美语发音规则与技巧 语音语调

更新时间:2023-09-25 22:27:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Read the words below and give the past tense forms. chop connect demand dispute scan fence heat implore insert react list monitor outline reflect rain remember place plan penetrate pick part participate praise mitigate promote pronounce resent mark lament settle seize select shape judge trim qualify undermine resist diminish











例如:[1] 前元音,口型舒展 [u:] 后元音,口型收拢



前元音(Front Vowels)主要有: 英式英语:[i:] [i] [e] [1] 美式英语:[i] [I] [A] [1]

Practice these four sounds in phrases. eat the meat make a wish a mad man keep the seat get ready a jazz band best friend a black bag a small fish ten men the Chinese people a bit chilly hand in hand a piece of cheese wet with sweat a happy marriage fit as a fiddle best seller

very well

sit down three trees Peter’s secret a plastic bag Teddy Bear bit by bit

a friend in need

on behalf of our class




中元音(Central Vowels)主要有: 英式英语:[4:] [4] [8]


Practice these three sounds in phrases.

the first term learn the words a firm girl

a nervous nurse an early bird a dirty shirt the third world an active learner

a long term

among the workers never forget

a sheet of paper a drop of water

the teachers of China the doctor’s daughter at the counter

some money some honey once in a month a tough son a funny couple a sudden jump just for fun blood for blood



发音时舌后部需要向软颚抬起的元音叫作后元音; 后元音(Back Vowels)主要有: 英式英语:[3] [3:] [u] [u:] 美式英语:[2] [3] [U] [u]

Practice these four sounds in phrases.

pop music push and pull

daughter-in-law by hook or by crook a stopwatch

the butcher and the crook clocks and watches good looks

socks and stocking good footwork

along the corridor the Blue Danube a long story

a water bottle

too few too soon to be true law and order pop concert youthful whose tools according to law a new suit talk and walk

a group of students a small waterfall drop by drop book a room

common knowledge took some sugar a quarter to four wooden plates




Monophthongs: [i:] [i] [e] [1] [8] [2:] [3] [3:] [u] [u:] [4:] [4]

Diphthongs: [ei] [2i] [3i] [4u] [2u] [i4] [e4] [u4]

In American English, we simply use five of these diphthongs: [ei] [4u] [2i] [2u] [3i]




According to the shape of the lips

合口元音Rounded Vowels: [3:] [3] [u:] [u] 敞口元音Unrounded Vowels: [i:] [i]

自然口型Neutral Vowels: [e] [1] [8] [4]




According to the length of the vowels

长元音 Long Vowels:[i:] [4:] [2:] [3:] [u:] 短元音 Short Vowels:[i] [e] [1] [8] [4] [3] [u]





英语中有十组对应的清浊辅音,它们是: 清辅音 Voiceless Consonants:

[p] [t] [k] [t5] [f] [7] [s] [5] [ts] [tr] [t5]

浊辅音 Voiced Consonants:

[b] [d] [g] [d9] [v] [0] [z] [9] [dz] [dr] [d9]

英语中有些音是没有相对应的清浊辅音的,它们是: 清辅音:[h]

浊辅音:[m] [n] [6] [l] [r]


浊辅音:[w] [j]






爆破音:气流在口腔中完全封闭,然后再突然释放,在释放时不产生任何阻碍和摩擦。 塞擦音:气流通过口腔时被闭住,释放时气流通道又不完全敞开。 鼻音: 发音时需要鼻腔共鸣。

舌边音:发音时气流从舌的两侧同过。 半元音:[w] [j]




英语中的爆破音有六个,它们是: [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 嘴唇闭气:[p] [b]

舌前端在上齿齿龈和硬腭前端闭气:[t] [d] 舌后端抬高,软腭下垂进行闭气:[k] [g]

Read the dialogues, paying attention to the pronunciation of plosives. (1) A: How do you do? I’m Parker. B: How do you do, Mr. Barker? A: Parker.

B: Oh, Parker with a P? A: Yes, with a P. B: Er…I’m Barker.

A: Barker? With a B. Of course. B: Yes, with a B.

A: Won’t you come in, Mr. Barker? B: Thank you, Mr. Parker. (2) A: I love you, Miss Brown.

B: But how can I believe you, Mr. Black. A: I’ll jump over the balcony, Miss Brown. B: Jump over the balcony, Mr. Black? A: It’ll prove my love, Miss Brown. B: It’ll break your back, Mr. Black. A: Then save me and take me back! (3) A: What’s the date today?

B: December the fifteenth. The day after tomorrow is little Tom’s birthday.

A: Right. What present should we give him this time? By the way, how old is he?

B: He’s still thirteen today and tomorrow. He’ll be fourteen the day after tomorrow. Let’s get him a remote controlled toy truck.

A: How time flies! He’s a big boy now.

B: And don’t forget Mary, Tom’s twin sister. It’s her birthday, too.

A: OK. Let’s invite all their little friends to come and celebrate. (4) A: Was it a good game?

B: It was a terrific game. A: You had a good day for it. B: A beautiful day. A: Did Chris score? B: He scored twice. A: And you?

B: Now where did I put that bottle of milk? A: Did you score? B: Ah, got it.

A: Maybe the next game?

B: Sure thing. I’ll score one goal at least.




英语中摩擦音有十个,其中清浊相对的有八个: [f] [v] [7] [0] [s] [z] [5] [9] 上齿接触下唇: [f] [v] 上齿与舌面摩擦: [7] [0] 上齿齿龈产生摩擦: [s] [z] 声带摩擦: [h]

硬腭摩擦: [r] [5] [9]

Read the dialogues, while paying attention to the pronunciation of fricatives. (1) A: Frank flatters me, Fred. B: Frank flatters everybody.

A: He said I create a flame in his heart. B: A flame in his heart?

A: A furious flame! He says I drive him frantic! B: You drive me frantic, too, Fanny. A: Oh, Fred! You old flatterer.

B: But don’t forget to fry the fish, Fanny. (2) A: Seven days old! She’s a lovely baby! B: She’s a beautiful baby! A: And she’s a clever baby.

B: And her voice, her voice is so… so clear! A: She’s got a very clear voice, indeed. B: And she’s big for a baby of her age! (3) A: Date of birth?

B: The third of March, nineteen thirty-three. A: The third of March, nineteen thirty-three? B: I think…

A: You think what?

B: I think it was the third, but maybe it was the fourth.

A: You think it was either the third or the fourth? You’re not sure of your own date of birth? B: No, I’m sorry.

A: Anyway, the position has been taken already. So it doesn’t matter you’re not sure of your date of birth.

(4) A: Maybe you’ll let me play in the mud, Mother? B: Don’t you dare play there.

A: Father doesn’t mind if we play in the mud. B: Father doesn’t wash the dirty clothes, dear.

(5) A: I’ll sing you a song.

B: Yes, sing a song. But don’t sing a sad song. A: Most of my songs are sad, sorry.

B: Well, please sing one that’s not within the definition of too sad.

A: OK, I’ll sing San Francisco, then.

(6) A: A shirt, sir? Yes, sir. This one will suit you. It’s in a very fashionable shade.

B: Mm. I want something simpler.

A: A silver one, maybe? It’s got something special on the sleeve.

B: Can’t you show me a simple shirt in a simple shade? Maybe I should try the next shop. (7) A: Who’s that over there?

B: Oh, that’s John. He’s the Club Treasurer. A: What’s he doing there? B: Watching television.

A: And does he always sleep when the television’s on? B: Usually he does. A: Ah.

B: And occasionally he snores. A: Rather noisily.

B: As even the man on the moon must have noticed!

(8) You and your friend are looking at some things in a shop window but you can’t see

very well.

A: Is that a radio? B: It looks like a radio. A: Is that a pretty dress? B: It looks like a pretty dress. A: Is that a rugby ball? B: It looks like a rugby ball.

A: Is that a record? B: It looks like a record. A: Is that a record player? B: It looks like a record player. A: Is that a refrigerator? B: It looks like a refrigerator. (9) A: How handsome Henry is! B: Henry is handsome, isn’t he? A: And how hardworking Henry is! B: Henry does work hard. A: And how honest Henry is! B: Oh? Is Henry honest?




英语中塞擦音有六个,它们是: [t5] [d9] [ts] [dz] [tr] [dr] 牙齿处闭气: [ts] [dz] 硬腭前端摩擦: [t5] [d9] 舌头在硬腭处闭气: [tr] [dr]

Read the dialogues, while paying attention to the affricates. (1) A:We need some cheese.

B:I’ve just bought some cheese. A:And we need some chocolate. B:I’ve just bought some chocolate. A:And what about chicken soup?

B:I’ve just bought some chicken soup.

A:Good, but we still haven’t got enough chairs. B:Don’t worry. I’ve just bought some cheap chairs. A:That’s everything then. Oh no! China plates. (2) A:You can’t do that!

B:Of course I can. It’s my bridge. A:But you can’t chop it down!

B:It’s my bridge, and I’m chopping it down.

A:Don’t chop it down! How shall we cross? We can’t manage

without it.

B:Well, you’ve got to learn how to jump really far! Jump!





英语中鼻音有三个,它们是:[m] [n] [6] 嘴唇处闭气: [m] 舌前端在硬腭处闭气: [n] 舌后部抬高,软腭下垂闭气: [6]

Read the dialogues, while paying attention to the nasals. (1) A:Don’t be alarmed if Mum stamps.

B:And don’t be alarmed if Mum screams. A:It’s not what it seems.

B:Don’t be alarmed. You won’t really be harmed. (2) A:Norman went. And he never returned. B:He went? When?

A:Oh, about the end of June. B:Did he send the rent?

A:Yes, and I’ve found a new tenant, Nancy Noble. B:I hope there won’t be any problems. A:You don’t know Nancy, do you?

B:Well, I once lent her some cash and she never returned it. (3) A friend is helping you to do a crossword puzzle. A:I think it’s “singing”. B:No, “singing” is wrong. A:What about ”ringing”? B:No, “ringing” is wrong. A:Well, can it be “bringing”? B:No, “bringing” is wrong. A:What about “thinking”? B:No, “thinking” is wrong. A:Well, is it “hanging”? B:No, “hanging” is wrong. A:What about “drinking”? B:No, “drinking” is wrong.

A:Oh, dear, is anything going to be right?





Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the lateral.

A:If you look on the library shelves, you’ll find A History of the Lakes. The Lakes were a large, rich, but unlucky family. They had thirteen children. The first eleven were killed in mysterious fatal accidents. And the twelfth, Lance... Poor Lance was eaten by wolves.

B:And the remaining child? The last of the Lakes?

A:I was lucky. I inherited everything. Now sign the contract or I may start calling you brother!




英语中半元音有两个,它们是:[w] [j]

Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the semi-vowels. A:How much do we have to give? B:We don’t have to give.

A:I’ll give whatever Mrs. Whitney gave. B:She gave five.

A:Very well, I’ll give five dollars, too. B:She gave five hundred dollars.

A:Oh, my! She always gives too much. Read the two poems.

(1) We waddle away from the water.

And now we will waddle back.

Then swish, swish, we are swimming again. Quack! Quack! Quack!

(2) When the orchard yield will be gathered soon. And the fields beyond are yellow with corn, The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn, And yaps and yelps at the yellow moon.



标准美音:RP:Received Pronunciation GA:General American 标准英音:RP:Received Pronunciation



当字母r出现在单词的元音字母组合中时,北美英语会出现独特的卷舌音。 /2r/ /4r/ /ir/ /Ar/ /ur/ /3r/

/2r/ car far /ir/ dear near /Ar/ air /3r/ for more door floor /Ur/ sure tour poor /jur/ fewer cure /4r/ her earn bird /2ir/ fire liar buyer /2ur/ hour flower tower power /3ir/ employer destroyer

Read the following words, while paying to the pronunciation of the /r/. (1) /2rs/ far car large charge smart (2) /irs/ dear clear fear cheer here (3) /Ar/ air dare pear their where (4) /3r/ for more door pour before (5) /Ur/ /jUr/ sure poor tour cure fewer (6) /4r/ her turn learn word first (7) /2ir/ fire tired higher liar buyer (8) /2Ur/ hour flour shower power tower (9) /3ir/ destroyer employer




英音 美音 (1) half /h2:f/ /h1f/ (2) bath /b2:7/ /b17/ (3) pass /p2:s/ /p1s/ (4) ask /2:sk/ /1sk/

(5) calm /k2:m/ /k2m/ (6) palm /p2:m/ /p2m/

(7) father (8) plaza (9) Chicago /2r/

/’f2:04/ /’pl2:z4/ /5i’k2:g4u/ /’f204r/ /’pl2z4/ /5i’k2g4u/


At a Party

Margaret: Where’s your glass, Barbara? Barbara: It’s on the bar.

Martin: Barbara, Margaret! Come into the garden! Martha and Charles are

dancing on the grass!

Margaret: In the garden? What a laugh! Barbara: So they are!

Margaret: They are dancing under the stars! Martin: And Arnold’s playing his guitar. Barbara: Doesn’t Martha look smart?

Margaret: Look at Charles! What a marvelous dancer!

Barbara: Ah! Let’s take a photograph of Martha and Charles. Martin: We can’t. It’s too dark.



英语/3:/变为美语/3/或/2/。 英音 美音 (1) bought /b3:t/ /b3t/或/b2t/ (2) talk /t3:k/ /t3k/或/t2k/

(3) ball /b3:l/ /b3l/或/b2l/ (4) caught /k3:t/ /k3t/或/k2t/ (5) law /l3:/ /l3/或/l2/ (5) saw /s3:/ /s3/或/s2/

Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation of /3/.

coffee water caught law bought boss tall talk lawyer fought walk ball cause draw daughter August saw ought flaw paw



英语/3/变为美语/2/。 英音 美音

(1) hot /h3t/ /h2t/ (2) cot /k3t/ /k2t/ (3) clock /kl3k/ /kl2k/ (4) shop /53p/ /52p/ (5) box /b3x/ /b2x/ (6) not /n3t/ /n2t/

Read the following words, while paying attention to the different pronunciation of /2/.

what want wash watch bottle promise shop job hot top college pot



英语/8/、/4/在美语中不再区分,读为/4/。 英音 美音

(1) above /4’b8v/ /4’b4v/ (2) but /b8t/ /b4t/ (3) touch /t8t5/ /t4t5/ (4) love /l8v/ /l4v/ (5) blood /bl8d/ /bl4d/

Now practice the sound in words. Listen and repeat each word twice. (1) up /4p/ up (2) love /l4v/ love (3) cut /k4t/ cut (4) another /4’n404r/ another (5) above /4’b4v/ above (6) bus /b4s/ bus (7) nut /n4t/ nut (8) sun /s4n/ sun (9) bun /b4n/ bun (10) cup /k4p/ cup



与英语中的/e/相比,美语中的/A/口型向两侧分得略大一点。 英音 美音

(1) bed /bed/ /bAd/ (2) head /hed/ /hAd/

Now practice the sound in words. (1) egg /Ag/ egg (2) guess /gAs/ guess (3) neck /nAk/ neck (4) red /rAd/ red (5) let /lAt/ let



American T:字母T可出现在单词的词首、词中和词尾三个部位。其中在词首与词尾时的发音技巧与英式英语相同,例tight /t2it/。而在词中时,英国人的读法和词首、词尾一致,美国人却有两种读法。


由舌尖弹动发出的弹舌音,听起来像一个非常轻的/d/。 better city letter little bottle

better noted city little citizen patio putting

Read the words, while paying attention to the pronunciation of /t/(=/d/). city forty butter water dirty matter writer better Betty

/t/ /d/ Italian Italy attack attic atomic atom photography photograph



鼻腔爆破(Nasal Plosive):由舌前端在上齿根部闭气,软颚放低,发出鼻辅音/n/的瞬间,气流突然从鼻腔冲出,形成鼻腔爆破。

button cotton√ thirteen×

button written curtain eaten important Latin

Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice. (1) mutton /’m4tn/ mutton (2) written /’ritin/ /’ritn/ written (3) curtain /’k4:tin/ /’k4rtn/ curtain (4) certain /’s4:tin/ /’s4rtn/ certain (5) eaten /’itin/ /’itn/ eaten (6) button /’b8t4n/ /’b4tn/ button


辅音区别B Clear L

Clear L:舌尖抵在上齿根部,再自然落下,发出类似汉语“了”的音。 light let lip local lake lamp

Phrases and single sentences a lovely girl All is well. Let her alone. to tell a lie ate at night Did he leave? little by little to live well to talk loud Is Della telling us a lie?

Laura left a little after eleven.

All love letters belong to loose Louise.

Would you like to look at the lake where Larry Lotter was eaten for lunch? Where shall we meet for lunch? A little boy just fell into the lake.


Dark L

Dark L:舌尖抵在上齿根部但不落下,气流从舌边涌出,声带振动发/4/。

Listen and repeat each group of words. /n/ /6k/ /6/ (1) ban bank bang (2) sin sink sing (3) Min mink Ming (4) tan tank tang (5) win wink wing (6) ran rank rang




/n/ night nice /l/ light

Practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice. (1) no /n4u/ no (2) not /n2t/ not (3) dinner /din4r/ dinner (4) funny /f4ni/ funny (5) brain /bren/ brain (6) low /l4u/ low (7) lot /l2t/ lot (8) dealer /dil4r/ dealer (9) fully /fUli/ fully (10) blame /blem/ lame


K.K. 音标是国际通行的用来标识美语发音的符号,常用于朗文及牛津字典,因此识记K.K.音标对大家学习美语很有帮助,K.K.音标主要在元音音素字体以及部分卷舌音的标法上同Daniel Jones的音标有些不同。

元音 [i] [I] [A] [1] [8] [2r] [2] [3] [U ][u] [B] [4] [e] [2I] [3I] [o] [2U] [Ir] [Ar] [Ur]

辅音 [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [t5] [d9] [f] [v] [7] [0] [s] [z] [5] [9] [h] [m] [n] [6] [l] [r] [j] [w] [ts] [dz] [tr] [dr]

IPA(三种基本相同) p b t d k g t5 d9 f v 7 0 s z 5 9 h m n Webster symbols p b t d k g ch j f v th th s z sh zh h m n 6 l r j w ts dz tr dr

6 l r y w ts dz tr dr




美语卷舌元音 元音 加[r] [2] [2r] car [A] [Ar] hair [3] [3r] door [I ] [Ir] here [U] [Ur] pour [4] [4r] bird


元音字母是构成音节的核心字母,常见于音节中的元音字母为A、E、I、O、U五个元音字母。而字母Y既可以做元音字母用又可以做辅音字母用。 (1) A /e/ tape (4) O /o/ no (2) E /i/ be (5) U /U/ few (3) I /2I/ my (6) Y /2I/ style

Listen and repeat. (1) on top

(2) at the back (3) under the bus (4) good cookies

(5) One, two, buckle my shoe.

(6) How now, Brown cow? (7) Way up high in the sky.

(8) They sailed away for a year and a day. (9) in the middle (10) along the wall (11) ahead of Ed (12) thirty birds

(13) Hello, Joe, what did you know? (14) Jump for joy, a baby boy! (15) A cup of tea for you and me.





比较两类音节末辅音前面的元音的发音长度 did bit bed bet good foot bud but had hat rod not broad brought


体会重音对元音发音长度的影响 see sea see the sea

Listen to these words and phrases, then repeat. (1) see sea see the sea (2) buy tie buy a tie (3) enjoy toy enjoy the toy (4) pay way pay your way (5) hold gold hold the gold (6) lose shoes lose your shoes

Listen to and repeat the groups of words. Ben bend bent car card cart

Bill build built star large March


元音[I] 发音方法

发[I]音时,嘴唇微张,较[i]稍大一些,同时向两侧分开,舌尖轻抵下齿背, 舌前部向上抬起,比[i]稍低。

这个元音往往被很多中国同学发成汉语“一”及其近似音,如单词it被读成eat。 个别同学由于听力上区分不出[I]和[e]会把单词bit发[bet] 还有一些听力极差的同学把[I]听成[A]或[4]。

以上问题都是听力不过关所造成的。解决办法是应该首先从听力入手,熟悉[I]的正确发音,然后通过使用正确的口形、舌位把音准确地发出来。 bit did six still


词首: is, it, inch, ill, ink, initial, issue, illicit, impact, incident 词中: bit, gift, wish, disk, fish, kick, sink, zip, ship, which 词尾: 与词尾的[I]音相对应的字母或字母组合有 “y”、“ie”、“ee”等,如city, coffee。 词尾的[I]经常被某些美国人发成 [i],在本练习中,我们 读作[I],如ability, any, casualty, monthly, weekly, taxi, cookie, coffee, suddenly, happy, surely, slightly 。

Phrases hit it listen to the radio live a sad life go to the kitchen go fishing climb the hill index finger fifty mirrors give up smoking think about the matter


元音[i] 发音方法




