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Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)


There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. Her boyfriend has just bought her a _____ shirt.

A. white new cotton B. new white cotton C. cotton white new

D. new cotton white

2. I got up earlier than usual this morning _____ being late for school again.

A. in case C. in case of

B. in the case

D. in any case

3. This means that an object ______ 120 kilograms on the earth will only 20 kilogra


on the moon.

A. being weighed

B. weighed

C. weighs D. weighing 4. Miss Jane is a friend of _____.

A. Mary's mother's B. Mary's mother C. Mother's of Mary D. Mary’s mother 5.Tea did not reach Europe _____ 1901.

A. since B. until C. after D. over

6. Little _____ about his own safety though he was in great danger himself. A. does he care C. he care

B. did he care

D. he cares

7.\has done well in the competition.\

\She always does well in such activities.\


A. So has he B. So does she C. So she does D. So she has 8._____ of them think that is a good idea.

A. Anyone B. No one C. None

D. Someone

9. There's little chance that those people would _______ the plane crash.

A. remain

B. endure

C. maintain

D. survive

10. The famous singer who had been praised very highly _____ to be a great disappointment

A. turned up B. turned in C. turned out D. turned down 11.Your room is _____ mine.

A. four times as big as B. four times as bigger as C. as four times big

D. as big as four times

12. Because of time he didn't go into details on the subject; he spoke _____. A. in common B. in particular C. in general

D. in short

13.By eleven o'clock yesterday, we _____ at the airport. A. had arrived B. have arrived C. shall arrive

D. Arrive

14._____ the sound, many people came _____ to see what had happened. A. Heard; ran B. Hearing; running C. Hearing; to run

D. Heard; running

15.If he had worked harder, he _____. A. would succeed

B. had succeeded

C. should succeed

D. would have succeeded


Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. After reading each passage, you will find some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A.,B.,C., and D. You should choose the most appropriate answer and write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

Two traveling angels (天使) stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the guest room. Instead the angels were given a space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and filled it up. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied: \aren't always what they seem.\

The next night the pair came to rest at a farmer's house. The farmer was very poor, but he and his wife were very hospitable(好客的). After sharing a little food they had, the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good rest that night. When the sun came up the next morning, the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their only income, lay dead in the field.

The younger angel was very angry and asked the old angel, \could this happen? Why did you not watch out for the cow? The first man had everything, yet you watched over his house.\she accused. \second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you did not help.\

\aren't always what they seem,\the older angel replied. \we stayed in the basement, from the hole I noticed there was gold stored in the wall. Since the owner was so greedy and unwilling to share his good fortune, I asked God if I could seal (封口) the wall so he wouldn't find the gold. Then last night as we slept in the farmer's bed. Death (死神) came for his wife. I asked God if Death could


take the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem.\

16. Why did the older angel fill up the hole in the wall of the rich family's basement?

A. Because she didn't like the greedy owner. B. Because she wanted to save the gold for the poor. C. Because the basement was too cold to stay in.

D. Because she believed that one should always be ready to offer help. 17. The underlined words in Paragraph Two \pair\refer to_____. A. the poor couple B. the rich couple C. the poor man and the rich man D. the two angels 18. The younger angel was very angry because_____.

A. the older angel killed the farmer's cow

B. she thought the older angel treated the farmer's family unfairly C. the wealthy man gave them a bad place to live D. Death took the cow away

19. Why did the older angel let the farmer's cow die? A.Because God wanted the older angel to take the cow. A. Because she wanted to teach the younger angel a lesson. B. Because she wanted to save the farmer's wife. D. Because she was not satisfied with the supper. 20. The story tells that _____.

A. angels are always ready to help the poor B. sometimes things are not what seem C. angels are always ready to help the rich D. the young should always learn from the old Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

Cars of 2050 will travel the nation's highways in never-before-dreamed-of safety, comfort, and convenience. These cars will float along never touching the ground, and therefore will have no need for wheels.


Annoying highway vibrations, caused by the rotations of the disc-and-tire wheels, will be things of the past. The coming highway passenger cars will literally fly above the road, supported on columns of air compressed by turbine-driven (涡轮驱动) fans.

The car without wheels has been called a \car\and, in a sense, that's just what it is; however, it will not back out of the family garage, start down the street, and then suddenly go quickly upward heading for some distant point. On the contrary, to avoid problems in aerial navigation, the wheel-less vehicle probably will travel no more than three inches above road surface. It will travel over fairly roughroad and even over smooth water!

The inevitable problems of maritime (水上的) regulations, severe weather conditions, and running out of fuel in remote areas all will require new concepts of operation, service and vehicle regulation.

21. The author believes that cars of the future _____. A. will be replaced by airplanes

B. will have wheels unlike those of today C. will use columns of air instead of wheels D. will use wheels without tires 22. Cars of the future will run _____.

A. without annoying noise B. without fuel C. much more smoothly D. on a number of fans

23. The car without wheels has been called a \car\because ____. A. it travels a few inches above the ground B. it can fly as a plane does C. it moves at a very high speed D. it can travel over smooth water

24. Where is a wheel-less car LEAST fit to travel?

A. Over soft land. B. Over rough country roads. C. Over highways. D. Over waterfalls.


25. Wheel-less cars will _____. A. eliminate all traffic problems

B. create new traffic problem

C. eliminate parking problems D. both A and C

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: Expecting a Baby ?

HEALTHY BABY : Manitoba ' S Prenatal (怀孕期的)Benefit and Community Support Programs

It's what's inside that counts

When you're pregnant , it's important that you eat well to help you

and your growing baby.That's why if you live in Manitoba and your net family income is less than $ 32 , 000 a year , the Manitoba government offers you a monthly check during your pregnancy to help you buy healthy foods and prepare for your baby's arrival . How to apply

Pick up an application form from medical offices , Healthy Baby community programs or by calling the number below . The application form must include a medical note indicating your baby's due date , So see your health care provider early . More support for you and your baby

Through Healthy Child Manitoba , Healthy Baby also offers community programs which help you to learn more about nutrition , health and Parenting a baby .

For more information , please call : 945-1301 ( in Winnipeg ) 1-888-848-140 ( at no cost )

945-1305 TDD ( Telephone Device for the Deaf ) 26 . What program is this passage about ?

A . Baby food . B .Low-income families .


C . Women's health . D . Birth and growth of healthy babies . 27 . Who can enjoy the benefits of the program ?

A . Pregnant women of high risk . B . Pregnant women of first child .

C . Pregnant women in good health . D . Pregnant women with low income . 28. 28. The most important information to he filled in the application form is _______.

A . the pregnant woman's name B . when the baby's due to arrive C . the pregnant woman's medical history

D . in which hospital the baby is to be delivered

29 . Healthy Baby will also provide more help in all aspects but _____ .

A . baby education B . baby nutrition C . baby parenting D . baby health 30 . For further information , the deaf can _______ .

A . call 945-1305 TDD B . Dial 1-888-848-0140

C . visit their health care provider D . send email to a medical office

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Women earn less than men. For example, in 1988 the hourly wages of women in the U.S. were 16% less than those of men. The gap between male and female incomes varies with age. The gap between the labor incomes of young women and young men is much smaller than that between middle-aged women and men. It is also clear that jobs in which women are concentrated pay less. The larger the number of workers in an industry who are women, the lower the average wages.

Why do women earn less than men? Are the differences explained by the fact that women are looked down upon? If so, the government has to intervene, to force the employers to pay equal wages to equal jobs. However, there is no agreement among economists about the causes of the gap. One view argues that women on the average have chosen low-paying jobs in which workers enjoy the freedom of enteringand leaving the labor force, which reduces their years of experience relative to men. Other people say the gap can also be explained by the difference in educational back


ground which is shown in the difference in the marginal product between men and women.

Much of the gap, however, has not been fully explained. It might be the result of some bias against women. It is this part that has produced calls for government action. What would happen if the government did intervene to increase the wages paid to women? One possibility is that incomes for women as a group might actually decline. An increase in wage decreases the quantity of labor input demanded, resulting in decreased employment as the rate of hiring new workers declines. The result will be a surplus of labor. Those who can find jobs might be better off while those who had jobs might find themselves out of work.

31. The difference in labor incomes is most obvious between _____.

A. young men and young women B. young women in the same industry C. middle-aged men and middle-aged women D. middle-aged women in the same industry

32. Some economists believe women earn less than men partly because _____.

A. women are less experienced than men

B. women are only provided with low-paying jobs C. women have much freedom in selecting their jobs D. there is more than enough women in the labor force

33. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the second paragraph?

A. Women receive less education than men. B. Women are not as productive as men.

C. Levels of education are closely related to productivity. D. Goods produced by women are not as good as those by men.

34. What does the author suggest that the government should do for women workers?

A. To ensure equal pay for women. B. To explain why women are paid less.


C. To force employers to hire more women. D. No solution is clearly suggested.

35. What would happen if women's wages were raised? A. Input of capital would be increased. B. The unemployment rate would go up.

C. Those who have jobs would become better off. D. Women as a group would earn more than before.

Part Ⅲ Cloze

Directions: There is a passage in this part with 10 blanks in it. Read the passage carefully and then choose the most the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A., B., C. and D. Then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

Parents and teenagers often disagree about the amount of freedom and responsibility that young people are to have. The teenager often wants to be 36 to choose his own

friends, select his own courses in school, plan for his own vocational 37 , and earn

and spend his own money, and generally 38 his own life in a more independent fashion than many parents are able to 39 . Most problems between teenagers and their parents yield best to (导致) joint planning and decision-making. Within any particular family 40 are avoided and problems are solved when all of the persons take 41 in the situation, 42 in working it out.

43 parents and young people learn how to get 44 well with each other and develop skills in understanding and 45 understood, even the most difficult problems are relieved.


36.A free B likely C able D curious 37.A school B chance C future D result 38.A aim B live C charge D serve 39.A supply B afford C award D allow

40.Disagreements B disadvantages C displays D discussion 41.A pride B interest C look D care 42.Believe B focus C keep D share 43.Furthermore B Or C Hence D However 44.A alone B through C down D up

45.A if B when C being D also Part Ⅳ Word forms


There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

46. Playing a game of chess with me every evening is one of my father's _____ (relax).

47. Recently Mary has shown some _____ (improve) in both her reading and writin


48. Susan has obtained her parents' _____ (permit) to go camping with her class. 49. He has taken a great interest in collecting stamps since _____ (child). 50. The slightest _____ (care) in driving can result in a terrible accident.

51. The policeman held up his hand to stop the traffic so that the children could cross

the road in _____ (safe).

52. The manager showed such ____(patient) with me that he cut short what I was telling him.


53. The _____ (accept) of the atomic theory by physicists has led to many scientific


54. These college students spent a whole month traveling in Northwest China which

greatly _____(broad) their vision (BM^?-) and knowledge. 55. _______ (Base), he is an honest man.

PartⅤ Translation—English into Chinese


This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. There are5 sentences in this part. Write your translation in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

56. Experts have long thought that depression could be bad for your heart. A new research demonstrates just how dangerous it can be.

57. His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted in his failure to take

effective measures.

58. Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters, the total grain output was higher than that of last year.

59. Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in an

honest and constructive manner.

60. It is reported that so far, foreign insurance companies have made their way into 19 cities in China.

Part VI Writing

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are


to write a letter on the following information. You should write about 100 words.


假如你是John, 准备去北京旅游,写一封信给你在北京的朋友张强, 告诉他你将于9月31日乘飞机于7:00pm 到达北京, 请他到机场接你, 帮你预订从9月31日到10月1日的房间,单人间,每晚价格在300元左右。你打算10月1日上午观看60年国庆阅兵典礼,下午游览长城,10月2日上午逛王府井,中午退房,并请他帮买下午3点的机票,飞回厦门。



系科__________ 姓名__________ 得分___________



2、答题时使用蓝、黑墨水钢笔或圆珠笔,如用红色笔无分。 3、交卷时必须把答题纸和试题纸一同交上,否则无分。 题号 分数 得分 评卷人 I II III IV V VI 总分 1、Vocabulary and structure (15Points 1 point each)

1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( ) 11.( ) 12.( ) 13.( ) 14.( ) 15.( )

得分 评卷人 II. Reading Comprehension (40 points .2 points each)

16.( ) 17.( )18.( ) 19.( ) 20.( ) 21( ) 22.( )23.( ) 24.( ) 25.( ) 26.( ) 27.( ) 28.( ) 29.( ) 30.( ) 31.( ) 32.( ) 33.( ) 34.( ) 35.( ) 得分 评卷人 III. Cloze (10 points .1 point each)

36.( ) 37.( )38( ) 39.( ) 40.( ) 41( ) 42.( 33.( ) 44.( ) 45.( )

得分 评卷人 IV.Word forms (10 points 1 point each)

46. 47._____________


48. 49 _____________. 50. 51._____________ 52. 53______________ 54. 55 ______________.

得分 评卷人 V.Translation-English into Chinese (10Points,2 points each)






得分 评卷人 VI. Writing(15 points)


