
更新时间:2023-06-09 16:57:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



1 What is the perimeter of a rectangle with side lengths of 8 and 3?

a. 6 b. 11 c, 16 d. 22 e. 25

2 The base angles of an isosceles triangle are:






3 How many points are necessary to define a line?

a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four e. Infinite

4 Two cars start from the same place two hours apart. The first car travels at 10 miles per hour and the second travels at 15 miles per hour. How many hours after the second car leaves does it take for the second car to catch up?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

5 What interest rate is necessary to get $1000 in interest over 2 years on a $10000 investment?

a. 4% b. 5% c. 6% d. 7% e. 8%

6 The sum of 14 consecutive integers is 217. What is the sixth number in the series? a. 13 b. 14 c. 15 d. 16 e. 17

7 Paul needs to be at a meeting in 20 minutes. If his office is 15 miles away, how fast does he need to drive to get there on time, in miles per hour?

a. 15 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 e. 45

8 The base angles of an isosceles triangle are:






9 If A $ B = A * B - ( A + B), what is 3 $ (2 $ 1)?

A. -5 B. -3 C. 0 D. 1 E. 4

10 What is the average (arithmetic mean) of 4x + 5, 7x-6,and -8x+2?

A. x + 1 B. x + 1/3

C. 3x + 1 D. 3x + 1/3

E. 3x + 3 1/3

11 In a classroom of 35 students, 14 our male. What percent of the classroom is male?

A. 14% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40% E. 50%

12 If the area of a triangle is 24 and its base is 6, what is the length of the altitude to that base?

A. 3 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 E. unknown

13 If Jeff and Jimmy have less than 22 dollars between them, and Jeff has 8 dollars, which of the following could be the number of dollars that Jimmy has?




A. I only

B. III only

C. I & III.

D. I & II

E. Neither I, II, nor III is correct.

14 Stephanie drove at an average rate of 50 miles per hour for two hours and then increased her average rate by 50% for the next 3 hours. Her average rate of speed for the 5 hours was t miles per hour. What is the value of t?

A. 55 mph

B. 60 mph

C. 65 mph

D. 70 mph

E. 75 mph

15 If 1 alpha = 2 betas and 1 beta = 3 gammas, how many alphas are equal to 36 gammas?

A. 6 B. 12 C. 36 D. 72 E. 108

16 At Joes Steakhouse the hourly wage for a chef is 20% greater than that of a

dishwasher, and the hourly wage of a dishwasher is half as much as the hourly wage of

a manager. If a managers wage is $8.50 per hour, how much less than a manager does a chef earn each hour?

A. $5.95 B. $4.25 C. $5.10 D. $3.25 E. $3.40

17 A florist buys roses at $0.50 a piece and sells them for $1.00 a piece. If there are no other expenses, how many roses must be sold in order to make a profit of $300?

A. 100 B. 150 C. 200 D. 300 E. 600

18 A certain pump can drain a full 375-gallon tank in 15 minutes. At this rate, how many more minutes would it take to drain a full 600-gallon tank?

A. 9 B. 15 C. 18 D. 24 E. 25

19 Lenny's average score after 3 tests is 88. What score on the 4th test would bring Lenny's average up to exactly 90?

A. 92 B. 93 C. 94 D. 95 E. 96

20 If an integer is divisible by 6 and by 9, then the integer must be divisible by which of the following?

A. 12 B. 18 C. 24 D. 36 E. 54

21 A certain machine can make 3 widgets every 2 seconds. At this rate, how many widgets will be made in 1 minute?

A. 90 B. 110 C. 150 D. 180 E. 220

22 What is the average of the first 50 positive integers?

A. 25 B. 25.5 C. 26 D. 26.5 E. 27

23 If ab is negative, which of the following CANNOT be negative?

A. b-a B. a-b C. a2b D. ab2 E. a2b2

24 In a certain set of numbers, the ratio of integers to nonintegers is 1:4. What percent of the numbers in the set are integers?

A. 20% B. 25% C. 40% D. 75% E. 80%

25 What is the smallest positive number that leaves a remainder of 2 when the number is divided by 3, 4, or 5?

A. 42 B. 82 C. 22 D. 62 E. 122

26 Which is greater?

Column A Column B

3-5+6-8-4+7 -2

A. the quantity in Column B is greater

B. the relationship cannot be determined from the information given

C. the quantity in Column A is greater

D. the two quantities are equal

27 If a die is tossed twice the probability of getting a 3 on both tosses is:

A. 1/4 B. 1/36 C. 1/12 D. 1/6 E. 1/25

28 An instrument store gives a 10% discount to all students off the original cost of an instrument. During a back to school sale an additional 15% is taken off the discounted price. Julie, a student at the local high school, purchases a flute for $306. How much did it originally cost?

A. $325 B. $375 C. $400 D. $408 E. $425

29 If y(x-1)=z then x=

A. y-z

B. z/y + 1

C. y(z-1)

D. z(y-1)

E. 1-zy

30 Which of the following values is NOT equal to 34(58+9)?

A. 34 x 67

B. 58(34+9)

C. 34 x 58 + 34 x 9

D. 1,972 + 306

E. (9 + 58) 34

31 Two angles of a triangle measure 15° and 85 °. What is the measure for the third angle?

A. 50° B. 55° C. 60° D. 80° E. 90°

32 If 5 ounces is equal to 140 grams, then 2 pounds of ground meat is equal to how many grams?

A. 863 B. 878 C. 896 D. 915 E. 932

33 Which year did the most children take swimming lessons?

A. 1990

B. 1991

C. 1992

D. 1994

E. 1995

34 Between which year did the largest decrease in children taking swimming lessons occur?

A. 1990-1991

B. 1991-1992

C. 1992-1993

D. 1993-1994

E. 1994-1995

35 What was the average number of children taking swim lessons from 1990 to 1995?

A. 250 B. 308 C. 385 D. 450 E. 1,850

36 Which of the following is equal to 5.93 x 10-2?

A. 0.0593

B. 0.00593

C. 593

D. 5930

E. 59300

37 On a Map, 1 inch represents 20 miles. The distance between 2 towns is 6 1/5 inches. How many miles are actually between the two towns?

A. 65 miles

B. 84 miles

C. 124 miles

D. 138 miles

E. 145 miles

38 How many cubed pieces of fudge that are 3 inches on an edge can be packed into a Christmas tin that is 9 inches deep by 12 inches wide by 8 inches high with the lid still being able to be closed?

A. 18 B. 24 C. 32 D. 36 E. 43

39 Sarah is twice as old as her youngest brother. If the difference between their ages is 15 years. How old is her youngest brother?

A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25 E. 30

40 Which of the following fractions is equal to 5/6?

A. 20/30

B. 15/24

C. 25/30

D. 40/54

E. 2/7

41 What will it cost to tile a kitchen floor that is 12 feet wide by 20 feet long

if the tile cost $8.91 per square yard?

A. $224.51 B. $237.60

C. $246.55 D. $271.38

E. $282.32

42 In a writing competition, the first place winner receives ½ of the prize

money. The second runner up receives ¼ of what the winner won. What was the total amount of prize money distributed if the winner receives $6,000?

A. $6,000

B. $8,500

C. $12,000

D. $15,000

E. $18,500

43 You are lying 120 ft away from a tree that is 50 feet tall. You look up at the top of the tree. Approximately how far is your hear from the top of the tree

in a straight line?

A. 50 feet

B. 75 feet

C. 120 feet

D. 130 feet

E. 150 feet

44 A cyclist bikes x distance at 10 miles per hour and returns over the same path at 8 miles per hour. What is the cyclist’s average rate for the round trip in miles per hour?

A. 8.1 B. 8.3 C. 8.6 D. 8.9 E. 9.0

45 If edging cost $2.32 per 12-inch stone, and you want a double layer of edging your flower bed that is 6 yards by 1 yard. How much will edging you flower bed cost?

A. $32.48

B. $64.96

C. $97.44

D. $129.92

E. $194.88

46 If 3x=6x-15 then x + 8=

A. 5 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 E. 13

47 The number of milliliters in 1 liter is

A. 10,000

B. 1,000

C. 0.1

D. 0.01

E. 0.001

