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Book 3 Unit 2 Healthy eating




1.What does the woman order at the beginning?

A.A piece of cake. B. An apple pie. C.A cup of tea.

2.W hat’s the man’s fa vorite drink?

A. Some coffee.

B. A cup of tea.

C. Some apple juice.


3. How many people stay at home to spend their vacation now?


4. Why does the woman say that people are becoming more and more mobile?

A.They like camping now.B.They spend their holiday with their friends.

C.They are traveling a lot.

5. Why do more and more people go camping now?

A. The seaside has lost its attractions.

B. People are eager to get close to nature.

C.The mountains are more beautiful than the seaside.


6.What does the man think about the car?

A.It’s like a candy.B. It’s really nice. C. It’s new.

7.If you drive the car at high speed, it won’t remain_________ .

A.bumpy B. smooth C. safe

8. Where will the two speakers drive to?

A.The highway. B. Anywhere the man likes. C. The mall.


9.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Strangers. B.Friend s. C.Husband and wife.

10. Which statement referring to the man is NOT true?

A.He was waiting for the same bus as the one that the woman was waiting.

B. He moved to New York by himself.

C.Because it was too cold in Indiana,he moved to New York.

11. Which statement referring to the woman is TRUE?

A.She thought it was unusual to be hot in March.

B.She had been waiting for the bus for twenty minutes.

C.She lived in New York for eight years.


12.Which of the following may happen if you are traveling east?

A.You must have a clay of more than twenty-four hours.

B.You must have a week of more than seven days,

C. You may have to set your clock ahead.


13,Why do strange things happen to time when you travel?

A.Because of the time zones.B.Because of the earth’s large area.

C.Because of the sun.

14.The International Date Line is ________ .

A.the beginning of a new t ime zone B.the point where a new day begins

C.any point where time chances by one hour

15.What should you do when you cross the International Date Line?

A.Change the calendar one full day backward.B.Change the calendar one full day.C.Change the calendar one full day forward.

第二节:单项填空(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)

16,It looks like rain, so you’d better ______ withou t an umbrella.

A. go

B. not to go

C. going

D. not go

17,The children are full of ______. They have been playing all day long without resting.

A. force

B. power

C. energy

D. strength

18,She became fatter and fatter, so the doctor advised her ______.

A. losing weight

B. to lose weight

C. to keep weight

D. to gain weight

19,Since your brother is in trouble, you ______ give him a hand.

A. need

B. could

C. might

D. should

20,Let’s go to a movie after work, OK?

— _____________

A. Not at all.

B. Why not?

C. Never mind.

D. What of it?

21,I was really anxious about you. You _______ home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave

B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left

D. needn’t leave 22,Black holes _____ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task.

A. can

B. should

C. must

D. need

23,I think he could have joined us, but he ____

A. doesn't

B. did

C. didn't

D. couldn't

24,---Did you visit the famous museum?

---No, we _____, but we spent too much time shopping.

A. could have visited

B. must have visited

C. can' t have visited

D. shouldn't have visite d

25,---You know that you were driving 100 km an hour, don't you?

---No officer, I ____. This car doesn't do more than 80.

A. may not have been

B. couldn't have been

C. mustn't have been

D. shouldn't have been 26,--- Where is Jack? I can’t find him anywhere.

--- He ______ his homework upstairs.

A. might have done

B. must have done

C. might be doing

D. must do

27,Mr. White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t turn up.

A. should have arrived

B. should arrive

C. should have had arrived

D. should be


28,We _____ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied

B. might study

C. should have studied

D. would study 29,No potatoes for me—I’m _______ a diet.

