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The Painting of the Sacred Footprints of Confucius

—Thirty-Six Scenes

1、尼山致禱:孔子的父親叔梁紇與母親顏氏在尼丘山上祈禱後,第二年生下孔子。孔子生來頭頂的形狀是中間低、四周高,像尼丘山一樣,故起名叫孔丘,字仲尼。 1. Praying on Niqiu Mountain: After Confucius’ father, Shu Lianghe, and mother, Madame Yan, prayed on Niqiu Mountain, Confucius was born the next year. The crown of Confucius’ head had an indentation, looking like Niqiu Mountain. He was thus named Kong Qiu with the courtesy name Zhongni. 2、麒麟玉書:孔子還沒有出生時,有隻麒麟在他家裡口吐天降之書,上面有文字說:「水精之子,繼衰周而為素王」。孔子的母親感到很奇怪,就用繡紱繫在麒麟的角上,隔了兩夜才離去。孔子的母親懷孕十一個月才生了孔子。 2. A Qilin with an Auspicious Letter: Before the birth of Confucius, a mythical animal, a qilin came to his home. A letter from heaven came out of its mouth. The words read: “Son of Water God will be the civilian king after the decline of the Zhou dynasty.” Confucius’ mother thought it unusual. She tied a thread around its horn. The qilin left two nights later. Confucius’ mother was pregnant for eleven months before giving birth to him. 3、二龍五老:魯襄公二十二年(公元前五五一年),孔子誕生的晚上,有兩條龍從天降下,繞護著他家,五 位神仙從天上降到他家庭院中。 3. Two Dragons and Five Celestial Beings: In 551 BCE, in the evening that Confucius was born, two dragons descended from heaven and circled around his home to protect it. Five celestial beings also descended to the courtyard. 4、鈞天降聖:孔子出生時,顔氏在房中聽到天樂鳴空,還聽到空中聲音說:「天感生聖子,故降以和樂之音。」孔子生來就與凡人不同。 4. A Sage Descending from Heaven: At the birth of Confucius, his mother heard in the room music from heaven and a voice saying, “Heaven senses that a sage is born, so it sends down music.” Since birth, Confucius had differed from ordinary people. 5、俎豆禮容:孔子三歲時,父親就去世了。孔子五六歲時,跟其他小孩不同,常喜歡擺上俎豆等祭祀用品,模仿祭祀的禮儀。他有禮儀的天賦,無師自通,許多小孩都跟著他學禮,他的名聲在當時的諸侯國中不脛而走。 5. Placing Ceremonial Vessels and Imitating Ceremonial Etiquette: When Confucius was three years old, his father passed away. When he was five or six years old, he was different from other children. He liked to place ceremonial vessels on a table and imitate ceremonial etiquette. He was a natural; he needed no teacher. Many children learned etiquette from him. His name thus spread fast among the states at that time. 6、職司委吏:孔子成年後,曾做過季孫大夫家的委吏(管理倉庫的小官),稱量算數都很公正。 6. Holding the Position of a Weili: After coming of age, Confucius once worked for the Jisun Family as a weili (a low-ranking official in charge of a warehouse). He weighed and counted fairly. 7、命名榮貺:孔子十九歲成婚之後,在第二年生了兒子,魯昭公賜給他一條鯉魚,孔子為了顯耀國君的賞賜,給兒子取名孔鯉,字伯魚,用誌不忘君恩。 7. Naming in Honor of a Bestowal: Confucius married at the age of nineteen, and his son was born the next year. Duke Zhao of Lu bestowed a carp. To show the honor of the Duke’s bestowal, Confucius gave his son the formal name Kong Li [li means “carp”] and the courtesy name Boyu [yu means “fish”] to show that he would not forget the honor from the Duke. 8、職司乘田:孔子二十一歲時,曾任乘田吏,主管苑囿,負責養牛羊牲畜。孔子都能盡心做好工作。 8. Holding the Position of a Chengtian: When Confucius was twenty-one years old, he held the position of chengtian, a low-ranking official in charge of raising cattle, sheep, and livestock. He did this job well. 9、學琴師襄:孔子向師襄學習彈琴,十日不更換曲子,襄子曾三次勸他改習別的曲子,孔子分別以尚未體會此曲的韻律、志趣、和作者而推辭。後來孔子在彈奏中突然說:「非文王,誰能為此?」老師驚歎孔子的悟性,說此曲正是《文王操》。 9. Learning to Play the Qin from Shi Xiang: Confucius learned to play the qin, a musical instrument, from Shi Xiang. Confucius practiced a piece of music for ten days. Shi Xiang urged him three times to move on to another piece but he refused. First, he said he had not mastered the rhythm, then he said he had not caught the spirit of the music, and finally he said he did not know who the composer was. Later, while playing the qin, Confucius suddenly said, “Who else could have composed this piece of music but King Wen [Wen Wang]!” The teacher marveled at Confucius’ insight and said that this piece of music was indeed “Wen Wang Cao”. 10、問禮老聃:孔子三十五歲,和南宮敬叔一齊到周地去,向老子問禮,因為老子曾做過周王朝的守藏室之史(管理藏書的官吏),熟知周禮,所以孔子特向老子請教。 Learning Etiquette from Lao Dan [Laozi]: When Confucius was thirty-five years old, he and Nangong Jingshu went to the land of Zhou to ask Laozi about ceremonies. Laozi was once an official in charge of the imperial library in the Zhou dynasty and was well versed in the Zhou ceremonies. Therefore, Confucius made a special effort to ask Laozi. 11、在齊聞韶:孔子三十五歲時,到了齊國,和齊國太師談論音樂,聽了傳說舜作的樂曲韶樂,沉醉其中,以至三個月吃飯都不知肉的味道。 11. Hearing Shao Music in Qi: When Confucius was thirty-five years old, he went to the State of Qi. One day, Confucius discussed music with the Minister of Music of Qi and heard Shao music, which was reportedly composed by King Shun. Confucius was so intoxicated by the music that for three months he was unaware of the taste of the meat he ate. 12、晏嬰沮封:孔子在齊國,齊景公問孔子如何治理國家,孔子建議他節省財力。齊景公很高興,想把尼谿的田地封賜給孔子,但遭到大臣晏嬰的反對,於是孔子離 開齊國,返回魯國。 12. Yan Ying Opposing the Bestowal of Land: When Confucius was in Qi, Duke Jing asked him how to properly rule the state. Confucius suggested that the Duke should be thrifty with financial resources. Very pleased, Duke Jing wanted to bestow the farmlands in Nixi on Confucius. But Minister Yan Ying opposed the bestowal. Confucius then left Qi and returned to Lu. 13、退修詩書:魯定公六年時,季孫氏僭越公室,大臣們掌握了祭祀、征伐等國家政事,孔子當時四十八歲,看不慣這種禮崩樂壞的局面,不求做官,專心修詩書,定禮樂。當時弟子來求學的很多。 13. Retiring to Edit Book of Poetry and Book of History: During the sixth year into the reign of Duke Ding of Lu, the Jisun Family usurped the authority of the Duke. The ministers controlled the state affairs, such as memorial ceremonies and military campaigns. Confucius was then forty-eight years old. He could not bear to see the collapse of the state system, so he did not seek a government position any more. Instead, he concentrated on editing Book of Poetry, Book of History, Book of Rites, and Book of Music. At that time, many people came to study with him. 14、夾谷會齊:魯定公十年夏,齊魯兩國國君相會於夾谷。齊國演奏四方之樂,孔子說兩君相會,不能用夷狄之樂,迫使齊景公撤走樂舞;齊國又演奏宮中之樂,孔子批評說匹夫惑亂諸侯,迫使齊景公處罰樂人。由於孔子的智慧,使魯國在外交上取得了一次勝利。 14. Meeting the Duke of Qi in Jiagu: In summer 500 BCE, the Duke of Qi and the Duke of Lu met in Jiagu. The musicians of Qi played barbarian music. Confucius said that barbarian music should not be played when dukes (note to Stephen: “dukes”denote a general term

