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Article: " Mild hypothermia for treatment of diffuse axonal injury: a quantitative analysis of diffusion tensor imaging," by Guojie Jing1, 2, Xiaoteng Yao1, 2, Yiyi Li1, 2, Yituan Xie1, 2, Wangan Li1, 2, Kejun Liu1, 2, Yingchao Jing1, 2, Baisheng Li3, Yifan Lv1, 2, Baoxin Ma1, 2 (1 Department of Neurosurgery, H uizhou Firs t People’s
H ospital, H uizhou 516000, Guangdong Provinc e, C hina; 2H uizhou Neuros urgery I nstitute, H uizhou 516000, Guangdong P rovince, China; 3Department of Neuros urgery, H uizhou C entral P eople’s H ospital, H uizhou 516000, Guangdong P rovinc e, C hina)
Jing GJ, Yao XT, Li YY, Xie YT, Li WG, Liu KJ, Jing YC, Li BS, Lv YF, Ma BX . Mild hypothermia for treatment of diffuse axonal injury: a quantitativ e analysis of diffusion tensor imaging. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(2):190-197.
欲获更多资讯:N eural Regen Res
SICENCE新闻发布作者:荆国杰稿号:NRR_3_14 Mild hypothermia for treatment of diffuse axonal injury: a quantitative DTI analysis
Mild hypother mia has been shown to exert appar ent neur oprotective effects in animal models of diffuse axonal inj ury. However, the clinic al effic acy of mild hypother m ia is c ontroversial. Thus, a noninvasive, accur ate, and objective tec hnique is urgently r equired to verify the effect of m ild hypother mia in diffuse axonal injury and its pr ognosis. Fractional anisotr opy values in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) c an quantitatively r eflect the c onsistency of nerve fibers after br ain damage, wher e higher values gener ally indic ate less damage to nerve fiber s. Ther efor e, Guojie Jing and co-worker s fr om Huizhou First People’s Hospital in China hypothesized that DTI c ould be used to evaluate the effect of mild hypother m ia on diffuse axonal injury. In their study, fr actional anisotr opy value served as an indic ator for quantitative assessment of d iffuse axonal inj ury severity and postoperative r ec overy. They found the differ enc e in aver age fractional anisotropy value for each region of inter est befor e and after mild hypothermia was 1.32–1.36 times higher than the value in the nor mother m ia group. Quantitative assessment of DTI indicates that mild hypother m ia therapy may be beneficial for patients with diffuse axonal injury. The r elevant findings have been published in the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 9, No. 2, 2014).
Diffusion tensor imaging showed that lesions wer e reduc ed and fr actional anisotr opy values decr eased in patients with diffuse axonal inj ury after m ild hypother m ia ther apy c ompar ed with nor mother m ia ther apy.
Article: " Mild hypothermia for treatment of diffuse axonal injury: a quantitative analysis of diffusion tensor imaging," by Guojie Jing1, 2, Xiaoteng Yao1, 2, Yiyi Li1, 2, Yituan Xie1, 2, Wangan Li1, 2, Kejun Liu1, 2, Yingchao Jing1, 2, Baisheng Li3, Yifan Lv1, 2, Baoxin Ma1, 2 (1 Department of Neurosurgery, H uizhou Firs t People’s
H ospital, H uizhou 516000, Guangdong Provinc e, C hina; 2H uizhou Neuros urgery I nstitute, H uizhou 516000, Guangdong P rovince, China; 3Department of Neuros urgery, H uizhou C entral P eople’s H ospital, H uizhou 516000, Guangdong P rovinc e, C hina)
Jing GJ, Yao XT, Li YY, Xie YT, Li WG, Liu KJ, Jing YC, Li BS, Lv YF, Ma BX . Mild hypothermia for treatment of diffuse axonal injury: a quantitativ e analysis of diffusion tensor imaging. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(2):190-197.
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