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Module 1 People Unit 1 He looks like a cook


2.能运用本课所学的知识谈论别人; 3. 熟练使用He/She looks like…. 4. 用介词 in 、 with描述人的穿着。

一、 重点单词:like 像 look like 看起来像?? which 哪一(个);哪一些 with 有;和...在一起 glasses 眼镜 her 她(宾格)

二、 重点词组: look like 看起来像.... beside her 在她旁边 with glasses 带眼镜 with a baby 带着一个婴儿

in a white hat 带着白色的帽子 in a black uniform穿着黑色制服 in a white coat穿着白色大衣 in a white dress穿着白色裙子 Miss 老师;小姐 know 知道 him 他(宾格) policewoman 女警察 policewomen 女警察(复数) uniform 制服

in bluejeans穿着蓝色牛仔裤

三、 重点句型:


① ----Who‘s that woman?

in a bluejacket穿着蓝色夹克

----She‘s Miss Liu, our teacher. ② ----Which women?

----The one with glass. ③ But I don‘t know him. ④ He looks like a cook.

四、 重点语言点:


1. in 后面加上“衣帽”类单词表示“穿(戴)着??”。如 In a blue coat 穿着蓝色外套 in a red cap 戴着红色棒球帽 2.in 后面加“位置”类单词表示“在??里面”。如 The books are in my desk. 这些书在我的书桌里。

【知识考点二】 1. Look like: 看起来像??(同义短语: be like)

如They look like policemen. = Theyare like policemen. 2. 跟look 有关的短语: look at: 看 look after: 照顾 Let‘s look at the picture. They often look after the old man.

【知识考点三】I don’t know?我不知道?

句型转换: 肯定句 I know the boy in blue jeans.

否定句 I don’t know the boy in blue jeans.

一般疑问句Do you know the boy in blue jeans? 肯定回答 Yes, I do; 否定回答 No, I don’t.

【知识考点四】Who’s? ? ??是谁

1. Who‘s… = Who is…

1)问姓名 --Who’s that girl? -- She is Amy.

2)问身份 --Who’s that man in a red hat? -- He’s my uncle. 3)问职业 --Who’s he? -- He is a cook. 2. Who’s 和 whose 的区分 Whose: 谁的

如--- Whose dress is the black dress? ---It ?s my sister‘s.

【知识考点五】Which: 哪一个, 哪一些, 放在句首, 可接单数名词,也可接复数名词;既可提问人,也可提问物。 Which one is your English teacher? Which do you like, apples or bananas?

【知识考点六】People: 人,人们。只以复数形式出现,不能出现a people, one people的现象,people后不加s. 如

Chinese people many people young people

【知识考点七】With 的用法:有;和??在一起

The man with a red hat is a builder. I go to school with my brother.

【知识考点八】Glasses: 1. 眼镜 2. 玻璃杯复数 The man withglasses is a doctor. There are three glasses of water on the table.

【知识考点九】Beside: 在??旁边

The woman has a baby beside her. 那位女士旁边有个婴儿。

【知识考点十】Her: 1) 她宾格 2她的

Do you know her? Her uniform is black.

【知识考点十一】Cook: 1) 厨师 2煮

David is a good cook. Hecooksa big meal.

五、 随堂练习:

一、 基础知识回顾:

A : Who‘s that man? B: Which man?

A: The one with a red hat in a grey jacket and black trousers. He has a spade(铲子)beside him.

B: He‘s Jack‘s father. He is a good builder.

A:And that woman in a white dress? She looks like a nurse. B: Oh, she‘s Jack‘s mother. She is thin and pretty. She is good at cooking.

( )1. Jack is a good builder.

( )2. Jack‘s father is wearing a grey jacket and black trousers. ( )3. Jack‘s mother is thin. ( )4. Jack ?s mother is a good cook.

( ) 5. The woman in a white dress looks like a nurse.

Unit 2 She is very kind


2.能运用本课所学的知识谈论别人; 3. 熟练使用What is…like? 4. 熟练中英文姓名的表达。

一、 重点单词:

kind 和蔼的;慈祥的 What is...like???像什么 shy 害羞的

二、 重点词组:

in the teachers‘room在教师办公室 young and shy 年轻又害羞 have a round face 有一张圆脸

三、 重点句型:

① Thenew English teacher is in the teachers‘room. ② ----Really? What is she like?

----She has green eyesand a small mouth. ③ And she is very young/shy/kind/friendly/lovely.

四、 重点语言点:

【知识考点一】What is …like? ??像什么 = What does?look like ?

round 圆的 friendly 友好的

What is ?like? 可以用来询问人的外貌,意思是“??长什么样“ 如-What is he like? --He is tall and strong.

What is ?like? 只能用来询问单个人或事物的外貌或特征 当询问多个时,要用What are?like ?

-- What are the Maths Teachers like? -- They are tall and kind.

【知识考点二】kind: 1.友好的;慈祥的(形容词) 2.种类(名词)单数为kind, 复数为kinds

What kind of music do you like best? The old woman is very kind.

【知识考点三】单词末尾中y的发音 /ai/ my why try fly /i/ really friendly family Lily


如 Wang Lin 王林 Li Xiaogang刘小刚


如 Kate Green 凯特格林 Mike White 迈克怀特

五、 随堂练习: 一、基础知识巩固:


A. He is the young boy with glasses. He looks nice and a little shy. B. He is the strong man with two small eyes. He‘s wearing a pair of black trousers and a white top(上衣). He doesn’t look friendly. He looks very angry.

C. He is the man with the long thin neck(脖子). He looks a little shy. He has big eyes and a big nose.

D. He is the man with the hat. He looks friendly. He is wearing a white shirt and a black bow tie(领结). I think he’s wearing his uniform.

三、理解课文内容,回答下列问题。 1. Where is the new English teacher?

2. Is the new teacher old or young?

3. What colour are the new teacher‘s eyes?

4. What is the new teacher like?

六、 单元小测:


()1. Look at that boy short hair and a round face. Do you know him?

A. have B. with C. has ()2. What is your Chinese teacher ? A.look like B. like C. look

()3. The old man is tall and thin. He is very . A.kind and friendly B.short hair C.round face ()4.The girl has eyes and long hair. A. young,tallB.pretty, strong C.shy, big ()5. –What is the baby like? --He is and .

A. round, happy B. short, lovely C. big nose, tall ()6. that woman?

A. Who B.Whose C. Who‘s

二、判断画线部分读音是否一致,是填T,否填F 。 ()1. A. cent B. city ()2.A.nice B. black ()3. A. hair B.fair()4. A. my B. friendly ()5. A.here B. near


1. he(宾格) 2. policewoman(复数)

3. friend(形容词) 4. her(主格) 5. glass(复数)


()1. We have a new Chinese teacher in the classroom. ()2. What is the cat like? () 3. Who’s the strong man? ()4. Which woman?

()5. What does the cook look like? A. It is small and lovely. B. The one with a baby. C. He has short hair and a small mouth. He is young and happy. D. Really? E. Oh, he is my brother. He‘s a doctor.


()1. A. which B. what C. with D. who ()2. A. big B. tall C. thin D.know ()3. A. nose B. round C. face D.hair

()4. A. policeman B. builder C. cook D.uniform ()5. A. really B.happyC.kindD.friendly ()6. A. skirt B.jeansC.trousersD.shorts

()7. A.roundB.longC.happyD.short

六、 选用所给的特殊疑问词填空。

what where how who which 1. -- is the maths teacher? -- He‘s in the teachers‘ office. 2. -- is the old man in the garden? -- I think he‘s Mike‘s grandfather. 3. -- is your new PE teacher like? -- He is tall and strong. But he looks kind. 4. – There are two girls in the photo. is your sister? -- The one with black hair. 5. -- is your grandfather? -- He is fine, thank you.



Looks like pair who what looks Ben: There is a man in the teachers‘ office, next to Mr Chen‘s desk. 1is he?

Mike: I don’t know. 2is he like?

Ben: He’s not tall, with a round face and short black hair. He3 kind.

Mike: What is he wearing?

Ben: He’s wearing a white shirt and a4 of trousers.

Mike: I think he‘s Jiaming‘s father. Ben: You are right. He5Jiaming.


This is my friend, Ann. She is ten years old. She has long hair and a round face. Her eyes are big. And she has a small nose and a small mouth. She is short and thin. We all love her, because she is very kind and friendly. She likes music. Her favouritecolour is purple. So she often wears a purple dress. How pretty the girl is !

1. Ann is years old.

2. Ann‘s eyes are . Her nose and mouth are . 3. Ann is and friendly, we all like her. 4. Ann likes wearing adress. 5. Ann is a pretty .

Module2 Daily routine

Unit 3It‘s time to get up


2.能运用本课所学的知识谈论时间; 3. 熟练使用It’s time….

4. 用数词描述时钟。

一、 单词:(四会*)、(三会) daily 日常的;每日 routine 固定的程序;常规 time 时间 It’s time to/for... 是??的时候了 up 向上 get up 起床 o’clock ??点钟 half 一半的 past 过去的;过去

二、 词组: get up起床 go to school 上学 go back home回家

do my homework做我的家庭作业half past.. ??点半 quarter 一刻,十五分钟 to 差??到??(点钟) a quarter to... ??点四十五分sleep 睡觉 tired 疲倦的 lunch 午餐 back 回 home 家 dinner 晚餐

half past seven七点半 a quarter to ten九点四十五 7 o‘clock七点钟

三、 句型:

① ----What time isit ? ----It‘s 7 o‘clock. ② It‘s time to get up/ go to school/ sleep. ③ It‘s time for class/lunch/dinner. ④ It‘s half past seven now. ⑤ It‘s a quarter to ten. ⑥ I am so tired.

四、 语言点:

【知识考点一】get up 起床 I usually get up at seven o’clock. get up 反义词 go to bed.

【知识考点二】a quarter to???点45分;差一刻到??点钟注意: a quarter to 后面的小时数要加1。

如6:45 a quarter to seven.

【知识考点三】What time is it? 几点了

“What time is it?”用来询问时间回答是“It’s”后面直接加时间。 A:What time is it? B: It is five o’clock. “What time is it?‖ = ―What‘s the time?‖

【知识考点四】It’s time for/ to?该??; 到??的时候了。 It’s time for class. 该上课了。 It’s time to go back home. 该回家了。

注意: for 后面接该做的事情名称、名词; to 后面接动作,动词一定要学会区分。


1) 整点时间数字+o’clock  8:00 eight o’clock. 2) 半点时间 half past + 小时数 9:30 half past nine 3) 一刻钟15分钟或者45分钟 1. a quarter past + 小时过15分钟 2. a quarter to + 小时 (差15分钟)

还可以直接读小时和分钟数,来表达任何时刻。 5:30 five thirty

注意:英语中用am 表示上午; pm表示下午; noon表示正午12点。如4:00 pm, 8:30 am, 12: 00 noon

【知识考点七】go: 去反义词 come 跟go 有关的短语:go to school: 上学

go to bed: 睡觉

go to the classroom: 去教室

go to work: 去上班

go to the park: 去公园 go home/ go back home: 回家

注意: home 前面不加to.

五、 随堂练习: 一、基础知识回顾:


1. 太累了2. time for lunch 3. 9:30 4. a quarter toseven 5. 上学6. 做作业

