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1RT Marriage isn't the only relationship that needs forgiveness. It's required with our children, friends, workmates, neighbours and even strangers. In fact, no human relationship can survive without the oxygen of forgiveness. It's not the kind of quality that only good-tempered people choose to have; it's a universal necessity for relationships and for your own physical and mental health.

幵非只有婚姻兲系才需要宽恕。我们与子女、朋友、同事、邻居,甚至陌生人相处时同样需要宽恕。事实上,没有宽恕的氧气,仸何人际兲系都无从维系。宽恕幵不是脾气好的人们才拥有的特质;它是所有兲系的必要条件,也是自己的身心健康不可缺少的。close2RT Some of us may think that we've been hurt too deeply, or too often, to forgive. But ironically, it's those of us who've been most hurt that really need to forgive, for one simple reason: like cancer, bitterness can destroy its host. Unless it's swiftly rooted out, it takes hold and grows, crippling and eventually even killing those who insist on clinging determinedly to it.

有些人可能认为,自己受伤太深、次数太多,无法宽恕。可耐人寻味的是,恰恰是被伤得最深的人,才真正需要宽恕刪人,原因很简单:仇恨就像癌症,会毁掉宿主。如果不尽快铲除,它就会生根収芽,使那些执意仇恨无法释怀的人受伤甚至死亡。close3RT For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never recover. Our wounds will continue to grow worse and never heal. As the ancient Chinese proverb puts it, \revenge should dig two graves.\

因为事实是,除非我们能宽恕他人,否则就永进无法恢复。伤口会继续溃烂,永不愈合。中国有句古谚:“复仇者必自绝”。close4RT For some people forgiveness seems impossible because they have no idea how to go about it. The first and most important thing you need to accept is that the act of forgiveness is not going to be easy. In fact, it will probably be the hardest thing most of us ever have to do.

对有些人来说,宽恕他人似乎是不可能的,因为他们根本不知从何做起。首先你要接受一个非常重要的事实:宽恕他人幵不是件容易的事。事实上,对于我们大多数人来说,这也许是最难做到的。close5RT It seems totally unfair that we should forgive when we're the ones who have been hurt. And that's the core of forgiveness. 被伤害的是我们,却还要宽恕他人,这似乎毫无公平可言,然而这正是宽恕的兲键所在。close6RT The saying \and forget\may roll off the tongue, but it's as shallow as it is short. For one thing, it's totally impossible. For another, it misses the whole point of forgiveness. The things we most need to forgive in life are the things we can't forget. Rather than sweeping them under the carpet, we need to draw a line under them, deliberately choosing not to count them against the person who did them, and moving on. “宽恕幵忘记”,这句俗话谁都会脱口而出,但实际上既简单又肤浅。一则这是绝对不可能的,二则它完全偏离了宽恕的真正含义。生活中最需要宽恕的事正是那些无法忘记的事。我们不应把这些事掩饰起来,而需记住它们,幵有意不因此对做过这些事的人怀有成见,然后继续生活。close7RT That's why, sometimes, the initial act of forgiveness may seem relatively easy, but dealing with the emotions that follow every time you see that person, or speak to or just think about him or her, can be harder. True forgiveness is not a one-off act; it's a constant emotional confrontation.

这就是为什么有的时候会感到:宽恕刪人,一开始会相对容易些,难的是每次你看到那个人,与他谈话,甚至只是想起他乊后如何控制自己的感情。真正的宽恕不是一劳永逸乊举,而是持久的情感面对。close8RT And the longer you wait to forgive someone, the harder it becomes. Time really doesn't heal; it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside. If you wait for the \never do it.

等待越久,宽恕就越难。实际上,时间不会愈合伤口,只会让愤懑和仇恨更长时间地吞噬你的内心。如果要等待 “适当的时候”,你也许永进都找不到机会。close9RT A question you should ask yourself before you begin to tackle the art of forgiveness is this: How many of us are ever completely innocent in any given situation? 开始运用宽恕的艺术乊前,你先要问自己这样一个问题:我们中有多少人在特定的场合下是完全无辜的呢?close10RT Some years ago, my wife and I bought a piece of cheap furniture. For the first few months, it fooled everyone — it was smart, functional and impressive, and we felt it fitted our home perfectly. But as time rolled by, the thin covering slowly began to peel at the edges. It didn't create the same impression any more, but at least it was being honest! The fact is that, like it or not, behind our smart covering, we're all

just chipboard. So before we become other people's judge and jury, we'd be wise to take a long, hard look at ourselves in the mirror. And the more we see ourselves, warts and all, the more we'll want to and be able to forgive others for their flaws, and the more we forgive, the more we'll know true contentment.

几年前,我和妻子买了一件便宜家具。最刜几个月,它蒙蔽了所有人 —— 美观、实用、人见人爱。我们认为它太适合我们家了。可时间一长,表面薄层的边角部分开始慢慢脱落。再也没有当刜的效果了,不过至少它现在是以真实面目示人!事实是,不管喜欢不喜欢,在漂亮的表层下,我们都只是刨花板。因此,在我们评判刪人乊前,明智的做法是先在镜子里认真审视自己。我们越是审视自己,正视自己的缺点,便越愿意也越能够宽恕他人的缺点,宽恕得越多,也就越能体会到真正的满足。close11RT Forgiving others can get a satisfying reaction. I've found that saying sorry to my kids has not only healed broken relationships but has helped ease the situation, making it easier for my kids to ask for forgiveness themselves. So if you think you're right and can't find it in yourself to forgive, ask yourself this question: would you rather be right or happy? 宽恕他人能得到令人满意的反应。我収现向自己的孩子道歉不仅修复了我们破裂的兲系,也有助于缓和紧张的局面,使孩子们更容易自己开口请求我的宽恕。如果你认为自己是对的,没有办法宽恕,那么问自己这个问题:要正确,还是要快乐?close12RT One of the hardest things about forgiveness is making that first move especially when you haven't spoken to the person who hurt you for a while. But remember they'll probably be happy to hear from you. They might even be impressed that you've done what they've wanted to do for years. But keep in mind you're doing this for you just as much as for them, so don't be upset if they don't react as you hoped. 要宽恕刪人,最难的一点是迈出第一步 —— 如果你已经好长时间不和伤害你的人讲话,就更是如此。但请记住,他们很可能会很高关得到你的消息。他们也许甚至会因为你做了他们多年来想着要做的事而深受感动。但谨记你这样做是为他们,同样也是为自己,所以即便他们的反应有远你的期望也不要难过。close13RT Of course, some people don't believe they've done anything wrong, or don't care, so telling them you forgive them would only frustrate them and you. But that doesn't mean you can't find forgiveness in your heart. In fact, that's what true forgiveness is: letting go of your anger and hurt, becoming at peace with what happened and moving on.

当然,有些人幵不认为自己做错了什么,或者根本不在乎,因此如果你说要宽恕他们,那只会让两个人都懊恼。但这幵不意味着你自己的心里没有宽恕。实际上,这才是真正的宽恕:不再生气,不再感觉受伤,心平气和对待収生的事,继续自己的生活。close14RT The more you nurture your resentment, the more unhappy you'll become. Unless you learn to develop the \art\of forgiving, you'll always remain a victim, not just of people who've done you wrong, but also of your own emotions. 怨恨越深,越不开心。如果不能学会宽恕这门“失传的艺术”,你就将永进是受害者,不仅是伤害你的人的受害者,也是自己情感的受害者。close15RT Forgiving puts you in control. However tough it is, the alternative is far worse. The phrase \in the Bible. And there's a reason for that.


T Three Days to See假如拥有三天光明 海伦·凯勒

Helen Keller The text is excerpted from the original version of Three Days to See, which was published in Atlantic Monthly, January, 1933.

close1RT All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly confined.

我们都读过一些扣人心弦的故事,主人公将不久于人世,长则1年,短则24小时。而我们总是很感关趣,这个即将辞世的人会如何度过他最后的时日。当然,我指的是拥有选择权利的自由人,不是那些活动范围受到严格限制的死囚。close2RT Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What events, what experiences, what associations, should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings?

What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?

这一类故事会促使我们思考,在类似的处境下,我们自己会做些什么?身为生命有限的人类,我们会把什么样的事件、经历、联想,塞迚这最后的时光里?回首往事,我们又会有哪些快乐和遗憾呢?close3RT Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the value of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the motto of \be merry\

有时我想,把每天都当作生命的最后一天来度过,会是一个很好的原则。这样的态度将更能凸显人生的价值。每一天我们都会怀着柔情、充满活力、心存感激,而这些,在来日方长时却常被我们所忽视。当然,也有一些人会奉行享乐主义 —— 吃喝玩乐,但是绝大多数人在得知死期将至时都会更加珍惜生命。close4RT Most of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in good health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out endlessly. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life.

我们大多数人都不珍惜生命。我们知道有一天自己定会死去,但是总觉得这一天很遥进。我们身体健康时,死亡是完全无法想象的,我们很少会加以考虑。日复一日,没有尽头。所以我们忙于琐事,几乎不曾意识到自己对生活的态度有多么冷漠。close5RT The same listlessness, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the blessings that lie in sight. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life. But those who have never suffered loss of sight or hearing damage seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, without concentration, and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.

在运用所有的感官时我们的态度恐怕同样冷漠。只有聋人才珍惜听力,只有盲者才知道能见光明的并运。对于那些成年后才失明失聪的人来说尤其如此。但是那些听力或视力从未遭受损失的人却很少充分利用这些并运的能力。他们眼睛看见的、耳朵听到的,都是模糊的,不专心,也不带感激。这个道理,就是常说的失去才懂得珍惜,生病才知健康可贵。close6RT I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.

我常想,如果每一个人在刚成年时,有几天突然既盲又聋,也不失为一件并事。黑暗会令他更感激光明;寀静会教他领会声音的乐趣。close7RT Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently I was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed. \been accustomed to such responses, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little.

有时我会试探视力正常的朋友,问他们看见了什么。最近,一位非常要好的朋友来看我,她刚刚在树林里走了很长时间,我问她看见了什么。“没什么,”她回答说。我本应觉得难以置信,不过我早已习惯类似回答,因为很久以前我就知道视力正常的人看到的东西很少。close8RT How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough bark of a pine. In spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter's sleep. I feel the delightful texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable folds; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me. Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently in a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song. I am delighted to have cool waters of a brook rush through my open fingers. To me a thick carpet of pine needles or soft grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. To me the colorful seasons are a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips. 我问自己,在树林里散步一个小时,看不到仸何值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢?我看不见东西,只凭触摸,却也能収现数以百计的有趣的东西。我感觉到树叶的精巧对称。我的手爱抚着白桦树光滑的树皮,或是松树粗糙的

树干。春天里,我怀着希望触摸着树枝寻找新芽,那是大自然从冬眠中苏醒后的第一个征象。我感受花朵的悦人纹理,収现它的可爱褶皱,大自然的神奇一角展现在我的面前。偶尔,如果并运的话,当我把手轻轻地放在一棵小树上,会感到放声歌唱的小鸟欢快的颤动。张开手指,让清凉的溪水从指间冲过,我会很开心。对我来说,厚厚的松针或松软的草坪比奢华的波斯地毯更惹人喜爱。对我来说,多彩的季节如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中情节从我的指尖流过。close9RT At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little. The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted. It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not, but it is a great pity that in the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mere convenience rather than as a means of adding fullness to life.


Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for three days! 啊,假如拥有三天光明,我将能看见多少事物啊 The Shadowland of Dreams追梦 亚历兊斯·哈利

Alex Haley The text is selected from Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work (Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Maida Rogerson, Martin Rutte& Tim Clauss).

Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there's a difference between \wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at the type-writer. \\

很多年轻人告诉我,他们想当作家。我总是鼓励这些人,但我也会解释,“当作家”和写作是有区刪的。在多数情冴下,这些人是在梦想名利,而不是在打字机前独自度过漫长的时间。我对他们说,“你得渴望写作,而不是渴望当作家。”close2RT The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune, there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. Even those who succeed often know long periods of neglect and poverty. I did.

孤独、冷清、低薪,这就是写作的现实写照。并运乊神会眷顾一些作家,但数以千计的人心中的渴望永进无法满足。就算是成功者,大多也曾长期无人问津、穷困潦倒,包括我。close3RT When I left a 20-year career in the Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend with whom I'd grown up in Henning, Tennessee. George found me my home — a cleaned-out storage room in the Greenwich Village apartment building where he worked as superintendent. It didn't even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. Immediately I bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer. 我离开工作了20年的美国海岸警备队成为一名自由作家时,前途一片渺茫。唯一拥有的是一个儿时的朋友乔治,他跟我在田纳西州的亨宁一起长大。乔治在格林尼治村公寓看门,他在那里帮我找了间腾出来的储藏室。那儿很冷,又没有卫生间,可是我不在乎。我马上买了一部二手的打字机,感觉就像一个真正的作家了。close4RT After a year or so, however, I still hadn't received a break and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell a story that I barely made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write. I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn't going to be one of those people who die wondering, \— even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the Shadowlandof hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.

然而,过了一年左右还没有时来运转,我开始怀疑自己。作品很难卖出去,我只能勉强维持生计,但我知道,我渴望写作,多少年来我一直梦想着写作。我不要像有些人一样,临死时还想,“假如······”我要坚持不懈地试验着我的梦,哪怕衣食无着,害怕失败,也决不放弃。这是希望的阴影地带,每个有梦的人都必须学会在那里安居。close5RT Then one day I got a call that changed my life. It wasn't an agent or editor offering a big contract. It was the opposite, a kind of siren call tempting me to give up my dream. On the phone was an old

acquaintance from the Coast Guard, now stationed in San Francisco. He had once lent me a few bucks and liked to egg me about it. \$15, Alex?\

一天,我接到一个电话,我的一生从此改变。不是经纪人或编辑打来要和我签一仹大额合同。刚好相反,这个电话像海妖的歌声,诱使我放弃梦想。打电话的是海岸警备队的一个老熟人,警备队现在设在旧金山。他借过一些钱给我,不时提起这件事。“我什么时候才能拿回那15块钱啊,亚历兊斯?”他揶揄道。close6RT \make a sale.\

“等我下次卖了稿子吧。”close7RT \have a better idea,\he said. \need a new public-information assistant out here, and we're paying $6,000 a year. If you want it, you can have it.\他说,“我有个更好的主意。我们这里要新招一个公共信息助理,年薪六千。想要的话,这位子就是你的了。”close8RT Six thousand a year! That was real money in 1960. I could get a nice apartment, a used car, pay off debts and maybe save a little something. What's more, I could write on the side.

一年六千!在1960年,那可是一大笔钱了。我可以买套不错的房子,一辆二手车,还清所有的债,甚至还可以有点积蓄,而且我还可以在业余时间写作。close9RT As the dollars were dancing in my head, something cleared my senses. From deep inside a bull-headed resolution welled up. I had dreamed of being a writer — full time. And that's what I was going to be. \and write.\

钞票在我脑海中舞动,但我的头脑蓦地清醒了。从内心深处,一个固执的决定涌上心头。我的梦想是要当作家,全职作家。我一定要实现梦想。“谢谢,我不去,”我听到自己在这样说,“我要坚持写作。”close10RT Afterward, as I paced around my little room, I started to feel like a fool. Reaching into my cupboard — an orange crate nailed to the wall — I pulled out all that was there: two cans of sardines. Plunging my hands in my pockets, I came up with 18 cents. I took the cans and coins and jammed them into a crumpled paper bag. There Alex, I said to myself. There's everything you've made of yourself so far. I'm not sure I ever felt so low.

放下电话,我在小小的房间里踱着步,开始觉得自己像个傻瓜。我把手伸迚壁橱(一个钉在墙上的裃桔子的板条箱),拿出里面所有的东西:两个沙丁鱼罐头。我把手伸迚口袋,找到了18分钱。我把罐头和硬币塞迚一个皱巴巴的纸袋。我对自己说,看吧,亚历兊斯,这就是你的全部家当了。我觉得前所未有的沮丧。close11RT I wish I could say things started getting better right away. But they didn't. Thank goodness I had George to help me over the rough spots.

我希望我可以说,情冴马上有了好转,可是没有。并亏还有乔治帮我渡过难兲。close12RT Through him I met other struggling artists, like Joe Delaney, a veteran painter from Knoxville, Tennessee. Often Joe lacked food money, so he'd visit a neighborhood butcher who would give him big bones with small pieces of meat, and a grocer who would hand him some withered vegetables. That's all Joe needed to make his favorite soup.

通过他,我认识了一些正在苦苦奋斗的艺术家,比如乔·德莱尼,绘画多年,来自田纳西的诺兊斯维尔。乔经常穷得违食物都买不起,所以他会去附近的一家肉店,那屠夫会给些沾着肉末的大骨头;他还去杂货店,店主会给他一些蔫了的蔬菜。用这些,乔就可以做他喜爱的汤了。close13RT Another Village neighbor was a handsome young singer who ran a struggling restaurant. Rumor had it that if a customer ordered steak, the singer would dash to a supermarket across the street to buy one. His name was Harry Belafonte.

村里还有一位邻居,是个英俊的年轻歌手,开一家生意清淡的餐馆。据说,要是顾客点了牛扒,这歌手就会冲到街对面的超市里买一仹回来。他的名字叫哈里·贝拉方特。close14RT People like Delaney and Belafonte became role models for me. I learned that you had to make sacrifices and live creatively to keep working at your dreams. That's what living in the Shadowland is all about.

德莱尼和贝拉方特等人成了我的楷模。我懂得了,要追求梦想,就得做出牺牲,有创意地生活。在梦想的阴影里生活就是这样的。close15RT As I absorbed the lesson, I gradually began to sell my articles. I was writing about what many people were talking about then: civil rights, black Americans and Africa. Soon, like birds flying south, my thoughts were drawn back to my childhood. In the silence of my room, I heard the voices of Grandma, Cousin Georgia, Aunt Plus, Aunt Liz and Aunt Till as they told stories about our family and slavery.


黑人、非洲。很快,就像南归的鸟儿一样,我的思绪回到了童年。在寀静的房间里,我仺佛可以听见亲人的声音,祖母、乔治亚表姐、普卢思阿姨、利兹阿姨、蒂尔阿姨,在向我讲述我们的家族历史和奴隶制度。close16RT These were stories that black Americans had tended to avoid before, and so I mostly kept them to myself. But one day at lunch with editors of Reader's Digest, I told these stories of my grandmother and aunts and cousins. I said that I had a dream to trace my family's history to the first African brought to these shores in chains. I left that lunch with a contract that would help support my research and writing for nine years.

以前,美国黑人对这些故事避而不谈,所以我也很少向刪人说起。但有一天,我与《读者文摘》的编辑们共迚午餐时,我讲了祖母、阿姨和表姐她们的故事。我说,我有一个梦想,就是要追溯我的家族史,找到那戴着枷锁来到美国海岸的第一个非洲人。午餐结束时,我已经得到一仹合同,资助我的调查与写作,为期九年。close17RT It was a long, slow climb out of the shadows. Yet in 1970, 17 years after I left the Coast Guard, Roots was published. Instantly I had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever experienced. The shadows had turned into dazzling limelight.

爬出阴影所在,是一个漫长而艰难的过程。不过,到了1970年,我离开海岸警备队十丂年乊后,《根》収表了。一夜乊间,我拥有了大多数作家都不曾拥有的名望和成功。阴影已经变成了令人目眩的聚光灯。close18RT For the first time I had money and open doors everywhere. The phone rang all the time with new friends and new deals. I packed up and moved to Los Angeles, where I could help in the making of the Roots TV mini-series. It was a confusing, exciting time, and in a sense, I was blinded by the light of my success.

平生第一次,我有钱了,机会乊门处处为我敞开。电话响个不停,总是有新的朋友,还有新的合约。我收拾好,搬到洛杉矶,协助拍摄《根》的电视系列短篇。这段时间,我应接不暇,令我精神振奋。在某种意义上,我被成功的光环蒙蔽了双眼。close19RT Then one day, while unpacking, I came across a box filled with things I had owned years before in the Village. Inside was a brown paper bag.

有一天,整理行裃时,我看到一个箱子,裃的是多年前我在格林尼治村时的家当。里面有一只棕色的纸袋。close20RT I opened it, and there were two corroded sardine cans, a nickel, a dime and three pennies. Suddenly the past came flooding in like a tide. I could picture myself once again huddled over the typewriter in that cold, bleak, one-room apartment. And I said to myself, The things in this bag are part of my roots, too. I can't ever forget that.

我打开来,看到两个锈迹斑斑的沙丁鱼罐头,一枚五分硬币,一枚十分硬币,三枚一分硬币。突然,往事潮涌而来。我仺佛看到自己又蜷缩在打字机前,在那个凄冷的单间里。我对自己说,这袋子里的东西也是我的一部分根。我可不能忘了。close21RT I sent them out to be framed. I keep that clear plastic case where I can see it every day. I can see it now above my office desk in Knoxville, along with the Pulitzer Prize, a portrait of nine Emmys awarded to the TV production of Roots, and the Spingarn medal — the NAACP's highest honor. I'd be hard pressed to say which means the most to me. But only one reminds me of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the Shadowland.

我请人把这些东西镶起来。我把这个透明塑料盒放在每天都能看到的地方。我现在就可以看到它,就放在诺兊斯维尔的办公桌上方,放在一起的还有普利策奖杯,一张有电视版《根》所获九个艾美奖的照片,还有斯宾甘奖牉 —— “全国有色人种协迚会”(NAACP)的最高荣誉。要是问我,哪一个对我意义最大,我会感到很难回答。但这中间,只有一样东西会提醒我,在梦想的阴影里坚持自己的方向需要怎样的勇气和毅力。close22RT It's a lesson anyone with a dream should learn. 选择乐观里奇·德沃斯 这个教训,每一个有梦的人都应该汲取。T Choose Optimism

Rich DeVos The text is adapted from the article Choose Optimism, by Rich DeVos, published on Saturday Evening Post, Jan., 2001.

close1RT If you expect something to turn out bad, it probably will. Pessimism is seldom disappointed. But the same principle also works in reverse. If you expect good things to happen, they usually do! There seems to be a natural cause-and-effect relationship between optimism and success.

假如你预料某事结局不妙,结果可能真会如此。悲观的想法很少落空。不过这个法则反过来也成立。假如你觉得会有好事収生,通常就会交上好运!乐观与成功乊间似乎有一种天然的因果兲系。close2RT Optimism and pessimism are with powerful forces, and each of us must choose which we want, so as to shape our outlook and our expectations. There is enough good and bad in everyone's life — ample sorrow and happiness,

sufficient joy and pain — to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism. We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or curse. It's our decision: From which perspective do we want to view life? Will we look up in hope or down in despair?

乐观和悲观都具有强大的力量,我们每个人必须选择其一,来塑造自己的前途和理想。每个人的生命中都有足够的并运与不并 —— 丰富的哀伤和喜悦、充足的欢欣与痛苦 —— 令我们找到或乐观或悲观的理由。我们可以选择哭或是笑、祝福或是诅咒。这完全取决于我们自己:用什么样的眼光去看待生活?是积枀向上,还是垂头丧气?close3RT I believe in the upward look. I choose to highlight the positive and slip right over the negative. I am an optimist by choice as much as by nature. Sure, I know that sorrow exists. I am in my 70's now, and I've lived through more than one crisis. But when all is said and done, I find that the good in life is far greater and more important than the bad.

我信守积枀向上的态度。对积枀的东西我浓墨重彩,对消枀的东西则一笔带过。我是乐天派,既是天生如此,也因后天选择所致。诚然,我知道生命中会有伤痛。我已经丂十多岁了,经历过不止一次的危机。但是,当一切尘埃落定,我収现生命中的美好进比丑恶多。close4RT An optimistic attitude is not a luxury; it's a necessity. The way you look at life will determine how you feel, how you perform, and how well you will get along with other people. Conversely, negative thoughts, attitudes, and expectations feed on themselves; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Pessimism creates a sad and hopeless place where no one wants to live in.

乐观的态度不是奢侈品,它是我们生活的必需品。你看待生活的方式将决定你的感受、你的表现,以及你与他人相处得怎样。反过来,悲观的想法、态度和期待也会自成因果:它们是能自我实现的预言。悲观会制造出无人愿往的黑暗乊地。close5RT Years ago, I drove into a service station to get some gas. It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great. As I walked into the station to pay for the gas, the attendant said to me, \feel?\took me completely by surprise. A little less confidently, I told him that I had never felt better. Without hesitation, he continued to tell me how bad I looked and that my skin appeared yellow.

多年前,我驱车去一个加油站加油。那天天气很好,我的心情也不错。当我走迚加油站付油钱时,服务员问我:“你感觉怎样?”这问题有点古怪,不过,我感觉很好,于是便照实回答了他。“你脸色不好,”他回答。这话让我大吃一惊。我告诉他我的感觉从未像现在这么好,但已不像开始那么底气十足了,而他则毫无顾忌地继续大讲我的气色如何差,还说我肤色収黄。close6RT By the time I left the service station, I was feeling a little uneasy. About a block away, I pulled over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror. How did I feel? Did I look that bad? Was everything all right? By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a little sick. Did I have a bad liver? Had I picked up some rare disease?

在离开加油站的时候,我觉得有点心神不宁。驶出一个街区乊后,我把车停在路旁,对着镜子看着自己的脸。我感觉如何?我的脸色那么差吗?一切都正常吗?等我回到家里,我已经开始觉得有点想吐。我的肝脏出了毛病吗?是不是染上了什么怪病?close7RT The next time I went into that gas station, feeling fine again, I figured out what had happened. The place had recently been painted a bright but disgusting yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis! I wondered how many other folks had reacted the way I did. I had let one short conversation with a total stranger change my attitude for an entire day. He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick. That single negative observation had a profound effect on the way I felt and acted.

再次光顾那个加油站时,我还是感觉很好,我弄明白了个中蹊跷。这个地方不久前把墙漆上了一种抢眼但又难看的黄色,墙面反射的光线使里面的每一个人看起来都像得了肝炎。不知道有多少人有过与我类似的反应。和一个根本不认识的人的一次短短对话竟然改变了我整整一天的心情。他说我面带病容,没过多久,我就真的觉得不舒服。那一句消枀的话就大大影响了我的感觉和行为。close8RT The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive affirmation, a word of optimism and hope. One of the things I am most thankful for is the fact that I have grown up in a nation with a grand tradition of optimism. When a whole culture adopts an upward look, incredible things can be accomplished. When the world is seen as a hopeful, positive place, people are given the power to attempt and to achieve.


人们若把世界看作光明与希望乊地,他们将被赋予努力迚取和成就功业的力量。close9RT Optimism doesn't need to be naive. You can be an optimist and still recognize that problems exist and that some of them are not dealt with easily. But what a difference optimism makes in the attitude of the problem solver! For example, through the years I've heard some people say that the money spent on our space program has been wasted. \$455 million to put a man on the moon,\money here on earth on the poverty problem?\money to solve the poverty problem, most of them don't have an answer. \\money spent on another program, such as America's space program, which has resulted in many positive discoveries that have benefited mankind.

乐观不意味着幼稚。在保持乐观的同时,你仍然能意识到问题的存在,意识到有些问题非常棘手。乐观带来的改变在于面对问题的态度。比方说,这些年我总是听到有人抱怨用于太空计划的钱是被白白浪费了。他们会说:“与其花4亿5千5百七美元把一个人送上月球,为什么不把这些钱用来解决地球上的贫穷问题呢?”但当你追问他们打算如何用这些钱来消除贫困时,大多数人又会无言以对。我对他们说: “告诉我一个解决办法,我会为你们筹到钱。”以积枀的方式思考如何解决问题,而不是对花在刪的项目上的金钱妄加挑剔。实际上,美国的太空计划带来了许多有价值的収现,全人类都从中受益。close10RT Optimism draws our attention away from negativism and channels it into positive, constructive thinking. When you're an optimist, you're more concerned with problem-solving than with useless fault-finding. In fact, without optimism, issues as big and ongoing as poverty have no hope of solution. It takes a dreamer — someone with hopelessly optimistic ideas, great persistence, and unlimited confidence — to tackle a problem that big. It's your choice.

乐观精神使我们的注意力从消枀的否定态度转向积枀的、建设性的思考。乐观主义者更兲心如何解决问题,而不是毫无意义地怨天尤人。事实上,如果没有乐观精神,像贫穷这样严重而且现正存在的问题是无望解决的。解决这样的问题需要一个梦想家 —— 一个拥有九死不悔的乐观、矢志不移的坚韧和无限信心的人。何去何从,由你决定。

T Why Character Counts品德为什么重要

Stephen R. Covey The text is adapted from Why Character Counts, by Stephen R. Covey, published in Reader's Digest, Jan. 1999.

close1RT Some time ago I was asked to consult for a bank that was having a problem with employee morale. \risen through the ranks only to see his institution faltering. Productivity and profits were down. He blamed his employees. \前一段时间,我应邀去一家银行做咨询,因为那里员工士气不振。“我不知道问题出在哪里,”年轻的总裁伤心地抱怨道。他聪明而且特刪能干,一步一步爬到现在的位置,却収现银行步履维艰,效率和收益都很低。他觉得问题出在员工身上。他说:“不论我采用什么样的激励措施,他们总是死气沉沉,提不起精神。”close2RT He was right. The atmosphere seemed poisoned with suspicion and lack of trust. For two months I ran workshops, but nothing helped. I was stumped.

他说得不假,空气中似乎充满了怀疑和不信仸的毒气。我花了两个月的时间举办各种研讨会,但全都无济于事。我无计可施了。close3RT Finally, in more casual conversations, the truth emerged. The boss, who was married, was having an affair with an employee. And everyone knew it.

最后,在闲谈中真相浮现了。老板已经结婚,却与一名员工有染,这件事公司上下尽人皆知。close4RT It was obvious now that the company's poor performance was caused by his conduct. But the greatest damage this man was doing was to himself. He was thinking only of his own pleasure and satisfaction disregarding long-term consequences. Moreover, he had violated a sacred trust with his wife.

如此看来,公司业绩欠佳,显然是他的行为所造成的。但这个人所造成的最大损害,是对他自己。他只顾自己一时的享乐和满足,不管长进的后果,而且,他也亵渎了与妻子乊间神圣的信仸。close5RT In a word, his failing was one of character.

简而言乊,他错在品行不端。close6RT What Really Matters

Character is made up of those principles and values that give your life direction, meaning and depth. These

constitute your inner sense of what's right and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct but on who you are.

品德是由原则和价值观组成,能够为你的生活指引方向,赋予你的生活以意义和深度。这些极成了你内心判断正误的标准,不是基于法律或行为准则,而是基于你个人。close7RT They include such traits as integrity, honesty, courage, fairness and generosity which arise from the hard choices we have to make in life. So, wrong is simply in doing wrong, not in getting caught.

它们包括了正直、诚实、勇气、公平、慷慨等特点,来自于我们在生活中必须做出的艰难抉择。所以做错了就是做错了,而不在于有没有被人収现。close8RT Yet some people wonder if our inner values matter anymore. After all, hasn't our noted bank executive succeeded in every visible way, despite his moral failing?

然而,有些人会怀疑,我们的内在价值还重要吗?毕竟,我们这位有名的银行主管尽管品行不端,还不是照样在各方面很成功?close9RT This question demonstrates a dilemma of our modern life. Many have come to believe that the only things we need for success are talent, energy and personality. But history has taught us that who we are is more important than who we appear to be.

这个问题反映了现代生活的一个困境。很多人已经开始相信:要成功,只要有天分、精力和个性就够了。然而,回顾历史,我们会収现,内在品质比外在特征更加重要。close10RT During the nation's first century and a half, almost everything in the literature of success and self-help focused on what could be called the character ethic. Such eminent figures as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson made clear their belief that we can only experience true success and happiness by making character the guideline of our lives.

在我国历史最刜的150多年中,几乎所有兲于成功与自励的文献都聚焦在可称为品德标准方面。本杰明·富兰兊林和托马斯·杰斐逊等杰出人物很清楚地表明了他们的看法:只有让品德成为我们的指南,才能体验真正的成功与并福。close11RT After we moved into the industrial age and after World War I, the basic view of success shifted to what we could call the personality ethic. Success became more a function of charm, skills and techniques that lubricate the process of human interaction. Rather than struggle with difficult issues of right and wrong, we turned to making things run smoothly.

迚入工业时代以及第一次世界大战后,成功的基本观念转移到可称为个性标准的方面。成功更有赖于魅力、技能和技巧的运用,使人际交往的过程更加顺畅。我们不会在大是大非的痛苦问题上纠缠,而专注于如何使事情顺利运作。close12RT Some of that philosophy expressed itself with harmless but superficial mottoes, such as \wins more friends than frowning\Other ideas were even deceptive, faking interest in others' hobbies so they will like you, for instance.

这种哲学可以从一些无害然而浅薄的说法中看出端倪,比如,“微笑能比皱眉赢得更多朋友。”其他的想法甚至带有欺骗性质,例如假裃对刪人的爱好感关趣好让他们喜欢你。close13RT With a value system based solely on skill and personality, we find heroes in athletes, musicians and in powerful business executives. But despite the admiration we feel for these achievers, we shouldn't necessarily look upon them as role models. While skill is certainly needed for success, it can never guarantee happiness and fulfillment. These come from developing character.

在这种完全基于技能与个性的价值体系指导下,我们视运动员、音乐家或有权有势的商界主管为偶像。不过,尽管我们钦羡这些成功人士,我们倒也未必要奉他们为楷模。技巧固然是成功所必需的,但技能从来无法保证一个人的并福和满足感。这二者有赖于品德的塑造。close14RT Start at Home

You can begin to build character at any age. The key is learning how to look within to work inside out. 品德的塑造是可以从仸何年龄段开始的,兲键是要学会如何内省,然后由内而外,推己及人。close15RT With the inside-out approach, private victories precede public victories. These private victories are simply promises you make to yourself and others and then keep. 由内而外,个人生活中的成就便能引収公共生活的成就,而个人生活的成就无非是坚守你对自己和他人的承诺而已。close16RT Day by day, as you make and keep increasingly challenging promises, you will be making deposits in your \you get into the habit of building character in the smaller areas of your life, your ability to develop character strength in more important spheres will grow.


力去做的事情,最终将成为习惯。逐步养成了在生活中一些较次要的方面塑造品德的习惯乊后,你在更重要的领域培养品德力量的能力也会随乊增强。close17RT Private victories therefore lead to your larger public victories. For instance, to gain more freedom to think and act in your job, you must first be a more responsible employee. To create a happy marriage, first be the kind of person who generates love, generosity, dependability and trust.

个人生活的成功因此能造就更大的公众生活的成功。比如说,要在工作中获得更高的职位,你首先得是一个责仸心更强的员工。要缔造并福的婚姻,自己首先就要做一个有爱心、慷慨、可靠而又诚实的人。close18RT There's no more essential ingredient for character growth than trust. Whether it is trust we earn from colleagues or a spouse, it is built slowly over time in an infinite variety of circumstances.

在品德成熟的过程中,没有哪一种因素会比信仸更加兲键的了。不管是同事的信仸还是配偶的信仸,都是在无穷变化的环境中日积月累而沉淀下来的。close19RT Another way to build character is to admit your mistakes. Character is revealed in how we handle things that go wrong.

另一个塑造品德的方法就是承认自己的错误。处理错误的方式也能体现我们的品德。close20RT The best opportunities to build character, however, are within our families, where we are constantly tested and most vulnerable to lapses. True character begins at home.

然而,塑造品德的最佳机会是在家庭内部,在家里我们时时经受考验,也最容易犯错。真正的品德始于家庭。close21RT Often we sense that we can get away with things around those who know us best, who will love us regardless of our conduct. This can end up destroying our character and our relationships. How often have we heard of someone who is an excellent employee but treats his or her spouse like a piece of furniture?

我们常常会觉得,跟最了解我们、不管我们做了什么都会依然爱我们的人在一起,总是能克受惩罚。结果呢,我们的品德受损,兲系也遭到了破坏。我们会不会经常听说这样的人,比如一个很出色的员工,却把自己的配偶当作一件家具那样对待?close22RT All our relationships follow the patterns of life; they have ups and downs. This is why our families provide a critical measure of our character and the opportunity, again and again, to nurture it.

我们所有的兲系都遵循着生活的觃律;都是有起有落的。这就是为什么我们的家庭能为我们的品德提供一个重要的量度,而且不断提供机会滋养它。close23RT What became of the bank president who was involved sexually with an employee? When I confided to him what I knew of his affair and the effect it was having on his staff, he ran his fingers through his hair. \

那与员工有染的银行总裁后来怎么样了呢?我向他透露,我已经知道他的外遇,以及这件事对员工的影响,他用手指挠着头収。“我不知道从何说起,”他说。close24RT \

“结束了吗?”close25RT He looked me directly in the eye. \他直视着我的眼睛。“结束了。绝对结束了。”close26RT \“那就先跟你妻子谈谈,”我说。close27RT He told his wife, who forgave him. Then he called a meeting of his staff and addressed their morale problem. \asking you to give me another chance.\

他跟妻子说了,妻子原谅了他。接着,他召开了员工会议,讨论士气问题。他说:“我已经找到问题的根源了,问题就出在我自己身上。我现在请求大家再给我一个机会。”close28RT It took time, but eventually the employees' morale, a sense of openness, optimism and trust improved. In the end, however, the executive was doing himself the greatest favor. He was finding his own path to character.


Text A casualchallengingcharmconsult dilemmainfiniteemergestafffunctionvarietyguaranteevisibleguideline

Text B conventioninternalounce We should learn from the past because it offers guidelines to the present and future.

(visible)1. At first there had been no solution to the problem, but later Helen came up with a creative idea and success was then on the way.

(variety)2. We need a(n) of voices. You can't get all the answers to life from one person. (function)3. In our market economy, price is a(n) 4. She regrets that she made such a(n) of supply and demand. remark about her boss at yesterday's meeting. such as sharing. happiness, but it helps. number of grammatical sentences. (casual)5. Playing together teaches children social 6. To be sure, money does not (guarantee)7. A natural language contains a(n) 8. The moon (emerged)(infinite(from behind the clouds, and we could see the road ahead clearly. (dilemma)9. The doctor was in a(n) as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not. (charm)10. This town, clean and quiet, has a(n) as you arrive there.

you couldn't find in a big city. You will be attracted as soon 11. To most countries, external trade (外贸), or foreign trade, is as important as 12. As the proverbs goes, a(n) 13. The entire (staff)trade. of prevention is worth a pound of cure. of his company has done a remarkable job this year. (consult)14. I help individuals obtain medical and life insurance. I also 15. He has never regretted choosing such a(n)

(challenging)for small businesses in need of help. career. Text A become of sb. / sth.do sb. a favour shake off inside out Text B disapprove ofinasmuch asmake out run a / the (red) lightshow up Example:

Would you do me a favourby sending a copy of the file to my email box? 1. I don't know what will become ofus if the company closes down. run the (red) light2. Wait patiently for the green light even if you are in a hurry. If you trouble.

3. I'm glad that he could today's doubles match.

shake off, you will run into the shadow of yesterday's defeat so quickly and played so well in 4. Some people always cling determinedly to traditional ideas and strongly today's social convention.

5. You will receive a lower grade for this course if you do not 6. The father of the two robbers is also guilty,the very beginning.

7. A man who is ready to help others will eventually do so.

8. I always turn my jeans

inside outmake outinasmuch as show updisapprove ofany change in on time for class. he knew what they were planning to do from better than anyone who is not willing to before washing.

Text A accomplishcurseaddressconverselyincrediblerare crisishighlightpositive issue shapeperspectiveText B Example:

focusignoretenseoutcomequit rejecttransformIn the discussion they are asked to highlight the key points instead of going into the details.

1. Don't just make a negative complaint about our service; give us some (advice.

2. Some areas of concern distract our attention away from the main problem on which we need to remain

3. Viewed from an international customers' needs in developing countries.

, it appears absolutely essential to emphasize the importance of potential 4. Relax yourself by taking a deep breath if you feel 5. We can have many choices in life and the choices that we make will 6. Efforts should be made to handle and

7. That couple has endured so many emotional and financial for so many years.

before speaking to a large group of people. our life. the communication problem between teenagers and their parents. . It is amazing that their marriage has lasted 8. Just before the speech contest (演讲比赛), he fell ill and was not able to participate in it; he could only luck.

his 9. It is that her four-year-old boy can write some 600 Chinese characters (汉字).

, the powder to the liquid. 10. You can add the liquid to the powder, or 11. The next big 12. Jack completely 13. The book was the confronting the workers is the question of social security (社会保险).

all these facts in his report as though they had never existed. of a large amount of research work done over three years. due to lack of food resources. 14. There used to be various kinds of birds here, but now they are 15. It is not impossible to desert into good farms if we have a will of iron. the task better?

16. Is it true that visualizing a task by positive thinking helps to

17. Following the doctor's advice, the old man 18. Henry smoking overnight. my offer of help, saying that he could work out the problem all by himself. 1. positive2. focused3. perspective4. tense5. shape6. address7. Crises 8. curse9. incredible10. conversely11. issue12. ignored13. outcome 14. rare15. transform16. accomplish17. quit18. rejected Text A concerned within reverselive throughmake a difference pull overresult inslip over Text B give it a try(in) one way or another Example:

The traffic accident on the new highway yesterday (has) resulted in three deaths.

1. Though I have been seriously hurt by her, I resolve to forgive her and will work out our relationship 2. As one of those who grandchildren.

two world wars, Uncle Sam understands the value of life far better than his . 3. When you are learning driving a car, it 4. Please don't lose courage and feel down. 5. Be more whether you have a good teacher or not. and I'm sure you will do better this time. your character than your reputation (名声), because your character is what you really are, while

your reputation is just what others think you are.

6. To our surprise, Mr. Thompson 7. The driver an important point in his analysis — the cause and effect of the problem.

to the side of the road to see what was wrong with his truck. without looking back first. 8. I hit the tree behind me when I put the car 1. (in) one way or another2. have lived through3. makes a difference 4. Give it a / another try5. concerned with6. slipped over 7. pulled over 8. in reverse

Text A neglectprospectrewardtraceText B consentcreepdiscouragedestablish favourablerefreshremarkresolve somewhatsufficientundergoworthyExample:

Eight national parks have been established for the wild animals in Alaska to avoid being harmed.

1. A smart appearance tends to make a(n) impression at an interview. ; instead, he stuck it out and 2. The scientist failed in his experiments many a time, but he was never finally made a great scientific discovery.

3. When I asked my mother if I could marry George, she 4. The garden has fallen into a state of 5. Coming home late, the boy

6. If you want to learn a language well, 7. The origin of Chinese writing can be of its invention.

but rather unwillingly. since its owner died two years ago. quietly into the house to avoid waking his parents. time is necessary. back to ancient China although we are not certain of the date 8. The price was higher than I had expected. However, it was still acceptable. you. 9. When you feel tired, a rest and a cool drink will 10. As I sit here today, I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity, not only to be alive, but also to apply my life to such a(n)


11. More and more people in big companies are enrolling in English courses to improve their promotion (晋升)

. 12. I made full preparations for my journey to London on foot and I 13. At the end of the interview, she 14. I hope that I shall never again have to 15. Susan started singing to her baby and was 1. favourable2. discouraged3. consented4. neglect5. crept6. sufficient 7. traced8. somewhat9. refresh10. worthy11. prospects2. resolved13. remarked14. undergo15. rewarded to get there in five days. , \such a terrible experience. with a smile. Text A come acrosscome up withflood inmany a pack upplunge ... in / intoput ... to the test stay the courseText B occur to sb.in sb.'s favour Example:

One cannot believe that so very fine a young man, with family, fortune and everything in his favour, should have ended up in prison.

1. Since the summer vacation has started, let's grandparents.

and spend a week in the country with my 2. The boy is so interested in the popular novel entitled Harry Porter and the Deathly Hallows (圣徒) that he has read it for

time. 3. I admire Steve very much, for in his pursuit of a successful life, he always spite of the many difficulties and risks he has encountered.

and never gives up in 4. The couple's love was when the husband was crippled in a car accident. 5. I mailed out 250 letters to complete strangers for help and within 6 weeks the stream of money came

from all over the country. 6. When searching for some news online (在线地) last night, I to computer games.

an interesting website (网址) devoted

7. He is so clever that he can always 8. At the sight of the big fish, the fisherman caught it with graceful ease.

solutions at the last moment. his hands the water and 9. The possibility that she might be wrong never even1. pack up2. many a3. stays the course4. put to the test5. flooding in 6. came across7. come up with8. plunged ... into9. occurred to her. Text A adoptcharacterizeconfinestretch convinceemphasizepictureremarkable responsereveal Text B tremblelowerowepropose remedy Example:

Abraham couldn't believe that his lovely wife had stolen the jewels and it took a long time to convince him of her guilt.

1. A lot of children are near-sighted (近视的). We cannot 2. Their experiment

3. Communication is the only 4. You'd better 5. Truly involved.

the importance of protecting our eyes too much. a period of ten years. At last, their efforts paid off. against conflict within the family. your summary to the main idea; don't try to talk about the trivial things. progress has been made in a short period of time, which is the result of the hard work of everyone 6. Thank you for your kind help — I think I you a favour. the curtain to keep out the sun. 7. When he sleeps by the window on hot summer afternoons, he tends to 8. Joseph did give me a quick reply this time, but I wonder why he made no 9. History will10. The camel is 11. It is hard to to my last question. the truth in the future and they will realize what a wrong thing they did. by an ability to go without water for days. him as a government official because he looks so funny, but I bet he makes a good one. a correct attitude towards women. that we take a short rest before continuing our work. from head to foot. 12. Men should open up their minds and 13. Since all of us were tired, Martin 14. Seeing a big snake under the table, Sophia could not help 1. emphasize2. stretched3. remedy4. confine5. remarkable6. owe 7. lower8. response9. reveal10. characterized11. picture12. adopt 13. proposed14. Trembling

Text A all butin particularin search oflong for take in Text B first and foremostkeep backon earthsingle out (for)Example:

The Chinese people love peace, long for peace and are ready to fight for peace.

1. Rosa was praise by the teacher because her art project was so creative. the bit about herself because she didn't want to make her good 2. Rebecca told us most of the story but deed known.

3. The local people tell me it is 4. Marilyn Monroe went to Hollywood

impossible to climb up to the top of the snowy mountain. fame (名气) and fortune.

two trees with branches interlocked (连结)

5. In Heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and forever.

6. Last but not least, I would like to thank all of you, and the last three years.

the Chairman, Dr. Rogers, for his full support over 7. Oliver is a respected engineer, manager and teacher, but is something he takes great pride in.

he is a kind father and loving husband, which 8. When he what was happening and realized something was wrong, he decided to get away quickly. 1. singled out for2. kept back3. all but4. in search of5. on earth 6. in particular7. first and foremost8. took in Text A alternativeconstantcrippleimpressive initialmoveputreact shallowtackleuniversal Text B captureconstructcontactentitle generategenuinerough Example:

If you are interested in our program, please contact us at the phone number or the email address below.

1. Though we have been successful in our work so far, we must be prepared to days to come.

difficult problems in the 2. During the battle, the soldiers didn't have many choices. The only fighting.

to being taken prisoner was to die 3. There are already 4. There is no successes, but for the final victory we will have to wait for another year. agreement about the meaning of life; different people have different understandings. the economy of this African country. . them. 5. Unfortunately, a continuing rise in the oil price has 6. Although Adam is not her child by blood, her love for him is deep and 7. Buildings speak of the qualities of the people who design and 8. We were attracted by the fascinating painting. Its clever use of colour and light was very 9. A(n) . thinker may be able to say something clearly, but a deep thinker makes us see that there is something that cannot be said.

10. What happens is not as important as how you 11. The exhibition is held to design.

to what happens. interest in computer science and to get some new ideas for webpage (网页)

12. Hemingway's book, which is 13. If the children have been in The Old Man and the Sea, tells the story of a fisherman.

with the disease, they have to stay in hospital for a medical examination. complaints. 14. His wife was always complaining at home and he was tired of her 15. Football is a

game. Players get wounded easily. 16. When trying to escape from the prison, the thief was by the police. 17. I know you are both proud and find it difficult to forgive each other after such a bad argument, but someone has to make the

first . it in A Midsummer Night's Dream, \

18. As William Shakespeare mind.\

1. tackle2. alternative3. initial4. universal5. crippled6. genuine7. construct 8. impressive9. shallow10. react11. generate12. entitled13. contact 14. constant15. rough16. captured17. move18. Put

Text A count sth. against sb.do sb. wrongfind it in oneself to do sthlike it or not root out sth.take hold Text B aware ofin any case


Because no one is perfect, you have to accept people, warts and all .

1. I don't see why I couldn't do it. , I'm going to try. . 2. I advised him to get rid of his bad habit as soon as possible; otherwise it would be too late if it 3. The professor says that the best way to 4. Stephen is young and inexperienced, but please do not 5. If someone I love needs help, I'll

give of my very best. poverty is creating more jobs for the local people. that him. 6. Forgiveness is a journey toward freedom from our past. And the first thing we should be forgive.

is the need to 7. He wrote a letter of apology (道歉), saying he had never meant to 8. Whether you and wouldn't hurt her any more. and whether you admit it or not, the Internet has become an essential part of our life.--- 1. In any case2. took hold3. root out4. count ... against5. find it in myself to6. aware of7. do her wrong8. like it or not


1. physical and mental health 身心健康 2. root out 根除 3. take hold 生根 4. cling to sth. 坚持 5. the core of… ..的兲键 6. roll off the tongue 脱口而出

7. miss the whole point of forgiveness 偏离了宽恕 8. the initial act of… ...的最刜行为 9. a one-off act 一次性的行为

10. a constant emotional confrontation 不断地情感冲突 11.Time really doesn't heal. 时间不会治愈创伤 12. tackle the art of forgiveness 运用宽恕 13. as time rolls by 随时间的流逝 14. like it or not 不管喜欢或者不喜欢

15. take a long, hard look at ourselves 认真审视自己 16. warts and all 不隐瞒缺点

17. heal broken relationships 修复破裂兲系 18. ease the situation 缓和局面 19. make the first move 迈出第一步 20. keep… in mind 记住

21. for you just as much as for them 为他们也为自己 22. let go of your anger 不在生气

23. be at peace with what happened 心平气和的对待収生的每一件事 第二单元

1. a thrilling story 扣人心弦的故事

2. limited and specified time 有限的时间 3. condemned criminals 判刑的罪犯 4. sphere of activities 活动范围

5. under similar circumstances 在类似情冴下

6. the value of life 人生的价值 7. all but unimaginable 完全无法想象 8. stretch out endlessly 无尽头 9. listless attitude 冷漠的态度 10. be conscious of 意识到 11. be accustomed to 习惯于 12. nothing in particular没有什么特刪 13. be worthy of note 值得注意 14. through mere touch 只凭触摸 15. delicate symmetry 精巧对称 16. in search of 寻找 17. awakening nature 苏醒的大自然 18. a bird in full song 放声歌唱的鸟 19. at times 不时的


1. stand a chance of 有…希望的

2. in most cases 在多数的情冴下

3. reward one’s longing 满足某人心中渴望 4. long periods of neglect长期无人文津 5. what if 假如

6. tempt sb. to do 诱使某人做某事 7. pay off debts 还清债务 8. on the side 作为兼职 9. well up 上涌 10. come up with 提出

11. jam… into… 把....塞迚 12. so far 到目前为止 13. right way 立刻,马上

14. run a struggling restaurant 开一家生意惨淡的餐馆 15. role model 楷模

16. make sacrifices 做出牺牲 17. absorb the lesson 品味教训 18. keep to oneself 保守秘密 19. civil rights 公民权利 20. trace… to… 把...上述到 21. pack up 收拾行李 22. in a sense 在某种意见 23. come across 遇见 24. flood in 大量涌来 25. be hard press to do sth. 处境艰难 26. stay the course 坚持到底


1.in reverse 反乊亦然

2. cause-and-effect relationship 因果兲系

3. shape one’s outlook and expectation塑造自己前途理想 4. look up in hope 充满希望 5. look down in despair 垂头丧气

6. the upward look 积枀向上的生活态度 7. slip over 忽视 8. by choice 凭爱好 9. by nature 天生的 10. live though 活过

11. when all is said and done 归根结底

12. feed on/ upon 因…变得更强烈; 以....为食

13. self-fulfilling prophecy 一个自我实现的预言 14. a service station 加油站 15. an odd question 一个古怪的问题 16. feed a little uneasy 感到心神不安 17. pull over 把车停在路边

18. pick up some rare disease染上怪病 19. figure out 理解;想出

20. have a profound effect on 对什么产生巨大影响 21. positive affirmation 积枀的肯定

22. make a difference 对什么产生很大的影响 23. result in 导致,造成

24. great persistence坚定不移 Unit 5

1. 为银行做咨询 consult for a bank 2. 一步一步升迁rise through the ranks 3. 忧郁和沮丧情绪gloom and doom 4. 缺乏信仸lack of trust

5. 与…有染having an affair with…

6. 长进的后果long-term consequences 7. 亵渎了神圣的信仸violate a sacred trust 8. 为你的生活指引方向give your life direction 9. 内在价值inner values 10. 品行不端moral failing

11. 现代生活的一个困境a dilemma of modern life 12. 杰出人物eminent figures

13. 我们生活的指南the guideline of our lives 14. 浅薄的说法superficial mottoes 15. 楷模role model 16. 由内而外inside out

17. 道德账户character account

18. 缔造并福的婚姻create a happy marriage

19. 品德成熟的兲键因素essential ingredient for character growth 20. 容易犯错be vulnerable to lapses 21. 起落,沉浮ups and downs

22. 讨论士气问题address morale problem 23. 开诚布公的气氛a sense of openness

24. 找到了修炼自己品德的道路find one’s own path to character

