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CHX-I Documentation

Introduction 介绍

In its default configuration the packet/payload filter does not impose any security restrictions on any type of traffic.


The CHX suite of tools is not a personal firewall and should not be used by those expecting out-of-the box security configurations or unfamiliar with TCP/IP networking and IP security in general. Several configuration templates are provided to assist first time users in grasping CHX-I filtering concepts. These templates can be obtained in the download area.


First time users are encouraged to make extensive use of the available logging features (and the GoTo Related Filter feature) when debugging their CHX IP security policies.


The packet filter cannot facilitate address/port translation in gateway environments. The CHX-I NAT module was designed to provide this functionality as either a stand alone or add-on to the packet filter management console.


The payload filter extends the functionality of the packet filter by inspecting and editing TCP/UDP/ICMP data. The payload filter can trigger permissive or prohibitive packet filter rules as


well as other payload rules (chained payload rule sets).


The CHX suite of network and security tools can be deployed on gateways (e.g. bridge, router, NAT) or distributed on servers/workstations.

CHX网络和安全软件包可以被配置在网关模式下(如:桥接、路由、NAT模式),也可以在服务器/工作站上使用。 Upgrades From 2.x Notes

General upgrade(from 2.x) notes: 升级到3.0的注意事项:

- prior to installing CHX 3.0 please un-install any previous versions of the packet filter.

- 请先卸载原来版本的包过滤器,再直接安装CHX3.0即可

- you can import 2.x filter sets (.sfd or .cff files)

- 可以直接把2.x版的过滤规则导入到3.0中(从2.x中导出的*.sfd或者*.cff文件)

- If Allow or Deny All was used in the previous version's policies then an additional packet filter rule MUST be added allowing ARP traffic.

- 如果Allow All或者Deny All这两个规则在早期版本中被使用了,那么在3.0中,必须增加一个allow ARP的过滤规则。

- A Dial-up or VPN node was created with a public node for dial-up interfaces (e.g. modems) and a private node for VPN

- 通过拨号上网的用户,CHX将创建一个public node,对于VPN为private node。

- The CHX RMC is now part of the main management console

- CHX 的 RMC现在是主管理单元的一部分

Packet Filter Module Overview 包过滤器模块总览

The Packet Filter module offers a simple, flexible, high performance IP filtering mechanism. The CHX stateful implementation is fully documented and all internal state table details can be viewed via the CHX State Table application.

包过滤器模块提供了一个简单、灵活、高性能的IP过滤机制。CHX可以完整记录运行状态,并且所有运行状态的细节可以通过CHX的状态表程序(CHX State Table application)来查看。


Must Read 必读

Several rules of thumb that should be understood when creating packet filter policies:


1. All traffic is first checked against static packet filter rules. If allowed - the traffic is then analyzed by the stateful inspection engine provided the state analysis options are enabled.


2. \dropped.

2. 默认情况下“Allow”规则是被禁止的。这就意味着,任何未在“Allow”规则内指定的数据包都将被丢弃。

3. If the UDP \option is enabled a Force Allow must be used when running UDP servers (e.g. DNS).

3. 如果 UDP的“伪状态”选项被打开,而且你的机器上需要运行UDP协议的服务器软件(如:DNS服务器软件),那么,你必须建立一条“强制允许”的规则,否则你的UDP服务器将不能正常运行。

4. If the ICMP \traffic is allowed.


5. A Force Allow acts as a trump card only within the same priority context.


6. With no static rules loaded TCP stateful inspection and UDP/ICMP pseudo state analysis is performed (if the state options are enabled)


7. TCP stateful inspection does not prevent new TCP sessions from being created.



8. UDP/ICMP pseudo-states will discard \


9. Any datagram discarded by the packet filter driver will have a corresponding entry in the log files(unless logging is explicitly disabled).


Packet Filter Basics 包过滤基础知识

Generally speaking there are two approaches when defining an IP filter policy for a host or network:


? PROHIBITIVE - That which is not expressly allowed is prohibited

? 禁止-没有明确指出“允许”的,就被禁止

? PERMISSIVE - That which is not expressly prohibited is allowed

? 允许-没有明确指出“禁止”的,就被允许。

The CHX Packet Filter architecture incorporates four \that can be performed within the same priority level:

在相同优先级下,CHX包过滤体系对数据包有4种可能的处理行为: 1. Allow 允许 2. Deny 丢弃

3. Force Allow 强制允许 4. Log Only 仅记录

The Following holds true within the same priority context:

1) If only one or more Allow-rules are used, all the rest is prohibited. 2) If only one or more Deny-rules are used, all the rest is allowed.

3) If there are Allow-rules and Deny-rules, all traffic NOT specified in the Allow rules is dropped as well as traffic specified in the Deny rules. (Deny rules can overlap a space permitted by an Allow rule).

4) To allow something or part of something which has been prohibited by an Allow or Deny-rule, a Force-Allow-rule must be used. 在相同优先级下,以下结论正确:

1)如果仅有1个或多个“允许”规则起作用,那么其他所有行为都是禁止的 2)如果仅有1个或多个“禁止”规则起作用,那么其他所有行为都是允许的



There are two possible approaches when defining prohibitive rule sets:


a) Enter a Deny ALL rule then specify permitted traffic with Force Allow rules. OR

b) Define permitted traffic with a combination of Allow rules. (everything not specified in the Allow rules will be Blocked)

a) 建立一条“禁止所有”的规则,然后用“强制允许”规则来排除某些特定的数据包。 或者

b) 在“允许”规则中允许特定的数据通过。(没在“允许”规则中定义的,全部被禁止)


Permissive policies should be avoided in general, but they are accomplished by making exclusive use of Deny filters.


Filter Priorities 过滤器属性

The priority context allows - among other things - cascading of Deny/Force Allow combinations to achieve a greater flexibility.


Within the same priority context an Allow rule can be negated with a Deny rule, and a Deny rule can be negated by a Force Allow rule. However, this approach is now extended to allow a higher priority Deny to negate a Force Allow.


4 Allow rule rule Deny rule 3 Allow rule rule Deny rule Allow rule 2 rule Deny rule Allow rule 1 rule Deny rule 0 Allow rule rule Deny rule Force Allow Force Allow Force Allow Force Allow Force Allow “禁止”/“允许”/“强制允许”规则与优先级关系的示意图



如果设定了CHX规则,则有可能会按照朝下方的粉色箭头所指方向流动。 5个方框代表5种优先级。分别对应:

4——Highest 3——High 2——Normal 1——Low 0——Lowest

Consider the example of a DNS server CHX-I policy that makes use of a Force Allow rule to allow ANY incoming DNS queries over TCP/UDP port 53. Prior to version 2.5 the Force Allow action represented the \IP or range of IPs that should be prohibited from accessing the same public server. This can be now achieved by creating a Deny rule with a higher priority than the Force Allow rule.






Another critical factor in designing priority based rule sets is the \are applied. If a Deny rule is set with the highest priority, and there are no Force Allows within the same context - then any packet matching the Deny rule is automatically dropped and the remaining rules are ignored. Conversely, if a rule has the \flag set then any incoming packets matching the Force Allow rule will be automatically passed and the remaining rules discarded.


总结一下,规则的应用顺序是: 先看优先级,先高后低;

同一优先级中,“强制允许”>“禁止”>“允许”。 跟定义规则的先后顺序无关。

Filter Action Priority 过滤规则中的处理方法及其优先级

Four actions can be performed upon a packet matching the filter description: ? Deny - The action drops silently the packet

? Allow - The action passes the packet and drops everything else not specified by the Allow rule(s)

? Log Only - The packet is passed and the event logged

? Force Allow - Overrides any other action stating the contrary

数据包匹配规则后,在规则定义中有4种可选处理方法: ? 禁止 – 该数据包悄无声息地被丢弃

? 允许 – 该数据包顺利通过,但没在此规则中定义的其他内容全部被丢弃 ? 记录 – 该数据包顺利通过,仅在事件日志中留下痕迹 ? 强制允许 – 无视禁止规则

Within the same priority level every packet is inspected as follows:

1. If the packet matches one or more Force Allow rules it is passed regardless of any other filters.

2. If the packet matches one or more Allow rules it is then checked against any existing Deny rules. If there are no Deny rules, the packet is passed.

3. If the packet matches one or more Deny rules it is dropped.



1. 如果数据包匹配了一个或多个“强制允许”规则,就不会再去匹配其他任何规则。 2. 如果数据包匹配了一条或多条“允许”规则,还要继续被其他“禁止”规则检查。如果没有“禁止”规则,则该数据包通过。

3. 如果数据包匹配一条或多条“禁止”规则,则该数据包被丢弃。

Taking a practical example we create an Allow(deny everything except) filter: ALLOW Incoming TCP dstPort=80

At this point all other incoming traffic is blocked. Within the Allowed space we add the following Deny filter:

DENY Incoming TCP srcAddress= dstPort=80

The above filter overrides the Allow and blocks packets from the range. To override the Deny filter we create the following Force Allow: FORCE ALLOW Incoming TCP srcAddress= dstPort=80








“强制允许”入站TCP数据包 源地址为10.0.0.100 目标端口80

Conditional Filters 条件过滤

Certain network applications require communications on different channels. As an example - an MTA might implement IDENT verification by sending a SYN to the host initiating the SMTP transaction. If an RST or SYN-ACK is received the initial session handshake will quickly complete. If no response is received from the SYN to the IDENT port (113) then the initial session handshake completion will be delayed.

一些网络应用需要在不同的通道上进行通信。比如:一个MTA(邮件传输代理,MTA 从其他服务器接受邮件、读取地址并将送到通往用户邮箱过程中的下一个服务器)需要实现IDENT验证,MTA会发送SYN到主机来初始化这次SMTP事务。如果接收到RST或者SYN-ACK信号,那么初始化握手过程就会很快结束。如果从SYN发送到认证端口(113号端口)后没有应答,那么初始化握手过程就要产生延迟滞后。


Scheduled Filters 定时过滤

Any static filter can have a schedule (or lists of schedules) associated. Traffic can be denied or permitted according to a set schedule.


定时器的设置很灵活,可以为某个时刻,也可以为某段时间,也可以定义周期时间。 这个功能对某些服务器很管用。可以在某个时间段允许某项服务,在另外的时间段允许另外的服务,灵活性很强。

Triggers 触发器

Triggers are dormant static filters activated by a payload event. Traffic can be denied or allowed based on the presence of predefined payload conditions. A trigger can have a


predefined timeout value set in the parent payload rule.


To create a trigger right-click on the desired interface node and select \the payload rule properties \timeout value and related options.


1. 右键单击需要创建触发器的节点,选择“New Trigger”。

2. 在负载过滤规则属性“次要动作(Secondary Action)”中选择该触发器,然后设定超时的时间和相关选项。 Lists 列表

The following lists are supported: - IP addresses - Ports

- MAC addresses - Conditions - Schedules - Patterns

支持如下列表: IP地址列表 端口列表 MAC地址列表 条件列表 定时器列表 模式列表


IP Fragmentation analysis and related logs IP碎片分析及相关日志

The default installation of the packet filter enables a series of checks on fragmented packets - and drops packet occurrences with the following characteristics:


? Invalid fragmentation flags/offset - this event is triggered when either the DF and MF

flags in the IP header are set to 1 OR if a header contains the DF flag set to 1 and an Offset value different than 0.

?非法碎片标志/偏移 - 如果发现此类数据包,则说明要么IP头中的DF和MF标志位被设置成1,要么是DF被设置成1且偏移量不等于0(这两种情况的数据包是不正常的,或者说是错误的数据包)。在此情况下,碎片检查功能就会被触发而执行。



MF(More Fragment)

MF=1,后面还有分片的数据包 MF=0,分片数据包的最后一个 DF(Don't Fragment) DF=1,不允许分片 DF=0,允许分片


? First fragment too small - event triggered when a packet with the MF flag set to 1, the

Offset value is at 0 and has total length smaller than 120 bytes. (maximum combined header length)

??第一个碎片太小 - 当MF=1,偏移量=0,且总长度小于120字节(头部长度最大120字节),这说明数据包虽然给分组了,但每个数据包都太小,会触发碎片检查功能。

? IP fragment out of boundary - event occurs if the value of the Offset flag combined

with the total packet length exceeds the maximum datagram length of 65535 bytes.

??IP碎片越界 – 偏移量+整个数据包长度超过最大数据报长度(64K),触发碎片检查。

? IP fragment offset too small - a non zero Offset flag with a value that is smaller than

60 bytes.

? IP碎片偏移量太小 – 非零偏移量的值小于60字节,触发碎片检查

If the \dropped with the following log entry:


? IP fragmented packet. IP碎片包

One exception to the above rule is the presence of a packet with a total length smaller than the IP header length , in which case the packet is silently discarded.


Import-Export rules 导入/导出规则

Highlight the desired filters, right-click and select the desired export option:


Importing a filter set is achieved by right-clicking on the desired network interface node followed by selecting \


导入:右键单击需要导入规则的节点,选择“Import Filters From File”

Copy And Paste Filters 复制/粘贴过滤器

You can copy and/or paste selected filters by right clicking the selected filter(s) and choosing copy or paste from the menu. Alternatively you can drag and drop on or more selected filters(holding the CTRL key while performing a drag and drop operation to achieve the copy effect).

These operations can be performed across any nodes and across any active remote hosts.



Stateful Options 状态检测选项

As opposed to the classic static packet filtering methodology where each packet is inspected on an individual basis, the CHX-I stateful mechanism tries to analyze each packet in the context of traffic history, correctness of IP/TCP header values and TCP connection state transitions. In the case of stateless protocols (e.g. UDP) a pseudo-stateful mechanism is implemented based on historical traffic analysis.


While an exhaustive analysis of TCP state transitions and behavior correctness is beyond the scope of this manual, the CHX-I stateful mechanism generally acts the following way:


- A packet is passed through the stateful routine if it is explicitly allowed via static filters. - The packet is examined if it belongs to an existing connection by checking the CHX-I connection table for matching end points

- The TCP header is examined for correctness (e.g. sequence numbers, flag combination) Once enabled, the stateful engine is applied to all traffic traversing the interface.

- 除非在静态过滤规则中明确被允许,否则,数据包就要被SPI例程检测。 - 一个数据包在CHX-I的历史连接表(一个记载数据包历史连接的表)中没有找到相应的匹配项,那么该数据包就要被检测。

- 一旦“允许”检查TCP 头信息的正确性(如检查顺序号、标志组合等),那么所有



The UDP pseudo-stateful mechanism - by default - simply rejects any incoming \UDP packets. If the packet filter operator is running a legit UDP server, she MUST explicitly allow (via static filters) traffic to that particular service. For instance, in a non-prohibitive IP policy, if there is a DNS server running, a \traffic to port 53 is required.

UDP“伪状态”机制 – 默认情况下,SPI只是简单地丢弃一些入站的“未经请求”的UDP包。如果安装CHX的机器需要运行合法使用UDP协议的服务器软件(如:DNS服务器),那么务必在静态过滤规则中,明确对这项服务建立“允许”规则。例如:在一个“非禁止”(允许或强制允许)IP规则中,如果该机是DNS 服务器,就需要建立一条在53端口允许UDP服务的“强制允许”规则。

The ICMP pseudo-stateful mechanism - by default - simply rejects any incoming \ICMP request-reply and error type packets. A Force Allow must be explicitly defined for any unsolicited ICMP packet to be allowed. All other ICMP (non request-reply or error type) packets are dropped unless explicitly allowed with static filters.

ICMP伪状态机制 – 默认情况下 – SPI只是简单地丢弃一些入站的“未经请求”的ICMP包 - 应答和错误类型数据包。对于一些虽然未经请求,但允许通过的ICMP数据包,必须要建立“强制允许”规则。剩下其他的ICMP(非请求-应答或错误类型)数据包都会被丢弃(除非在静态过滤规则中明确允许)

小知识:SPI=Stateful Packet Inspection=全状态数据包检测

是指通过对每个连接信息(包括套接字对(socket pairs):源地址、目的地址、源端口和目的端口;协议类型、TCP协议连接状态和超时时间等)进行检测从而判断是否过滤数据包的防火墙。它除了能够完成简单包过滤防火墙的包过滤工作外,还在自己的内存中维护一个跟踪连接状态的表,比简单包过滤防火墙具有更大的安全性。

目前最为先进的状态数据包检查(SPI) 防火墙提供最高级别的安全性。它在默认情况下拒绝所有来自外网的请求,并且对通过防火墙的发自内网请求的连接动态地维护所有通信的状态(连接),只有是对内网请求回复的连接并符合已建立的状态数据库的包才能通过防火墙进入内网。这种方案不仅可使网络用户访问Internet 资源,同时又能防止Internet 上的黑客访问内部网络资源。 “状态检查”一词是指防火墙记忆连接状态和在其内存中为每个数据流建立上下文的能力。凭借这些信息,该防火墙能够比不支持SPI的防火墙作出更有根据的策略决策。




Enable/Disable Stateful Mechanism 打开/关闭 状态检测机制(SPI)

The CHX-I stateful mechanism can be applied on a per interface basis. This becomes useful in multi homed environments where we can disable stateful inspection on the internal (LAN) interface.


By default the stateful mechanism is disabled on each interface present in the system. To access the stateful options right click on the desired interface and select properties.



General Stateful Options SPI选项

RFC 3168 defines two of the six bits from the Reserved field to be used for ECN, as follows:

Bit 8 to 15 CWR-ECN-URG-ACK-PSH-RST-SYN-FIN TCP Header Flags Bit Name Reference:

8 CWR (Congestion Window Reduced) [RFC3168] 9 ECE (ECN-Echo) [RFC3168]

RFC 3168标准规定:在TCP/IP包头中,有未使用的保留字段共6位,通过定义其中的2位来支持ECN。具体格式如下所述:

第8位至第15位分别是:CWR-ECN-URG-ACK-PSH-RST-SYN-FIN TCP头中,标志位的名称:

第8位:CWR=Congestion Windows Reduced, 源端?接受端,拥塞窗口已减小 第9位:ECE=ECN Echo ECN应答

小知识1:ECN= Explicit Congestion Notification,显式拥塞通告。





\Static Filter Logs)

\ \

“Enable TCP stateful inspection”- 打开/关闭TCP的SPI功能 “Enable TCP Stateful Logging” – 是否记录SPI活动日志

“Allow Incoming/outgoing Active FTP” – 打开/关闭主动FTP式 “Allow Incoming/outgoing Passive FTP” – 打开/关闭被动FTP模式

\the number of incoming connections from a single host to\- If the state table reaches the limit specified for \entries, subsequent TCP packets from that specific host and not belonging to existing connections will be dropped until one or more state entries are removed.

\ – 限制同一台主机进站连接的数目。如果SPI状态表(用来记录连接状态的表)中记录与某台主机“已建立”的连接数目达到了上限值,那么从该主机发来的后续TCP数据包,如果不属于状态表中已建立的连接,就会被丢弃,直到状态表中某个连接结束,腾出状态表空间后,才可以继续连接。

\the limit specified for SYN-SENT(remote) entries, subsequent TCP packets from that specific host will be dropped.

\– 限制与某一主机的半开连接数目。如果状态表中,远程某台主机向本机请求连接(SYN-SENT)的数目达到记录的上限值,那么该远程主机向本机发送的后续TCP数据包都会被丢弃。


\– 打开/关闭UDP的SPI功能


\– 是否记录UDP SPI活动日志

The UDP pseudo-stateful mechanism drops incoming \UDP packets. For every outgoing UDP packet the packet filter creates or updates its UDP \allow a UDP response with a default timeout value of 60 seconds.



ICMP pair types supported: Type 0 & 8, 13 & 14, 15 & 16, 17 & 18.

支持的ICMP报文对儿的类型有:Type 0 & 8, 13 & 14, 15 & 16, 17 & 18.

小知识:ICMP报文对儿:ICMP=Internet Control Message Protocol,Internet控制信息协议,该协议不传输用户数据,主要用来传输主机-主机、主机-网络设备之间的控制信息,如:网络是否通畅?能否到达主机?路由是否可用?等等控制消息。由此可以看出,ICMP传输的基本上都是请求-应答类数据包,所以很多数据包是成对出现的,故称ICMP报文对儿。

Type 0 — Ping应答 Type 8 — Ping请求 Type 13 — 时间戳请求 Type 14 — 时间戳应答

Type 15 — 信息请求 Type 16 — 信息应答 (这对儿好像已经不用了) Type 17 — 地址掩码请求 Type 18 — 地址掩码应答

\ \

\– 打开/关闭 ICMP的SPI功能 \– 是否记录SPI活动日志

The ICMP pseudo-stateful mechanism drops incoming \packets. For every outgoing ICMP packet the packet filter creates or updates its ICMP \will allow an ICMP response with a default timeout value of 60 seconds.


Advanced Stateful Options 高级SPI选项

Depending on the network environment such as OS-es and network speed, the CHX-I stateful engine can be adjusted to tighten the overall performance and security.

Several values can be adjusted by creating a corresponding registry key with the desired values. These keys represent various TCP states and their default timeout values. The timeout value represents the amount of time CHX-I will keep an associated connection in its state table in the ABSENCE of any other traffic pertaining to that specific connection.

During the creation and life of a connection, the CHX-I stateful engine will synchronize itself to the various states of the connection (e.g. SYN-SENT, Last-Ack, etc). While in any of the available states, if no additional packets are seen for the corresponding timeout values the CHX-I stateful engine erases the connection information from its table.





All timeout keys can be created as DWORD values in:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Third Brigade\\ChxMpld\\Version 1.0\\Globals] The default values and corresponding keys are:


\已关闭超时 \请求连接超时 \应答连接超时 \结束会话超时 \创建会话超时 \关闭等待 \正在关闭超时 \最后关闭确认 \热启动超时 \冷启动超时 \UDP超时

UDP Stateful Options UDP 的SPI选项

The UDP protocol is connectionless, hence the different approach in trying to maintain a pseudo state table of UDP communications.

If the UDP stateful option is enabled ANY unsolicited incoming UDP packet is dropped. If - for instance - a DNS server is running then a Force Allow Incoming UDP dstPort=53 will be needed (in addition to TCP dstPort=53).

By default, the \changed by accessing the \

UDP协议是面向无连接的,因此需要用一些其他的方法来创建和维护UDP通信的状态表。 如果UDP的SPI功能打开了,那么任何未经请求的UDP数据包都会被丢弃。如果本机为DNS服务器,就必须建立一条“强制允许”规则:允许入站UDP,目标端口53(还要建立一条TCP的“强制允许”规则,允许入站TCP,目标端口53) 。

默认的UDP状态表超时值=60秒。该值对应注册表中的TimeoutUDP值,位置如下: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Third Brigade\\ChxMpld\\Version 1.0\\Globals

ICMP Stateful Options ICMP 的SPI选项

Similar to the UDP pseudo-stateful implementation, the ICMP protocol allows for flow tracking with specific query-response types, such as Echo and Echo Reply or ICMP error messages such as destination host unreachable.

If the ICMP stateful option is enabled a Force Allow will be required for unsolicited ICMP traffic to be allowed.

类似于UDP的SPI实现方法,ICMP协议通过使用特定的请求-应带类型来跟踪数据流,例如:请求回应和回应应答,或者ICMP的错误信息如:destination host unreachable(目标主机无法到达)。


Stateful Logs SPI日志

If Stateful logging is enabled four log descriptions can occur in the \



1. \a particular timeout value has caused the tear down of a connection. The same applies to an unsolicited UDP/ICMP packet.

1. \– 这表示2种情况:1、无SYN的扫描数据包,2、在数据包到来之前,连接已经因为超时而被彻底断开。

2. \Flags\- This condition occurs when a packet arrives with a delay beyond its corresponding state timeout values.

2. \– 这种情况发生在当一个数据包因为延迟到达而超出了相应的状态表超时时间。

3. \ 非法顺序号

4. \ 非法确认号

5. \ 达到入站连接数量上限 6. \ 达到出站连接数量上限 7. \ 达到半开连接数量上限

It is up to the packet filter operator to decide the level of logging needed, although with stateful logs enabled considerable disk space will be quickly used in heavy traffic environments.


State table details 查看详细的状态表信息

For each session the details of its corresponding state entry can be viewed via the CHXStateEntries application:


Sample Rules 样板规则

You can obtain sample rule sets in the CHX download area. Follow the instructions in the Import-export section of this manual.


Command Line 命令行工具


The CHX-I Packet Filter command line tool - chxpfcon.exe has two purposes: to offer command line configuration of the packet filter and to introduce the possibility of adding filters with arbitrary time-out values.

As a side effect, chxpfcon.exe can provide an \and the CHX-I Packet Filter Driver.



Command line syntax: 命令行语法规则:

fltcon Ver. 3.0.0

Copyright (C) Third Brigade 2004-2005

Add or delete hidden filters and import *.sfd files for CHX-I Packet Filter fltcon /ADD /T Timeout /F FltType /PY Priority /DIR Direction /I Interface Index | /MAC Mac Address /SA SrcAddr(From) /SM SrcMask(To) /SR /!SA

/DA DstAddr(From) /DM DstMask(To) /DR /!DA /P Protocol /SP SrcPort /!SP /DP DstPort /!DP /A Action /L | /DEL /ID (FilterID)

| /IMPORT /FILE Import filter file /F Import FltType /I Import Interface Index | /MAC Import Mac Address /IP Import IP /PW password ADD Add new filter

T Timeout timeout in sec. (default - INFINITE)

F FltType filter type: 0-Global; 1-Interface; 3-IP (default-0)

PY Priority 0-Lowest;1-Low;2-Normal;3-High;4-Highest (default-Normal) DIR Direction 0 - Incoming; 1 - Outgoing (default - 0) I Interface Index decimal format (default - Any)

MAC InterfaceMac hex format (Ex: 00-50-DA-63-BD-E5) (default - Any) Dial-up or VPN Public: 00-53-45-00-00-00 Dial-up or VPN Private: 00-53-45-00-00-01

ET EthType ethernet type hex format (Ex: 0800) (default - IP, 0 - fo r any)

!ET not ethernet type

MS SrcMac hex format (Ex: 00-50-DA-63-BD-E5) (default - Any) !MS not source Mac

MD DstMac hex format (Ex: 00-50-DA-63-BD-E5) (default - Any) !MD not destination Mac

SA SrcAddr(From) x.x.x.x format (default - Any) SM SrcMask(To) x.x.x.x format (default - Any) SR Source address range !SA Not source address

DA DstAddr(From) x.x.x.x format (default - Any) DM DstMask(To) x.x.x.x format (default - Any)


DR Destination address range !DA Not destination address P Protocol 0-255 (default - Any) SP SrcPort 0-65535 (default - Any) !SP Not source port

DP DstPort 0-65535 (default - Any) !DP Not destination port

A Action 0 - Force Allow; 1 - Deny; 2 - Allow (def - Force Allow) L Log (default - No) DEL Delete a filter by ID

ID (FilterID) Filter ID returned by ADD (Ex: /ID (-12345678) )

For interface filters (type 1): the interface index (or MAC address) of the interface on which the filter(s) are to be applied must be specified For IP filters (type 2): both the IP and the corresponding interface index (or MAC address) on which the filter(s) are to be applied must be specified

Logs 日志

General Options 常规选项

Right-click on the Packet Filter Log node and select properties: 右键单击包过滤日志节点,选择properties:

Display Options 显示选项

Right-click on the packet filter log and select the desired view options. 右键单击packet filter log,选择desired view options(显示选项)


You can select which columns you want displayed by selecting \then \Columns\


Payload Filter Module 负载过滤模块

The Payload Filter module allows for TCP/UDP/ICMP data inspection and editing. The TCP normalization engine is responsible for maintaining TCP session end-to-end semantics after TCP payload length is altered. Traffic can also be dropped if the intent is to provide classic intrusion prevention.



