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必修 V Module 1

出题人:刘宾 审核人:陈玉芬

I. Words

1.Young people are usually c________to the rising sun. 【答案】 compared

2.Humans d________from other mammals in their ability to speak. 【答案】 differ

3.It was o________to everyone that Jim was lying. 【答案】 obvious

4.She can’t stand other girls making rude r________about her. 【答案】 remarks

5.The products that cannot come up to the s________have been picked out. 【答案】 standard

6.The application forms have now been ________(简化). 【答案】 simplified

7.The male birds have ________(与众不同的) black and white marks on their heads. 【答案】 distinctive

8.Professor Li gave us a most________(令人费解的) lecture and most of us failed to understand it. 【答案】 confusing

9.All the people________(出席的,在场的) were satisfied with his answer. 【答案】 present

10.Don’t judge a man by his________(容貌). 【答案】 looks II. Phrases

be different from,in exchange for,have nothing in common,get around,have a strong influence on,wear off,after all,make a fuss of,make great difference,lead to 11.He gave me an apple __________________my rubber. 【答案】 in exchange for

12.Though they are brothers,they almost __________________. 【答案】 have nothing in common

13.What the president spoke at the meeting __________________to the development of the country. 【答案】 made great difference

14.People living in the south and people living in the north speak Chinese quite _________each other. 【答案】 different from

15.Working in an international firm,he always has chances to__________. 【答案】 get around

16.It’s not surprising that you are sleepy now._______,you went to bed very late last night. 【答案】 After all

17.All the experiments _________the same conclusion. 【答案】 led to


18.The activities of the parents _________their children. 【答案】 have a strong influence on

19.As parents,you shouldn’t always ___________the children. 【答案】 make a fuss of

20.The effect of losing his wife will soon ________. 【答案】 wear off III. Sentences

21.那个讲演的人不时地看发言稿。(refer to)

The speaker ________ ________his notes from time to time. 【答案】 referred to


The two mobilephones________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________color and size. 【答案】 are similar to each other in


________ ________ ________ ________,I________ ________ ________ ________his home. 【答案】 Thanks to your help;had no difficulty finding 24.一些支持“希望工程”的学生正在排队捐款。

Some students________ ________ ________the Hope Project________ ________ ________to donate money.

【答案】 in favor of;are queuing up


________ ________ ________ ________the world record of the male 100metre race was broken again. 【答案】 Word has spread that

26.他花费了两个月的时间周游世界。(get around)

________________________________________________________________________ 27.我的学习方式和他的有许多相似之处。(similar)

________________________________________________________________________ 28.毫无疑问,太多工作和较少休息将导致生病。

________________________________________________________________________ 29.哪边赢对我来说都无所谓。(difference)

________________________________________________________________________ 30.It was all a great success—thanks to a lot of hard work.




1.Please fill ________the blanks ________proper words. A.up;with B.in;with C.up;of D.in;of

2.He asked whether we were________women taking part in political activities. A.in place of B.in face of C.in favor of D.in terms of


3.Mr Cook is a man with a strong will.After repeated________he finally succeeded in his experiment. A.announcements B.decisions C.remarks D.attempts

4.Nowadays many housewives prefer to go to supermarkets for their shopping,because they provide a large________of goods. A.variation B.various C.varied D.variety

5.________with people in the West,people in the East pay more attention to their family. A.Comparing B.Being compared C.Compared D.To compare 6.The country life he was used to________greatly since 1992. A.change B.has changed C.changing D.had changed 7.—How about your travel?

—You can hardly imagine what difficulty we have had___________ the vast desert. A.exploring B.explored C.to explore D.explore

8.It is in their ability to speak________humans________from animals. A.which;differ B.that;different C.which;different D.that;differ

9.From her________look,I knew Jonna couldn’t understand your________opinions about the universe. A.confused;confusing B.confusing;confused C.confusing;confusing D.confused;confused

10.At the sight of the frightening snake,the girl stood there with a frightened________on her face. A.look B.appearance C.expression D.surface

11.There were 47 votes________of the proposal while 13 against it. A.in favor B.in need C.in demand D.in want 12.—Mr Li has been in hospital for 3 days.

—Oh,really.I________.________to see him after work. A.don’t know;I’ll go B.don’t know;I am going C.didn’t know;I’ll go D.didn’t know;I am going 13.________frightened us________a tiger turned up suddenly in front of us. A.It was;that B.What;was C.It;that was D.What;was that 14.Look!The clouds are very thick.It________rain. A.was going to B.is going to C.will D.is to

15.By the time you come back,your aunt________for Nanjing to attend a meeting.


A.will leave B.leaves C.will have left D.left

1.B fill in意为“填写,填充”,with在此处意为“用”。

2.C 句意为:他问我们是否支持妇女参与政治活动。in favor of支持;in place of取代;in face of在??面前;in terms of关于。

3.D attempt尝试;announcement声明;decision决定;remark评论。由题意“Cook是一个意志坚强的人”可知“他反复尝试,最后终于成功了”。

4.D a large variety of各种各样的??。variation变化;变异,此处与语境不符;various各种各样的;varied多变化的,两词不与of连用。

5.C 考查非谓语动词做状语。在compare...with...结构中,compare与句子主语people in the East之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,因此应该用其过去分词形式表被动。

6.B 本句中the country life是主语,定语从句he was used to(相当于he got used to,其中to为介词)修饰先行词the country life,又因为时间状语为since 1992,因此用现在完成时。

7.A have difficulty (in) doing sth.这一句型用在由what引导的宾语从句中。

8.D 本题考查强调结构以及differ的用法。根据强调结构将A、C排除;根据词性different为形容词,不能用做谓语,排除B,故选D。受be different from影响,易误选B;或没有掌握强调句式,易误选A。

9.A 句意为:“从她迷惑的表情,我知道Jonna没有理解你的关于宇宙令人费解的观点。”第一个空描述她感到迷惑的表情。要用confused;第二个空表示“令人费解的”,要用confusing,故选A。

10.A 句意为:“一看到那条吓人的蛇,那女孩站在那里,一脸惊愕。” look神情,神色;appearance强调“外表、外观”;expression表情;surface表面。

11.A in favor of支持;赞成;in need需要;in demand需要;in want需要。句意为:有47票支持这项提议,而另外有13人反对它。

12.C 本题考查时态辨析。didn’t know表示听对方讲话之前“不知道”;will go表示临时决定;临时打算;而be going to表示按事先计划、安排要干某事。句中体现的是刚得知消息后的临时打算。

13.D What frightened us是主语从句,was后的that从句是表语从句,that一般不可省略。frighten使害怕;吓唬。

14.B 根据某种迹象可以看出要发生某事常用be going to do sth.结构。

15.C by the time引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来,而by the time跟将来时间是将来完成时的时间状语。


