水,潜水
@ vi. jump into water with head and arms going in first 跳水,潜水

@ reluctance n. [U] unwillingness to do sth. 不愿,勉强

@ worthy a. 1. deserving respect 值得尊敬的;高尚的
@ 2. (of) deserving sth. 值得的,应得的

@  unworthy a. not honest or morally wrong 不诚实的;卑鄙的

@ regret vt. feel sorry about sth. one has done 后悔;遗憾
@ n. [U] a feeling of sadness about sth. that has happened 后悔;遗憾

@ complain v. say that one is not satisfied with sth. 抱怨,诉苦

@ trifle n. [C] sth. that has little value or importance 无价值的东西;琐事

@ envious a. (of) wanting sth. that sb. else has 妒忌的,羡慕的

Phrases and Expressions
@ lean on depend on 依靠

@ grow up develop from being a child to being an adult 成长,长大

@ let on tell sb. sth., esp. sth. that has been kept secret 泄露,透露

@ start out begin going somewhere 出发

@ make it 1.manage to ar
rive somewhere on time 及时赶到
@ 2.be successful at sth. 办到,做到

@ even if although 即使,虽然

@ on one's way (to) while going somewhere


@ even though in spite of the fact that; even if 虽说,即使

@ break out begin to happen 突然发生,爆发

@ on leave away from work or duty 休假

@ see (to it) that make sure that sth. is done 务必做到

Proper Names
@ Brooklyn 布鲁克林(美国纽约市行政区名)

@ Manhattan 曼哈顿(美国纽约市行政区名,由曼哈顿岛等构成)

@ Ebbets Field 埃贝茨棒球场

@ Dodgers 道奇队(纽约一棒球队名)
New Words
@ elderly a. old or becoming old 年长的,上年纪的

@ collapse vi. 1. (of a person) fall down and become ill or unconscious 病倒,昏倒
@ 2. (of a building, wall, etc.) fall down suddenly 倒塌,塌陷
@ n. 1. [U] the act of falling down suddenly 倒塌;塌陷
@ 2. [C, U] a sudden failure in the way sth. works 突然失败;崩溃

@ ambulance n. [C] a vehicle equipped to carry sick or injured people to hospital 救护车

@ county n. [C] an area that has its own local government in some countries 县;郡

@ locate vt. 1. be in a particular place 设置于;位于
@ 2. discover the exact place of sb. or sth. 确定...的位置

@ emergency n. [C, U] sudden serious event or situation that must be dealt with immediately 紧急事件,紧急情况

@  emergency room a special room in hospitals where doctors try to save people who are in critical condition (医院)急诊室

@ marine n. [C] a soldier trained to fight on land or sea 海军陆战队员
@ a. 1. of, near, living in the sea 海里的,海生的
@ 2. of ships and their goods and trade at sea 海运的,海事的

@ apparent a. 1. easy to see or understand; very clear 明显的,显而易见的
@ 2. seeming; unreal 貌似的;表面上的

@  apparently ad. according to how sth. looks; seemingly 表面上,看上去像

@ corps n. [C] a trained army group with special duties and responsibilities 特殊部队,特种部队

@ vehicle n. [C] a thing such as a car, truck, or cart used for carrying goods or passengers 交通工具;车辆

@ marsh n. [C] an area of soft wet land 沼泽(地带),湿地

@ military a. of or for the army, navy or air force 军事的,军队的

@ sole a. one and only; single 唯一的,仅有的

@ enable vt. make sb. able to do sth. 使能够;使可以

@ lobby n. [C] an outer room, entrance hall, or room before main room(s) 门廊,门厅;接待室

@ extend vt. 1. stretch out one's arms or legs 伸开,展开
@ 2. make longer or larger in space or time 使(在空间或时间上)扩大;延长
@ vi. continue for a particular distance or a ce
rtain period of time 延伸;延续

@ wrap vt. 1. put one's arms or hands around sth. 搂住;握住
@ 2. put paper or cloth over sth. to cover it 包


@ limp a. lacking strength or energy 无力的,没精神的
@ vi. walk with difficulty because of an injured leg or foot 一瘸一拐地走

@ squeeze vt. press sth. firmly with one's hands 挤;压;捏
@ v. get into or fit sth. into a small space 挤进;塞入

@ encouragement n. [U] the quality or act of encouraging 鼓励

@ dim a. 1. fairly dark, not bright 暗的;朦胧的
@ 2. (of chances) not good or not likely to happen (成功的机会等)暗淡的;渺茫的

@  dimly ad. in a dim way 模糊地;朦胧地

@ occasional a. happening, but not often or regularly 偶尔的,偶然的

@  occasionally ad. sometimes; not often or regularly 偶然地,有时

@ bang v. knock or hit hard with a loud noise 猛击,猛撞
@ n. [C] a sudden loud noise; a sharp knock or blow 猛击(声);猛撞(声)

@ staff n. [sing., U] the people who work for an organization 员工,全体工作人员

@ exchange vt. give sth. and receive sth. at the same time 交换;交流

@ moan n. [C] a long low sound, usually of pain or unhappiness 呻吟

@ breathe v. take air into the lungs and send it out again 呼吸

@ inform vt. tell sb. about sth. 通知,告诉,报告

@ sympathy n. [U] the feeling of being sorry for sb. who is in a bad situation 同情,怜悯

@ interrupt v. stop sb. from what they are saying or doing 打扰,打断;插话
@ vt. make sth. stop for a period of time 使中断;使暂停

@ startle vt. give sb. a shock or surprise 使大吃一惊,使吓一跳

@ exit v. leave a place 退出;退场
@ n. [C] a way out 出口

@ personnel n. 1. [U] the department in an organization that deals with workers, esp. with their hiring and benefits 人事部门
@ 2. (pl.) people who work for a company, organization, etc. 全体人员,员工

Phrases and Expressions
@ come to become conscious again 苏醒,恢复知觉

@ now and again/then at times; sometimes 不时地,有时候

@ call for demand; ask to see 要求

@ set out start a journey 出发

@ for a while for a period of time 一会儿,一段时间

@ pay attention to watch, listen to, think about sb. or sth. very carefully 注意,关注

@ hold to 1. hold sth. tightly 握住,抓住
@ 2. keep believing in an idea or a principle 坚信;忠于

@ with that after doing that 接着,随即

@ turn out happen in a particular way or have a particular result 结果是,证明是

Proper Names
@ North Carolina 北卡罗来纳州(美国州名)
New Words
@ impression n. [C] an opinion or feeling about sb. or s
th. 印象

@ conscious a. 1. noticing or realizing sth. 有意识的;意识到的
@ 2. awake and knowing what is happening around 清醒的;有知觉的

@  con

sciously ad. aware of having done sth. 有意识地;有知觉地

@ reaction n. [C] the way a person or thing responds to sth. 反应

@ range vi. vary between certain limits (在一定范围内)变动,变化
@ 1. [sing.] the area of power, responsibility, etc. that sb. has (职责等的)范围
@ 2. [sing., U] the distance over which sth. can be sent, heard or seen (视觉、听觉的)范围;射程

@ introduction n. 1. [C] the act of telling people each other's names when they first meet 介绍,引见
@ 2. [U] the act of bringing sth. into use for the first time 引进,采用

@ spouse n. [C] a husband or wife 配偶

@ interview n. 1. [C, U] a formal meeting at which people are asked questions in order to find out whether they are suitable for a job, course of study, etc. 面试
@ 2. [C] an occasion when people are asked questions about their lives, experiences, or opinions for a newspaper, TV program, etc. 采访,访谈
@ vt. ask sb. questions during an interview 面试;采访

@ encounter n. [C] a meeting with sb. by chance 意外(或偶然)相遇
@ vt. meet sb. or sth. without planning to 意外遇到;遭遇

@ focus v. (on) give special attention to one particular person or thing 使(注意力等)集中
@ n. [sing.] the thing, person, situation, etc. that people pay special attention to 中心,集中点

★ persuasive a. able to make other people believe or do sth. 有说服力的,能使人相信的

@ presentation n. [C] an event at which a person describes or explains a product or idea 描述,陈述

@ physical a. 1. having to do with one's body 身体的,肉体的
@ 2. having to do with things that can be seen 物质的,有形的

@ rate n. 1. [C] the speed at which sth. happens 速度
@ 2. [C] the number of times sth. happens within a certain period 比率,率

@ pitch n. [U] the highness or lowness of a voice or a musical note 声音或音调的高低度

@ tone n. [C] the sound of sb.'s voice that shows what they are feeling 声调;语气,口气

@ absorbed a. so interested in sth. that one does not notice anything else 专注的;全神贯注的

■ how-to a. (infml.) giving information on how to do a particular thing 提供入门知识的;教你怎样做的

@ stride vi. (strode, stridden) walk with long steps 大踏步走,阔步行进

@ n. [C] a long step 大步

@ impress vt. make sb. feel admiration and respect 给...留下深刻的印象

@ shake n. [C] an act of moving sth. up and down or from side to side 摇动,摇晃

@  handshake n. [C] the act of shaking sb.'s hand 握手

@ consiste
nt a. always having the same opinions, standards, behavior, etc. 一致的;一贯的

@  consistently adv. in a consistent way 一致地;一贯地

@ addres

s vt. make a formal speech to a large group of people 向...作正式讲话, 对...发表演说

@ match vt. be suitable for a particular person, thing, or situation 和...相一致,和...相配

@ depress vt. make sb. feel unhappy 使抑郁,使沮丧

@  depressed a. very unhappy 抑郁的,沮丧的

@ audience n. [C] a group of people who watch or listen to a play, concert, speech, etc. 观众,听众

@ contact n. 1. [U] a state in which two people or things touch each other 接触
@ 2. [U] communication with a person, organization, etc. 联系;交往

@ relax v. make or become less worried or annoyed (使)放松,(使)轻松

@  relaxed a. feeling calm and not worried or annoyed 松弛的,放松的

■ lighten v. 1. make or become more cheerful (使)轻松,(使)愉快
@ 2. make or become less heavy or forceful (使)减轻,(使)放松

@ powerful a. 1. able to influence or control what people do or think 有影响力的;能控制他人的
@ 2. physically strong 强壮的,强健有力的

@ entertainment n. [C, U] things that are intended to amuse or interest people 娱乐;供消遣的东西

@ roar vi. make a loud noise by laughing or shouting 大声叫喊,咆哮;大笑

★ brood vi. think and worry about sth. a lot 沉思;担忧

Phrases and Expressions
@ make up one's mind make up one's mind make a decision 下定决心,打定主意

@ range from... to... vary from... to... (在一定范围内)从...到...变化,变动

@ be committed to be willing to work hard at sth. 献身于,投入于

@ be absorbed in be so involved in an activity that one cannot think about other things 全神贯注于,专心于

@ fix one's eyes on look at a thing or person carefully 凝视,盯住看

@ drive sb. crazy make sb. feel very angry or annoyed 逼得某人发疯

@ at one's best in the best state 处于最佳状态

@ lighten up (used to tell sb.) not to be so serious about sth. 放轻松;别太当真

@ take sb. or sth. seriously think sb. or sth. is important and should be given attention to 认为某人或某物重要

Proper Names
@ Ailes 艾尔斯(人名)
New Words
@ statement n. [C] sth. one says or writes 说法,叙述;声明

@ snap a. done quickly and suddenly 匆忙的,仓促的

@ judgment n. (BrE judgement)
@ 1. [C, U] an opinion 看法,意见;判断
@ 2. [U] the ability to make wise decisions about what to do and when to do it 判断力;识别力

@ seemingly ad. in a way it appears 从表面上看起来;似乎是

@ instant a. happening immediately 立即的,即刻的

@ sign n. 1. [C] an event, fact, etc. that shows sth. is happening or exists 迹象;标志
@ 2. [C] a piece of paper, metal, or wood with wo

rds or a picture that gives people warnings or instructions 招牌,指示牌

▲ immaturity n. [U] the quality of behaving in a way that is typical of sb. much younger 不成熟

@ lack n. [sing., U] (of) the state of not having any or enough of sth. 缺乏;不足
@ vt. not have any or enough of sth. 没有;缺乏

@ assume vt. think that sth. is true even though one has no evidence 假定,想当然认为

@ acquaint vt. make sb. or oneself familiar with or aware of 使认识,使了解

★ behavioral a. (BrE behavioural) relating to the way sb. behaves 行为的

@ estimate vt. judge the value, size, cost, etc. of sth. 估计,判断

@  overestimate vt. think sth. is better or higher than it really is 过高估计;过高评价

@ obvious a. easy to notice or understand 显然的,明显的

@ partial a. not complete 部分的;不完全的

@  partially ad. partly; not completely 部分地;不完全地

@ account vi. 1. (for) explain or give a reason for 作出解释,提出理由,说明
@ 2. (for) form a particular amount or part of sth. (在数量、比例方面)占
@ n. 1. [C] a report or description of sth. that has happened 记述,描述;报告
@ 2. [C] the plan by which a bank looks after money for sb. 账户

@ imagine vt. 1. form a picture or idea in the mind 想象,设想
@ 2. think; believe 认为,以为

@ briefcase n. [C] a flat case for carrying papers or documents 公文包

@ rub vt. press and move one thing against another 擦,磨擦

@ behavior n. [U] (BrE behaviour) the way one acts or behaves 行为,举止

@ aggressive a. 1. ready or likely to fight or argue 挑衅的;侵略的
@ 2. determined to succeed or get what one wants 积极进取的

@ resent vt. feel angry about sth. unfair 对...表示忿恨;怨恨

@  resentful a. feeling angry about sth. unfair 充满忿恨的;怨恨的

@ function n. [C, U] the purpose that sth. has 功能;作用;用途

@ status n. [U] sb.'s social or work position 地位;身份

@ aspiration n. [C] (usu. pl.) a strong desire to have or do sth. 强烈的愿望;志向

@  definitely ad. without any doubt 无疑地;肯定地

@ project vt. show or present oneself or one's qualities in a certain way 使(自己的特点)呈现;表现(自己)
@ n. 1. [C] a carefully planned piece of work 计划,规划;工程
@ 2. [C] a piece of study or research 科研项目;课题

@ promote vt. 1. raise sb. to a higher position 提升,晋升
@ 2. help sth. to develop or increase 促进,增进

@ ornament n. [C] sth. add
ed to make sth. else look better 装饰品;点缀品

@ jewel n. [C] 宝石;宝石饰物;首饰

@ means n. [C] (pl. means) a way of doing or achieving sth. 方法,


@ conviction n. [C] a very strong belief or opinion 坚定的信仰;确信

@ campaign n. [C] a series of things aimed to produce a particular result 运动

@ religious a. 1. relating to religion 宗教的
@ 2. having a strong belief in one's religion 笃信宗教的,虔诚的

@ token n. [C] sth. that stands for or is a sign of sth. else 标志,象征

@ membership n. [U] the state of being a member 会员身份,会员资格

@ badge n. [C] 徽章;证章

@ economic a. relating to trade, industry, and the management of money 经济的

@ architecture n. [U] the style and design of a building 建筑式样,建筑风格

@ rigid a. strict 严格的,死板的

@ norm n. 1. (~s) generally accepted standards of social behavior (行为)准则;(道德)规范
@ 2. [C] sth. that is usual or normal 标准;准则;规范

@ style n. [C] the particular way that sb. does sth. 方式,风格

@  lifestyle n. [C, U] the way one lives 生活方式

Phrases and Expressions
@ the minute as soon as 一...就...

@ find out discover 找出,查明,发现

@ in relation to relating to; concerning 有关,关于

@ become acquainted with get to know sth. or sb. 与...相识,了解

@ pick up get a skill, language, a piece of information, etc. by chance 学会;得到

@ in part to some degree; partly 在某种程度上,部分地

@ be/feel at home be/feel comfortable or relaxed in a place or situation 感到无拘束

@ be content with be satisfied or happy with 对...感到满足

@ a wealth of a large number or quantity of 大量的,丰富的

@ after all 1. used for saying that sth. is true despite what was said before 终究;最终还是
@ 2. used to say that sth. should be remembered or considered 毕竟

Proper Names
@ Phi Beta Kappa PBK联谊会(美国大学优秀生和毕业生的荣誉组织,成立于1776年),PBK联谊会会员
New Words
@ AIDS n. [U] Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病)

@ acquire vt. get or gain sth. 获得

@ immune a. 1. safe from a disease or illness 免疫的
@ 2. not affected by sth. 不受影响的

@ deficiency n. [C, U] the state of having none or not enough of 不足;缺乏

★ syndrome n. [C] an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problems 综合征

@ diagnose vt. find out what illness sb. has by examining them 诊断

@ infect vt. 1. cause sb. to have a disease 感染
@ 2. affect; influence 影响;感染

@ HIV n. [U] human immunodeficiency virus 艾滋病病毒,人体免疫缺陷病毒

virus n. 1. [C] a living thing which can cause a disease 病毒
@ 2. [C] a program that enters a computer and destroys information 计算机病毒

@ rural a. of or like the countryside 农村的;乡村的

@ constitute vt. make up; form 组成,构成

@ segment n. [C] a part of sth. 部分

@ alarm vt. cause sudden fear or worry 使惊恐,使担心
@ n. 1. [U] sudden fear and worry 惊慌
@ 2. [C] a piece of equipment that warns people about danger, the time, etc. 报警器;闹钟

@  alarming a. frightening or worrying 令人惊恐的;令人担心的

@ federal a. 联邦的,联邦制的

@ implement vt. carry out or put certain decisions into practice 实施,执行

@ organization n. (BrE organisation)
@ 1. [C] a group of people with a special purpose 组织,机构
@ 2. [U] the adjusting or planning of parts so as to form an effective whole 组织,安排

@ emerge vi. appear or come out from somewhere 浮现,出现

@ network n. 1. [C] a group of people that are connected or work together 人际关系网,联络网
@ 2. [C] a system of lines, wires, roads, etc. that are connected to each other 网络

@ combat vt. take action to stop sth. bad or harmful 与...斗争
@ n. [U] fighting, esp. during a war 战斗

@ resource n. [C] (usu. pl.) sth. that can be used to increase wealth or help achieve sth. 资源

@ creative a. producing new ideas or things 创造性的,有创造力的

@  creatively ad. in a creative way 创造性地,有创造力地

@  educational a. connected with education 教育的;与教育相关的

@ client n. [C] sb. who pays for the services or advice of a professional person or organization 客户,顾客

@ publication n. 1. [C] sth. published, such as a book or magazine 出版物
@ 2. [U] the act of making sth. known to the public; the process of getting sth. published 公布;发表;出版

@ appointment n. [C] an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place for a particular purpose 约会,约定

@ educate vt. teach or train sb., esp. at school 教育;训练

@  stylist n. [C] sb. who cuts or arranges people's hair as their job 发型师

@ literacy n. [U] the ability to read and write 有文化;识字

@ literature n. 1. [U] printed material about a subject 资料
@ 2. [U] written works which are of artistic value 文学

@ solve vt. find an answer to or a way of dealing with a problem 解决;解答

@ illustrate vt. show the meaning of sth. by giving pictures or examples 说明

@ establish vt. start a school, an organization, etc. 建立,创办

■ buster n. [U] (infml.) sb. or sth. that ends a situation or stops an activity 克星

@ risk n. [C, U] the possibility that sth.
bad or dangerous may happen 危险性;风险
@ vt. put sth. in a situation in which it could be lost, destroyed, or harmed 使遭受(失去、毁坏、或伤害)的危险


pressure n. [C, U] a way of living or working which causes a lot of anxiety 压力

@ define vt. give the meaning of; describe exactly 下定义;描述

@  redefine vt. consider and explain sth. in a new way 重新说明

▲ marital a. connected with marriage 婚姻的

@ plague vt. cause pain, suffering, or trouble to sb., esp. for a long period of time 折磨;使苦恼
@ n. [C] a disease that spreads quickly to a large number of people and causes death 瘟疫;传染病

@ establishment n. [C] an organization or institution, esp. a business, shop, etc. 机构,单位

@ emphasize vt. (BrE emphasise) give particular importance or attention to sth. 强调

@ regardless ad. without being affected or influenced by sth. 无论如何,不管怎样

@ solution n. [C] a way of solving a problem 解决办法;解答

@ crisis n. [C, U] an urgent, difficult or dangerous situation 危机;紧急关头

@ cure n. 1. [C] a medical treatment to end an illness 治愈,治疗
@ 2. [C] a solution to a problem (解决问题的)办法,措施
@ vt. 1. stop sb. from being affected by an illness 治愈,痊愈
@ 2. solve a problem or improve a bad situation 解决问题;改善状况

@ represent vt. 1. be sth. 表示,应视为
@ 2. be a sign or symbol of sth. 表示,象征
@ 3. act or speak officially for another person or group of people 代表

@ epidemic n. [C] a widely or rapidly spreading disease 流行病,传染病

@ threaten vt. 1. be likely to harm or destroy sth. 威胁到,危害到
@ 2. say that you will cause sb. harm or trouble if they do not do what you want 威胁,恐吓

@ racial a. connected with race 种族的

@ distract vt. take sb.'s attention away from sth. 使转移注意力,使分心

@ efficiency n. [U] the quality of doing sth. well and effectively 效率;功效

@  inefficiency n. [U] the quality of being unable to do a task effectively 效率低下,无效

@  undeclared a. not officially announced 未正式宣布的

Phrases and Expressions
@ be infected with make sb. get a disease 感染(疾病)

@ in place of instead of 代替

@ suffer from experience sth. unpleasant, e.g., an illness 受...之苦,患(某种疾病)

@ hand out give sth. to each person in a group 分发,散发

@ set up start a company, organization, etc. 建立,创立(公司、机构等)

@ at risk in danger 有危险,有风险

@ regardless of without being affected or influenced by 不顾,不管

@ guard against prevent sth. from happening 防止...发生

@ wipe out destroy or get rid of sth. completely 彻

@ distract sb. from sth. take sb.'s attention from sth. 使分心

@ sign up for put one's name on a list to take part in sth. 报名参加

Proper Names
@ Latino 拉丁美洲人
New Words
@ commence v. begin or start 开始

@ thrust vt. push sth. somewhere roughly 猛推;猛塞

@ apart ad. being separated from each other 分开地

@ initial a. happening at the beginning 起初的,开始的

@  initially ad. at the beginning 起初,起先

@ intense a. having a very strong effect or felt very strongly 强烈的,剧烈的

@ bleed vi. (bled, bled) lose blood 流血

@ haste n. [U] great speed in doing sth., esp. because time is limited 匆忙

@ trial n. 1. [C] (~s) a sports competition in which people are tested and chosen for a later competition 预赛,选拔赛
@ 2. [C, U] a process of examining a case in court 审判
@ 3. [C, U] a process of testing to find out quality, value, etc. 试验,检验

@ significant a. very important 重要的;意义重大的

★ endanger vt. put sb. or sth. in danger 使...处于险境

@ spill vt. accidentally pour a liquid out of a container 使溢出;使溅出
@ vi. (of a liquid) flow out of the edge of a container 溢出;溅出

■ adoption n. 1. [C, U] the act of adopting a child 收养
@ 2. [U] the act of starting to use a plan, method, etc. 采用

@ explore vt. discuss or think about sth. carefully 探讨,研究
@ v. travel around an area to look for sth. such as oil, minerals, etc. 探索,探测

@ mug vt. attack and rob sb. in a public place 对...行凶抢劫

@ prior a. 1. (to) before 在...之前
@ 2. happening or existing before a particular time 事先的,预先的

■ springboard n. [C] a strong board for jumping on or off, used for diving or doing gym 跳板

@ unfortunately ad. with regret or sad feelings 不幸地;遗憾地

@ coach n. [C] a person who trains people in sports for games, matches, etc. 教练
@ vt. train or teach; give instruction or advice to 训练,指导,辅导

@ assist v. help sb. to do sth. 帮助,协助

@ enjoyable a. giving sb. pleasure 令人愉快的,可享受的

@ triumph n. [C] an important victory or success after a difficult struggle 胜利,成功
@ vi. (over) gain a victory or success after a difficult struggle 获胜,成功,击败

@ partner n. 1. [C] a person one is married to or having a sexual relation with 配偶,(性)伴侣
@ 2. [C] a person that sb. does a particular activity with 伙伴,搭档

@ confuse vt. make sb. feel they do not understand sth. 使困惑,使糊涂

@ vapor vt. [C] (BrE vapour) a form like a gas which is made up of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air 蒸气

@  vaporize v. (BrE v
aporise) (cause to) change from a liquid into a vapor; disappear (使)变成蒸气;(使)蒸发;消失

@ compete vi. take part and try to win in a competition


@ scare vt. make sb. feel frightened 惊吓,使惊恐

@ repetition n. [U] doing or saying the same thing many times 重复

@ confident a. having belief in one's power or ability 自信的,相信的

@  scoreboard n. [C] a board on which the score of a game is recorded (体育比赛)记分牌

@ leap vi. jump high into the air, often landing in a different place 跳,跳跃

@ quit v. stop (doing sth.) 停止,放弃

Phrases and Expressions
@ in haste quickly or in a hurry 匆忙地

@ call sb. names say sth. nasty or insulting about sb. 骂某人

@ have a shot at sth. have an attempt to do sth. or achieve sth. 尝试,企图,努力做某事

@ take first place be the first or top, esp. in a match 获得第一名

@ for fear (that) for fear of sth.; in case sb. makes sth. bad happen 担心,生怕

@ start with begin with 从...开始

Proper Names
@ Olympics (the O~) 奥林匹克运动会

@ Seoul 首尔 (韩国首都,前称汉城)

@ Samoan 萨摩亚人

@ Ron O'Brien 罗恩?奥布赖恩 (人名)
New Words
@  trashman n. [C] a person who deals with trash 垃圾清理工

@ haul vt. pull or move sth. from one place to another 拖,拉;拖运

@ trash n. [U] (AmE) waste matter; rubbish 垃圾,废物

@ continuous a. happening or existing without stopping 连续的,不断的

@  continuously ad. without stopping 连续地,不断地

@ wicked a. extremely bad or evil 极坏的,邪恶的

@  wickedly ad. badly; extremely 非常地

@ barrel n. [C] a round container with flat bottom 桶

@ tremble vi. shake slightly 颤抖,发抖

@ dump vt. drop carelessly; throw away 倾倒;抛弃
@ n. [C] a place for dumping waste 垃圾场

@ route n. [C] a way from one place to another 路线

@ outdoor a. happening or done outside 户外的

@ outdoors ad. outside; in the open air 在户外;在野外

@ greenhouse n. [C] a glass building for growing plants 温室

@ lengthy a. very long 冗长的,过长的

@ civilize vt. (BrE civilise) make sb. behave in a more polite way 使有教养,使文明

@  civilized a. polite and reasonable 文明的,有礼的

@ register v. 1. realize or notice sth. 意识到;注意到
@ 2. put one's name on a list 登记;注册

@ retreat vi. move back or away 后退;撤离
@ n. [sing., U] the act of retreating 后退;撤离

@ indoors ad. into or inside a building 在室内

@ peculiar a. 1. strange 奇怪的,罕见的
@ 2. typical of a particular person, place, etc. 独特的

@ rage v. shou
t angrily (at sb.) 大怒;怒吼
@ n. [C, U] a strong feeling of anger 大怒,发火

@ spontaneous a. happening by itself without being planned 自发的


@  spontaneously ad. in a way that happens naturally 自发地

@ monster n. [C] a creature that is ugly and frightening 怪物,妖怪

@ graduate vi. complete one's studies and receive a certificate or diploma 毕业
@ n. [C] sb. who has finished their studies at a high school, college or university 毕业生

@  garbageman n. [C] (also garbage man) trashman 垃圾工

@ folk n. 1. (~s) (esp. AmE) one's parents and family 家人;亲属
@ 2. (also ~s) people in general 人,人们
@ a. traditional and typical of people who live in a particular area 民间的;民俗的

@ boast v. talk too proudly about one's abilities, achievements, etc. 夸口,吹嘘

@ yell v. shout 大叫,大喊

@ original a. 1. first; earliest 原先的,最初的
@ 2. new and different 新颖的;与众不同的

@  originally ad. in the beginning 原先,原来

@ employment n. [U] paid work 职业,工作;就业

@ muscle n. [C, U] one of the pieces of flesh inside the body 肌肉

@ sore a. painful, esp. from a wound or hard use 疼痛的

@ contrary a. opposite 相反的

@ harm n. [U] damage or hurt 伤害,损害
@ vt. hurt; cause damage to 损害,伤害

@ frank a. open and direct in speech or manner 坦诚的,直率的

@  frankly ad. honestly and directly 坦率地(说)

@ philosopher n. [C] a person who studies the nature and meaning of existence, reality, morals, etc. 哲学家

■ plumber n. [C] a person who fits and repairs water pipes 管道工

@ theory n. [U] general principles or ideas of a subject 理论

@ economist n. [C] a person who studies economics 经济学家

Phrases and Expressions
@ head to go to 去;去往

@ make the rounds go around from one place to another 逐一巡查、访问

@ go with match; suit 与...相配

@ look sb. in the eye(s) look directly at sb. 坦然正视某人

@ at the sound of as soon as one hears 一听到

@ nothing but only 只是

@ be/feel ashamed of feel embarrassed or guilty of 为...感到羞耻;为...感到惭愧

@ boast about/of speak too proudly of 吹嘘

@ stay away from keep away from; remain at a distance from 避开

@ stay at remain at 停留在

@ contrary to completely different and opposed to each other 与...相反

@ look down on/upon think that one is better or more important than sb. else 蔑视;看不起

@ be in for be going to experience (sth. unpleasant) 将遭遇

@ hold water be true or reasonable 经得起考验;可靠

@ leave behind not take sb. or sth. when leaving a place 忘记带;留下

Proper N
@ Steve 史蒂夫(人名)

@ John Gardner 约翰?加德纳 (人名)
New Words
@ acquaintance n. [C] a person that one knows but who is not a cl

