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一 单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

( )1.__________ man in___________ old jacket is Mr. Brown. A The ;an B A ; a C An; the D The; a ( ) 2. He’s never been to Beijing, __________ he? A isn’t B hasn’t C is D has

( ) 3.The Greens arrived ______China ______a sunny day. A in; on B at; in C in; at D at; /

( ) 4. He _____ be at home because there is no light in his room. A must B can’t C can D mustn’t

( ) 5.They spend as much time as they can _________ their


A do B to do C doing D did ( ) 6. I’ll do it better if I ___________ another ten minutes. A give B is given C am given D will give ( ) 7. _________ exciting news!

A How an B What an C What D How ( ) 8. I was just leaving the classroom _________ it rained. A. while B when C before D after

( ) 9. It is impossible ______him_____ the work in half an hour. A for; finish B of; they C for; to finish D of; finish ( )10. As the last bus _______, they had to stay in the village for

the night.

A left B had left C was leaving D leaves ( ) 11. –Why not go to the park with us tomorrow?

-- ___________. But I have to look after my sick


A Good idea. B Don’t ask me. C Thank you very much. D I don’t think so. ( ) 12. –Do you prefer _______ the new film with me ?

--No. I’d rather _______ at home and listen to the


A see; stay B to see; to stay C to see; stay D see; to stay

( ) 13. –-Thank you so much for your gift.. It’s very nice.

A Please don’t say so. B It’s not so good, I think. C No, thanks. D I’m glad you like it.


( ) 14. Do you know the boy _______ is sitting behind Andy? A what B which C who D whom ( ) 15. Do you know _________________?

A where does he come from B where is he from C where he comes from D where is he 二完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.” When I was a young boy, I was 1 nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often 2 me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, 3 happened, and it changed my life. It was an English speech contest (比赛).My mother asked me to 4 it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak in front of all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to 5 .” Then Mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I 6 the topic“ Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times. With my mother’s great love, I did 7 in the contest. I could not believe my 8 when the news that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students. My mother hugged(拥抱)me and cried 9 . 10 then, everything has changed. When I do anything, I try to myself to be sure and I will find myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country.

( )1.A. so B.too C.very D.quite ( )2.A.argued with B.looked after

C.disagreed with D.laughed at

( )3.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything ( )4.A.join B.take part in C.make D.get ( )5.A.win B.lose C.reach D.pass ( )6.A.reached B.brought C.chose D.thought ( )7.A.good B.well C.interesting D.badly ( )8.A.speech B.topic C.ears D. eyes ( )9. A. angrily B. sadly C. quietly D. excitedly


( )10. A. Since B. Expect C. From D. Before 三阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) A

We surveyed 300 young people on what they like to do at weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:

1. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18


A. 20. B. 50. C. 60. D. 75. 2. The people of 27-35 enjoy most.

A. watching TV B. going to the movies C. playing computer games D. taking a walk

3. According to the survey, which two activities do most people enjoy doing?

A. Playing computer games and watching TV. B. Playing computer games and taking a walk.

C. Watching TV and going to the movies. D. Going to the movies and taking a walk.


Suppose you work in a big company and find English very important for your job. Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English, especially your spoken English. Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers. You may find the information you need.

Global English Center

◆General English in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and



◆3-month (700yuan), 6-month(1,200yuan)and one-year(2,000yuan) ◆Choice(选择)of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon.— Fri.

◆Experienced (有经验的) college English teachers ◆Close to city center and bus stops Tel: 67605272

Add: 105Zhongshan Road, 100082 Modern Language School

◆Special course (课程) in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management.

◆Small classes(12-16 students)on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00-5:00p.m. ◆English teachers from Canada and USA

◆Language lab and computers supplied (提供)

◆3-month course: 1,050yuan; 6-month course: 1,850yuan

Write or phone: Modern Language School, 675Park Road, 100056 Tel: 67353019

The 21st Century English Training Center

◆We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.

◆We also have a six-week TOEFL (托福) preparation class during winter and summer holidays.

◆Entrance exams: June 1and Dec. 1 ◆Only 15-minute walk from city center Call 67801642 for more information. The International House of English

◆Three /Six-month English courses for students at very low cost: 60yuan for 12hours per week; convenient(方便的)class hours: 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-5:00p.m.

◆A four-month evening program for developing speaking skills(same cost as day classes).

◆Best foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second foreign language.

◆Free sightseeing and social activities(活动). ◆Very close to the Central Park.

For further information call 67432308.

( ) 4 .You work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day. You should choose


A. Global English Center and the International House.


B. Global English Center and Modern Language School. C. Modern Language School and the 21st Century. D. The 21st Century and the International House.

( ) 5. The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in that


A. its teaching quality is better B. it is nearest to the city center C. its courses are more advanced

D. it requires an entrance examination

( ) 6. You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it


A. offers free sightseeing and social activities B. has a special course in spoken English C. costs less than the other schools D. has foreign English teachers


Growing up is hard enough. The streets don’t make it any easier. A kid needs a place to grow besides the street. And next to home, there is no place like Boys Club where a kid finds out just what it needs to get the job done, and what it needs to get a job. That’s why we teach kids computer skills, give them job training and even help them choose college and career goals.

You see, a Boys Club really is more than just a club. It’s a pal, a friend, a school, a team. It’s a place where a kid connects with the bright future. No wonder 1,100,000 kids keep coming to 1,100 Boys Clubs all over America. Let’s face it. Beating the streets isn’t easy. But with the help of a strong Boys Club, a kid can have a chance to succeed through efforts. ( ) 7. A Boys Club can _______.

A. teach kids how to operate a computer B. train kids how to do a job and do it well

C. help kids choose a school to gain higher education D. all the above

( ) 8. Boys Club appears in ________.

A. England B. Canada C. the USA D. Australia ( ) 9. What does “Beating the streets” mean?

A. Building the streets again.

B. Knocking the building of the streets down. C. Getting rid of the bad effects of the streets. D. Kid’s fighting in the streets.

( ) 10. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To show that a kid’s growing up is hard.


B. To encourage kids to join Boys Clubs. C. To give a kid a bright future. D. To give a kid a job.


A 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。 1.Please help _____________ ( you ) to some fruit, children!

2. The weather report says it will be __________ ( cloud ) tomorrow. 3. The old car ______________ ( produce ) in Germany in the 1960s. 4. Linda _____________ ( change ) a lot since she entered Harvard University.

5.Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and __________.(health) B 用所给中文填空。

1. After his _________(四十) birthday, he left his hometown.

2. Lei Feng (致力于) all his life to helping other people. 3.Tom is an (随和的)young man and everyone likes him. 4.Our teacher is (严格)in our study but kind in our life. 5.He spoke so ___________ (激动) that he could hardly sit down. 五首字母填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A: Hi, Bill! You’re r 1 the novel again. B: Yes, Tom. It seems I’ll n 2 get tired of it. A: How many times have you read it?

B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn s 3 new. A: Really? Who w 4 it?

B: Charles Dickens did. I think he is a great English writer.

A: He is also my f 5 foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it. B: OK, here you are! … What do you t 6 of this novel?

A: It’s great. I haven’t read such a novel for long. W 7 did you

borrow it ?

B: From the City L 8 .

A: I don’t know where it is. Is it f 9 from here? B: No. Only 10 m 10 walk from here, next to the People’s Cinema. A: Oh, I see. I’m going there to get one, too. Thank you! B: You’re welcome.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. ________




In America, when people say “man’s best friend”, they don’t mean another person. Instead, they are talking about a lovely animal:a dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets can give happiness to people’s life. ①Some people think of their pets as their children. A few even leave all their money to their pets when they die!

Animals can help people, too. ②People can teach dogs to become the “eyes” for a blind person or “ears” for a deaf person. Because of that, animals are brought into hospitals for “visits.”

Americans hold “Be kind to Animals Week” the fist week of May. Pet shows are held during the week. Even if you don’t live in America, you, too, can do this. How? First, think about how animals make your life richer. If you have a pet, take more time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious food. Also, be sure to keep your pet from those unwanted babies. If you don’t have a pet, be kind to animals around you. For example, if you see a street dog, don’t kick it or throw things at it. Instead, just leave it alone, or better yet, make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to an animal, try to stop them. ③As people, we must protect animals who can’t speak for themselves.


Some people ________________ their pets ________________ their children.


Dogs can ________ ________ to become the “eyes” for a blind person or “ears” for a deaf person. 3.将③处的句子翻译成汉语。


(B) How good projects grow


Are you interested in projects and want to have a good one? Well, that doesn’t come easily. You need to do the following tasks:

TALK: You and your classmates discuss in detail(详细的)all that you would like to do to realize your project.

WRITE: One of your classmates acts as secretary(秘书). He or she keeps full notes as your group discusses. Later he or she will sort(整理)your ideas to make them better.

PLAN: With the secretary’s notes, your group makes a list of everything you’ll need and who will get, do or research what.

DO: Each group member gets, does and researches something on the list. Your group puts together all you have found and tries to make the project better organized. You prepare to present(展示)it in class.

SHOW: You and your classmates show the world the result of your hard work.

Knowing all the above, you may want to try a project. Why not start with this: you can find out more about the history of your city. What did it look like? Which famous people lived there?


Talk To grow good projects Write Plan Do Show 4 everything in detail. The secretary should 5 while you are discussing. 6 of your needs and make everyone’s task clear. Do the research work and make the project 7 . Show 8 to the world. 4. ______________ 5. ___________ 6. _____________ 7. ____________ 8 __________


未来的地球会是什么样子?请你展开想象,用80个词左右的短文向大家描述一下你眼中的未来世界。内容要点如下: 1. 地球会变成一个大花园。空气清新,没有一点污染。

2. 人们用机器人做大部分的工作。不开汽车,而是骑着特殊的自行车。 3. 所有的国家成为一个大家庭,来自不同地方的人们相处融洽。 4.人类与其他生物共享地球,世界上没有了战争……. 5. 地球成为了太空中最适合人类居住的地方。



一 单项选择 共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1—5 ADABC 6-10 CCBCB 11-15ACDCC


1-5 BDABA 6-10 CBCDA




A)1. yourselves 2.cloudy 3.was produced 4.has changed 5. healthy

B)1.fortieth 2.devoted 3. easy-going 4.strict 5.excitedly


1. reading 2. never 3.something 4.wrote 5.favourite 6. think 7.Where 8.Library 9. far 10.minutes’


1.regard/ consider, as 2.be taught


4. Discuss 5 keep full notes 6. Make a list 7. better organized 8. the result



