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Answer of Exercises One

1. Put the following English phrases into Chinese or Chinese phrases into English. (1) credit standing 信用状况 (2) financial status 财务状况 (3) be in strict confidence 绝对保密 (4) modes of business 经营方式

(5) open an account 开立账户 (6)小额交易 small business engagement (7) 过额交易 overtrading (8) 商业证明 trade reference (9) 定额货代 standing credit (10) 拖延付款 delay payment 2. Multiple choices

(1) For information_______ our_______ we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. a. regards/credit standing b. as to/standing credit c. involving/ credit standing d. concerning/ credit standing

(2) We should be grateful if you would say they are likely a credit up to USD10,000. a. what/to be reliable for b. if/to be reliable at c. whether/to be reliable for d. that/to be reliable of (3) We understand that you will treat this information as_______. a. confidence b. confident c. confidential d. confidently

(4) Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and_______ on your part.

a. without any responsibility b. hasn’t any responsibility c. is no responsibility d. is not to have responsibility

(5) Will you please inform us, _______ , of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation?

a. with confidence b. in confidence c. as confidential d. of confidentially

(6) We shall appreciate_______ us_______ an opinion as to the credit standing, respectability and responsibility of the following firm.

a. your providing/with b. provided/by

c. to provide/with d. your provision to/by

(7) Will you please let us know_______ your experience_______ in your dealing with him? a. how/are b. what/has been a. which/is d. that/have had

(8) This firm is a_______ private company of import and export merchants, _______ in 1981. a. high/registered b. height of/to register c. highly/registered d. highest/to register

(9) We_______ consider the said firm quiet reliable for_______ engagement as you mention. a. should/such as b. with/such as c. shall/such a d. would/such like

3. Translation

(1) 将与我们进行贸易往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的财务状况与信誉。(business standing)

The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for particulars respecting their business standing and trustworthiness.

(2) 你若是能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出意见,我们当不甚感激。 (financial status

and reliability)

You should be most grateful if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.

(3) 就我们所知,他们的财务情况很好。 (financial standing) As far as we know , their financial standing is sound. (4) 该公司声誉好,资金储备丰厚。(financial reserve)

They are a firm of high reputation and have large financial reserves. (5) 我们劝贵方与该商行进行业务往来时务必谨慎。(deal with)

We advise you to proceed with every possible caution in dealing with the firm in question. (6) 对贵方所提供的任何资料,我们都予以保密。(treat as confidential)

Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential. 4. Translate the following letter into English


5. Write a letter as per the following particulars

You are asked to write a letter to the Commercial Bank in your city. The letter should cover at least the following points.

(1) Ask them something about ABC Company for their financial standing. (2)What about ABC Company’s capacity of doing business?

Answer of Unit2 Exercises

1. Put the following English phrases into Chinese or Chinese phrases into English. (1) a trial order 试购订单 (2) duplicate order 重复订单 (3) outstanding order 未完成订单 (4) close business 达成交易 (5) order sheet 订货单 (6) 第一次订货 initial order (7) 存货清单 stock lines (8) 接受订单 accept an order (9) 取消订单 cancel an order (10) 执行订单 carry out an order 2. Multiple choices

(1) Please ship the ten chests of tea_______ our Order No.2213 at an early date. a. covered by b. covering c. to be covered d. which covered (2) We are pleased that we have booked_______ 2000 pieces of bicycles. a. your order b. with you

c. an order with you d. an order with you for

(3) We assure you that any further orders you may_______ will always be carefully attended to. a. place us b. place with us c. make us d. make with us

(4) We find your terms______ and now send you our order for the following items. a. satisfied b. satisfaction c. satisfactory d. satisfy (5) The buyer suggested that many important orders_______ follows. a. may b. will c. would d. should (6) Your prompt attention _______our order will be much appreciated. a. of b. for c. to d. in

(7) Please keep us _______of the despatch of the goods ordered.

a. informed b. inform c. advising d. informing (8) We trust that you will _______our order with special order.

a. refer to b. deal in c. dispose of d. attend to

(9) We suggest that shipment of our order _______effected in May instead of June. a. is b. will be c. is to be d. be

(10) The shipping data _______in your Order No.2356 is now under consideration. a. referring to b. referred to c. mentioning d. stating

3. Translation the following sentences into English using the words or phrases in the brackets.

(1) 作为试订单,我们欣然小量订购贵公司AC106号空调机150台,请注意货品必须与样品一致。(trial order)

As a trial order, we are delighted to give you a small order for 150 sets of your air conditioners AC106. Please note that the goods are to be supplied in accordance with your samples.

(2) 鉴于贵公司常年惠顾,虽然现时市价较前调升,但本公司仍会按以往订单所列条件接受此次订单。(accept the order)

Although prevailing prices are somewhat higher , in view of our long-standing relationship, we are prepared to accept the order on the same terms as before.

(3) 由于我们对质量和价格都满意,现就以下货物向贵方订货。(place an order)

As we find both quality and prices satisfactory, we place an order with you for the following. (4) 现给贵方寄去我们的123号销售合同,一式两份,以供贵方签名,请签署后退回一份留作我方查存之用。(for our file).

We are sending you our Sales Contract No.123 in duplicates for your signature. Please sign and return one for our file.

(5) 很遗憾,由于需要此商品的订单已接受到今年年底,我们今年之内无法接受新的订单。(book , fresh order)

We are so sorry to say that because orders for the item required have been booked up to the end of this year, we are unable to accept any fresh order for shipment within this year.

(6) 我们希望此次订购是建立长期的、愉快的业务关系的第一步。(the first step)

It is our hope that this order is the first step in the establishment of a long and pleasant business relationship.

4. Translate the following letter into English.


感谢贵方2010年11月10日来信及第P/756号订单确认书,订购1000吨加拿大燕麦。 随信附上我方第FM-4321号合同的正副件各两份,供贵方签署。请回签并退回签署的合同正副本各一份,供我方存档。

关于交货问题,我方将竭力迅速全部装运,只是贵方信用证必须及时寄达。因此,为了使我方能尽早装船,要求贵方尽快安排开立信用证。 我们借此机会对于你们对我公司的信任表示谢意。 5. Write a letter as per the following particulars. (1)感谢对方7月12日寄来的印花棉布的样品。 (2)对价格和质量都满意,订购下列货物:

Quantity Pattern No. Prices(net) 300 yards 450 yards 300 yards 72 82 84 33p per yard 38p per yard 44p per yard CIF LAGOS (3)货物需从现货供应。



Answer to Unit3 Exercises

1. Put the following English phrases into Chinese or Chinese phrases into English. (1) to cable a credit 电开信用证 (2) to amend a credit 修改信用证

(3) to extend a credit 延展信用证有效期 (4) to increase a credit 增加信用证面额 (5) recourse repudiation 拒绝偿还 (6) 保兑信用证confirmed L/C

(7) 可转让信用证 transferable L/C (8) 有追索权信用证 with recourse L/C (9) 信用证余额 credit balance (10) 通过银行开立信用证 to establish a credit through a bank 2. Multiple choices

(1) _______yesterday did we receive your L/C. b

a. Until b. Not until c. Until not d. No until

(2) we must point out that _______your L/C reaches us before the end of this month , we shall not be able to effect shipment within the stipulated time limit. b

a. if b. unless c. in case d. in case of

(3) Payment is to be made _______sight draft drawn under an irrevocable letter of credit. b a. on b. upon c. against d. for (4) _______ , we require payment by L/C. c

a. If business is resulted b. If business is materialized c. If business finalizes d. If business results

(5) In accordance with our agreement , we have _______at 30 Day’s sight for the amount of the enclosed invoice. a

a. drawn on you b. written to you c. called on you d. advised you

(6) You must be responsible for all the loss _______from your delay in opening the covering L/C. a

a. arising b. rising c. arousing d. have arisen

(7) We could manage to arrange the shipment in July , subject to your L/C _______us not later than June 15. c

a. reaches b. being reached c. reaching d. reach (8) Please open your L/C immediately to facilitate_______. a a. our shipping arrangement b. for shipment

c. to arrange shipment d. us to arrange shipment (9) The stipulation of the L/C should _______those of the contract. d a. agree to b. agree in c. agree on d. agree with

(10) The stipulations of the L/C appears insufficient . The correct total CFR value of your order comes to USD9,328,00 instead of 3,928,000 , the difference_______ USD5,400,00. c a. be b. is to be c. being d. been

3. Translation the following sentences into English using the words or phrases in the


(1) 请尽快修改信用证,以便我们安排装运。(make amendments)

Please make amendments of the L/C as soon as possible so that we may arrange shipment. (2) 我们被请求已开出以贵方为受益人的信用证,特此通知。(in one’s favor)

We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested to open a credit in your favor. (3) 4月17日到期的第357号信用证已被展期至5月2日。(expire) L/C No.357 which expires on April 17 has been extended to May2. (4) 请贵方将信用证作如下修改:“吨”前删去“长”字,加入“公”字。(delete , insert) Delete the word “long” and insert the word “metric” before “ton”.

(5) 考虑到我们多年的友好关系,这笔交易我们接受60天期的信用证。(in consideration of) In consideration of our long friendly relations , we accept 60 days L/C for this transaction. (6) 我们多次催促贵方开征,但至今未收到贵方的信用证。(urge sb. to do sth.) We urged you many times to open the L/C , but up to now it still hasn’t been received.

4. Translate the following letter into English. 敬启者,




如客户满意这批货的话,不久将有可能续订。 对于贵方在这方面的紧密合作我们预致感谢。 谨上

5. Write a letter as per the following particulars. (1)贵方4月5日的来信收到,内容获悉。


(3)请马上与轮船公司联系,订好舱位,务必在5月15日前发运。 (4)如果客户满意这批货物,我们可保证将大量续订。


Answer of Unit4 Exercises

1. Put the following English phrases into Chinese or Chinese phrases into English. (1) waterproof 防水 (2) wooden case 木箱

(3) In sound condition 完好无整 (4) registered trademark 注册商标

(5) packing instructions 包装要求 (6) standard export packing 标准出口包装 (7) 装箱单 packing list (8) 以毛作净 gross for net (9) 习惯包装 customary packing (10) 中性包装 neutral packing (11)适合海运的包装 seaworthy packing (12)运输标志 shipping mark

