
更新时间:2024-01-10 01:09:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小2分)

1. --So sorry to trouble you.

A. It's a pleasure

2. --What does your English teacher look like?

D. She looks much like her mother 3. --What's the date today?

B. The second of July

4. --What time does the train leave? C. At half past five

5. --Could you please tell me how IO get to the nearest bus stop?'

C. It's on the right corner just ahead

第二部分 词汇与结构(20分,每小2分)

6. I'm old enough to wash ~ clothes by myself. You can just wash _________

C. my, yours

7. John is no longer what he________ A. used to be

8. Give me one good reason __________ I should help you.

A. why

9. I was sick, but I it at the weekend. D. got over

10. Kate was bored at the party, ________ be left.

B. so

11. There is not much to laugh _________ on the news today -- it is all very serious.

C. about

12. John Walters claimed that this lack of information _______ in negative feelings towards the media. B. had resulted

13. ___ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.

B. Unless

14. It is one of the best concerts I__________. C. have ever been to

15. Then she cheered _______ a lot when they got _______ the taxi.

D. up… Into

第三部分 完形填空

The biggest adventure I' ve ever had was trekking in Thailand. We hired a guide (16) to take us to a village in the jungle. We didn't

第 1页 共 60页

know that he (17) had never been there before. (18) Unless we reached the village, we wouldn't be able to find somewhere to sleep, (19) so we wanted to get there in about 8 hours. After two hours we all realized we were lost. The (20) further we walked, the more confused we became. Luckily after a further 4 hours we met some hunters. They didn't speak the same language as our guide, but we were able to (21) get across that we were lost. They (22) redirected us towards the village. It was after dark when we arrived there. We had been walking (23) for over 14 hours and we were (24) absolutely exhausted. We had been very lucky; if we (25) hadn't met the hunters, we would have had to sleep in the jungle.

第四部分 阅读理解


Dear Uncle Ric,

We were very sorry to hear that you are in hospital again, but I feel sure you'll be out soon. It doesn't sound very serious this time according to Auntie Ivy and in any case you have already recovered from the operation so quickly.

Malcolm has been working very hard all this year. because he is sitting some examinations This month and he is determined to study History at the University of Oxford. Although the sun has been shining all day today, he has been sitting at home reading about the history of the French Revolution. Fortunately he loves books, especially history books. He spends all his time and money on books.

James is totally different from his brother. He might be too young to know better. He gets bored with school and studying. But he is very keen on games. He never stays indoors when the weather is reasonably fine, and today he has been playing tennis for hours with his friends. He is fond of football, but tennis is his favorite. He said that be wanted to become a professional player. His mother doesn't really approve.

Robin sends you her love. We are looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon. 1 am sending this letter through the e-mail to Auntie Ivy and she will bring it to the hospital with our best wishes to you for a speedy recovery. Lots of love, Trevor.



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罗宾送你她的爱。我们期待着您的来信,您的再次光临。上午01时发出此信通过电子邮件阿姨常春藤,她会带它去医院,我们祝愿你早日康复。 满满的爱, 特雷弗。

31. It is certain that Uncle Ric is in hospital _______

A. again after having fully recovered from an operation

32. It is _______ who wants to study history. C. James's elder brother

33. In the second paragraph, the sentence \is sitting some examinations\ D. going to take some examinations

34. From the letter, we know that James wants to become a professional player, _______

B. but Robin, his mother, does not like the idea

35. This is a _______ B. private letter

31.可以肯定的是里克大叔在医院_______ A.后再次具有操作完全恢复

32._______是谁愿意学习历史。 C.詹姆斯的哥哥



34.从信中,我们知道,詹姆斯想成为一名职业球员,_______ B.但罗宾,他的母亲,不喜欢这个主意 35.这是一个_______ B.私信

第五部分 书面表达(20分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to

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write a short passage to express your views on a given topic. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below:

因特网与现代社会 因特网对生活的影响 你对因特网的看法


The Internet has become a symbol of modern society. For example, via the Internet, we can send a message to a friend or a relative in a distant place within seconds~ we can talk to each other or even see each other} we can do shopping without going out; we can stay home and do business with foreign companies. Iii fact, we can do many things more easily anti more cheaply using the Internet. So, I cannot imagine what society would he like without the Internet.




第一部分 交际用语(共计lo分,每小题2分)

1. How are you this morning? C. Very well, thank you

2. --f wish you success in your career. D. The same to you 3. --What do you do? A. I'm a teacher

4. What do you usually do in your spare time?

B. Gardening

5. --May I speak to Jack please?

D. I'm afraid you've got the wrong number

第二部分 词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)

6. I _______ reading the book by the end of this week.

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D. shall have finished

7. That smells lovely, _______delicious soup! B. What

8. He didn't want anything to drink because he _______already drunk.

C. had

9. Petrol must_______ safely. A. be transported

10. The best thing _______to leave. A. to do is

11. This accident _______the loss of $ 13,000. B. has resulted in

12. You had better _______ an umbrella with you. C. take

13. He was sick, but he _______ it at the weekend. B. got over

14. The food was _______good, but not good enough for me to eat there again.

D. quite

15. That book was awful; I was really B. bored

第三部分 完形填空(每题2分,共20分)

I was travelling alone in Western Australia last year, and one day i set off to climb a high peak in that area. Although in the summer there are many tourists, 1 was there out of season because there weren't any tour groups. Soon after I reached the top, it began to drizzle and the fog came down . Very soon, it was so thick that path. 1 take my phone with me everywhere because you never know when you will need it.

Eventually I called my dad, who was 9,000 miles away in the UK. He told me to phone the local emergency services, but I felt so stupid that I didn't want to. Luckily , my dad realised this and made up his mind to call them himself. The rescuers called me on mobile to find out exactly where I was, but unfortunately the battery ran out after five seconds. I lay down under a rock and waited--it was nearly night time and I was cold and wet. Just as they were about to call off the search for the night, they found me. Fortunately one rescuer had said 'Let's try for just five more minutes. ' If they had given up, I would have died.

第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分)

第 5页 共 60页


Some office procedures may be unfamiliar if you are a new comer in America.

Again, matters of time and pace crop up. Work days officially start at 9:00 A.M. This should really mean 9 o'clock-not ten past or half past nine. You will find some people feel free with starting time, but employers notice this even though they do not necessarily blame it officially.

Employees in many nations have an idea that one works when the boss is present, but any time he is not there, if there is nothing specific or pressing to do, one can relax by reading the newspaper, doing one's fingernails, or otherwise \the time\in a personal way. In America one is being paid for one's time. Employees are expected to find other work if their own desks are dear, to finish anything left from previous days, or to help someone else with his work--but never sit without doing their duty. The employer expects value for the money he is spending. He \\than he is doing himself; he will quite probably work through lunch hour and even take work home late at night.

Employee's lunch hours should be kept within the given time (unless one is officially discussing company business. ) Long lunch-time absence may be overlooked now and then, but not habitually. Also, although others may start getting ready to leave the office a few minutes earlier, new employees should be careful not to cut the day short. Work until the day officially ends at five o'clock if you are in an office where flexible work time is the accepted procedure. Flexible work hours--starting or ending work earlier or later--are fairly common in Europe but relatively new in the U. S. A.

Some half million Americans are on the system; some people estimate that ten million will have that option sooner or later. The system is designed to ease traffic problems at first. But it adds family time to women workers as a result, for it enables them to choose their time working in an office, thus allowing them more chances to work and take care of their children at the same time. Besides it gives people a greater sense of control over their lives. A by-product appears to be greater worker productivity, less absenteeism and a higher sense of work ethic.

如果你是在美国一个新来的一些办公程序可能比较陌生。 再次,时间和速度突然出现问题。工作日正式开始在上午09时这应该真的是9点而不是10过去或九时半。你会发现一些人感到自由与起始时间,但雇主注意到这一点,即使他们不一定怪正式。


第 6页 共 60页

阅读报纸,做一个人的指甲放松身心,或以其他方式“传递以个人的方式的时候。“在美国,一个是被支付一个人的时间。员工们希望能够找到其他的工作,如果自己的办公桌,亲爱的,完成任何东西,从以前的日子离开,或帮助别人对他的工作 - 但决不会坐视而不做他们的职责。雇主预期值。因为他花的钱。他“拥有”你的时间,而他是为它付出。那句“时间就是金钱”,意味着正是这么做的。老板并没有要求更多的你比他正在做自己;他很有可能通过午餐时间工作,甚至把工作带回家深夜。

员工的午餐时间应保持在规定时间内(除非是正式讨论公司的业务。)长的午餐时间没有可现在再被忽视,但不是习惯。此外,虽然别人可能开始准备离开办公室几分钟前,新员工要注意不要剪的日子很短。工作,直到有一天在五点钟正式结束,如果你是在办公室,灵活的工作时间是接受的过程。灵活的工作时间 - 启动或提前或推后结束工作 - 在欧洲相当普遍,但在美国相对较新


26. In the first paragraph, the phrase \ D. happen or arise

27. In the sentence \do not necessarily blame it officially\fact that _______

B. this or that employee is late for work

28. The author suggests that it be a wrong idea that _______ in America.

A. if one is not busy, he can relax by reading the newspaper

29. A new employee should be careful __

C, not to leave the office until the day officially ends

30. What is not true as far as flexible working time is considered? A. It has greatly reduced the traffic problem.

26.在第一段中,“突然出现”的意思_______ D.发生或出现



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28.笔者认为,这是因为_______在美国一个错误的观念。 A.如果不忙,他可以看报纸放松



30.尽可能灵活的工作时间被认为是什么是不是真的? A.它大大降低了交通问题。


No country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA . There are almost 2,000 of them, as compared with 180 in Japan, 164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain. The quality of stone American papers is extremely high and their views are quoted all over the world. Distinguished dailies like the Washington Post or the New York Times have a powerful influence all over the country. However the Post and the Times are not national American city has its own daily newspapers. The best of these present detailed accounts of national and international news, but many tend to limit themselves to state or city news.

Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the \to the \which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events. But with few exceptions American newspapers try to entertain as well as give information, for they have to compete with television.

Just as American newspapers appeal to all tastes, so they also try and apply to readers of all political persuasions. A few newspapers support extremist (极端分子) groups on the far right and on the far left, but most daily newspapers attempt lo attract middle of-the-road Americans who are essentially moderate. Many of these papers print columns by well-known journalists of different political and social views, in order to present a balanced picture.

As in other democratic countries American newspapers can be either responsible or irresponsible, but it is generally accepted that the American press serves its country well and that it has more than once bravely uncovered political scandals (丑闻) or crimes, for instance, the Watergate Affair. The newspapers drew the attention of the public to the fears of the Vietnam War.


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31. There are more daily newspapers in C. the USA than in Britain or Japan

32. Most American newspapers try to entertain their readers because __

B. they have to compete with television

33. Many American newspapers attract readers of different political persuasions by

D. printing articles representing different political viewpoints

34. The word \ D. newspapers

35. This passage is mainly about --

A. the characteristics of American newspapers

31.还有更多的日常报纸 C.美国比英国和日本

32.大多数美国报纸试图招待他们的读者,因为__ B.他们与电视竞争

33.许多美国报纸吸引不同政见的读者 代表不同的政治观点D.打印文章


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35.这段话主要讲述 - A.美国报纸的特点

阅读理解3 阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(T)、错误(F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(NG)。

Many people in the UK have done parachute or bungee jumps for charity. People like to help charities and if they can have a bit of fun at the same time then everyone is happy. Usually the person doing the jump has responded to an advertisement in the paper asking for volunteers. The person receives a sponsorship form from the charity, which they complete with the names of friends, relatives and colleagues who promise to give money to the charity if the person does the jump. Once the person has enough sponsorship, he or she will do the jump and usually receives a certificate to show their sponsors. The sponsors then pay their money to the charity.


F 36. If you want to parachute or bungee jump in the UK you must do it for a charity.

T 37. People like to have fun and help charities.

NG 38. A lot of sponsorship is needed before you can do a jump.

F 39. People always receive a certificate after doing a parachute or bungee jump.

T 40. The sponsors pay their money after the person has done the jump.

错 36如果你想跳伞或蹦极跳在英国,你必须做一个慈善机构。


没提到38.很多赞助是需要的,才能做一个跳跃。 错39人做降落伞或蹦极跳后总是收到证书。 对40.赞助商支付他们的钱后,人已做了跳跃。

第 10页 共 60页

第五部分 书面表达(20分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an email to a business partner in London about your trip next month. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below:

1.接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游 2.希望对方能到机场接你


Dear Robert,

I'm very pleased to accept the kind invitation you extended in your last email, I'm planning to spend my holiday in Britain next week. Since this is my first visit to your country, I hope you will be able to meet me at the airport.

My flight details- the plane leaves Beijing at 12: 30 next Thursday and arrives in London at 14:30 (local time). The flight number is CA1347.

Thank you and looking forward to meeting you in London. With best wishes, Zhang Lin



我的航班详情 - 飞机离开北京,12:30,下周四,到达伦敦14:30(当地时间)。航班号为CA1347。

谢谢你,期待着与您会面在伦敦。 有了良好的祝愿, 张琳芃



1. -I' ve got a bad cold today.

B. Oh, dear! I hope you get better soon

2. 一Can you help me clear up the mess? D. No problem (?)

3. 一Is it going to be warm next week? A. Yes, it is

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4. -Would you like a tea? C. Yes, please

5. -Have you ever been to Tokyo? B. No, but I hope to go there next year


6. We shall have an opportunity to exchange _________ tomorrow.

C. views

7. Do you think Tommy is _______the truth? D. telling

8. If the weather had been good , the children _______ out for a walk.

C. could have gone

9. ______of them has a bedroom and a study. D. Each

10. _______ she couldn' t understand was why fewer and fewer went to him for help.

B. What

11. John Walters claimed that this lack of information ________ in negative feelings towards the media.

B. had resulted

12. Does this patient's record need ______ now? No, you can finish it later.

C. completing

13. There is a lot of crime on television. __ other issues are pushed out.

A. Therefore

14. You had better_______ an umbrella with you. C. take

15. The new computer allows _______ me work more efficiently.

A. to



Emails ---do you love them or hate them? Whatever you feel, they are here to stay. Here are some tips and ideas (16) _ for __ improving your email writing. First , starting with a greeting and ending with a closure may seem old-fashioned , but it avoids (17) _ upsetting _ people by appearing rude. It needn't be Dear Sir or Madam , and Yours faithfully , but just say Hi or Hello or Dear (and a first name) , then

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close (18) with _ Regards (for more formal contacts) and Cheers or Bye for friends. In offices and with people you know well and email frequently , you can just begin (19) _ with _ their first name.

Getting emails that are not directly relevant (20) _ to _ you is very irritating. Having wide mailing group lists doesn't necessarily keep people (21)_ informed _. It is estimated (22)_ that _40% of all emailsaredeletedimmediatelybecausetheyhaveanirrelevantot.frivolous subject-line. Try to organise your mailing groups accurately and keep (23) _ updating __ your mailing lists regularly. If you don' t do this , your messages may not (24) get through _to the people you want to send them to because they delete them automatically without reading them. If your contact (25) is used to deleting _ irrelevant emails from you , they may also delete e any relevant ones automatically. . .


短文理解 2

Cash of all kinds, the French franc, the German mark, and the Italian lira. is bound to disappear physically. The paper notes and gold coins may soon become curious collections of the pre-electronic age. Digital money can replace every use of cash money. It is true that electronic money has been around for decades. Each week billions of institutional dollars flow through the Interbank Payment System through telephone wires and satellite links. But in the 21st century, entirely new forms of digital money一including electronic cash and \become the means of most personal financial trade. What a great change this will be!

Digital credit cards, smart cards , electronic wallets and electronic checks will change our way of life in the 21st century. They are efficient and easy to use. Customers will not take money with them when they go shopping. They will pay their bills from a smart cell phone or they will buy their coffee by using a digital credit card. How convenient it will be! And how easily people will do their shopping in such a way!

With so many changes these days, the Internet will help speed up the end of cash. In Europe, some banks have been offering people electronic cash since late last year. Customers can withdraw money from their accounts through the bank' s website and store their incomes on their home PCs. As the electronic cash is downloaded, the customers' bank accounts are recorded. Since customers can use electronic cash to buy things on the Internet, electronic cash will transform the Internet into a global

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marketplace for everything. It is going to have a very big impact on our lives.

The low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not just for finance , but also for many other things in our life. The Age of Internet has brought e-businesses to our life, which perhaps will form the backbone of our economy. Mom and Pop can go global -all from the comfort of their easy chairs. Citizens will have access to e-government with its website offering a wide range of governmental information, policy and services.

Racing into the 21st Century, people all over the world are building up a series of IT projects , which is surely a part of the global future. People all over the world have been working for a brilliant future for centuries and it now seems the dream might come true very soon.

形形色色,法国法郎,德国马克和意大利里拉的现金。势必会消失物理。该纸币和金币会很快在预电子时代的好奇集合。数字货币可以取代每次使用现金的钱。的确,电子货币已经存在了几十年。每个星期数十亿美元的机构通过银行间支付系统,通过电话线和卫星链路流量。但在21世纪,数字货币一全新的形式,包括电子现金和“电脑”智能卡 - 将成为最贴身的金融贸易的手段。真是一个伟大的变革,这将是!



计算机和通信的低成本创造了一个世界性的媒介不只是融资,同时也为我们的生活中许多其他的事情。互联网时代带来了电子商务给我们的生活,这或许将成为我国经济的支柱。夫妻店可以走出去 - 所有从他们的安乐椅的舒适度。市民将有机会获得电子政务其网站上提供了广泛的政府信息,政策和服务。


31.The main point of the first paragraph in this passage is_______?

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C. entire new forms of digital money will replace cash money

32. The advantage of digital money is_______ A. it is efficient and easy to use

33. What is NOT true about the electronic cash according to the passage?

D. People don' t have to pay for anything when they go shopping anywhere.

34. In the sentence of the fourth paragraph. \low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not just for finance...\

B. the Internet

35. The author is sure that will bring the whole world a brilliant future.

C. IT projects of any kind

31.第一段话要点是_______? C.整个新形式将取代现款的钱

32.数字化钱币的优点is_______ 答它是有效的,易于使用的



34.在第四段的句子。 “计算机和通讯的低成本创造了一个世界性的媒介不只是融资......”。 “全球性介质”指的是_______


35.作者是肯定会带来整个世界一个辉煌的未来。 C. IT项目

阅读理解 3 阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确 (T)、错误 (F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息( NG)。

It is unusual these days for people not to have a TV, in fact many homes have two or three. However. more and more people are choosing to live without TV. The number of homes without a television in the UK has been growing steadily for over 10 years now. Many people choose not to have a TV because they are worried about their children.

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One parent, loan, said, ?We got rid of our TV when our son was 4 because we. found that he was more interested in watching television than playing , and we thought this wasn' t healthy \\Many people think that not having a TV has improved their lives: ?Since selling our television my wife and I read more , talk more and have mare time for our hobbies' , said Paul , who has sold his TV. So , when people tell you that they cannot live without television , you can tell them that they are not following the latest trend!


NG 36. The majority of homes in the UK have more than one television.

T 37. The trend of not having a television is not new. F 38. Joan's son was an unhealthy child.

T 39. Paul thinks his life has improved since he sold his TV. F 40. The latest trend is to have more than one television.

没提到 多数的家庭在英国有一个以上的电视。 对 没有电视的趋势是不是新的。 错 琼的儿子是个不健康的孩子。

对 保罗认为他的生活,因为他卖掉了自己的电视有所改善。 错 最新趋势是有一个以上的电视。

第五部分书面表达( 20分}

Directions: For this part , you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage to express your views on a given topic. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below:

1. 远程学习的对象 2. 远程学习的好处 3. 你自己的学习情况


Distance learning is for those who cannot study full time for some reasons. Many of them have a job and some have to take care of a family. But they can study and meanwhile -work or do other

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things. They can study with the help of a tutor and contact the tutor or other learners when having difficulties. They can study at any time and anywhere. For example, I work in a company during the day. but I am taking a course in law in the evening. I find distance learning is suitable for me.


远程教育是为那些谁也不能学习全职由于某些原因。他们中许多人有工作,有些还采取家庭的照顾。但他们可以学习,同时 - 工作或做其他事情。他们可以与导师的帮助下学习有困难的时候联系导师或其他学习者。它们可以研究在任何时间和任何地方。例如,我白天在一家公司工作。但我在晚上服用一个疗程的法律。我发现远程学习是适合我。


第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1. —What does this word mean, Joe? — ___________________. D. Sorry, I don't know, either

2. —I really enjoy pop music. What's your favorite? — ___________________. D. Well, actually I like classical music

3. — Let me help you carry this. — ___________________. A. That's OK.

4. — Can you tell me where I can park the car? — ___________________. C. Well, just over there

5. — Have you ever been to Tokyo? — ___________________.

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B. No, but I hope to go there next year

第二部分 词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)

6. It is one of the best concerts I . B. have ever been to 7. He has three companies

A. employing 50 people each 8. The trip to the countryside was great C. fun

9. John fell asleep he was listening to the music. B. while 10. She was C. so

11. The workers are busy D. making 12. I was sick, but I D. got over

13. you change your mind, I won't be able to help you B. Unless

14. Could you tell me C. how long you have lived here 15. China is no longer what it A. used to be C. used to being

第三部分 完形填空(媒体2分,共20分)

Scientists are working hard to develop better aerials for mobile phones, a spokesman for Phikia Phones said today. ' It really irritates users when they lose the signal in the middle of a call, so we are developing new aerials that will enable users to receive

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late that she missed the last train

models for the exhibition.

stronger signals. Many users reported that when they were travelling , the signal was often lost', said the spokesman. The new aerials are designed to avoid losing the signal by receiving the message on a wider range of radio frequencies. ' We have learnt that this is a major concern for phone users' said the spokesman. The new phones have a flexible external aerial, which users will have to get used to touching their ear or head. The aerials — make the phones able to pick up a wider range of signals. The company spokesman insisted that this was not a potential danger — \Every safety regulation has been followed\ \ I'd had one of these phones this morning, I wouldn't have missed my train coming here\

第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分) 短文理解1

I never used to go anywhere without the car. I regarded it as an essential part of myself. But when the price of gas doubled in this year, I decided not to use the car except when absolutely necessary.

For example, I always used to take the car when I went to fetch the papers on Sunday mornings, although our newsagent's is only 10 minutes' walk away. Now I go on foot.

I tell myself that I'm not only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same time. It's all a question of habit really. I' m sure you can get used to anything if you try and already feel that I rely on the car less than I used to.

Besides, now that we live in the suburbs, I can walk down the road and catch a bus to the office or to any part of the town. We used to live in the country about 15 miles from town and then I would frequently drive to and fro twice in one day. That meant I

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would use 15 gallons of oil or more in a week. Now 1 only need half that amount.

The trouble is that I am also getting used to the gas prices. They don't seem so high to me any more. Perhaps it is easier to get used to expensive gas than it is to doing without the car.






26. When the price of gas doubled in this year, the author decided . C.

to use the car when he had to

27. In the sentence \\ . D. not relying too much on the car

28. To go to the newsagent's to get his newspaper, the author


B. used to drive his car

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29. We know from the passage that the author . B. used to go to and come back from town twice a day by car 30. The last sentence of the passage suggests that . A. the author still can not get used to doing without the car

26.当天然气价格在今年翻了一倍,笔者决定。 C.使用车的时候,他不得不

27.在句子“这是习惯的所有问题真的,”代词“这”指的是。 D.不能过分依赖汽车

28.要进入报摊的得到他的报纸的作者。 B.用于驱动他的车

29.我们知道,从通道的作者。 B.以前去和来自城里回来,一天两次车 30.通过的最后一句话表明。 A.笔者还是不能习惯做无车


Welcome to San Francisco

Native American tribes lived on the land now known as California before the 1500s until the Spanish colonised the area in the 17\1 century. They gave San Francisco its name. Gold was discovered in the nearby hills in 1848, starting the Gold Rush, when poor people came from all over the world to make their fortune. The vast mix of races has probably contributed to its famous liberal attitude, shown by the beat generation, hippies and the largest gay community in the world.

Hotels range from the luxurious (you can stay in The Hyatt on Union Square, which is expensive) to the basic (Gold Rush Hostel, which is cheap youth dormitories or simple rooms). San Francisco Guest Services, situated at the airport, can help you to book ahead.

You can eat every type of food cooked by nearly every ethnic

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group in the world because they all live in San Francisco; Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese are all here—at every price from 5-star restaurants to tiny street stalls. But best of all is the seafood, which comes fresh from the Pacific Ocean and is on your table in minutes.

The most famous sight in San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge. Also don't miss a boat trip to the island prison of Alcatraz—from which no one has ever escaped alive, although a few tried to swim across the freezing bay through the dangerous currents to reach the mainland. Boats leave every forty-five minutes, but booking is essential. Take a walk through Chinatown in the centre of the city. Chinatown was started by Chinese immigrants in the first days of the Gold Rush, and is now a vast city within a city. Here Chinese is still spoken in every shop, restaurant and temple every day. Get onto the cable cars and ride up and down San Francisco' s famous hills, ring the bell and hang on the sides. At only $ 1 it's the cheapest thrill in the world.

Drive along the coast to the north of the city into wine country, where you can taste and buy the finest Californian wines, or take an eight-hour-boat trip far from the coast to see the biggest mammal of all the time — the blue whale.

Fact file By air

San Francisco International Airport — 14 miles south of the city. Accessible by bus and shared-taxi service.

Oakland International Airport — further from the city, but easily reached by a Rapid Transport Link.

By sea

Cruise ships of five major cruise lines arrive at Pier 35 in San Francisco Bay.

By car

San Francisco is on Highway 101 over the Golden Gate and

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Interstate 80 over the Bay Bridge.






沿海城市北进国酒,在这里您可以品尝和购买最好的加州葡萄酒,或采取八个小时的船程远离海岸看到的所有的时间最大的哺乳动物驱动 - 蓝鲸。

事实上档案 空运

旧金山国际机场 - 城南14英里。残疾人专用公交车和共享出

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奥克兰国际机场 - 进一步从城市,而是由快速交通连接轻松抵达。


游船五大邮轮抵达旧金山湾码头35。 开车


31. San Francisco got its name from B. Spanish colonists

32. During , many poor people went to San Francisco to make their fortune.

A. the Gold Rush

33. San Francisco has been known for its famous liberal attitude shown by



D. all of the above

34. According to the writer, which one of the following sightseeing spots in San Francisco is the most famous ?

B. The Golden Gate Bridge

35. According to the passage, you may go to Oakland International Airport by . C. Rapid Transport Link

31.旧金山从得名。 B.西班牙殖民者

32.期间,许多穷人跑到旧金山去闯。 A.淘金

33.旧金山已经知道所表现出其著名的自由主义态度。 D.上述所有的


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35.根据通道,可以通过去奥克兰国际机场。 C.运输快速链接



The blue whale is the heaviest and longest animal on Earth. The average adult length is 25m for males and 26. 2m for females, with body weights of 90-120 tonnes.

Hector's dolphin is the world's shortest cetacean. They may be only 1. 2m long when fully grown..

A blue whale eats up to 4 tonnes of krill daily. This is equivalent to eating a fully grown African elephant every day.

The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean. They have been known to dive as deep as 2000m.

One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died.

The sperm whale has the world's heaviest brain which can weigh up to 9. 2kg. This compares with the average 1. 4kg for the brain of an adult human.

The baiji dolphin, or Chinese river dolphin, is the rarest dolphin in the world and is reported to be endangered. It lives in the Yangtze River in China. Conservation measures are being taken by the Chinese to save it.



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company Netinfo.

Just over 70% of people questioned for the survey said the net had become essential. The survey reveals that emailing friends and others is the nation' s favourite Internet activity. It also found that people spend an average of seven hours a week online, visiting 13 different websites in seven days. But 10% of all those who surf the net are doing it for more than 20 hours a week.

Just over 2, 000 adults in Britain were interviewed for the report. The study found almost 19 million people in the UK — four in ten adults — regularly went online. But the number of new users has slowed down. Numbers online grew by just 11% over the past 12 months compared with 33% the previous year.

The report also reveals the increasing importance of the silver surfer. According to the report the number of older people online grew by more than 40 % over the past year. People aged over 55 now make up 17% of the UK Internet population.

The survey also discovered that many workers surf the net for personal reasons while at work. Almost three-quarters of workers with Internet access admitted using it for pleasure, usually to email friends and family. According to Bill Wills, author of the survey, many employees expect some flexibility, and most employers are willing to accept this. \employers are less likely to be understanding, if you're downloading movies or introducing an unfriendly virus to your company network,\




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还发现,人们平均花费一周七天小时在线,访问13个不同的网站在七天。但所有这些谁上网冲浪10%是做了一个星期超过20小时。 仅仅过了2万成年人在英国进行了采访报告。研究发现,近19万人在英国 - 四10成人 - 定期到网上。但是,新用户数有所放缓。在线人数仅增长11%,比与上年同期的33%相比,在过去的12个月。

该报告还揭示了银色冲浪者的重要性日益增加。据报道老年人的在线人数增长超过40%,在过去的一年。 55岁以上的人现在做了英国的互联网人口的17%。

调查还发现,很多工人在网上冲浪因个人原因在工作。近四分之三的工人与互联网接入的使用它的乐趣,通常以电子邮件的朋友和家人承认。根据比尔·威尔斯,调查的作者,许多员工希望有一定的灵活性,而大多数雇主都愿意接受。 “不过,雇主不太可能理解,如果你下载的电影或引入一个不友好的病毒到公司网络,”他说。

T 36. More than seven out of 10 people feel they can't manage without the Internet.

NG 37. Young people use the Internet for emails mainly. F 38. The most common use of the Internet is surfing the web. T 39. About 40% of adults use the Internet.

F 40. Most employers ban private use completely.

36.超过十分之七的人认为他们无法管理没有互联网。 37.年轻人使用互联网电子邮件为主。 38.最常见的使用互联网的网上冲浪。 39.约40%的成年人使用互联网。 40.大多数雇主完全禁止私人使用。


第一部分: 交际用语(共计10分, 每小题2分)

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1. — How was the journey to London? — ________________________. B. It went very well

2. -- Can you help me clear up the mess? — ________________________ D. No problem

3.— What's the fare to the museum? — ________________________ D. Five dollars

4. - Is it going to be warm next week? --_______________________ A. Yes, it is

5. — Here you are, Sir. — _______________________ C. Thank you very much

第二部分:词汇与结构 (20分, 每小题2分)



Unfortunately the poor girl can't do anything but ________all

her belongings at a low price.

C sell

7. They were asked to avoid _________any water which had not been boiled.

A. drinking

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8. John was bored, _______he left his life in England. B. so

9. She is very careful. She ________very few mistakes in her work.

C. makes

10. The workers are busy _______models for the exhibition. D. making

11. _________you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.

B. Unless

12. We are going to have our office ______to make room for a new engineer.

C. rearranged

13. Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it_________ last night.

D. must have rained

14. Do you think Tommy is _________the truth? B. telling

15. John fell asleep ________ he was listening to the music. A. while

第三部分 完型填空(每题2分, 共20分)


Genetic Engineering

Many people are unaware that a lot of the foods they eat every day, such as bread, ham and cheese, have been altered by using new technology. Food can be changed. It can be made to taste different or to look different - carrots can be made to taste of

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chocolate and apples can be made redder . Some food that appears the same has been scientifically improved, for example, fish can be made to grow faster. Should we be pleased or worried? Will new technology bring benefits, or is it about to go out of control?

Genetically engineered foods are produced by taking generic material from one species and transferring it to another. For example, an ‘antifreeze’ gene which appears naturally in Arctic fish has been introduced into tomatoes and strawberries _ so that _ they don’ t freeze in cold weather, a human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them grow more quickly.

Some claim great advantages. They point out that crops can be made stronger and more disease resistant, so pesticides can be reduced. They also maintain that food can be made more nutritious or that the fat content can be reduced to make it healthier.

第四部分 阅读理解 (共计30分,每小题2分)

短文理解1 35 Forest Avenue Dew's Parker Adelaide 12, Nov.

Dear Bob,

I' m just writing to let you know our new address and to invite you to our house-warming party next Saturday. I'm sorry about the lack of warning, but we've been busy moving house and I've had little time for anything else. In any case, we only decided to hold the

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party last week when we found out that cost of moving was not as high as we thought and we had a little .cash to spare.

We moved to here two days ago and we've been working non-stop ever since. This evening we decided to have a few hours' rest, so I'm writing a few invitations to some friends.

You can do the trip from Bedford to Flinders in two hours now that the new motorway is open. Dew's Parker is rather difficult to find though, because it's a new housing estate and few people know where it is. Give us a ring when you are in the area and I''11 give detailed directions to you then. Our number is 56889590.

Barbara and I hope you can make it in spite of the short notice.

All the best Charles

P. S. We can fix you up with a place to sleep — I guess you can put up with a mattress on the floor!

35森林大道 露的帕克 阿德莱德 1211月 亲爱的鲍勃,




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芭芭拉,我希望你可以把它尽管短期的通知。 一切顺利 查尔斯

PS我们可以修复你与一个睡觉的地方 - 我猜你可以忍受在地板上的床垫!

26. This passage is a letter of _________. A. an informal invitation

27. When Charles writes, \means that he is sorry that_________.

D. he is not able to write this letter to Bob earlier

28. Charles and his wife decided to hold the house-warming party, mainly because _______.

B. they still had a little money left to afford the party.

29. From the letter we know that the new house that Charles moved in is _______.

C. in a new housing estate

30. In the sentence \the phrase \A. manage to attend their party

26.这段话是_________的信。 A.一个非正式的邀请




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29.从信中我们知道,新房子,查尔斯移动是_______。 C.在新屋苑





There are over 80 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, known collectively as '\throughout the world. They come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some facts and figures, about these incredible animals.

1. Largest

The blue whale is the heaviest and longest animal on Earth. The average adult length is 25m for males and 26. 2m for females, with body weights of 90-120 tonnes.

2. Smallest Hector's dolphin is the world's shortest cetacean. They may be only 1. 2m long when fully grown.

3. Largest Appetite

A blue whale eats up to 4 tonnes of krill daily. This is equivalent to eating a fully grown African elephant every day. 4. Deepest Dive

The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean. They have been known to dive as deep as 2000m.

5. Longest Lived

One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old

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when it died.

6. Heaviest Brain

The sperm whale has the world's heaviest brain which can weigh up to 9. 2kg. This compares with the average 1. 4kg for the brain of an adult human.

7. Most Endangered

The baiji dolphin, or Chinese river dolphin, is the rarest dolphin in the world and is reported to be endangered. It lives in the Yangtze River in China. Conservation measures are being taken by the Chinese to save it.








蓝鲸吃掉4吨磷虾每天。这相当于每天吃一只成年非洲象。 4.最深潜水



一个北极露脊鲸据报道,已有130岁的时候就去世了。 6.最重的脑


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F 36. Hector's dolphin is the smallest fish in the world.

F 37. Blue whales eat as much as an African elephant does every day.

T 38. Some whales can live for as long as 130 years. NG 39. Whales are cleverer than humans.

T 40. The brain of a sperm whale can be over 6 times heavier than a human one.

36.赫克托海豚是最小的鱼在世界上。 37.蓝鲸吃多少,因为非洲大象做的每一天。 38.有些鲸可以活长达130年。 39.鲸是比人类聪明。

40. 抹香鲸脑可以比一个人的1重超过6次。 2010 年7 月


1. - May I use your bike to go shopping? -____________________________ C. Certainly. There it is 2. - Have you ever been to Tokyo? -____________________________ B. No, but I hope to go there next year 3. - How are you feeling now?

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-___________________________ A. Much better

4. -How long will you be away from Italy? -___________________________ B. About a month 5. - Would you like a tea?

-___________________________ D. Yes, please


6. The doctor advised her _________ enough rest before going back to work.

B. to get

7. M y boss is _________ holding pointless meetings. It really annoys me.

A. always

8. 一If he _________ , he _________ that food. 一Luckily he was sent to hospital immediately. B. had been warned; would not have taken 9. These new processes _________. A. should be controlled

10. _________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you. D. Unless

11. Then she cheered _________ a lot when they got _________ the taxi.

D. up... into

12. There are many cities _________ very fast. B. expanding

13. There is a lot of crime on television. _________ other issues are

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pushed out.

A. Therefore

14. He didn't want anything to drink because he _________already


C. had

15. The food was _________ good, but not good enough for me to eat there again.

C. quite

第四部分阅读理解(共计3 0 分, 每小题2 分)


Sura Elmer came to Shanghai last July from the Netherlands. and will remain here for the next couple of years. He worked at the Holiday Inn Hotel as a sales manager. \ important part of my job consists in staying in contact with consultant-generals here. With a white face. it is easier for me to persuade people.\he said. Before working in Shanghai. He worked for a Holiday Inn Hotel in Amsterdam. He was transferred here by an arrangement between the hotels in Shanghai and Amsterdam.

Asked to comment on the differences between working in China and Europe, he said: \serious, while we Dutch like to crack jokes,\in Amsterdam everything goes faster and with less people.

\the Netherlands, we have to be efficient because salaries are high and companies cannot employ so many people as they do here in China,\ more here than in the Netherlands , and accommodation and meals are freely available. \Shanghai. Before coming here I had no idea what China would be like. Now I have been here for nearly one year , I found people here

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friendly , though I dislike people spitting on the ground.\to work here for another two or three years , depending on the hotel.

苏拉埃尔默来到上海去年七月从荷兰。并将继续在这里在未来几年。他曾在假日酒店在担任销售经理。 “我的工作的一个重要组成部分,包括在保持与顾问,将军在这里接触。用白色的脸。这是我更容易说服的人。”他说。以前在上海工作。他曾在一个假日酒店在阿姆斯特丹。在这里,他被调到由酒店在上海和阿姆斯特丹之间的安排。


“在荷兰,我们必须高效,因为工资高,企业不能雇用那么多的人,因为他们在这里做在中国,”他说。他还表示,他赢得了更多的在这里比在荷兰和食宿都是免费的。 “我喜欢上海。来之前我在这里不知道什么中国会是怎样的。现在,我在这里已经将近1年了,我发现这里的人友好,虽然我不喜欢的人随地吐痰在地上。”他打算在这里工作两,三年中,根据不同的酒店。

26. From the passage, we know that Sura Elmer is _________ A. a Dutch

27. Sura Elmer came to Shanghai, _________

D. according to an agreement between the hotels in Shanghai and Amsterdam

28. Sura Elmer' s impression on his Chinese colleagues is that they

_________ than his colleagues in the Netherlands.

B. are more serious

29. In the second paragraph, the sentence, \meals are freely available\_________

B. Sura Elmer eats and sleeps in the hotel free of charge

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30. The thing that Sura Elmer dislikes in China is _________. C. people spit on the ground

26.从通道中,我们知道,苏拉埃尔默是_________ A.荷兰

27.苏拉埃尔默来到上海,_________ 根据上海和阿姆斯特丹的酒店之间的协议D.



29.在第二个段落,句子,“......食宿都是免费的”means_________ B.苏拉埃尔默吃和睡在免费的酒店

30.苏拉埃尔默不喜欢中国的东西是_________。 C.人吐在地上


\you the happiest man in the world?\When asked this question , most people would say no. They don' t think they are the happiest of the people around them. They would point out that one of their neighbors is happier than anyone of them , \Frank has a career himself. His wife is the most beautiful and well-educated lady in the community. No , I don' t think I am happier than Doctor Frank. At least my career is not as successful as his. \

Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happier - a relative, a close friend or, often, someone we even hardly know. I once met a young man who struck me as particularly successful and happy. He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their daughters, and of his joy at being a TV talk-show host. I remember thinking he was one of the lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right. Once we talked about the Internet, he is grateful for its existence. He told

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me, because he could look up information on diabetes (糖尿病) - the terrible disease that made his wife suffer and could possibly be passed down to his lovely children. When I heard this, I felt like a fool for taking it for granted that nothing unhappy existed in his life.

This made me think a lot and I soon drew one of the most significant conclusions about happiness: there is little relation between the situations of people's lives and how happy they are. We all know people who are richer and have an easier life than others, yet they are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest fault. As a bald man told me, \

It is hard for us to give up the image of \perfect. \nothing is perfect , anyone can be unhappy. It takes no courage or effort to be unhappy. True happiness lies in struggling to be happy.


一个亲戚,一个亲密的朋友,或者经常有人,我们甚至几乎不知道 - 我们大多数人与任何人,我们认为是比较快乐自己。我曾经遇到过一个年轻人谁给我的印象特别成功和快乐。他谈到他的爱,他美丽的妻子和他们的女儿,他的喜悦,在成为一个电视谈话节目主持人。我记得我在想他是少数幸运的事事顺心费力正确的。当我们谈到了互联网,他很感激它的存在。他告诉我,因为他可以仰视糖尿病(糖尿病)的信息 - 可怕的疾病,让妻子受苦,也可能会被传递给他的可爱的孩子们。当我听到这句话,我觉得自己像个傻瓜,

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