
更新时间:2023-03-21 02:55:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载










Years ago, I owned the very best dog in the world. I was a child when we got her. She grew up with me, and was always there when I needed her. She died during one of my college vacations. My heart broke then, and I knew that there would never be another dog like her.

However, I was wrong. My next dog came into my life when I was married. My husband traveled for a living. and I was often lonely. This dog taught me to be patient. He always stayed at my side until the children were born, and then he became their guardian(保护者), too. When he passed away, my heart broke. I was sure I would never love another dog as much as I loved him.

I was wrong again. We got the next one when the children were little. When he played with the children, he made them laugh. These days he spends more time with me since the children aren’t around so much. He is, of course, the very best dog in the world.

I wonder if that’s part of the lesson: To teach us that love has a spirit that returns again and again and never really dies.

It’s ama zing. They make room for one another. And they fit into our families, our lives, and our hearts— because they always have been and will be the best dogs in the world.

1. According to the story, the writer may agree with the opinion that .

A. love never really dies

B. where there’s love, there’s a dog

C. love me, love my dog

D. a dog is necessary to a family

2. What does the writer think about the third dog she owns?

A. He is better than the other two dogs.

B. He is lonely since the children have left home.

C. He brings happiness to the children.

D. He loves to play with children rather than adults.

3. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means .

A. each dog has a single room to live in

B. they come into the writer’s life one after another

C. they leave the room when the family needs a new one

D. they leave the house when the family no longer needs them

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The writer doe sn’t keep a dog at the moment.

B. The writer’s husband doesn’t like dogs.

C. The second dog stayed longer than the first one.

D. The writer was very sad every time the dog died.


AAH! The Generation 90s is coming!

Wearing earphones, using complex Net language and constantly text messaging friends, the Gen-90s following the Gen-80s begin to make their world debut (初次露面).

Each generation or age group has its own symbols and lifestyle. Read on and judge for yourselves if you fit the Gen-90s profile (形象).


These little devices seem to grow on the heads of the Gen-90s. They might lead to MP3, MP4 or MP101 players, giving these young people a plugged-in, cool and perhaps self-addicted look, of course, life is not always music to the ears.

Martian (火星的) language

They have created their own code-like online language. It’s a mixture of English, Japanese and Chinese that perhaps only Martians can understand. This is an imaginative generation, though they need to be careful to keep it out of their term papers.


Saying “cheese” to their own digital cameras is common for this generation. A little bit of narcissism (自恋) never hurts anyone. It helps them reflect a little on their own lives. But be aware of the risks of posting private photos online.


They can type their mobile phones as fast as they can speak. This is a generation that respects efficiency. However, oral communication is important and will never go out of style.

5. The intended readers of the passage are _______.

A. Teens

B. Parents

C. Educators

D. Socialists

6. The passage is mainly about _______.

A. the difference between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s

B. the Gen-90s’unique lifestyle and some practical warnings

C. the Gen-90s’ happy life

D. the similarities between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s

7. According to this passage, which is FALSE?

A. They type their mobile phones so fast that it can catch the speed of speaking.

B. All teens are not cautious about posting photos.

C. They don’t use the cool and complex online language in formal writin g.

D. The Gen-90s have a preference for some music players, and even regard them as

a necessary part of life.

8. According to the text, the writer will choose _______ as a good example to the Gen-90.

A. Lily is a shy girl and she doesn’t like making friends.

B. Fangfang likes being taken photos and often posts them online.

C. Lihua likes dancing and always wears beautiful dresses.

D. Zhang Chao is not only an imaginative boy but also does everything efficiently.


Life is like the four seasons. Now I am very old, but when I was young, it was the spring of my life. I was born. I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger everyday. There were happy days and tragic days; some days the sun shone, and some days it didn’t.

In my twenties, I had a good job. I was strong and happy. Then I married and had a child. In those days, I didn’t have much time to think. Every day, I was busy and wo rked very hard. And so, I started to get some white hairs. The summer of my life passed quickly.

Then the days got shorter. Leaves fell from the trees. My child was a university student, and then an engineer. My home was much quieter. I started walking more slowly. One day I stopped working, I had more time. I understood this was my autumn, a beautiful time when the trees change colour and give us delicious fruits.

But the days keep getting shorter and colder. Winter has come. I am older and weaker. I know

I do not have many days left but I will enjoy them to the end.

9. According to the passage, which of the following ages may be during the autumn of his life?

A. 15.


C. 62.

D. 87.

10. Which of the following is true?

A. The writer had a garden with flowers.

B. The writer now is old and weak, but he still enjoys his life.

C. The writer was an engineer.

D. The writer was always happy as a child.

11. The best title for the passage can be “________”.

A. My Life

B. Four Seasons in My Life

C. Four Seasons

D. Four Seasons in a Year


Country singer Gary Allan has been making records since the mid 1990’s. But his latest album Set You Free, is his first to hit number o ne on Billboard’s top two hundred albums chart (排行榜).

The song Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain) is the lead single (单曲) from Gary Allan’s new copies and is number one on Billboard’s country music chart. It has risen faster than any other single in the Califo rnia native’s career. Gary Allan says Every Storm is about hope, the common idea throughout the new album.

“You can expect a lot of songs about life. It’s going to roll you through a breakup and it’s going to roll you through the anger and the pain and make you as good as new. So what I think you can expect is something a little bit different musically out of this.”

Gary Allan says his favorite song on Set You Free is One More Time. He says he wrote it after his father died.

The country singer is supporting the album with concerts around the United States for most of the rest of the year. He says the shows are full of energy.

“ We play hard and they have a very strong impact (冲突) on the audience. I think that’s why people love to come and see us. We’re giving it everything that we have every night.”

Set You Free is Allan’s ninth album. In an interview with Broadway’s Electric Barnyard, Allan spoke about co-writing with women for the new album. It was the first time in his career he had done so, and he described it as an interesting experience.

12. What’s the topic of the passage?

A. The development of American country music.

B. The life of American singer Gary Allan.

C. Gary Allan’s new album Set You Free.

D. A young musician’s hard struggle for success.

13. Gary Allan likes One More Time most probably because _____.

A.it was written in honor of his father

B. it helped him find courage after failure

C. it’s different musically from his other songs

D. it has sold more copies than any other single

14. What can we learn about Gary from the passage?

A. He lived an unhappy life in his childhood.

B. His concerts are mostly made up of light music.

C. He began his music career in the late 1990s.

D. He was born in the state of California.

15. The album Set You Free marked the first time _____.

A. Gary had made a record in his music career.

B. Gary had worked together with women in writing songs.

C. Gary’s albums had appeared on Billboard’s music chart.

D. Gary had a word with Broadway’s Electric Barnyard.



Do you know Australia? Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is in the south of the earth. 16 The population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai. 17 The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution. The sky is blue and the water is clean. You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers. Plants grow very well.

Last month we visi ted Perth, the biggest city in western Australia, and went to a wild flowers’ exhibition. 18 We had a wonderful time. Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers. In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers’ exhibition.

After visiting Perth, we spent the day in the countryside. We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill. It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves. Suddenly we heard bells ringing at

the top of the hill. 19 There were about three hundred sheep coming towards us down the path. 20 After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep, sheep, everywhere are sheep.

A. What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could.

B. There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before.

C. The people of Australia are very hard-working.

D. The government has made enough laws to fight pollution.

E. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.

F. Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos.

G. Australia is big, but its population is not large.



One night, when I was eight, my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget. “Sweetie, my company wants to promote(升职) me; 21 , it needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling that you’ve done22 and allowing you to skip a grade(跳级), but you’ll have to23 your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher?” Sh e gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled. The question kept me 24 for the rest of the night.

I had said “yes” but for the first time, I realized the25 decisions adults had to make.

For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening I’d 26 wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her 27 and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.

During my fourth-grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her. Looking at her large

28 apartment, I 29 how lonely my mother must have been in Brazil herself. It was then 30

I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on 31 family and work. 32 difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldn’t know whether you make the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with passion and a 33 attitude.

Back home, I 34 myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she 35 to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be 36 . I learn how to take care of myself and set high but achievable 37 .

My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the 38 has really taught me. Sacrifices(牺牲)39 in the end. The separation between us has proved to be a 40 for me.

21. A. however B. therefore C. besides D. otherwise

22. A. much B. wrong C. little D. well

23. A. refuse B. forgive C. leave D. contact

24. A. sleeping B. regretting C. explaining D. wondering

25. A. timely B. difficult C. poor D. final

26. A. politely B. curiously C. anxiously D. nervously

27. A. presence B. influence C. patience D. intelligence

28. A. expensive B. modern C. comfortable D. empty

29. A. realized B. frightened C. reacted D. doubted

30. A. where B. that C. when D. which

31. A. balancing B. mixing C. abandoning D. comparing

32. A. Supplied with B. Concentrating on C. Depending on D. Faced with

33. A. friendly B. general C. different D. positive

34. A. informed B. reminded C. afforded D. warned

35. A. offered B. expected C. managed D. attempted

36. A. energetic B. practical C. grateful D. independent

37. A. limits B. goals C. examples D. rules

38. A. experience B. occasion C. question D. history

39. A. come back B. turn up C. pay off D. go up

40. A. gathering B. pleasure C. treasure D. failure


第一节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)


Babara: You look __41.__(tire). What’s the matter with you?

Bob: Nothing serious. I want to have a job after graduation. I am under great pressure.

Babara: Do you find that __42.__is difficult to find a suitable job this year?

Bob: Yes. Now college graduates __43.__(encourage) to start their own business, which sounds really good for us. At the same time, we can get some valuable social____44._____and we may also know more about ourselves and society.

Babara: Yes, but it is not as easy ___45.__you imagine. For college students there are a lot of problems, especially the one of not having enough money. And our education doesn’t provide enough knowledge on how to solve it.

Bob: Maybe you are right. But our government allows college ___46._____(graduation)to borrow money from banks or maybe some can get money from their parents.

Babara: But you have to pay back the money sooner or __47.____. So some college graduates prefer to live a __48.____(peace) life rather than start their own businesses .

Bob: Oh, they don’t have dreams. But I have made __49._my mind to achieve my dream. How about you?

Babara: Well, it always takes time to consider before _50.__ (make) a decision.









Recently,our school has held the meaningful discussion on whether it is reasonable for middle school students to have classes on weekends. Some of our classmates believe we should have classes on weekends because we can make fully use of free time to review the lessons we had learnt. Some others are against the opinion, saying we had better to have a good rest on weekends so that we can work effective during the weekdays. The rest agree with neither of the opinion. They have the view which keeping the balance between work and play are important for

us. They suggest one day of the weekend should used to learn our lessons and on the other day, we should do something interested or have a rest.


假如你是李华,暑假期间你去朋友Mike所在的城市纽约(New York)旅游,回来后你想对他表达自己的感激之情。请根据以下要点给Mike写一封信:






Dear Mike,

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


阅读:1-4 ACBD 5-8 ABCD 9-11 CBB 12-15 CADB 16-20 GDBAF

完型:21-25 ADCDB 26-30 CADAB 31-35 ADDBC 36-40 DBACC

语法填空:41. tired 42. it 43. are being encouraged 44. experience 45. as

46. graduates 47. later 48. peaceful 49. up 50. making

短文改错:51. the---a 52. fully—full 53.had—have 54. to去掉

55. effective—effectively 56. opinion—opinions 57.which—that

58. are—is 59. 加be 60.interested--interesting


Dear Mike,

How are you doing? Thank you for your help and good treat while I was traveling in New York last summer vacation. You were so kind and friendly to treat us to the local food, and show us around the city. It is really nice to visit New York, whose beautiful scenery and delicious food gave me a good impression. I had a great time there and learned a lot about New York.

Mike, are you free these days? I would like to invite you to visit China. I’ll act as a guide to show you around the places of interest in my hometown.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

