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第一步,快速浏览文章(skimming),把握文章的篇章结构及主旨大意。2010高考阅读简答题是一篇关于“美国体育教育”的新闻报道,通过快速浏览可知,首段为主题段,主要讲“Phys ED is making a comeback as a part of the school core curriculum, but with a difference。”接着3段围绕主题,讲到了现存问题的成因和体育教育革新的益处。

第二步,仔细阅读4个问题 ,并带着问题到原文中寻找相关的信息(scan-ning)。81题中根据lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance等词可以清楚地知道答题信息在首段中间部分,而rather than 和文章中的instead of 表达的是同一个意思,因此learn how to climb a rope作为答案就显而易见了。同理,从82题中的school boards可知,答案在第二段的中间部分。83题中,two problems with teaching group sports 明确告诉考生存在两个problems,当最后一段的首句出现“Another problem with teaching group sports”时,敏锐的学生立刻意识到除了该句之外,上文还应该谈到另一个problem: “teaching sports like football result in less overall movement”。对84题而言,确定信息的位置具有一定的难度,因为问句中没有出现与文章高度相关的词汇。但从long-term benefit可推测出“益处”不仅在学校时,而且可以在毕业之后。由此,可知答案在尾段最后处。


首先,在组织语句时,要遵循保留主干(核心词),去掉枝叶(修饰部分)的基本原则。例如82题,原文中的材料为“school boards often put P.E. on the chopping block, cutting it entirely or decreasing its teachers or the days it is offered。” 如果照抄照搬显然是不行的。分析题目,发现either一词,可以想到either or 的联系,由此,可以去掉“put PE on the chopping block”部分,填入cut it entirely or decrease its teachers or the days it is offered。再去掉修饰用的定语从句it is offered, 正好满足了10个词的答题要求。

其次,尽量用词或短语来代替句子,用简单句来代替复合句,学会英语表达中的同义词代替和不同词性的转换。83题就是考察考生能否灵活运用的典型题目。通过对题目“what are the two problems with simply teaching group sports?”的分析,what的提问可以用名词来回答,而two problems 可以采用A and B 的方式来回答。从句子teaching sports like football resulted in less overall movement不难找出A= less overall movement. 但对B的归纳则有相当的难度。“Only a tiny percentage of students continue playing them after graduating from high school” 是一个较长的句子,先考虑把它转化为动名词形式—students’continuing playing sports/students’playing sports. 因字数限制,还需考虑其他浓缩成分的方法,only a tiny percentage of 用近义词few代替;graduating from high school 用其名词形式graduation替代。至此,该句子可 以 用few students’playing sports after


graduation/students’stopping playing sports after graduation等结构表示B。A and B正好满足了字数的要求。84题的解答需要一定的技能,What is the long-term benefit of the new P.E program? 如果用复合句The long-term benefit of the new P.E. program is that 的形式显然达不到题目的要求。这时,只需要用that 这个表语从句中所包含的简单句就可以了。而根据题意要求,长远的益处应该是所学的技能能够能延续至成年,因此答案可以为The skills learned can translate to adulthood.

最后,注意拼写和语法的准确。如81题中,rather than 后应该跟动词原形,而文章中的instead of 后接的是动名词,千万不可混淆;82题中要求写出的是句子的谓语,而文中该部分却是分词结构,不能不假思索,一抄了之。



1. 浏览全文,把握中心思想

2. 根据问题,找出对应答案段落

3. 具备概括能力

4. 区分近似答案选项


Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls.

However, none were believable enough to explain the general picture. As one scientist points out, “There are slight genetic differences between the sexes at birth which may affect the subjects boys and girls choose. But the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age, there are so many other effects that it is almost impossible to tell whether girls are worse at science and maths, or whether they ve been brought up to think of these subjects as boys territory ”.

Statistics show that in mathematics, at least, girls are equal to boys. A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying mathematics because of social attitudes. One of the reports authors says, “While it is socially unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write, it is still acceptable for women to say that they are

hope-less at maths. Our research shows that, although girls get marks which are as good as the boys, they have not been encouraged to do so.”

The explanation for the difference, which is very clear during the teenage years, goes as far back as early childhood experiences. From their first days in nursery school, girls are not encouraged to work on their own or to complete tasks, although boys are. For example, boys and not girls, are often asked to help with repair work. This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve problems later on in life. Evidence shows that exceptional mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied answers; they had to find out for themselves.

A further report on maths teaching shows that teachers seem to give more

attention to boys than to girls.

Most teachers who took part in the study admitted that they expect their male students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than their female students.


All of this tends to encourage boys to work harder in these subjects, gives them confidence and makes them believe that they can succeed.

Interestingly, both boys and girls tend to regard such male subjects like

mathematics and science as difficult. Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses, not because they are difficult, but for social reasons.

Mathematics and science are mainly male subjects, and therefore, as girls become teenagers, they are less likely to take them up. Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with boys. Neither do they want to do better than boys because they are afraid to appear less female and so, less attractive. 81. According to scientific studies, girls can learn maths as well as boys if


82. Those who made extraordinary contributions in mathematics and science ____________.

83. Why are boys favored over girls when it comes to mathematics and science? _____________.

84. What caused girls to give up mathematics courses?_______________________.


81. given enough encouragement.

82. had the abilities of solving problems by themselves.

83. Because teachers expect boys to do better in mathematics and science.

84. Social reasons.


In 1901, the citizens of Colorado Springs in the USA decided to collect everyday items and to seal (密封) them in a steel box. The box was marked “To be opened after midnight, December 31st , AD2000”, and was stored in the Colorado College library.

One hundred years later, on the appointed day, 300 people gathered to watch the opening of the box. Many in the crowd were the descendants (后代) of people who had placed things inside the box.

When the box was opened after midnight, the contents were in very good

condition. There were newspapers, photographs, diaries, name cards, family trees, books and dozens of letters, including one written by Theodore Roosevelt, who became the President of the USA later that year. One of Roosevelt's friends lived in Colorado Springs at that time.

Many of the letters were addressed to their descendants. They describe the hopes that people of 1901 had for the people of the next century. At that time, Colorado

Springs had just a few thousand residents, Now nearly half a million people live there.

Colorado College Library has scanned the material and put them on a website. Cecil Muller, whose grandfather had placed a collection of postcards in the box, said that the time capsule was a great treasure. “This is a wonderful educational resource.


We can learn so much about our history,” he said. “I never knew my grandfather, but now I feel very close to him.”

In April 2001, a committee filled the time capsule with items from modem Colorado Springs and resealed it for another hundred years.

81. According to the passage, the box was opened on________________________.

82. Many of the letters in the box talked about people s_______________________.

83. What does the “time capsule” refer to according to the context in the passage? ___________________________________________________________________.

84. What can be concluded from Cecil Muller s words?

___________________________________________________________________. Keys

81. January 1st, AD 2001

82. hope for the future.

83. It refers to a collection of items from people in the past.

84. He learned a lot about the local history from the collection.


Credit and debit cards are expected to overtake cash this year as Britain's most popular method of payment, according to a new industry report. It will be the first time that card payments have outstripped cash outlay for goods and services. There are 246 plastic card transactions made every second. Total plastic card use is expected to exceed £269 billion in 2004, just a whisker ahead of the predicted £268 billion for cash payments, said banking industry body the Association for Payment Clearing Services.

The group, which represents the major banks, said credit cards had become “demonized”(魔鬼化) as one of the main causes of ballooning debts, but added: “Without plastic, our society would virtually grind to a halt.”

Last year, the number of plastic cards in use in Britain grew by 13 million, or 9%, to 160 million—the equivalent of 3.5 cards per adult. Two-thirds of card transactions are now made using debit cards.

Plastic accounted for £244 billion of spending in 2003. “This year, total plastic card use, if business card usage is included, is expected to top £269 billion. In 2005 it is expected that personal plastic card usage alone will overtake cash payments,” said Apacs.

In terms of numbers of transactions, cash will remain much bigger than plastic for some time to come, it added. “Cash will always remain there for low-value payments.”

Meanwhile, 2003 was the year that e-commerce “came of age” in the UK. More than 18 million people bought goods or services online, up 50% on 2002. Credit cards accounted for 69% of the 200m transactions, with debit cards mopping up most of the remainder.


Last year was a landmark year for another reason --- the first reduction in card fraud for eight years. Fraud losses on plastic cards fell by 5% to £402 million as measures to combat crooks started to take effect.

A new generation of cards containing computer chips is being introduced, and by the end of this year most people making face-to-face purchases will have to type their four-digit Pin number into keypads at tills and will no longer have to sign receipts.

81. The phrase “a whisker ahead of” in paragraph one means__________________. 82. Card fraud was reduced last year because______________________________. 83. According to the passage, what is the benefit brought about by credit cards? __________________________________________________________________.

84. What do people need to do now when they shop with their credit cards?



81. a little higher than.

82. measures to punish fraud started to take effect.

83. It speeds up the development of society.

84. Sign receipts.


Your body creates energy from nutrients, oxygen and invigorating stimuli, such as fragrance. Natural mood, beauty and body boosters such as these suit our

increasingly busy lives because they provide an instant lift and are so simple to do each day.

Massage your ears. According to traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating acupressure pints(指压穴位)on your ears increases blood circulation, and thus energy. Vigorously rub your ears all over for about a minute. They should start to feel hot and, almost immediately, you should feel more alert. Start at the lobe and massage to the top of the ear.

Taking a power shower. Sprinkle eucalyptus(桉树)oil on the floor of your shower before stepping in. Stand under steaming hot water and rub your body with. The eucalyptus scent stimulates your brain, while the hot water and the rubdown

increase blood flow, sending oxygen to your cells where it s transformed into energy.

Make a splash. Dip a face washer in cold water and wet both the front and back of your neck. Then gargle with cold water for a couple of seconds. Your neck and throat are rich with sensitive nerves, and by stimulating them with the cold water, you shock them into the “fight-or-flight” reaction, which temporarily shifts blood towards your brain.

81. After a power shower, we may feel_____________________________________.

82. We stimulate acupressure pints on our ears in order to ____________________.

83. What does the underlined word “gargle” in the last paragraph refer to?


84. What s the main idea of this passage?


___________________________________________________________________. Keys

81. more energetic.

82. increase blood circulation and get energy

83. wash your throat and neck.

84. How to get instant energy.

