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一、单词表 organizational [`?:g?nai?zei??nl] a.组织(上)的 goal [g?ul] n.1.目的,目标;2.得分进球,球门

objective [?b?d?ektiv] n.目标,目的;a.1.客观的,真实的;2.如实的,无偏见的

accomplish [??k?mpli?] vt.完成(任务等) predict [pri?dikt] vt./vi.预言;预示

accompany [??k?mp?ni] vt.1.伴随,陪同;2.为……伴奏 implement [?implim?nt] vt.实现;完成(任务等);履行(协定、诺言等)

constraint [k?n?streint] n.1.强制;2.强制因素,制约条件 precedent [?presid?nt] n.先例,前例 simplify [?simplifai] vt.简化

tendency [?tend?nsi] n.趋势,倾向

managerial [`m?n??d?i?ri?l] a.1.经理的,管理人的;2.管理上的,经营上的

maker [?meik?] n.制造者;制造商

achievement [??t?i:vm?nt] n.1.完成,达到;2.成就,成绩

attain [??tein] vt.达到;完成

optimal [??ptim?l] a.最适宜的;最理想的

suboptimization [s?b`?ptimai?zei??n] n.局部最优化(指使整体目标中的某个选定目标圆满实现) trade-off [?treid ?f] n.1.(对不能同时兼顾的因素)权衡;2.物物交换

argue [?ɑ:gju:] vt./vi.争辨,争论,辩论;vt.1.说服;2.用辩论证明

budget [?b?d?it] n.预算;vt.1.把……编入预算;2.安排,预定

scheme [ski:m] n.计划;方案;vt./vi.计划,策划

define [di?fain] vt.1.解释,给……下定义;2.限定,规定 multiple [?m?ltipl] a.多样的,复合的;n.倍数 profitability [`pr?fit??biliti] n.赚钱,获利 correctness [k??rektnis] n.正确,正确性

unintended [??nin?tendid] a.非计划中的,非故意的 ongoing [??n?g?ui?] a.进行中的,前进的 entity [?entiti] n.1.存在,实体;2.统一性 skilled [skild] a.熟练的;有技能的 in the way 挡路;碍事 make a guess at 猜测

and the like 等等,诸如此类 seek to 追求,争取

in part 部分地,在某种程度上 point of view 观点

interview [?int?vju:] vt./n.1.面谈,采访;2.面试,口试 criticism [?kritisiz?m] n.批评;评论

candidate [?k?ndideit] n.1.候选人,候补者;2.应试者 vague [veig] a.含糊的;不明确的

notion [?n?u??n] 1. 概念;2.想法,看法

prospect [?pr?spekt] n.1.展望,景象;2.[常pl.]前景,前程

community [k??mju:niti] n.社区;共同体

unattractive [`?n??tr?ktiv] a.无吸引力的;不引人注意的 indifference [in?difr?ns] n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to) interviewer [?int?vju:?] n.接见者;面谈者

personality [`p?:s??n?liti] n.个性;人格;品格 prospective [pr?s?pektiv] a.预期的;未来的

speechless [?spi:t?lis] a.1.不会说话的;2.不说话的 clarification [`kl?rifi?kei??n] n.澄清,阐明

correspondence [`k?ris?p?nd?ns] n.1.符合,一致;2.通信 photocopy [?f?ut?u`k?pi] vt./n.1.复印,影印;2.照相复制本

resume [?rezju:mei]] n.1.摘要,梗概;2.个人简历 inefficiency [`ini?fi??nsi] n.无效;效能差 neat [ni:t] a.整洁的;简洁的;整齐的

conservative [k?n?s?:v?tiv] a.1.保存的,防腐的;2.保守的,守旧的

punk [p??k] n.1.(俚)阿飞;2.朋克(70年代以来英国、美国的年轻人中的颓废派);a.颓废派的 miniskirt [?minisk?:t] n.超短裙 panel [?p?nl] n.专门小组

intimidate [in?timideit] vt.恐吓,恫吓 clutch [kl?t?] vt./vi.抓住,握紧

grip [grip] vt./n.1.紧握,紧夹;2.掌握,控制 painful [?peinful] a.1.痛苦的;2.费力的

rephrase [?ri?freiz] vt.重新措辞,改用别的话表示 apply for 申请

day to day (=day-to-day) work 日常工作 take the trouble to 不辞劳苦,费力

put oneself in somebody?s place 设身处地 to one?s advantage 对某人有利 ask for 1.请求,向……要;2.寻找 in hand 手头上有

make sure 1.查明,弄确实;2.确信 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位

turn down 1.拒绝;2.调小或调低;3.翻下 astronomer [?s?tr?n?m?] n.天文学家

escape [is?keip] vi./vt.逃跑;避免;n.1.逃跑;2.逃路,出口

exert [ig?z?:t] vt.尽(力);发挥(威力等); 施加(压力等);产生(影响等);行使(职权等) explode [iks?pl?ud] vt.使爆炸;vi.爆炸;突发

density [?densiti] n.1.密集度,稠密度;2.[物][化]密度 collapse [k??l?ps] vt./vi./n(使)倒塌,(使)崩溃;(使)瓦解

supernova [`sju:p??n?uv?] n.[天]超新星 daytime [?deitaim] n.白天,日间

dwarf [dw?:f] n.1.矮子;2.[天]矮星(= ~ star,如太阳) shrink [?ri?k] vt./vi./n.收缩;缩小;vi./n.退缩,畏缩 gravity [?gr?viti] n.1.严肃,认真;2.严重性,重要性;3.[物]重力,地球引力

marble [?mɑ:bl] n.1. (游戏用的玻璃、石头等做的)弹子;2.大理石;a.大理石的,大理石般的 boundary [?baund?ri] n.分界线,边界

observer [?b?z?:v?] n.1.遵守者,奉行者;2.观察者,监视者

interchangeable [`int?(:)?t?eind??bl] a.可交换的;可互换的

constant [?k?nst?nt] a.1.永恒的,经久不变的;2.经常的,不断的;n.[数] 常数

measurement [?me??m?nt] n.衡量,测量

implication [`impli?kei??n] n.1.含意,暗示;2.牵连,涉及,卷入 basis [?beisis] n.1.基础,根据;2.主要成份;3.军事基地 launch [l?:nt?] vt.1.发射,投射;2.使(船)下水;3.发动,发起(运动等);n.发射,(船)下水

galaxy [?g?l?k?si] n.1.[天]星系,[G-]银河系,银河;2.一群出色(或著名)的人物

observatory [?b?z?:v?t?ri] n.1.天文台;2.了望台 convincing [k?n?vinsi?] a.有说服力的,使人信服的 binary [?bain?ri] a.1.二,双,复;2.[数]二进制的;n.1.二,双(体),复(体);

twin [twin] a.1.双胞胎的;2.两个相似部分组成的;n.1.双胞胎之一,[pl.] 双胞胎;2.两个相象的人或物;3.[Twins][天]双子座

companion [k?m?p?nj?n] n.1.同伴,同事;2.[天]伴星 speculation [`spekju?lei??n] n.1.推测,猜测;2.投机 swallow [?sw?l?u] vt.吞咽 mankind [`m?n?kaind] n.人类

operate [??p?reit] vi.1.运转,起作用;2.动手术(on, upon);vt.1.操作,操纵,经营;2.对……动手术 research into 研究

speculation about 关于……猜测 swallow up 吞没,耗尽 make use of 利用 planet [?pl?nit] n.行星

revolve [ri?v?lv] vi.旋转;绕转

solar [?s?ul?] a.太阳的,日光的;利用太阳光的 largely [?lɑ:d?li] ad.1.大量地;2.主要地 glitter [?glit?] vi.闪闪发光,闪烁;n.闪光 cloudless [?klaudlis] a.无云的,晴朗的 astronaut [??str?n?:t] n.宇航员

thrilling [?θrili?] a.1.令人激动的;2.颤动的,震颤的 outer [?aut?] a.外部的

whereas [hw??r??z] conj.而,却;反之 lesser [?les?] a.较小的;更少的;次要的

concerned [k?n?s?:nd] a.1.有关的;2.关切的,担心的 microscopic [`maikr?s?k?pik] 1.显微镜的;2.微观的;3.微小的,细微的

whilst [hwailst] conj.1.当……时;2.然而;3.虽然,尽管 plateau [?pl?t?u] n.高原

tropical [?tr?pik?l] a.1.热带的;2.炎热的 coloured [?k?l?d] a.有色的

religion [ri?lid??n] n.宗教;宗教信仰

circumstance [?s?:k?mst?ns] n.[pl.]情况,环境;境遇 a great many 很多 above all 首先,首要 as a rule 通常;一般说来

euthanasia [ju:θ??neizj?] n.1.无痛楚的死亡;2.安乐死 weaken [?wi:k?n] vt.削弱,减弱;vi.变弱 Dutchman [?d?t?m?n] n.荷兰人

deteriorate [di?ti?ri?reit] vt./vi.(使)恶化 lethal [?li:θ?l] a.致死的

injection [in?d?ek??n] n.1.注射;2.注射剂,针剂

nationwide [?nei??n?waid] a.全国性;ad.在全国范围内 debate [di?beit] vt./n.争论,辩论;vi.对……进行争论,辩论(about, on)

legal [?li:g?l] a.1.法律上的;2.合法的

Dutch [d?t?] a.荷兰人的;荷兰语的;n.1.[the Dutch][总称]荷兰人;2.荷兰语

parliament [?pɑ:l?m?nt] n.1.议会,国会;2.[P-](英国或加拿大等的)议会,国会

prosecute [?pr?sikju:t] vt.对……起诉,告发 request [ri?kwest] vt./n.请求,要求

criterion [krai?ti?ri?n] n.(批评,判断的)标准,准则 crowd [kraud] n.群,人群;vi.聚集,群集 ensure [in??u?] vt.保证,担保 healthcare [?helθ`k??] n.保健 oppose [??p?uz] vt.1.反对,反抗;2.使相对,使对抗(to) tradition [tr??di??n] n.传统;惯例

hospice [?h?spis] n.(晚期病人)收容所 council [?kauns?l] n.理事会,委员会 founder [?faund?] n.创始者;缔造者

consideration [k?n`sid??rei??n] n.1.考虑;2.体谅,照顾 elderly [?eld?li] a.较老的,人过中年的;n.近老年人,到了晚年的人

disabled [dis?eibld] a.伤残的;使失去战斗力的

burden [?b?:dn] n.1.担子,负担;2.责任,义务;vt.使负重担;麻烦,劳累 opt [?pt] vi.抉择,选择(for),在……之间选择(between) shorten [???:t?n] vt./vi.缩短,缩小;减少

vulnerable [?v?ln?r?bl] a.1.易受伤的,弱小的;2.易受……攻击的,易受……伤害的(to) prohibition [`pr?uhi?bi??n] n.禁止;禁令

individual [`indi?vidju?l] n.个人,个体,独立单位;a.1.个人的;2.个别的

paternalistic [p?`t?:n??listik] a.家长式统治的;家长作风的

moving [?mu:vi?] a.1.活动的,移动的;2.动人的,令人感动的

sensitive [?sensitiv] a.1.敏感的;2.灵敏的,感光的 be affected with 患有……疾病 debate on 关于……进行辩论 make request for 要求…… be opposed to 反对

open up 1.打开;2.开办,开辟,开发;3坦诚地或无拘束地谈话

take……into account 考虑到 need for 对……的需要

opt out of 决定不参加……,决定(从……)中退出 have……at heart 对某事十分关心

conspiracy [k?n?spir?si] n.1.阴谋,密谋;2.阴谋集团,阴谋帮派

old-boy [??uld b?i] n.1.老同学;2.(招呼用)老朋友,老弟,老兄

network [?netw?:k] 1.[纺]网眼织物;2.网状物,网络 escalator [?esk?leit?] n.自动扶梯

privilege [?privilid?] n.特权;vt.给予……特权

profession [pr??fe??n] n. (尤指脑力劳动或受过专业训练的)职业

graduate [?gr?djueit] vi.大学毕业,[美]毕业;vt.[主美]准予……毕业;a.1.毕业的;2.研究生的;n.大学毕业生,[美]毕业生

unfair [?n?f??] a.不公平的,不公正的

employment [im?pl?im?nt] n.1.使用;2.雇佣;3.职业,工作 publish [?p?bli?] vt.1.出版,刊印;2.公布,发表

senior [?si:nj?] a.1.年长的,年纪较大的;2.地位较高的,资历较深的;3.[英](大学)高年级的,[美]大学四年级的;n.1.年长者;2.资历深者,上级 appoint [??p?int] vt.1.任命,委任(as);2.私营的,私立的;3.秘密的,私下的

headmaster [?hed?mɑ:st?] n.(中学或小学的)校长

leading [?li:di?] a.1.领导的,指引的;2.最重要的,主要的

bias [?bai?s] n.偏见;v.[常用被动语态]有偏见(常与against, towards连用)

entry [?entri] n.1.进入,入场(权),入会权;2.入口;3.登记,条目,账目

merit [?merit] n.1.优点,长处;2.功绩,功劳 fiercely [?fi?sli] ad.1.凶猛地,凶残地;2.猛烈地 competitive [k?m?petitiv] a.竞争的;比赛的

entrance [?entr?ns] n.1.进入;2.入口,门口;3.入场,入会,入学

additional [??di??nl] a.附加的,追加的;另外的 abolish [??b?li?] vt.废除(法律,习惯等);取消 applicant [??plik?nt] n.申请人,请求者

performance [p??f?:m?ns] n.1.执行,完成;2.表现,工作性能;3.演出,演奏

accessible [?k?ses?bl] a.1.易接近的,能进去的;2.易受影响的(to);3可理解的(to)

elite [ei?li:t] n.[集合名词]精英,杰出人物;a.杰出的,精英的

academic [`?k??demik] a.1.(高等)专科院校的,研究院的,学会的;2.学术的

excellence [?eks?l?ns] n.优秀,杰出 recruit [ri?kru:t] vt./vi.1.征募(新兵),吸收(新成员);2.聘用,补充;n.新兵;新成员

equivalent [i?kwiv?l?nt] a.1.相等的,相同的(to);2.等价的,等量的,等效的;n.1.等价(物),等量(物);2.对应词(或对应语) ivy [?aivi] n.常青藤

replicate [?replikeit] vt.重复;复制 elitist [ei?litist] n.1.杰出人物;2.杰出人物统治论者;adj.1.杰出人物的;2.杰出人物统治论的

remedial [ri?mi:dj?l] a.1.治疗的,治疗上用的;2.补救的 prime [praim] a.1.最初的,基本的;2.首要的,主要的;3.第一流的,最好的

vision [?vi??n] n.1.想象力,幻觉;2.视力,视觉;3.眼光

classless [klɑ:slis] a.1.无阶级的;2.不属于任何阶级的 amount to 1.达到 总计;2.相当于,等于 on average 平均

blame……for 为……责备某人

by nature 生来,天生,就其本性而言 be worth doing 值得做……

slavery [?sleiv?ri] n.1.奴隶制度,奴役;2.奴隶身份 domestic [d??mestik] adj.1.家庭的,家务的;2.国内的,本国的;n.家仆,佣人

Briton [?brit?n] n.大不列颠人;英国人 statistics [st??tistiks] n.1.统计数字,统计资料;2.[用作单]统计学

diplomat [?dipl?m?t] a.外交家;外交官 abroad [??br?:d] ad.到国外;在国外

exploit [iks?pl?it] vt.1.开发,开采;2.利用;3.剥削 abuse [??bju:z] vt./n.1.滥用,妄用;2.虐待,凌辱

campaign [k?m?pein] n.1.战役;2.运动,参选活动;v.参加运动,参加竞选活动 sexually [?seksju?li] ad.在性方面 passport [?pɑ:sp?:t] n.护照

Filipino [`fili?pi:n?u] n.1.菲律宾人;2菲律宾语;a.菲律宾人的;菲律宾的

maid [meid] n.1.少女;2.侍女,女仆 execute [?eksikju:t] vt.1.实行,执行,完成,贯彻;2.将……处死

convict [k?n?vikt, ?k?nvikt] vt.1.证明……有罪?mein] a.不人道的,残忍的

ineffective [`ini?fektiv] a.无效的,不起作用的

civil [?sivl] n.1.国民的,民用的;2.国内的,民间的 union [?ju:nj?n] n.1.工会,协会;2.结合,联合

liberty [?lib?ti] n.1.自由,自由权;2.冒昧,失礼;3.[常pl.]特许权,特权

punishment [?p?ni?m?nt] n.1.处罚,罚,刑罚;2.折磨,损害

disaffection [`dis??fek??n] n.不满

argument [?ɑ:gjum?nt] n.1.争论,辩论;2.论据,理由 watch over 看守,照管,监视 in unison 完全一致地

call up 1.打电话;2.使想起,使忆起

blues [blu:z] n.1.[用作单或复]布鲁斯(源于美国南部黑人之中抑郁伤感的曲调);2.慢四步舞 rock?n?roll [`r?kn?r?ul] n.摇滚乐,摇滚舞

folk [f?uk] n.1.人们;2.[口]家属,亲属;a.民间的 musician [mju(:)?zi??n] n.音乐家;作曲家 transformation [`tr?nsf??mei??n] n.1.变化,转化;2.改造,改革

rhythmic [?riemik] a.有韵律的;有节奏的

musically [?mju:zik?li] ad.在音乐方面;好听地;悦耳地 distinct [dis?ti?kt] a.1.与其他不同的,独特的;2.明显的 consciousness [?k?n??snis] n.意识,知觉;觉悟 youthful [?ju:θful] a.1.年轻的;2.朝气蓬勃的 anti-war [??nti?w?:] a.反战的

sentiment [?sentim?nt] n.1.感情,情绪;2.感伤

spontaneous [sp?n?teinj?s] a.1.自发的,本能的,自动的;2.出自自然的

originate [??rid?ineit] vi./vt.发源;发生,发起 imitator [?imiteit?] n.模仿者

Negro [?ni:gr?u] n.黑人;a.黑人的 eclecticism [ek?lektisiz?m] n.折衷主义 synthesis [?sinθisis] n.结合,合成 jazz [d??z] n.爵士乐

readily [?redili] ad.1.乐意地;2.很快地,容易地 limitless [?limitlis] a.无限制的,无限的 instrument [?instrum?nt] n.1.仪器;2.乐器 electronic [ilek?tr?nik] a.电子的 amplifier [??mplifai?] n.放大器 guitar [gi?tɑ:] n.六弦琴,吉他

electronics [ilek?tr?niks] [复]n.[用作单]电子学

studio [?stju:di?u] n.1.(艺术家的)工作室;2.(无线电,电视)播音室,演播室;3.电影制片厂

penetrating [?pen?treiti?] a.1.穿透的,贯穿的;2.深刻的,透彻的

thereby [?e??bai] ad.由此,从而

passive [?p?siv] a.1.被动的;2.消极的

participant [pɑ:?tisip?nt] n.参加者;a.参与的

multimedia [`m?lti?mi:dj?] a.1.多种手段的;2.多媒体的;同时使用形、光、声效果的;n.多媒体,多媒体的使用

ballroom [?b?:l?rum] n.舞厅

lighting [?laiti?] n.照明,照明设备 take place 发生

take over 1.接管,接任;2.把……从一处运到另一处 take on 1.具有;2.担任(工作等);3.雇佣 composer [k?m?p?uz?] n.作曲家

inspire [in?spai?] vt.1.鼓舞;2.使产生灵感 fruitful [?fru:tful] a.有成果的,有收获的 output [?autput] n.1.产量;2.输出

theme [θi:m] n.1.题目,主题;2.主旋律 invariably [in?v??ri?bli] ad.不变地

improvise [?impr?vaiz] vt.1.即兴创作;2.临时准备,临时凑成

symphony [?simf?ni] n.1.交响曲,交响乐;2.交响乐队,交响音乐会

handle [?h?ndl] n.柄,把手;vt.1.拿,弄;2.运用,操纵3.经营,管理

constructive [k?n?str?ktiv] a.建设的,建设性的 creative [kri(:)?eitiv] a.创造性的 notebook [?n?utbuk] n.笔记本

preliminary [pri?limin?ri] a.预备的;初步的;n.初试;预赛

painstaking [?peinz`teiki?] a.苦干的;费力的

traditionalist [tr??di??n?list] n.传统主义者;因循守旧者 thematic [θi?m?tik] a.1.题目的,主题的;2.主旋律的 conception [k?n?sep??n] n.概念,观念

well-established [?wel is?t?bli?t] a.1.固定下来的;2.得到确认的

temper [?temp?] vt.1.[冶]使回火,锻炼;2.调合

well(-)tempered [?wel?temp?d] 1.脾气好的;2.(键盘乐器)调到平均律的

clavichord [?kl?vik?:d] n.[音]击弦古钢琴

mold [m?uld] n.模子;模型;vt.用模子做,浇铸 sake [seik] n.缘故

completeness [k?m?pli:tnis] n.1.完整,圆满;2.完成,结束

summarize [?s?m?raiz] vt./vi.概述,总结 diversified [dai?v?:sifaid] a.多样化的

conventional [k?n?ven??nl] a.1.惯例的,常规的;2.(艺术等)因袭的

experimental [eks`peri?mentl] a.实验的;经验的 harmony [?hɑ:m?ni] n.1.协调,和谐;2.融洽,一致 sonority [s??n?riti] n.响亮,洪亮 evident [?evid?nt] a.明显的,明白的 in other words 换句话说 in a sense 在某种意义上 at a stretch 连续不断地 serve as 适合

belong in 应归入(类别、范畴等) in advance 1.在前面;2.预先

It goes without saying 不言而喻,理所当然

for the sake of 为了……之好处;为了……的目的 efficiency [i?fi??nsi] n.1.效率;2.功效,效能,实力 robotics [r?u?b?tiks] n.[用作单]机器人学,机器人技术 robot [?r?ub?t] n.机器人;自动控制装置 increasingly [in?kri:si?li] ad.不断增加地 prevalent [?prev?l?nt] a.流行的,普通的

automotive [`?:t??m?utiv] a.1.自动的,机动的;2.汽车的 weld [weld] vt./n.焊接

spray [sprei] n.1.浪花,水花;2.喷雾,喷雾状物;vt.喷;向……喷射;喷涂;vi.喷;溅散

cast [kɑ:st] vt.1.投,扔,抛,掷;2.投射(光、影,视线等) (on, at);3.浇铸,铸造;n.1.投,掷;2.模具;3.演员(阵容) frame [freim] n.构架,框架 install [in?st?:l] vt.安装

appliance [??plai?ns] n.1.应用,适用;2.用具,器械 calculator [?k?lkjuleit?] n.1.计算者;2.计算器

radioactive [`reidi?u??ktiv] a.[原]放射性的;放射引起的 personnel [p?:s??nel] n.1.[集合名词]全体人员,全体职员;2.人事(部门)

expose [iks?p?uz] vt.1.使暴露,使面临;2.揭露,揭发 radiation [`reidi?ei??n] n.1.放射,发光;2.放射物,辐射线,辐射能

reduction [ri?d?k??n] n.1.减少,减小;2.降级,降职;3.归纳,归并

automatic [`?:t??m?tik] a.1.自动的;2.无意识的,机械的 reprogramme [?ri:?pr?ugr?m] v.再次(重新)设定程序 completion [k?m?pli:??n] n.完成,结束;完满

specific [spi?sifik] a.1.特有的,特定的;2.具体的, 明确的

switch [swit?] n.1.开关,转换器;2.(思路、话题等的)转换;vt.1.转换,改变(思路、话题等);2.接通……电流(on),切断……电流(off);vi.转换,变换 critical [?kritik?l] a.1.批评(性)的,批判(性)的;2.对……表示谴责的,对……感到不满的(of);3.紧要的,关键性的,危急的

digital [?did?itl] a.1.手指的,指状的;2.数字的,计数的 camera [?k?m?r?] n.照相机,摄影机 light-sensitive [?lait?sensitiv] a.光敏的 intensity [in?tensiti] n.强烈,剧烈 grayscale [grei?skeil] 灰度(使不同黑白比例混合而得从黑到白的一系列色差灰色色调)

brightness [?braitnis] n.1.明亮,晴朗;2.聪敏,机灵 scale [skeil] n.1.刻度,表度;2.规模;3.比例 (尺);4.[pl.]天平,磅秤

shade [?eid] n.1.荫,阴影;2.遮光物,罩;vt.遮蔽,遮光

calculation [`k?lkju?lei??n] n.1.计算,计算结果;2.仔细考虑

defective [di?fektiv] a.有缺点的;有缺陷的 assemble [??sembl] vt.1.集合;2.装配;vi.集合 attendant [??tend?nt] n.1.侍者,服务员;2.出席者 fireman [?fai?m?n] n.消防队员


housekeeper [?haus`ki:p?] n.管理家务的主妇;女管家 expose to 暴露;面临;曝露 in that 在于,原因是

in between 在中间;每间隔;在……期间 in question 正被谈论的 plenty of 大量的;丰富的 earthquake [??:θkweik] n.地震

warning [?w?:ni?] n.警告;警报;a.警告的 forecast [?f?:kɑ:st] vt.1.预测,预报;2.预示

giant [?d?ai?nt] n.1.巨大;2.巨物,巨大的动物;a.巨大的

shift [?ift] vt./vi.1.替换;转移;2.轮班;n.1.转换,转移;2.轮班

fault [f?:lt] n.1.缺点,毛病;2.错误,过失;3.[地]断层 seismic [?saizmik] a.地震的

precede [pri(:)?si:d] vt.先于……,比……优先;vi.在前面,居前,领先 radon [?reid?n] n.氡

decay [di?kei] vi.1.腐朽,腐烂;2.衰败;3.[原]衰变;vt.使腐朽,使腐烂;n.1.腐朽,腐烂;2.衰败 radium [?reidj?m] n.镭

underground [??nd?graund] a.1.地下的;2.秘密的,隐蔽的;ad.1.在地下;2.秘密地,隐蔽地

speculate [?spekjuleit] vi.思索;推测(on/upon, about);vt.1.投机;2.思索,推测

subside [s?b?said] vi.1.沉淀;2.沉降,下沉;3.平静下来,平息,减退

datum [?deit?m] 1.资料,材料,2.数据 reliability [ri`lai??biliti] n.可靠性

partial [?pɑ:??l] a.1.偏袒的,偏心的,对……偏袒(to);2.部分的,不完全的

up-to-date [??p tu: deit] a.1.最新的,现代化的;2.直至目前的

analyze [??n?laiz] vt.分析

eastern [?i:st?n] a.1.东方的,东部的;2.向东方的,来自东方的

work on 1.从事……;2.对……有影响 set up 1.设立,建立;2.建立,提出 on the alert 警戒,处于戒备状态

leadership [?li:d??ip] n.1.领导;2.[总称]领导人员 research [ri?s?:t?] n.研究,调查;vi.调查,研究

attach [??t?t?] vt.(to)1.固定住,系;2.附加,隶属;3.把(重点等)放在;4.使喜爱,使依恋 possession [p??ze??n] n.1.有,拥有;2.[常pl.]占有物; 财产

satisfaction [`s?tis?f?k??n] n.满意,满足 relaxation [`ri:l?k?sei??n] n.1.松弛,放松;2.缓和,减轻;3.休养

desirable [di?zai?r?bl] a.称心的,合意的,理想的 occupation [`?kju?pei??n] n.1.占领;2.占有;3.职业 portray [p?:?trei] vt.描绘;描写;描述 urban [??:b?n] a.城市的,都市的

stressful [?stresful] a.紧张的;压力重的 loom [lu:m] vi.隐隐呈现;逼近

renewal [ri?nju(:)?l] n.1.更新;2重新开始 underlie [`?nd??lai] vt.支撑;构成(理论,政策,行为等)的基础

acquire [??kwai?] vt.获得,得到

recognition [`rek?g?ni??n] n.1.认出;2.承认,公认 impart [im?pɑ:t] vt.把……分给;给予作业

freshman [?fre?m?n] n.1新手,生手;2.大学一年级学生 kid [kid] vt./vi./n.1.戏弄,开玩笑;2.欺骗,哄骗 faithfully [?feiθfuli] 忠诚地;如实地 temptation [temp?tei??n] n.引诱,诱惑 look ahead to 向前看;展望未来 allocate……for 分配给……;配给

fall by the wayside 半途而废,中途退出 hang up 1.把……挂起来;2.挂断(电话);3.延迟,拖延

throw off 扔掉;摆脱 work out 做出;制定出

up to date 1.最新的,新式的;2.切合目前情况的(on) kid……into doing 欺骗……去做…… stick with 坚持;继续

jet [d?et] n.1.喷射;2.喷嘴;3.喷气式飞机,喷气式发动机

lag [l?g] vi.走得慢,落后;n.落后,滞后

flight [flait] n.1.飞行,飞翔;2.航班,班机;3.逃跑,溃退

physiological [`fizi??l?d?ikl] a.生理的,生理学的 regulatory [?regjul?t?ri] a.1.规章的;2.调节的

mechanism [?mek?niz?m] n.1.[机]机构,机制;2.(自然现象等)作用过程

hormonal [h?:?m?unl] a.荷尔蒙的,激素的 secretary [?sekr?tri] n.1.秘书;2.书记;3.(英,美等国的)部长,大臣

negotiation [ni`g?u?i?ei??n] n.谈判,协商

proceeding [pr??si:di?] n.1.程序,进程;2.[pl.]项目,活动,会议文集

instantaneously [`inst?n?teinj?sli] ad.瞬间地;即刻地 transport [tr?ns?p?:t,?tr?nsp?:t] vt.运输;n.运输 overcome [`?uv??k?m] vt.战胜;克服 regulate [?regjuleit] vt./n.1.管理;2.调节

timing [?taimi?] n.1.时间的选择;2.计时,定时 periodicity [`pi?ri??disiti] n.周期性,间发性

internal [in?t?:nl] a.1.内部的,内在的;2.国内的

suprachiasmatic [?sju:pr?kai?z?m?tik] a.超(染色体)交叉的

rhythm [?rie?m] n.1.韵律,格律;2.节奏 timer [?taim?] n.计时员,定时器 external [eks?t?:nl] a.外在的,在外的

alarm [??lɑ:m] n.1.警报;2.惊恐;vt.1.向……报警,使警觉;2.使……惊恐,打扰

reset [ri:?set] vt./n.重新安排,重调 palm [pɑ:m] n.手掌

sweat [swet] n.汗;vi.出汗;vt.使出汗 discrepancy [dis?krep?nsi] n.差异;不一致 bodily [?b?dili] a.身体的,肉体的 cortisol [?k?:tis?l] n.[生]皮质(甾)醇 excretion [eks?kri:??n] n.排泄;分泌

destination [`desti?nei??n] n.目的地,终点 feasible [?fi:z?bl] a.可行的,可能的

pharmacological [`fɑ:m?k??l?d?ik?l] a.药物学的,药理学 的

assumption [??s?mp??n] n.1.假定,设想;2.承担,采取 mid-afternoon [?mid`ɑ:ft??nu:n] a.下午三点左右的 neutral [?nju:tr?l] a.1.中立的;2.中性的 wakefulness [?weikfulnis] n.觉醒,不眠

promote [pr??m?ut] vt.1.促进,发扬;2.提升,升级;3.发起,创办

synchronize [?si?kr?naiz] vi.同时发生,同步;vt.使在时间上一致;使同步 effect on 对……的作用 blame……on 把……归咎于 to advantage 有利地,有效地 as fresh as paint 精神饱满

now that (连词)既然,由于

leave……alone 1.不管,不理;2.听其自然 out of step 步伐不一致;不协调 in time 1.及时;2.终于

span [sp?n] n.1.指距,一柞宽;2.跨距;3.一段时间 fluctuate [?fl?ktjueit] vi.1.波动,起伏;2.动摇,不定;vt.使波动,使起伏

fluctuation [`fl?ktju?ei??n] n.波动,起伏

tick [tik] n.(钟表的)滴答声;vi.(钟表的)滴答响 fade [feid] vi.1.凋谢,枯萎;2.(颜色)褪去;3.(声音等)衰弱下去;vt.使褪色 illusion [i?lju:??n] n.错觉;幻觉

duration [dju??rei??n] n.持续;持续时间 infrequent [in?fri:kw?nt] a.很少发生的

illustration [`il?s?trei??n] n.1.说明;2.例证,插图

moderate [?m?d?rit] a.1.中等的,适度的;2.温和的,有节制的

distraction [dis?tr?k??n] n.1.精神涣散,精神不集中;2.消遣,娱乐

distractor [dis?tr?kt?] n.分散注意力的东西

focal [?f?uk?l] a.焦点的;vt.1.治疗;2.补救(法);vt.1.治疗;2.补救,纠正

fearful [?fi?ful] a.1.可怕的,吓人的;2.害怕的,胆怯的 productivity [`pr?d?k?tiviti] n.1.生产率;2.丰饶,多产 finance [fai?n?ns] n.1.财政,金融;2.经费,资金 retention [ri?ten??n] n.保持;保留

distract [dis?tr?kt] vt.分散(注意,心思等);使人分心 adversely [??dv?:sli] ad.1.相反地;2.不利地,有害地 appreciate [??pri:?ieit] vt.1.欣赏,鉴赏;2.正确评价,鉴别;3.感激,感谢

contrary [?k?ntr?ri] a.相反的,相对的,与……相反(to) mislead [mis?li:d] vt.把……带错路,使……错或做错 motivation [`m?uti?vei??n] n.动机;动力 inefficient [`ini?fi??nt] a.无效的;效率低的

exceptional [ik?sep??nl] a.1.例外的;2.异常的,特殊的 hinder [?hind?, ?haind?] vt.阻止;妨碍 typical [?tipik?l] a.典型的,代表性的 to date 到目前为止

attend to 专心;注意;照顾

make the grade 取得成功,达到理想标准 fall apart 四分五裂;崩溃

be true of 符合于……,对……适用

classify [?kl?sifai] vt.1.把……分类,把……分等级;2.把……列为(as)

aged [eid?id] a.年老的,老的

northwestern [?n?:θ?west?n] a.1.在西北的,向西北的;2.来自西北的

approximate [??pr?ksimit,??pr?ksimeit] a.近似的,大约的;vt.1.近似,接近;2.使接近;vi.接近(to) paradox [?p?r?d?ks] 1.似非而可能是的论点;2.自相矛盾的话

proportion [pr??p?:??n] n.比率,比例;vt.使成比例,使相称

dependency [di?pend?nsi] n.从属;依赖(on) advantageous [`?dv?n?teid??s] a.有利的,有助的

liability [`lai??biliti] n.1.责任,义务;2.[pl.]债务,负债;3.不利条件,妨碍的人(或物)

inactive [in??ktiv] a.不活动的;不活跃的 appreciation [?`pri:?i?ei??n] n.1.欣赏,鉴赏;2.正确评价;3.感激,感谢

salient [?seilj?nt] a.1.突出的,凸起的;2.显著的 resettlement [ri:?setlm?nt] n.重新定居,重新安置 acknowledge [?k?n?lid?] vt.1.承认;2.表示感谢

fore [f?:] ad.在前面;a.1.先时的,先前的;2.在前部的;n.前部

gathering [?g?e?ri?] n.1.聚集;2.集会 birthrate [?b?:θreit] n.出生率

elsewhere [?els?w??] ad.在别处;向别处 demography [di?m?gr?fi] n.人口统计学 alter [??:lt?] vt./vi.改变,改动

experiential [iks`pi?ri?en??l] a.经验的;凭经验的 continued [k?n?tinju(:)d] a.继续的,连续的 lengthen [?le?θ?n] vt.使延长;vi.变长,延伸 wealthy [?welθi] a.富裕的;丰富的

neglect [ni?glekt] vt.1.忽视,忽略;2.疏忽;n.忽略;疏忽

expectation [`ekspek?tei??n] n.1.期待;2.估计寿命 slippery [?slip?ri] a.1.滑的;2.圆滑的 demographer [di?m?gr?f?] n.人口学家 revision [ri?vi??n] n.修订,修改

upwards [??pw?dz] ad.向上;趋向上升 approximate to 与……接近

to the fore 1.在前面,到前面;2.在显著地位 resistance to 对……的阻力

esteem [is?ti:m] vt./n.尊敬,尊重

cope [k?up] vi.对付,妥善处理(with) parenting [?p??r?nti?] n.父母对孩子的养育

tone [t?un] n.1.音调,音色;2.腔调,语气;3.[语]声调,语调

infant [?inf?nt] n.婴儿,幼儿;a.婴儿的,幼儿的 lovable [?l?v?bl] a.可爱的,讨人喜欢的 manageable [?m?nid??bl] a.易管理的

unlovable [?n?l?v?bl] a.不可爱的;不讨人喜爱的

worthless [?w?:θlis] a.1.无价值的,无用的;2.不足道的,不可取的

ultimately [??ltim?tli] ad.最后,最终地

self-defeating [`selfdi?fi:ti?] a.1.自我挫败的;2.有违被衰的

crisis [?kraisis] n.1危机;2.决定性时刻 withdraw [wie?dr?:] vt.1.收回,提取;2.撤退,撤销;vi.1.撤退,退出;2.退缩,逃避现实

inconsiderate [`ink?n?sid?rit] a.不替别人考虑的;不体谅人

outcome [?autk?m] n.1.结果,结局;2.出路,出口 reinforcement [`ri:in?f?:sm?nt] n.增强,加固;强化 tangible [?t?nd??bl] a.1.可触摸的,可感知的;2.确实的,真实的

attribute [??tribju:t] n.1.属性,特征;2.[语]定语;vt.把……归因于(to)

fold [f?uld] vt./vi.折叠;对折;n.褶(痕)

appropriate [??pr?upri?t] a.适合的,恰当的,相宜的 cope with 对付;处理

no other……than 1.除……外没有,只有;2.正是,就是 take advantage of 1.利用;2.占……便宜

act out 1.将……表演出来;2.(用行动)表示出来 election [i?lek??n] n.选举;选举权 presidential [`prezi?den??l] a.总统(或校长)的;总统(或校长等)职务的

winner [?win?] n.获胜者,优胜者;成功者

republican [ri?p?blik?n] a.1.共和国的;2.[R-](美国)共和党的;n.1.共和主义者;2.[R-]共和党党员 democratic [dem??kr?tik] a.民主的,民主主义的 nominee [`n?mi?ni:] n.被提名者;被任命者

vote [v?ut] n.1.选举,投票;2.票,选票;vi.投票,选举 certainty [?s?:t?nti] n.一定;必定

nomination [`n?mi?nei??n] n.提名;任命 loyalty [?l?i?lti] n.忠诚;忠心

decline [di?klain] vi.1.下倾,下降;2.衰退,衰落;3.谢绝,拒绝;vt.拒绝,谢绝;n.1.下倾,下降;2.衰退,衰落

democrat [?dem?kr?t] n.1.民主主义者,民主人士;2.[D-]民主党党员

voter [?v?ut?] n.选举人,投票人

strategically [str??ti:d?ik?l] ad.战略上地,颇具策略地 pursue [p??sju:] vt.1.追赶;2.追求,寻求;3.进行,从事 impact [?imp?kt,im?p?kt] n.1.冲击,碰拦;2.效果,影响;vt.装紧,压紧

headquarters [?hed?kw?:t?z] [复]n.1.司令部,指挥部;2.(机构,企业)总部,总店

economy [i(:)?k?n?mi] n.1.经济;2.节约 strategist [?str?tid?ist] n.战略家

rating [?reiti?] n.1.等级,规格;2.评定结果,(电视)收视率

poll [p?ul] n.1.选举,投票;2.民意测验;1.得到选票;2.对……进行民事测验;vi.投票

stir [st?:] vt.1.搅拌,搅动;2.激起,打动;vi.微动;活动;n.惊动;轰动

strategy [?str?tid?i] n.战略;策略

constitutional [`k?nsti?tju:??nl] a.1.宪法上规定的;2.组成的,构成的

provision [pr??vi??n] n.1.供应,供应品;2.条款,规定;3.[常pl.]给养,口粮

electoral [i?lekt?r?l] a.选举的

representation [`reprizen?tei??n] n.1.描写,表现;2.代表,代理

congress [?k??gres] n.1.(代表)大会;2.国会,议会;3.[C-](美法等的)参议院,上院 House [haus] n.[英]议院

district [?distrikt] n.1.区,行政区;2.地区,区域 representative [`repri?zent?tiv] n.代表,代表人;a.典型的,有代表性的

presidency [?prezid?nsi] n.1.总统(或校长,会长,行长等)职务(或职权,任期);2.管辖

overwhelming [?uv??(h)welmi?] a.压倒之势的 stand no chance 没有可能;没有希望 identify……as 把……看作 impact on 对……之影响

contest [?k?ntest] n.1.竞争,比赛;2.争夺,竞争;3.争论,争辩

rivalry [?raiv?lri] n.竞争;对抗

dozen [?d?zn] n.1.一打,十二个;2.十来个,十几个 nominate [?n?mineit] vt.1.提名;2.任命;3.命名 electorate [i?lekt?rit] n.全体选民;选区

inevitably [in?evit?bli] ad.不可避免地,必然地 dominance [?d?min?ns] n.优势,控制,统治

assault [??s?:lt] n.1.攻击,袭击;2.(军)冲击,突击,强击

parliamentary [`pɑ:l??ment?ri] a.议会的,国会的 congressman [?k??gresm?n] n.(美)国会议员 statistically [st??tistik?li] ad.在统计方面 dominant [?d?min?nt] a.占优势的;支配的

majority [m??d??riti] n.1.多数,大半;2.多数党,多数派 automatically [`?:t??m?tik?li] ad.自动地;习惯性地 competitor [k?m?petit?] n.竞争者;对手 running [?r?ni?] n.1.跑,赛跑;2.竞选

inevitable [in?evit?bl] a.不可避免的,必然(发生)的 peaceful [?pi:sful] a.1.平静的,安宁的;2.和平的,和平方式的

transfer [tr?ns?f?:] vt.1.转移,传输;2调动;3.改变;vi.1.转移,转学;2.换车;换船;n.转移,传输,变换 overturn [`?uv??t?:n] vt./n.1.打翻,使翻过来;2.推翻,颠覆,毁灭;vi.翻身;倒下

foolproof [?fu:l?pru:f] a.1.连傻子都懂的;2.不会出毛病的;3.有安全装置的

monopoly [m??n?p?li] n.垄断;专卖

opposition [`?p??zi??n] n.1.反对,反抗;2.对立,意见相反

monopolize [m??n?p?laiz] v.垄断;专卖

moderation [`m?d??rei??n] n.1.温和,适度;2.缓和,减轻

legislation [`led?is?lei??n] n.1.立法;2.法律,法规 temporarily [?temp?r?rili] ad.暂时地,临时地 break up 打碎;结束;驱散;散开;分解 in the running 参赛,参加竞选 in power 掌权的,执政的 out of power 丧失权力

in favour of 1.赞成,支持;2.为……的利益,有利于;3.支付给

come into power 上台;开始掌权 carry on 1.经营,进行;2.继续 anaesthetics [`?nis?θetiks] n.麻醉学

vaccine [?v?ksi:n] n.牛痘苗;疫苗;a.牛痘的;疫苗的 diabetes [dai??bi:ti:z] n.糖尿病 developmental [di`vel?p?ment] a.1.发展的,开发的;2.促使成长的,起改进作用的

disorder [dis??:d?] n.1.混乱;2.失调,紊乱;vt.使混乱;使失调

irrelevant [i?reliv?nt] a.不相干的,离题的,与……不相干(to)

misleading [mis?li:di?] a.引入歧途的;使人误解的 irresponsible [`iri?sp?ns?bl] a.无责任感的,不负责任的 unethical [?n??θik?l] a.不合伦理的;不合道德的 thalidomide [θ??lid?maid]n.[药]萨立多胺(原用作中枢神经镇静剂,因有造成胎儿缺肢畸形的副作用,已被禁用)

replacement [ri?pleism?nt] n.1.复位,复职;2.替换,代替 refinement [ri?fainm?nt] n.精炼,精制

simulate [?simjuleit] vt……假装,冒充;2.模仿,模拟 cell [sel] 1.细胞;2.小房间,单人牢房 toxicity [t?k?sisiti] n.毒性

eventual [i?ventju?l] a.最后的,结局的 dose [d?us] n.(一次)剂量

replace [ri(:)?pleis] vt.1.把……放回(原处),使恢复(原职);2.更换,以……替代

tube [tju:b] n.1.管,软管;2.电子管,真空管;3.[英]地铁

partly [?pɑ:tli] ad.部分地;在一定程度上

polio [?p?uli?u] n.[医]脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻痹症 biomedical [?bai?u?medik?l] a.生物医学的

ethics [?eθiks] n.[pl.]1.[用作单]伦理学;2.伦理观,道德标准

undergo [`?nd??g?u] vt.经历,经受;忍受 suitable [?sju:t?bl] a.合适的;适当的 rabbit [?r?bit] n.兔

litter [?lit?] n.1.(供动物睡眠或植物防冻的)干草;2.杂乱无章;3.(猫狗等)一窝(仔畜);4.[总称]乱丢的东西(尤指废纸等杂物);vt.1.为(动物)铺草;2.(多产动物)产(仔);3.乱丢

refine [ri?fain] vt.1.提纯,精制;2.使精美,使改进;vt.1.精炼,提纯;2.变优雅

regeneration [ri`d?en??rei??n] n.新生,再生,复兴

paralyse [?p?r?laiz] vt.1.使麻痹,使瘫痪;2.使无力,使气馁

regrow [ri:?gr?u] vt.再生长,重新生长 reproduce [`ri:pr??dju:s] vt.1.繁殖;2.再生产,再生长(器官);3.复制;4.再现,重现

sacrifice to 向……献祭;为……而牺牲;为……而失去 do research into 进行……的研究 be central to 对……极为重要的 do experiment on 用……做实验

be irrelevant to 与……不相干;不切题 test on 对……进行试验

aim for 瞄准;以……为目标

pet [pet] n.宠物,爱畜;a.宠爱的,表示亲昵的 delightful [di?laitful] a.令人高兴的;讨人喜欢的

humanity [hju(:)?m?niti] n.1.人性,博爱,仁慈;2.人类

negative [?neg?tiv] a.1.否定的,否认的;2.反面的,消极的;3.[数]负的,[电]阴性的;n.1.负片,底片;2.负数

remark [ri?mɑ:k] vt.说,评论;vi.评论,议论(on);n.评论,看法

touching [?t?t?i?] a.动人的,使人感伤的

going [?g?ui?] n.进行状况;a.进行中的;现行的

coming [?k?mi?] a.正在到来的,即将来到的;n.来到,到达

literal [?lit?r?l] a.1.精确的,如实的;2.逐字的,字面的 grant [grɑ:nt] vt.同意;准予;n.1.同意,授予;2.拨款 contented [k?n?tentid] a.满足的,满意的 serene [si?ri:n] a.安详的;宁静的

contemplate [?k?ntempleit] vt.1.注视,凝视;2.沉思 plea [pli:] n.1.请求,恳求;2.托词 devotion [di?v?u??n] n.献身,忠诚

ownership [??un??ip] n.1.拥有;2.所有权,所有制 imperative [im?per?tiv] a.1.绝对必要的,迫切的;2.命令,强制的;3.[语]祈使的

stricken [?strik?n] I. strike的过去分词 II.a.1.被打中的,被击伤的;2.(常用以构成复合词)受灾的,受侵袭的

relief [ri?li:f] n.1.(痛苦,压迫等)减轻,宽慰;2.救济 donation [d?u?nei??n] n.捐献;赠送 afflict [??flikt] vt.使苦恼,折磨

deprive [di?praiv] vt.夺去,剥夺;使失去(of)

individualistic [`indi`vidju??listik] a.个人主义(者)的 prevail [pri?veil] vi.1.胜过(over, against);2.流行,盛行

starvation [stɑ:?vei??n] n.饥饿;饿死

kwashiorkor [`kw??i??:k?:] n.[医]恶性营养不良症 deficiency [di?fi??nsi] n.缺乏,不足

starve [stɑ:v] vi.1.饿死;2.挨饿;3.极需,渴望(for);vt.使饿死;使挨饿

sustain [s?s?tein] vt.1.支撑,承受住;2.供养,维持 unreasonable [?n?ri:zn?bl] a.1.不讲道理的,非理智的;2.不合情理的,过度的

bring out 1.使显现,显示;2生产,使产生

attach……to 使……与……相关,把……附加到 goings and comings 1.来往;2.活动,发生的事 take……for granted 1.认为真实;2.视为当然 at ease 自在的,舒适的 plea for 恳求;请求 not that…… 并不是说

not (never) for a moment 决不;从不 break in on(upon) 1.打扰;2.打断,闯进 feel bitter at 对……怀恨 seize hold of 1.抓住;2.占有

daydream [?deidri:m] vi./n.白日做梦 symptom [?simpt?m] n.症状,征兆

habitual [h??bitju?l] a.1.习惯性的,习以为常的;2.惯常的,已成规则的

maladjustment [m?l??d??stm?nt] n.1.失调;2.不适应环境 compensatory [k?m?pens?t?ri] a.赔偿,补偿的 equilibrium [`i:kwi?libri?m] n.1.平衡,均衡,平均,相称;2.均势;3.(心情的)平静;4.(判断上的)不偏不倚

intellectual [`inti?lektju?l] n.知识分子;a.智力的,理智的 detail [?di:teil] n.细节,详情;vt.详述,详细说明


enhance [in?hɑ:ns] vt.提高;增强 spur [sp?:] vt.1.用催马刺催促(马);2.激励,鞭策;n.1.踢马刺;2.刺激(物),激励,鼓舞

initial [i?ni??l] a.1.最初的,开始的;2.词首的;n.首字母

inventor [in?vent?] n.发明者,创造者 waylay [wei?lei] vt.伏击;拦住……问讯 muse [mju:z] v./n.沉思,冥想

confront [k?n?fr?nt] vt.1.面对,遭遇;2.正视,对抗 painter [?peint?] n.漆工;画家

sensitivity [`sensi?tiviti] n.敏感性;灵敏度

inner [?in?] a.1.内部的,里面的;2.思想的,精神的;n.内部;里面

reflection [ri?flek??n] n.1.反射,反映,映像;2.深思,考虑

creativity [`kri:ei?tiviti] n.创造性

effortless [?ef?tlis] a.1.不作努力的;2.不费力的,容易的 dreamlike [?dri:mlaik] a.梦一般的,梦幻的

surrounding [s??raundi?] n.[pl.]周围的事物;环境;a.周围的

character [?k?rikt?] n.1.性格,品质;2.特性,特征;3.人物,角色;4.(书写或印刷)符号,(汉)字 thinker [?θi?k?] n.思想家;思考者 steadily [?stedili] ad.稳固地;稳定地 vividly [?vividli] ad.鲜明地;生动地

drift [drift] n.1.漂流;2.趋势,倾向;vi.漂流;漂泊;vt.使漂流

trace [treis] n.1.痕迹,踪迹;2.微量,少许;vt.跟踪,查找

undisturbed [??ndis?t?:bd] a.不受干扰的;宁静的

tune [tju:n] n.1.曲调,曲子;2.和谐,协调;vt.1.为(乐器)调音;2.和谐,调节

midst [midst] n.中间,当中;prep.(=amidst)在……当中

impoverished [im?p?v?ri?t] a.贫困的,赤贫的 well-being [wel?bi:i?] n.1.健康;2.福利,幸福

modest [?m?dist] a.1.谦虚的,谦恭的;2.适中的,不过分的

investment [in?vestm?nt] n.投资;(时间,精力的)投入 excitement [ik?saitm?nt] n.刺激;兴奋 to excess 过分,过度,过量

substitute……for 用……代替…… be contrary to 与……相反 in reality 实际上,事实上

put off 1.延期;2.消除;3.阻碍 let go of 放手;放开

be confronted with 面临,面对 draw on 1.用做,依靠;2.临近 gaze at 凝视,注视

be unaware of 不知道……,没觉察到…… dream of 梦见;梦想

in one?s mind?s eye 在脑海里

at sea 1.在海上,在航海中;2.迷惑,茫然 go over 1.越过,渡过;2.仔细检查 impress……on 使……铭记,牢记 be free from 没有……的;不受……的 put aside 1.放在一边,撇开;2.储存 be beneficial to 对……有益

add up to 1.总和是;2.[口]总起来意味着

perchance [p??t?ɑ:ns] ad.[古]1.偶然,意外地;2.可能,或许

miserable [?miz?r?bl] a.悲惨的;可怜的

far-fetched [?fɑ:?fet?t] a.1.牵强的;2.未必会的,靠不住的

veteran [?vet?r?n] n.1.老兵,老手;2.[美]退伍军人;a.老练的;经验丰富的

administration [?d`minis?trei??n] n.1.管理,经营;2.行政,行政机关

sleepy [?sli:pi] a.困倦的,嗜睡的

link [li?k] n.环节,联系;vt.用环连接;联系 elude [i?lju:d] vt.(巧妙地)逃避,躲避 respectively [ris?pektivli] ad.各自地,分别地

definitive [di?finitiv] a.1.决定的,确定的;2.限定的,明确的

evolve [i?v?lv] vt.1.使发展,使形成,制定;2.引申出,推论;vi.进展;2.进化

differ [?dif?] vi.1.不同,相异(from);2.与……意见不同(from, with)

surprisingly [s??praizi?li] ad.惊人地;出乎意料地 namely [?neimli] ad.即,也就是

plus [pl?s] prep.加,加上;a.1.正的;2.附加的 acronym [??kr?nim] n.首字母缩略词 eyeball [?aib?:l] n.眼球

correlation [`k?ri?lei??n] n.相互关系,关联 physiology [`fizi??l?d?i] n.生理学

unhappy [?n?h?pi] n.1.不快乐的,愁苦的;2.不幸的 dreamer [?dri:m?] n.1.做梦的;2.空想家

volunteer [`v?l?n?ti?] n.志愿者;志愿兵;a.志愿的;vi.志愿

identity [ai?dentiti] n.1.同一,一致;2.身份,本体

primarily [?praim?rili] ad.1.首先,起初;2.首要地,主要地

merry [?meri] a.欢乐的,愉快的

psychology [sai?k?l?d?i] n.1.心理学;2.心理

location [l?u?kei??n] n.1.定位,测位;2.位置,场所 reinforce [`ri:in?f?:s] vt.1.增援,支援;2.加强,增加; 3.进一步证实

influence on 对……的影响 break into 分成(部分) check into 调查

compel [k?m?pel] vt.强迫(to)

rightly [?raitli] ad.1公正地,正当地;2.合适地,恰当地 laborer [?leib?r?] n.劳动者;工人 antithesis [?n?tiθisis] n.1.对偶,(修辞学)对句;2.对立,对立面

voluntary [?v?l?nt?ri] a.1.自愿的,志愿的;2.自发的 undertake [`?nd??teik] vt.1.着手做,进行;2.承担,从事,进行;3.承担,答应(to)

coincide [k?uin?said] vi.一致,相符(with) manual [?m?nju?l] a.1.手的,用手(操作)的;2.体力的;n.手册

cobbler [?k?bl?] n.补鞋匠

clerk [klɑ:k] n.1.办事员,公务员;2.(美)店员 efficiently [i?fi??ntli] ad.效率高的;有能力地

coronary [?k?r?n?ri] a.冠的;冠状的;n.1.冠状动脉;2.冠状动脉血栓形成

compulsion [k?m?p?l??n] n.强制,强迫

division [di?vi??n] n.1.分开,分割;2.分工;3.除(法);4.部门,(机关的)科,处

eliminate [i?limineit] vt.排除,消灭 formerly [?f?:m?li] ad.以前,从前

enjoyable [in?d??ibl] a.愉快的;快乐的;有趣的 boring [?b?:ri?] a.令人厌烦的

aristocracy [`?ris?t?kr?si] n.1.贵族统治;2.贵族 ritualize [?ritju?laiz] vt./vi.(行为模式)仪式化 grouse [graus] n.松鸡

unchanging [?n?t?eind?i?] a.不变的

aristocratic [`?rist??kr?tik] a.贵族的;贵族式的 amusement [??mju:zm?nt] n.娱乐,消遣 gamble [?g?mbl] vi./vt.1.赌博,打赌(on);2.投机,冒险;n.1.赌博;2.投机,冒险

duel [?dju(:)?l] n./vi.1决斗;2.(双方的)斗争

warfare [?w?:f??] n.1.战争,作战,交战;2.斗争,竞争 aptly [??ptli] ad.1.恰当地,贴切地;2.灵巧地 phrase [freiz] n.1.短语,词语;2.习惯用语 so far as……knows 就某人所知 of …… value 有……价值

of…… importance 有……重要性 in the strict sense 在严格的意义上 of …… interest 有……兴趣 coincide with 相符,一致

attitude toward(s) 对……的态度;意见 at a guess 凭猜测

go in for 1.参加,从事;2.以……为兴趣,爱好

get (sink) one?s teeth into 1.死死咬住,紧紧抓住;2.认真对待,决心解决,全神贯注于 workman [?w?:km?n] n.工人,劳动者 tighten [?taitn] vt./vi.(使)变紧;拧紧 infinitely [?infinitli] ad.无限地,无穷地

varied [?v??rid] a.1.各种各样的;2.杂色的,斑斓的 subtle [?s?tl] a.1.精巧的,精妙的;2.微妙的,难以捉摸的

cadre [?kɑ:dr] n.干部;基干

curtail [k?:?teil] vt.1.截短,缩短(讲话,假期,节目等);2.削减(经费等)

subtly [?s?tli] ad.1.精巧地,精妙地;2.微妙地,难以捉摸地

excessive [ik?sesiv] a.过多的,过分的

competition [`k?mpi?ti??n] n.1.竞争;2.比赛

slack [sl?k] a.1.懒散的,清闲的,松弛的;2.行动迟缓的,有气无力的;vi.减慢,松懈;n.1.清闲;2.淡季,不活跃时期

longshoreman [?l????:m?n] n.码头装卸工人 cargo [?kɑ:g?u] n.船货,货物

toss [t?s] vt.1.抛,掷;2.使摇摆,使动荡;vi.1.摇摆,颠簸;2.翻来覆去

coin [k?in] n.硬币,钱币;vt.创造(新词) vengeance [?vend??ns] n.报仇,报复

outrage [?autreid?] n.1.暴行,不法行为;2.愤慨;vt.1.对……施暴;2.激怒 vain [vein] a.徒劳的

hell [hel] n.1.地狱,阴间;2.(非正式)用以咒骂或表示愤怒,不满

white-collar [?wait?k?l?] a.白领阶层的,从事脑力劳动的 encounter [in?kaunt?] v.1.遭遇,遇到;2.意外地遇到(朋友等);n.1.遭遇,冲突;2.偶然相见 series [?si?ri:z] n.[单复同形]1.一系列,连续;2.丛书,套,辑,组;3.[电]串联

assembly [??sembli] n.1.集合;2.集会,[总称]与会者;3.装配,组装

clipboard [?klipb?:d] n.带弹簧夹子的书写板

stopwatch [?st?pw?:t?] n.(赛跑用的)跑表;vt.用秒表测定时间

disapproval [`dis??pru:v?l] n.不赞成;不许可

studied [?st?did] a.1.深思熟虑的;2.故意的,蓄意的 discredit [dis?kredit] vt.1.败坏……的名声;2.使不可置信;n.1.丧失信义;2.不信,怀疑

response [ris?p?ns] n.1.作答,回答;2.响应,反应 year in and year out 一年一年地,年复一年 in large measure 很;大半;大部分 take……easy 轻松一点;勿太紧张

on and off(off and on) 1.不时;2.断断续续地,间歇地

put an end to 结束或废除某事务 do one?s best 尽全力;尽量

expect sth. of sb. 对某人报有某种期望 to do with 1.处理;2.忍受 in return 作为回报

do without 1.没有……也行;2.将就,设法应付过去 have an edge 具有优势 so long as 假如;只要

keep up 1.赶上,不落后;2.振作,使不落后;3.遵守;4.继续,保持

cut down on 减少对……之消耗量 apply oneself 致力于,努力

play into sb.?s hands 为某人谋方便;有利于某人 at present 现在;目前

toss a coin 掷硬币(以猜其正反面);(与某人)掷硬币以做出决定

with a vengeance 1.猛烈地;2.过度地 on occasion 有时,间或

in vain 无效地;无结果地;徒然 go to hell 见鬼去(骂人用法) rob sb. of sth 抢某人之财物

in series 串联电路的;成串联的

with a view towards (to) 以……为目的 take a free ride 免费搭车

How come …… 怎么会……?

shocking [???ki?] n.令人震惊的,骇人听闻的

miniature [?minj?t??] n.缩样,小型物;a.微型的,小型的

device [di?vais] n.1.装置,器械;2.方法,手段

capture [?k?pt??] vt.1.捕获;2.夺得,占领;3.用(照片、录音带)留存;n.1.捕获,夺得;2.捕获物 microcassette [?maikr?uk??set] n.微型卡式录音带

allege [??led?] vt.1.断言,宣称;2.作为(事实,借口,理由,辩解等)提出

compassion [k?m?p???n] n.同情;怜悯(for)

grab [gr?b] vt./n.攫取;抓取;vi.攫取;抓住(at) jaw [d??:] n.颔,颚

attacker [??t?kt?] n.攻击者

activate [??ktiveit] vt.使活动,使起作用 recorder [ri?k?:d?] n.1.记录者;2.录音机

prosecutor [?pr?sikju:t?] n.1.起诉人;2.检察官,公诉人 belonging [bi?l??i?] n.[常pl.]所有物;行李

hysterical [his?terik?l] a.1.癔病的,歇斯底里的;2.患癔病的

threatening [?θretni?] a.威胁(性)的,凶兆的 persistently [p?(:)?sist?ntli] ad.坚持地;固执地 convince [k?n?vins] vt.(to)(of)1.使确认,使信服;2.使认识错误(或罪行)

excerpt [?eks?:pt] n.摘录,节录;vt.摘;引用

beloved [bi?l?vd] a.1.[用作表语]为……所爱的;2.[用作定语]亲爱的;n.心爱的人,爱人

foster [?f?st?] vt.1.鼓励,促进;2.养育,抚养;3.报(希望等);a.收养的

persuasion [p?(:)?swei??n] n.说服,劝服 avail [??veil] vt./vi.有利,有助;n.好处,用处 hiker [?haik?] n.徒步旅行者 smother [?sm?e?] vt.1.使窒息,把……闷死;2.忍住,抑制(感情等);vi.窒息,闷死;n.1.浓烟,浓雾;2.窒息

suspect [?s?spekt, s?s?pekt] vt./vi.疑有;推测;n.嫌疑犯,可疑分子

county [?kaunti] n.1.(英国)郡;2.县 profound [pr??faund] a.深刻的,深奥的 juvenile [?d?u:vinail] a.青少年的;n.青少年 materialism [m??ti?ri?liz?m] n.1.[哲]唯物主义,唯物论 2.实利主义,物质至上

solicit [s??lisit] vt.请求;恳求

p.a. system 有线广播系统,扩音系统 merchant [?m?:t??nt] n.商人

heartbreaking [?hɑ:tbreiki?] a.使人心碎的

resonance [?rez?n?ns] n.1.回声,反响;2.共振,共鸣 convince sb. to do sth 说服某人做某事 on one?s head 归罪于某人,(责任)落到某人身上 to (of) no avail 完全无用,毫无效果 comment on 对……评论 wrath [r?:θ] n.愤怒,愤慨

apartheid [??pɑ:theit] n.种族隔离,种族隔离法 repressive [ri?presiv] a.镇压的;抑制的

divisive [di?vaisiv] a.造成不和的,制造分裂的 queue [kju:] n.1.辫子;2.列队;vi.排队(for) restriction [ris?trik??n] n.限制;约束

subversive [s?b?v?:siv] a.颠覆性的;起破坏作用的 sportsman [?sp?:tsm?n] n.爱好运动的人;运动员 singer [?si??] n.歌唱家,歌手 actor [??kt?] n.男演员

illegal [i?li:g?l] a.非法的;违规的 chess [t?es] n.国际象棋

barrier [?b?ri?] n.障碍,障碍物 poet [?p?uit] n.诗人

incapable [in?keip?bl] a.无能力的;不能的(of) truthfully [?tru:θfuli] ad.说真话的,如实地

blindness [?blaindnis] n.1.无视,视而不见;2.盲目性 ban [b?n] vt.禁止, 取缔;n.禁止;禁令 flee [fli:] vi./vt.逃离;逃避

pledge [pled?] v.发誓;保证;n.1.誓言,誓约;2.保证物,抵押品

suicide [?sjuisaid] vt./vi./n.自杀

indication [indi?kei??n] n.1.指示,表示;2.象征,迹象 legislate [?led?isleit] vi.立法;vt.通过立法 inflict [in?flikt] vt.使遭受(损伤,苦痛等),使承受(on, upon)

rejection [ri?d?ek??n] n.1.拒绝,抵制;2.驳回 separation [`sep??rei??n] n.1.分开,分类;2.分隔 cease [si:s] vt./vi./n.停止,结束

eruption [i?r?p??n] n.1.(火山)喷发;2.(战争,感情等)爆发,迸发

pervasive [p?(:)?veisiv] a.弥漫的,渗透的;遍布的 extent [iks?tent] n.1.广度,范围;2.程度 sterility [ste?riliti] n.1.不生育,(植物)不结果,(土地)贫瘠;2.消毒,无菌

deny sth. to sb. 否认……的…… be subversive of 破坏……的

be incapable of 不会……,不能…… commit suicide 自杀

cut off 1.切去,割掉;2.切断,使孤立

computerize [k?m?pju:t?raiz] vt.电子计算机化,用电子计算机计算

solely [?s?ulli] ad.单独地;唯一地 content [k?n?tent] a.满足的,满意的;vt.使满意;n.满足,满意

sensible [?sensibl] a.1.感觉得到的,可觉察的(of);2.明智的,明白事理的

marvelous [?mɑ:v?l?s] a.奇异的,惊人的;2.[口]了不起的,妙极的

leap [li:p] v./n.1跳跃;2.飞跃 theoretical [θi??retik?l] a.理论上的

persist [p?(:)?sist] vi.1.坚持,固执(in);2.持续,存留

profusion [pr??fju:??n] n.丰富,大量;过分

vital [?vaitl] a.1.生命的;2.有生命力的;3.极其重要的 foolishness [?fu:li?nis] n.愚蠢;可笑

unexamined [`?nig?z?mind] a.未检查的;未审查的 logic [?l?d?ik] n.1.逻辑(学);2.逻辑性,条理性;3.理由,道理

evaluate [i?v?ljueit] vt.估价,评价

raw [r?:] a.1.未煮过的,生的;2.未加工的

texture [?tekst??] n.1.组织,质地;2.织品,织物 ultimate [??ltimit] a.最后的,最终的 digression [dai?gre??n] n.离题;偏离

obscure [?bs?kju?] a.1.昏暗的,朦胧的;2.模糊的,难解的;vt.1.使暗,遮掩;2.使难理解

functional [?f??k??nl] a.1.功能的;2.职务上的;3.实用的

extension [iks?ten??n] n.1.伸张,伸展,扩大;2.电话分机

undue [?n?dju:] a.过度的,过分的

concrete [?k??kri:t] a.1.具体的,有形的;2.混凝土制成的;n.混凝土;vt.使凝固,使固结

conquer [?k??k?] vt.征服,战胜;vi得胜,胜利 error [?er?] n.谬误;错误

correction [k??rek??n] n.1.改正,纠正;2.责备,惩罚 sterile [?sterail] a.1.不生育的,不结果实的,贫瘠的;2.无菌的,消过毒的

prolong [pr??l??] vt.延长;拉长

technician [tek?ni??n] n.技术员;技术专家

junction [?d???k??n] n.1.连接,结合;2.结合点,交叉点 technologist [tek?n?l?d?ist] n.工艺学家;技术专家 loose [lu:s] a.1.松的,宽的;2.宽松;3.放荡的

universal [ju:ni?v?:s?l] a.1.宇宙的,全世界的;2.普遍的,通用

specialist [?spe??list] n.专家

dynamo [?dain?m?u] n.1.[电]发电机;2.精力,精力充沛的人

nourishment [?n?ri?m?nt] n.滋补品,营养品 proof [pru:f] n.1.证据,证明;2.校样

safeguard [?seifgɑ:d] vt.保护,捍卫;n.保护措施 uniqueness [ju(:)?ni:knis] n.独一无二;独特 possess [p??zes] vt.具有,拥有 pull down 1.拆除;2.推翻

mistake……for 错把……当作…… distinguish between 分辨,区分

come to terms(with) 1.达成协议;2.妥协,习惯于 end in 以……告终

reflect on 仔细考虑,反思 come about 发生

turn loose 1.放开,释放;2.听凭,放纵 enable……to 使……能够…… respect for 对……的尊敬

make over 1.(财产) 转让,移交;2.改造,重做 speculate on 1.思索;2.推测,猜测

infrastructure [?infr?`str?kt??] n.基础;基础结构(如教育,运输,通讯等设施)

kindergarten [?kind?`gɑ:tn] n.幼儿园

postgraduate [?p?ust?gr?d?u?t] a.大学毕业后的,大学研究院的;n.研究生

scarce [sk??s] a.1.缺乏的,不足的;2.稀有的,珍贵的 expansion [iks?p?n??n] n.扩张;膨胀

enrolment [in?r?ulm?nt] n.1.登记,接收,招生;2.招收人数,入学人数

secondary [?sek?nd?ri] a.1.第二位的,次要的;2.中等的 upheaval [?p?hi:v?l] n.1.胀起,(地壳)的隆起;2.剧变,动乱

busing [?b?si?] n.公共汽车接送;[美]用校车接送学生 accountability [?`kaut??biliti] n.有解释义务;负有责任 promotion [pr??m?u??n] n.1.促进;2.提升

diploma [di?pl?um?] 1.执照,特许证;2.毕业文凭,学位证书

award [??w?:d] vt.授予;判给;n.1.判定;2.奖,奖品 sociology [`s?usi??l?d?i] n.社会学

establishment [is?t?bli?m?nt] n.1.建立,创办;2.机构 journalism [?d??:n?liz?m] n.1.新闻业;2.[总称]报刊;3.新闻学

humanistic [`hju:m??nistik] a.人文主义的,人本主义的,人道主义的

perspective [p?(:)?spektiv] n.1.透视,透视画法;2.远景,展望;3.观点,看法

integrate [?intigreit] v.使结合,使并入;使成一体(into) unconventional [??nk?n?ven??nl] a.非常规的,不落俗套的

diversity [dai?v?:siti] n.多样性

rote [r?ut] n.1.死记硬背;2.机械的方法

permissive [p?(:)?misiv] a.1.容许的,许可的;2.随意的,开放的

progressive [pr??gresiv] a.1.进步的,先进的;2.渐次的,累进的

prescribe [pris?kraib] vt.1.指示,规定;2.开处方,开药 schoolhouse [?sku:lhaus] n.(小学或乡村学校)校舍 route [ru:t] n.路线;航线

infiltrate [?infiltreit] vt./vi.渗入,透过;浸润

economics [`i:k??n?miks] n.[用作单或复]1.经济学;2.经济情况,经济

chip [t?ip] n.1.片屑,切屑;2.(食物)薄片;3.电子集成电路片,(计算机)芯片 tier [ti?] n.1.排层;2.等级

undergraduate [`?nd??gr?djuit] n.(尚未取得学位的)大学生;a.大学生的on the contrary 相反地 as for 对于,至于

demand for 对……的要求

go to law against [俗] 控告某人 go along with 和……一起

shy away from 1.躲开,回避;2.赞成 learn by rote 由熟记而学某事 disagree about 对……意见不一 二、重点短语 Unit 1-A 1.course of action行动步骤,办事程序,做事方案 what is the best course of action we can take?我们采取什么办法最好? Your best course of action is to forget about the whole unfortunate matter.你最好的方法是忘掉这一切不幸。

2.in the way挡路,阻碍,妨碍 I?m afraid your car is in the way.看来你的汽车挡着道了。 I left them alone.as I felt I was in the way.我觉得自己碍他们的事,就走了。 3.to make a guess at对……进行猜测 Make a guess at an answer,please!请猜一下答案! If I might make a guess(at her age),I?d say she was about 30.要让我猜(她年龄)的话,我看她大概三十岁。

4.to blind sb to sth使某人看不到某物,使某人对某物丧失判断力 His desire to do it blinded him to all the difficulties.他急于做事的愿望让他对困难一无所知。 Her lore for him blinded her to his faults.她非常爱他,这让她对他的缺点丧失了判断力。

5.to contribute to sth 1)促成,导致 Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗?


Carelessness contributed to his errors.粗心大意造成了他的错误。2)有助于,增添 Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject.她的著作非常有助于我们对这个难题的了解。 We hope your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.我们希望你的建议将有助于解决这个问题。,3)捐助,捐赠,贡献 to contribute aid to refugees/contribute to the Red Cross 向难民提供援助/捐助红十字会 Everyone should contribute what he can afford to it.人人都应该尽自己的能力做贡献。4)撰稿,投稿 She has contributed to literary magazines.她给几家文学刊物投了稿。

6.a state of affairs情况,局势 What a shocking state of affairs!局势真惊人哪! That was the state of affairs before the election.选举前的情况就是那样。

7.to seek to do sth设法做某事 They are seeking to mislead.他们竭力进行误导。 They sought to bring their conflict to an end.他们试图结束冲突。 8.the scheme of things事物的规律,安排 In the scheme of things,it is hard for small businesses to succeed.一般来说(按事物的规律),小本生意难做。

9.in part部分地;在某种程度上 His success was due in part to luck.在某种程度上,他成功靠的是运气。 We?re losing money--in part because,with our ancient computers,we can?t stay competitive.我们在赔钱--在某种程度上是因为我们仍用旧的计算机,缺乏竞争力。

10.vary from…to…从……变为……;在……与……之间变化 Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression.她的情绪一下子由乐观变为极度消沉。 These fish vary in weight from 31b to 5lb.这些鱼的重量从三磅到五磅不等。

Unit 1-B

1.to apply for申请,请求 to apply for a job/post/passport/visa/scholarship 申请工作/职位/护照/签证/奖学金 to apply to the publishers for the permission to reprint an extract 向出版者请求准予转印节录

2.day-to-day 1)日常的,每日常规工作的 She has been looking after the day--to.day administration.她一直做日常的管理工作。2)逐日的 I have organized the cleaning on a day-to--day basis,until the usual cleaner returns.我已经安排了清洁工回来前的逐日清洁工作。 3.to have no idea不知道;无能力 He has no idea how to manage people.他根本不知道如何做人事工作。 You have no idea how worried I was!你根本不知道我有多么担心!

4.to take the trouble to do sth费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事 Decent journalists should take the trouble to check the facts.责任心强的新闻工作者应该不厌其烦地核实报导内容。 Nobody took the trouble to comfort the angry woman.没有人费力去劝劝那位愤怒的女人,

5.to put oneself in sb?s place设身处地替某人着想 If you put yourself in my place.you would understand it.设身处地替我想一下,你就会理解的。 cf.in sb?s place处于某人的境地 What would you do in my place?你要是我会怎样做? In her place I?d sell the lot.我要是她的话就全部卖掉。

6.to one?s advantage对某人有利,对某人有帮助 You will find it to your advantage to learn some German before you visit Switzerland.你会发现去瑞士前学一点德语将对你有好处。 It would be to our mutual advantage to continue the training centre.把培训中心继续办下去对我们双方都有好处。 cf.to one?s disadvantage对某人不利,有损某人的声誉 It would be to your disadvantage to invest in the project.在这个工程上投资对你会十分不利。 Have you heard of the turnouts to his disadvantage?你听说那些对他不利的谣言了吗?

7.at a disadvantage处于不利地位 His inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage.他不会说英语,这使他很吃亏。 They are working at a great disadvantage.他们正在非常不利的情况下工作。 8.to ask for要求,请求 Did you ask(your boss)for a pay increase?你请求(老板)加薪了吗? Driving after drinking alcohol is asking for trouble.酒后开车是自讨苦吃。 9.in hand 1)在手中(持有);在手头(随时可用) I still have some money in hand.我手头还有些钱。2)在控制下 We have the situation well in hand.我们完全控制住了局面。3)正在办理、处理之中 The work is in hand and will soon be completed.这项工作正在进行之中,不久即可完成。

10.to make sure(of/that)1)弄清楚,核实,查明 I think the door?s locked.but I?d better go and make sure(of it/that it is).我想门已经锁了,但我最好还是去查实一下。2)设法确保 We have made arrangements to make sure that the visit goes well 为确保参观顺利进行我们已经做了安排。 11.to turn down 1)to turn sb/sth down顶回,拒不理会,拒绝 He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health.他想参军,但因身体欠佳而被断然拒绝。 He asked Jane to marry him but she turned him down.他请求简嫁给他,可她拒绝了。2)to turn sth down调节(炉具、收音机等)使热量、音量、温度等降低 Don?t forget to turn down the gas after an hour or so.别忘了过一小时左右把煤气关小点儿。 Turn the taperecorder down--I?m trying to get some sleep.把录音机关小点儿--我想睡一会儿。

12.as soon as一……就……,不迟于 He left as soon as he heard the news.他一听到这消息就走了。 I?ll tell him as soon as possible.我会尽快告诉他的。

Unit 2-A

1.in theory理论上,理论上讲 Your plan is good in theory,but does it work in practice?你的计划理论上是不错的,但做起来能行吗? In theory,three things could happen.理论上讲,有三种可能性。

2.to apply to sth 1)把……应用于…… Students are to learn to apply to practice.学生们应学会把理论应用于实践。 The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology.这项研究成果能够应用于新的技术开发方面。2)致力于……,集中精力(做某事) You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.你只有真正专心用功,考试才能及格。 We must apply our minds to a solution.我们要动动脑筋,找出解决的办法来。 3.research into对……的研究、探讨、调查 My researches into adventure holidays were very fruitful.我在琢磨让假期过得有刺激性,在这一点上已大有收获。 The famous scientist is carrying out a research into the causes of AIDS.这位著名的科学家正在进行艾滋病病因的研究 4.to swallow up 1)吞没,淹没,掩盖 The fog swallowed up the whole city.大雾笼罩了整个城市。 The aircraft was swallowed up in the clouds.飞机已没入云中。2)用尽,耗尽 The cost of the trial swallowed up all their savings.打官司耗光了他们的全部积蓄。 To swallow up one?s earnings is not wise.把所挣的钱全部花光是不明智的。 5.to make use of利用 You should make full use of every chance you have to speak English.你应该充分利用一切机会说英语。 We will make good use of her talents.我们要很好地发挥她的才能。

6.speculation about对……的猜测,推测 The police made much speculation about the cause of the air crash.警方对飞机坠毁的原因进行了多方推测 My speculations about the election proved totally wrong.我关于那场选举的猜测完全错了。

Unit 2-B 1.together with和,连同 He sent her some roses,together with a love letter.他送给她一些玫瑰花,还有一封情书。 These new facts,together with the other evidence,prove the prisoner?s innocence.这些新的事实连同其他证据证明在押者清白无辜。

2.in every respect在各个方面 The room is fine in every respect.从各个方面来说,这个房间都不错。 cf.in this one respect/in some(all,many,several,few)respect.在这一点上/在某些(各个,许多,几个,极少)方面 3.in other words换句话说,也就是说 The moon is called a satellite,in other words,it goes round the sun with the earth.月球是颗卫星,换句话说,它同地球一道绕太阳运转。 4.to consist of由……组成,由……构成 The committee consists of ten members.委员会由十人组成。 Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧组成。 5.a great many许多,很多 A great many young people attended the lecture.很多年轻人参加了讲座。 A great many students failed the exams.很多学生考试不及格。 6.under the circumstances在……情况下,既然这样 I wanted to leave quickly,but under the circumstances(my uncle had just died),I decided to stay another night.我本想快点走,但既然我叔叔刚刚去世,我决定再住一夜。 cf.under no circumstances(位于句首时用倒装句)在任何情况下(都不),无论如何(也不) Under no circumstances will there be inflation while I am head of the government.只要我是政府首脑,无论如何也不会有通货膨胀。

7.to make a difference to对……有影响 The sea air has made a difference to her health.海上的空气改善了她的健康。 It makes no difference to me what you say:I?m not going.不管你怎么说都无所谓,反正我不去。 Does it make any difference?那要紧吗?

8.above all最重要的,尤其 He longs above all(else)to see his wife and family again.他尤其渴望再见到妻子和家人。 In choosing the curtains for a room.you should consider the material from the point of view of texture,its weight,its pattern--but its colour above all.挑选房间窗帘面料时,你应该考虑质地、重量、图案等,但最重要的是颜色。

9.as a rule在多数情况下,通常 As a rule I?m home by six.我通常六点前在家。 We don?t as a rule give credit to customers,but are willing to make an exception in your case.通常,我们不让顾客赊购物品,但对你来说我们心甘情愿破破例。

Unit 3-A 1.to be affected with感染(疾病),患有……病 His lungs are affected with cancer.他染上了肺癌(癌变已侵及他的肺部)。 He is affected with flu.他染上了流感。 2.a debate on就……的辩论、讨论、争论 The congress decided to conduct a debate Off nuclear disarmament 国会决定就核裁军进行辩论。 We had a long debate on what to do next.下一步怎么做,我们进行了长时间的讨论。 3.to carry out 1)实施,执行,完成,贯彻,落实 Once the work is started.it must be resolutely carried out.工作一旦开始,就必须坚决完成。 to carry out a promise(a threat,a plan,an order)实现诺言(进行威胁,实施计划,执行命令)2)进行(实验等) to carry out an enquiry(an investigation,a survey)进行查询(调查、勘查) Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.对患者进行了多次实验。

4.in addition to加之,除……之外 In addition(to the names on the list)there are six other applicants.除此(名单上的名字)之外,还有六个申请人。 He is now running his own company,in addition to his job at the university.除了在大学里的工作之外,他现在还经营着自己的公司。

5.in this(that)case这(那)样的话,既然这(那)样 You don?t like your job? In that case,why don?t you leave?你不喜欢这份工作?那你为什么不辞掉呢?“I?m afraid I can?t come after all.”“In that case,I?m not going.either.”“恐怕我根本去不成。”“要是那样,我也不去了。”

6.to be opposed to强烈反对 She seems very much opposed to your going abroad.她好像强烈反对你出国。 Most of US are opposed to death penalty(capital punishment).我们大都强烈反对死刑。 cf.as opposed to与……对照,与……对比 I?m here on business as opposed to a holiday.我在这里是出差而不是度假。 I?d rather buy a small computer as opposed to a big one.我想买台小计算机,而不想买大的。

7.to open up 1)畅谈 Once she knew she could trust me,she started to open up.当她知道我可以信任后,便开始畅所欲言。 After a few drinks he began to open up a bit.几杯酒下肚,他的话就多了起来。2)开业,开张 He never opens up shop on Sundays.星期天他的商店从不营业。 They decided to open up a new restaurant.他们决定开一家新餐馆。

8.to care for 1)照顾,照看 Who will care for him if his wife dies?假若他妻子死了,谁照顾他? The children are being well cared for.孩子们正得到很好的照顾。2)喜欢,喜爱,愿意(用于否定或疑问句) Would you care for a drink?你想喝点什么吗? I don?t care much for opera.我不大喜欢歌剧。

9.to take into account(consideration)考虑,体谅;包括 When judging his performance,don?t take his age into account.评判他的表现时,别考虑他的年龄。 These figures didn?t take into account the cost of this project.这些数字没有把工程的花费考虑进去(不包括工程花费)。

10.to be sensitive to 1)易受……影响的,对……敏感的 Rose is very sensitive to cold.罗斯对寒冷十分敏感。 Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.感光纸对光十分敏感。2)对……易冲动的,神经质的 He is very sensitive to being short,so don?t mention it.他对自己个矮神经过敏,可别提这事儿。 A writer mustn?t be sensitive to criticism.作家不可对批评意见反应过激。

11.to opt out(of)决定不参加,退出 I think I?ll opt out of the game.我不想参加比赛。 Britain wants to opt out of the European Social Chapter.英国想退出欧洲社会会议。

12.to have…at heart很关心某事物,亟欲支持或维护 He has your welfare at heart.他非常关心你的幸福。 More and more people have pollution of the air at heart.越来越多的人关心空气污染问题。

Unit 3-B 1.for short简称,简写 Her name is “Frances”.or “Fran” for short.她的名字是“弗朗西斯”,或简称“弗朗”。 cf.in short简言之,简短地说,总之 Things couldn?t be worse,financially:in short,we?re bankrupt.财务方面已经糟得不能再糟了,总之,一句话,我们破产了。

2.to amount to 1)总计,共达,总共有 The cost amounts to US$250.费用共计二百五十美元。 Our information doesn?t amount to much.我们的资料有限。2)等于,相当于 What you say amounts to a direct accusation.你所说的话等于直接的指责。 Her words amount to a refusal.她的话无异于拒绝。 3.Oil(the)average平均来讲,按平均数计算 On average,we receive five letters each day.我们平均每天收到五封信。 We fail one student per year on average.我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。 Japanese people on the average live much longer than Europeans.日本人的平均寿命大大高于欧洲人。 4.to compete with与……竞争,对抗 Several companies are competing with each other for the contract.几家公司正为一项合同而互相竞争。 They compete with foreign companies for a share of the market.他们与外国公司竞争市场。

5.to blame sb for为……责备某人,责怪某人 Public opinion blames Mrs Smith for leading the girl astray.舆论责怪史密斯夫人把那位姑娘引入歧途。 They blamed an electric short circuit for the fire yesterday.他们把昨天的火灾归咎于电流短路。 Which driver was to blame for the accident?这个事故是哪个司机的责任?

6.by nature从天性上讲,本性上 He was.by nature,a man of few words.他天生沉默寡言。 She is proud by nature.她天生骄傲。

7.when it comes to谈及、涉及某问题 I can use a computer.but when it comes to repairing it,I know nothing.我会用计算机,但若说修理,我一窍不通。 I?m as good a cook as she is except when it comes to pastry.我做饭跟她一样好,就是我不会做酥皮糕点。 8.to be related to与……有关 I?m not related to him in any way.我和他没有任何亲属关系。 The heart attack could be related to his car crash last year.这次心脏病发作可能与他去年那场车祸有关。

9.to be worth(doing)sth值得 It may be worth putting an advertisement in the local paper.或许在当地报纸上刊登广告是值得一做的。 It isn?t worth waiting for him.他不值得一等。 Don?t lock the door:it isn?t worth the trouble.别锁门,犯不上费这事儿。

Unit 4-A

1.OH one?s doorstep很近 In our holiday villas you?ll have both the beach and the mountains on your doorstep.在我们的假日别墅,海滩、山峦都近在咫尺。

2.to deal with 1)与……做生意,与……有商业交往 I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.我讨厌与那些没有人情味儿的大公司打交道。2)对付,对待,处理,解决 How would you deal with an armed burglar?你怎样对付持枪的强盗? Deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道,还治其人之身。 3.to bring over 1)bring sb over(to a place)把某人带到(某地) Next summer he hopes to bring his family over,to Beijing from the United States.他希望明年夏天把家人从美国接到北京。 You might bring him over tomorrow.你明天可以把他带来。 2)bring sb over(to sth)使某人改变思想方法、信念等,说服。 Do you think you can ever bring him over?你认为你能说服他吗? What he said brought me over to his opinion.他的话使我转而同意他的意见。

4.according to 1)根据,据某人所说 According to John,you were in London last week.据约翰说,你上星期在伦敦。 You have been in prison six times according to our records.根据我们记录,你已经入狱六次了。2)按照,依照 Everything went according to plan.一切都是按计划进行的。 The work was done according to her instructions.那工作是依照她的指示做的。3)依……而定 salary according to qualifications and experience 视资历和经验而定的薪水 Arrange the exhibits according to size.将展品按大小排列。 5.to convict sb of宣判某人有……罪 She has twice been convicted of fraud.她已有两次被判为诈骗罪。 He was convicted of murder.他被判为杀人罪。

6.to be deserving of值得……的,该受……的,配得上……的 The disabled are deserving of sympathy.残疾人值得同情。 He is deserving of all praise for his great efforts.他巨大的付出配得上任何称赞。

7.to send to送进,使……进入 They sent their daughter to one of the best schools in the country.他们把女儿送进了国内一所最好的学校。 He was sent back to hospital.他被送回了医院。

8.to feel like(doing)sth想要(做)某事物 I feel like(having)a drink.我想喝点酒。 We?ll go for a walk if you feel like it.你要是想的话,咱们就去散散步。 cf.feel(to sb)(1ike sth)某人觉得像某物 This wallet feels to me like leather.我觉得这个钱包像是皮的。 It feels like rain.天好像要下雨。 9.to threaten to do sth威胁要做某事,扬言要做某事 The hijackers threatened to kill all the passengers if their demands were not met.劫机犯扬言,若不满足他们的要求,就把乘客全部杀死。 The boy threatened to commit suicide if she turned him down.如果她不答应,那男孩扬言要自寻绝路。

10.to protect from(against)保护,保卫 You need warm clothes to protect you against(from)the cold.你需要穿暖一些以免着凉。 The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against (from)infection.这种疫苗是供全体居民预防传染病用的。

11.to agree to(do)sth同意,愿意,答应 He agreed to let me go home early.他同意让我早些回家。 Is he going to agree to our suggestion?他会同意我们的建议吗? 12.to distinguish from 1)区别,辨别 The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.这对双胞胎长得很像,没人能分辨出谁是谁。2)使……有所不同,使……有别于,是……的特征 Speech distinguishes human beings from the animals.使用言语是人类有别于动物的特征。

13.to risk(doing)sth冒着……的危险 She risked his parents? anger by marrying me.她冒着触怒父母的危险嫁给了我。He risked(losing)his life to save the child.他冒着生命危险抢救那个孩子。

Unit 4-B

1.to watch over 1)看护,照料 She is watching over her sick child.她在照料自己生病的孩子。 We?ll have to watch over the children in case they get too tired.我们得照看着孩子们,不让他们太累了。 He felt that God was watching over him.他感觉到上帝在保佑着他。2)看守,看管,守卫 Could you watch over my clothes while I have a swim?我游泳时你看住我的衣服行吗? They use specially trained dogs to watch over their sheep at night.夜间他们用受过特殊训练的狗看守羊群。 2.in unison 1)齐(唱),齐(奏) The last verse will be sung in unison.歌词的最后部分要齐唱。2)一致地,协调地 The banks have acted in unison with the building societies in lowering interest rates.银行降低了利率来


配合房屋建筑协会的行动。 3.to make one?s way to走,行走,前进,去 I?ll make my way home now.我现在要回家了。 The guards raised the legs in unison and made their way to the square.卫兵们迈着整齐的步伐向广场走去。 I?ll make my way to the railway station now.我现在要去火车站了。 4.up to 1)作为最大数量,多达 I can take up to four people in my car.我的汽车最多能坐四个人。 Up to ten men can sleep in this tent.这顶帐蓬可供十个人在此睡觉。2)直到;不多于 Read up to page l00.读到第100页。 Up to HOW he?s been quiet.他直到此刻仍保持沉默。3)能胜任,有某种能力的 I don?t feel up to going to work today.我今天不舒服,不能上班。 My German is not up to translating that letter.我的德语水平不高,翻译不了那封信。 cf.be up to忙于;是某人的职责;由某人决定 What?s he up to?他在忙什么呢? It?s up to us to help those in need.我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。 It?s up to you(to decide).由你决定。 5.to pay back 1)偿还,还给 Have you paid back the money you owe me yet?你借我的钱还了吗? I?ll pay you back next week.我下星期还你。2)惩罚,报复 I?ll pay him back for the trick played on me.他捉弄了我,我得治治他。 to pay sb back blow for blow 对某人以牙还牙

6.out of从(若干)中 Three out of four people believe in Christianity there.在那里四个人中有三个信仰基督教。 Choose one out of six.从六个中挑一个。 7.to react to sb(sth)对……做出反应,回应 Some people can react badly to certain food additives.有些人对某些食物添加剂有强烈的不适反应。 She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him.她受到侮辱之后就不再理睬他了。

8.to call up 1)给某人打电话 I kept calling you up。but the line was busy.我一直给你打电话,却一直占线。 2)想起,回想,回忆 The sound of happy laughter called up memories of his childhood.这欢笑声使他想起了自己童年时的情景。

9.to clean up 1)洗干净,打扫干净,清理 My hands are filthy:I?d better go and clean up.我的手脏了,最好去洗洗。 The workmen cleaned up the mess before they left.工人们把杂物清扫之后就走了。2)清除坏的影响 The mayor is determined to clean up the city.市长决心清除市内的不良现象。 They are launching a campaign to clean up television.他们正在发起一场清除电视中不良现象的运动(减少播放色情、暴力等节目) 10.a good/great deal of很多,大量(修饰不可数名词) to spend a good deal of money on books each month 每月都花许多钱买书 It will take a great deal of trouble to finish the difficult task.完成这项艰巨任务要费很大的事。 to see sb a great deal/to feel a great deal better 常见到某人/感觉好多了 11.to be a shame 1)是可耻的 It is a shame to take money from those who can?t afford it.拿无从自立的人的钱非常可耻。2)很遗憾,很可惜 Isn?t it a shame that the rain spoiled our picnic?这场雨把我们的野餐给搅了,难道不可惜? What a shame!真可惜!(或:真丢脸!)

Unit 5-A

1.to build out of用……建造 Birds build their nests out of twigs.鸟儿用树枝筑巢。 He built me a model ship out of wood.他用木料给我做了个模型轮船。 2.in existence现在的,存在的 This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.这是现存最早的希伯来语手稿。 The Old Testament is still in existence and kept well.《旧约全书》仍然存于世上而且保存完好。 3.to make out of从……中出去 lie made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren.他听到汽笛声就立即走出了船舱。 4.to take place发生,举行 When does the ceremony take place?仪式什么时候举行? We?ve never discovered what took place between them that night.我们从未发觉那天晚上他们之间发生了什么事情。

5.to originate with始自,起因于,源于 This custom originated with the ancient Chinese.这个风俗源于古代中国。 The style of architecture originated with the ancient Greeks.这种建筑风格起源于古希腊人。 6.to be established as确立……的地位;成为,担任 She?s now firmly established in business as an art dealer.她已稳固地奠定了自己艺术品商的地位。 He is established as governor of the province.他当上了省长。

7.to experiment with试验,实验 The children were warned not to experiment with the dangerous drugs.孩子们得到警告,不要试验这些危险的药物。 to experiment with new methods(forms of government)实验新方法(不同的政体)

8.to take over接管,接手,接任,接替 Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires.比尔退休时将由彼得接任总经理一职。 The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate.该公司已被美国一企业集团接管。 The new department head took over yesterday.新的系主任昨天接任。 When she fell ill.her daughter took over the business from her.她患病期间生意曾由她女儿代管。

9.as(time)goes oil随着(时间)推移,随着(时间)的流逝 She became more and more talkative as the evening Went on.夜渐深,她的话也渐渐多起来。 Things will improve as time goes on.随着时间的推移,情况会改善的。 As the years went on the young plant in our court grew into a tall shady tree.一年年过去,院子里的树苗已长成一棵绿荫如盖的大树。 10.to take on披上,戴上;呈现,具有 With the summer flowers in bloom.the valley took on every shade of colour.一到夏日花开时节,山谷里彩色缤纷。 The square took on a festive air.广场上呈现出一派节日气象。 When the word appears in this context,it takes on an entirely different meaning.这个词在这上下文中运用时,它就具有了完全不同的含义。

11.in volume体积上;容量上;音量上 The liquid was five litres in volume.该液体的体积为五升。 The music doubled in volume.音乐的声音加大了一倍。

Unit 5-B

1.in fashion流行,入时 Miniskirts and faded jeans are still in fashion.超短裙以及褪色的牛仔裤仍很时髦 Long hair is very much in fashion.长发很入时。 cf. out of fashion不流行,过时 Sometimes what is out of fashion may be in fashion again.有时过时的东西会再流行起来。

2.the same同一事物 Their ages are the same.他们年龄相同。 I would do the same again.那我就再来一遍。 I think the same(as you do)about the matter.我对此事的看法也是(和你)一样。

3.in a sense从某种意义说 What you say is true in a sense.你的话在某种意义上属实。 This is not your fault in a sense.在某种意义上,这并不是你的错。 4.to begin with 1)以……开始,以……为起点 The English alphabet begins with A.英语字母表从A开始。 The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter.句子的第一个词应以大写字母开头。 The conference begins with the Chairman?s report.会议一开始是主席做报告。2)起初;首先 To begin with my spoken English was very poor,but now there is much progress.起初,我的英语口语很差劲,但现在大为改观了。 To begin with.we ought to know what we study for.首先,我们应该知道我们为什么而学习。 5.at a stretch不停地,连续地 How long have you been working at a stretch?你不停地工作了多长时间? The rain lasted three hours at a stretch.雨不停地下了三个小时。 They had to remain standing for hours at a stretch.他们不得不连续站上几个小时。

6.to serve as起……的作用,被用作;充当;担任 This fact will serve as an illustration to show the importance of technical innovation.这一事例可以用来说明技术革新的重要性。 This room can serve as a study.这个房问可作书房用。 He served as a naval officer during the war.他战时在海军当军官。 7.to work over 1)充分研究,彻底检查 For that article he has worked over some 30 volumes of Chinese history.为了写那篇论文,他仔细查阅了大约三十卷中国历史。2)重做 She has worked over the first act of the play.她重写了剧本的第一幕。 They worked over the old furniture.他们翻修了旧家具。

8.to belong in在……中有适当的地位,处于正确的地位 The chair belongs in the corner.这把椅子该放在角落里。 He thinks he belongs in teaching.他认为自己适宜于从事教学工作。 This dictionary belongs in the library of every school where English is taught.任何有英语课程的学校的图书馆都应该有这本词典。

9.to let be不打扰,不干涉 Let me be,I want a rest.别打扰我,我要休息。 Let the poor dog be,don?t tease it.别逗那条可怜的狗。

10.to be born 1)出生,出世 He was born in l950.他生于1950年。2)开始,创立 The Trades Union movement was born in the early years of the century.工会运动创始于本世纪初期。

11.it goes without saying that…不言而喻……,毋庸置疑……,不用说…… It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather.不言而喻,我们的计划取决于天气情况。 It goes without saying that he?ll fail in the exam.不用说,他肯定考试不及格。

12.for the sake of 1)为了……起见,看在……的份儿上 I?ll help you for your sister?s sake ( for the sake of your sister).看在你姐姐的面上,我帮你一下。 She took on another part-time job for the.sake of her family.为了家庭,她又找了一份兼职工作。2)为了获得,为了保持 We made concessions for the sake of peace.为了和平,我们做出了让步。 She argues for the sake of arguing.她因为好辩而与人争论。 Let?s not spoil the job for the sake of a few pounds.咱们不要为了几英镑钱而把工作弄糟。

13.an approach to 1)通路,进路,道路 This is an approach to the palace.这是一条通往宫殿的道路。 The usher provided US an approach to the hall.招待员指引我们来到大厅。2)方法,手段 We are exploring new approaches to qualities education.我们正在探索素质教育的新方法。 The government is to take a judicious approach to this sensitive problem.政府将用明智的方法处理这一敏感问题。

Unit 6-A

1.to expose sth/sb/oneseif(to sth)暴露,使面临,遭受 People often expose their skin to the sun in summer.夏季,人们常使皮肤暴露于阳光之下。 I won?t expose my soldiers to such unnecessary risks.我不会使我的士兵冒此不必要的危险。 The young poet exposed himself to harsh criticism of the critics.这位年轻的诗人遭到了评论家们严厉的批评。

2.in that在于,因为 Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.私营化的优点在于它能促进相互竞争。 He is a good listener in that he never interrupts you with thoughts of his own.他是个好听众,在于他从不因自己的思绪而打断你。 I like metropolises in that they can provide me with more challenges.我喜欢大都市,因为那里能提供更多的挑战。 3.in between在中间,每间隔;在……期间(等于between作副词的用法) You?d have a good view of the sea from here except for the blocks of flats in between.要不是隔着这座公寓大楼,大海的景色就可以从这里一览无遗。 One town ends where the next begins and there is a road in between.一个城镇连接着另一个城镇,两者之间有一条路。 We have two lessons this evening,but there?s some free time in between.今天晚上我们有两节课,课间有些休息时间。

4.in question正被谈论的,正被考虑的 The job in question is available for three months only.所谈到的这一工作为时仅三个月。 We know nothing about the plan in question.我们对正被考虑的计划一无所知。 5.plenty of大量的;丰富的 He earned plenty of money in America.他在美国挣了很多钱。 I received plenty of presents on my eighteenth、birthday.我l8岁生日那天收到大量的礼物。 There are plenty of natural resources in China.中国有丰富的自然资源。

6.to convert…into/to 1)改变,变成;兑换成 The sofa can convert(in)to a bed.这个沙发可变成一张床。 Britain converted to a decimal currency system in l971.英国于1971年改用十进制货币体系。 Please convert these pounds into francs.请把这些英镑兑换成法郎。2)convert…to皈依;使……改变信仰 He?s converted to Catholicism.他已皈依天主教。 He was converted from atheism to Christianity.他放弃无神论,改信基督教。

Unit 6-B 1.to work on (1)从事……,致力于…… The scientist has been working on environmental protection for many years.这位科学家多年来一直从事环保方面的研究。 Peter is still working hard on his term paper.彼得还在努力写他的学期论文。2)对……有影响 This medicine doesn?t work on the patient.这种药对病人无效。 Her charm doesn?t work on me.她的魅力对我不起作用。 2.to set妯up 1)设立,建立 A statue was set up in the center of the city.市中心竖起了一蹲雕像。 Police set up road--blocks on mutes leading out of the city.警方在通往城外的道路上设置了路障。 A new traffic light was set up around the corner.拐角处设置了一个新的交通灯。2)建立,提出 The government has set up a working party to look into the matter.政府已成立工作组调查此事。 Einstein set up many important theories.爱因斯坦提出了许多重要理论。

3.to be on the alert against/for sth警惕,提防 Passengers on buses should be on the alert against pick--pockets.公共汽车上的乘客应提防扒手。 The soldiers were on the alert for another attack.士兵们做好了下次攻击的准备。

4.to associate sb(sth)with sth/sb 1)把……与……联系起来,联想 Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.人们常把威士忌与苏格兰联系起来。 I always associate him with his father.我总是由他想起他的父亲。2)与某人交往或打交道 I don?t like you associating with such people.我不喜欢你和那些人混在一起。 I?ve never associated with him.我从未与他打过交道。

Unit 7-A

1.to be concerned with 1)关于,涉及(主语为物) Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment.他最近的一部记录片是关于青年人失业问题的。 This chapter is concerned with the changing American families.本章涉及的是变化中的美国家庭。2)忙于(主语为人) We are concerned with our work all day.我们整日忙于自己的工作。 He is concerned with his business.他忙于自己的生意。3)关心,关切 He is not seriously concerned with the matter.他并不真的关心此事。 We are increasingly concerned with the quality of life.我们日益关心生活质量问题。

2.to attach importance to sth认为……重要 Our English teacher attaches great importance to listening and speaking.我们的英语老师十分重视听说。 No importance is attached to this matter by the local government.当地政府根本不重视此事。

3.to take to sth/doing sth 1)开始从事 She has taken to drink.她喝酒上瘾了。 He took to gardening in his retirement.他退休后搞起了园艺。2)养成……的习惯 He took to smoking in his fourth year at college.他上大四时养成了抽烟的习惯。 Pupils should take to getting up early in the morning.小学生应养成早起的习惯。3)培养对……的爱好 She didn?t take to her Hew job.她对自己的新工作不感兴趣。 I took to her the moment I met her.我一见到她就立刻对她产生了好感。4)to put sth to use使用,利用 Put your money to better use.好好利用你的钱。 Time is precious and should be put to full use.时间是宝贵的,应该充分利用。 4.to be relevant to sth与……有关的 Can you supply the facts relevant to the case

7.你能提供与本案有关的事实吗? What you said is not relevant to the theme.你所说的话与主题无关。 5.on the part of sb/on sb?s part就……而言,在……方面 It was an error on the part of the manager.那是经理的过失。 The agreement has been kept on my part but not on his.我一直遵守协议,而他却没有。

6.to set…as objective把……作为目标 Our government set the national economic development as its objective.我们的政府把国家经济的发展作为自己的目标。 What have you set as your objective in life?你把什么作为你的人生目标?

Unit 7-B

1.to look ahead to sth向前看,展望未来 Look straight ahead,and you will see the ship in the distance.直视前方,你就会看到远处的轮船。 Have you looked ahead to what you?ll be doing after graduation?你是否想过毕业后要干什么? Looking ahead to the 21 st century,what shall we do?展望二十一世纪,我们该怎么办?

2.to allocate…for分配给……;配给 The teacher allocated tasks to each of US.老师给我们每个人都分配了任务。 How much funds has the government allocated for the project?政府给这项工程拨了多少款? 3.to fall by the wayside半途而废,中途退出;步入歧途 Are athletes allowed to fall by the wayside?运动员可以中途退出吗? Cheer up,don?t fall by the wayside.打起精神来,不要半途而废。 The young man has fallen by the wayside.那个年轻人已经步入歧途。 4.to hang up 1)把……挂起来 Hang your coat up on that hook.把你的上衣挂在那个挂钩上。 She was hanging up her washing(out)on the clothes line.她正把洗好的衣服挂在晾衣绳上。2)挂断(电话) She hung(me)up before I could explain to her.我还没来得及向她解释她已挂断了电话。 Hang up! The manager is coming!快挂电话!经理来了l 3)延迟,拖延 We were hung up by a traffic accident.我们被一起交通事故耽误了。 A thick fog hung up the passenger plane.大雾推迟了航班。

5.to throw off扔掉;摆脱 He threw off the rotten vegetables.他把腐烂的蔬菜扔掉了。 She finally threw off the troublesome spy.她终于摆脱了可恶的特务。 6.to work out做出;制订出 Who can work out this maths problem?谁能做出这道数学题? The general worked out a new plan of attack.将军制订出了新的进攻方案。 7.up to date 1)最新的,新式的 She always wears clothes that are right up to date.她总是穿着最时尚的衣服。 Are these machines up to date?这些机器是新式的吗?2)切合目前情况的 The list is up to date now that we?ve added the new members names.我们把新成员的名字已经加进去了,这份名单是全的了。 We agree to this plan because it is up to date.我们同意这个计划,因为它切合目前情况。

8.to kid…into doing欺骗……去做 He kidded the children into believing him.他哄骗孩子们相信了他。 Don?t criticise them any more,they were kidden into doing the silly thing.别在批评他们了,他们是受骗才做了那件傻事。

9.to stick with坚持,继续 I stick with my original idea.我坚持我原来的主张。 He stuck with his experiment.他继续做他的实验。

Unit 8-A

1.effect on(sth/sb)对……的作用(常与have连用,意为“对……有影响”,或“对……有效果”) These measures did have some effect on rural poverty.这些措施的确对解决农村贫困问题产生了一定的效果。 The film had quite an effect on her.这部影片对她影响极大。 I tried to persuade him.but with little or no effect.我尽力劝他,可他根本不听。 2.to blame sth on sb=blame sb for sth把……归咎于 She blamed the failure of their marriage on him./she blamed him for the failure of their marriage.她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他。 Violence at school is blamed on immigrants./Immigrants are blamed for violence at school.学校暴力被归咎于外来移民。 3.to one?s advantage有效地,有利地 The picture may be seen to(its best)advantage against a plain wall.这幅画衬在素墙上就格外好看了。 The agreement is/works to our advantage.协议对我们有利。

4.as fresh as paint精神饱满 They felt really as fresh as paint after their holiday.他们度假之后真觉得又精神饱满了。 Strangely enough these young men were still as fresh as paint after hours of hard work.真奇怪,几个小时的艰苦劳动之后这些年轻人仍然个个精神焕发。

5.now(that)(连词)既然,由于 Now(that)you mention it,I do remember the incident.经你一提,我想起那件事了。 Now(that)you?ve passed the test you can drive on your own.你驾驶考试已合格,你就可以自己开车了。 NOW that we?ve finished the task ahead of time.1et?s take a rest.既然我们已经提前完成了任务,让我们休息一下吧。

6.to leave/let sb/sth alone/be 1)不管,不理,不打扰 Leave me alone/be.Go away!别管我,走开! Let her be.She wants a rest.别打扰她,她想体息一会儿。2)顺其自然,听任…… You?d better leave things alone since you have no idea about them.既然你不了解情况,最好听其自然。 I?ve told you to leave my things alone.我已经告诉过你不要乱动我的东西。

7.out of step 1)步伐不一致 The two soldiers are out of


