八年级下册unit1 Helping those in need知识点归纳

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unit 1 Helping those in need

I 重点单词(词性变化)

1. permission (n.) --- permit (v.) --- permitted (过去式)

2. disabled (adj.)--- disable (v.) --- disability (n.)--- able (adj.) --- ability (n.) 3. teenager(n.) --- teenage(adj.) 4. illness (n.)--- ill (adj.)

5.serious (adj.)--- seriously (adv.) 6. organize (v.) --- organizer(n.) --- organization (n.) 7. expression (n.) --- express (v.) 8. pain (n.) --- painful (adj.)

9. friend (n.) --- friendship (n.) 10. difficulty (n.)--- difficult (adj.) 11. joy (n.)--- joyful (adj.) 12. peace --- peaceful (adj.)

13. hurt (v.)--- hurt --- hurt 14. courage (n.) --- courageous(adj.)勇敢的--- encourage(v.) 15. pay (v.)--- paid--- paid 16. voluntary (adj.) --- volunteer (n.) II 同义词

1. illness =sickness 2. raise = put up举起 / collect筹集/ ask问/ make … higher 提高 3. ill= sick/ in bad health 4. serious = bad or dangerous

5. difficulty = trouble 6. alone = by oneself / on one’s own 7. joy = happiness/ pleasure 8. give sb. a hand = help sb.

9. look after = take care of 10. peace = not worried or excited / quiet

11. continue = go on 12. teenager = a person who is between 13 and 19 years old 13. offer = you are willing to do sth. for sb. / give sth. to sb.

14. suffer = to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness, a lack of sth. etc. 15. express = to show what you think or feel III 重点短语

1. in need 需要帮助的 2. offer to do some voluntary work 主动提出做义务工作 3. a girl called Cindy一个叫Cindy的女孩 4. a painting competition 绘画比赛

5. suffer from serious illness 承受严重的疾病 6. teach them to tell stories 教他们讲故事 7. die in a car accident 在一场车祸中丧生 8. continue to do sth 继续做某事

9. have difficulty (in) doing 做某事有困难 10. raise one’s spirits 使振奋, 使鼓起勇气 11. have lots of courage 有很大的勇气 12. take photos of 拍照

13. take part in 参加 14. in hospital住院 / in the hospital 在医院 15. pay… for 为 …付款 16. ask permission 报请批准

17. in order to 为了 18. express one’s feelings 表达情感 19. money-raising activity 筹款活动 20. aged from… to…年龄从…岁到…岁 21. be unable to do sth 不能做某事 22. attend school 上学 23. give sb. permission to do sth.给某人做某事的许可

IV 重点句子

1. Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. 三位青少年主动提出在学校放假期间做义工。

2 The children there a1l suffer from serious illnesses. 那里的孩子都遭受着重病的折磨。 3. This helps them express their feelings. 这有助于他们表达自己的感情。 4. They have difficulty walking or moving. 他们走路或挪动都有困难。

5…because music can bring them joy and peace. 因为音乐可以给他们带来愉悦和平静。

6. We need to help children like Tim and raise their courage. 我们需要帮助像Tim 这样的孩子,让他们鼓起勇气。 7. I will continue to do voluntary work.我会继续做义工。

