高一语法 表语从句

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表语从句(The Predicative Clause)

教学目标:1.掌握表语、表语从句的定义与构成; 2.掌握表语从句关联词的使用方法; 3.使用表语从句翻译句子,造句。 教学工具:PPT课件,导学案


The problem is puzzling. 主语 连系动词 形容词作表语 The wallet is on the desk. 主语 连系动词 介词短语作表语

The problem is when we can get a pay rise. 主语 连系动词 从句作表语 表语:表语位于连系动词后,用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态。

表语从句:表语从句就是用一个句子作为表语,放在连系动词之后,充当复合句中的 表语,用来说明主语是什么或者怎么样。 表语从句的构成: 系动词+ 引导词+简单句

What I want to say is that I am tired.


一、 可接表语从句的连系动词(可分为四类):

1)be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用,后可接动词外的任何词; 2)感官动词类 look, feel, smell, taste, sound等 3)表示变化:get, grow, become, turn, go等

4)表示状态延续:stay, keep, prove, remain, stand等 以及prove 等。 Eg. 1.The book isn’t mine. 2.He looks good.

3.The leaves turn yellow in fall.

4. She remains loyal to her father despite his cruelty towards her.


化形式,没有其他时态变化形式。但表变化的这类系动词有各种时态变化。例如: It is becoming colder and colder. The food has gone bad.

此处还需注意的是become后接表职业的名词时需加冠词,而turn 后接表职业的名词则不需要冠词:

Two years later, he became a teacher. Two years later, he turned teacher.



1. 1)从属连词that , that在表语从句中不充当任何句子成分,也没有任何意义。 The trouble is that I have lost his address.

2)从属连词whether, as, as if /as though引导的表语从句,有自己的含义,但在从句中并不充当语法成分。

He looked just as he had looked ten years before. The question is whether they will be able to help us. It looked as if it was going to rain. 注意:从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句,但as if却可引导表语从句。 All this was over twenty years ago, but it’s as if it was only yesterday. 3)because, why引导的表语从句,有自己的含义,但在从句中并不充当语法成分。 That's why he didn't understand me. I think it is because you are doing too much.

注意:“That/It is because...”与“That/It is why...”之间的不同在于“That/It is because...”指原因或理由; “That/It is why...”则指由于各种原因所造成的后果。

He did not see the film last night. That is because he had to help his little sister with her homework.

He had seen the film before. That is why he did not see it last night.

2.连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which; 连接副词 where, when, how, why它们分别有自己的含义,并在从句中充当一个语法成分。 The problem is who /whom we can get to replace her. (作宾语) That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic.(作宾语) The question is how I can persuade her to join us in the party.(作方式状语) She has remained where I stood yesterday for an hour.(作地点状语) The question is which book is the most suitable for us students.( 作定语) 5)使用虚拟语气的表语从句

在表示建议、劝告、命令等含义的名词后的表语从句,谓语动词需用“should+动词原形” 表示, should可省略。常见的词有: advice, suggestion, order, proposal, plan, idea 等。

My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 3. 注意:


False: The question is when can he arrive at the hotel. Right: The question is when he can arrive at the hotel. 2)在有表语从句的复合句中,主句时态和从句时态可以不一致。 Eg. The question is who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow. The question is why he cried yesterday. 1

3)that在表语从句中一般在书面语中不可以省,但在口语中可以省略。 The idea is (that) we shall go to picnic this week.

4) “That is why...”与“That is the reason why...”同义,不过从语法结构上讲, “That is the reason why...”中why引导的是—个定语从句,将其中的the reason去掉则与“That is why...”结构一样。

That is (the reason) why I cannot agree.

5). 当主语为The reason(why…)时,表语从句的引导词只能用that…

Right: The reason (why he was late) was that he was caught in the heavy rain. Wrong: The reason why he is absent is because he is ill. 三. 巩固练习 1. 单项选择

1). Go and get your coat. It’s ___ you left it.

A. there B. where C. there where D. where there 2).--- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. --- Is that ___ you had a few days off?

A. why B. when C. what D. where

3). You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ___ I disagreed. A. why B. where C. what D. how

4). The reason for her great success is ___ she is both clever and hard-working. A. because B. why C. which D. that 5). His suggestion was that we ___another meeting to discuss the problem. A. must hold B. should hold C. could hold D. held

6). The last time we had great fun was ______ we were visiting the Water Park. A. where B. how C. when D. why

7). One advantage of playing the guitar is ______ it can give you a great deal of pleasure. A. how B. why C. that D. when 8). The problem is ______ he has enough time.

A. if B. whether C. / D. that

9). He didn’t come to the meeting. That was ___ he hadn’t been invited. A. why B. because C. the reason why D./ 10).The question is ________ we will have our sports meet next week. A. that B. if C. when D. whether 2. 单句改错:

1)Her voice sounds beautifully. 2)To see is believe. 3)The lights still on.

4)All the potatoes changed bad.

5)Jim was remained a worker. 6)Silk is felt soft and smooth.

3.请使用系表结构翻译下列句子。 1).我是一名高三学生。(be) 2).没有什么不可能! (be)

3).我越来越担心即将到来的高考。(become, increasingly, 用现在进行时 ) 4).我的担心被证明是完全错误的。( fear, completely,用过去进行时 ) 5).我的脸在炎热的太阳下变得通红。( go red,用过去完成时 ) 6).前途看起来不错。( look good, 用现在进行时) 7). 我所有的愿望会成真。(come true)


