
更新时间:2023-09-29 23:51:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Unit 1


1.Her knowledge of the truth of the matter caused her more distress than pleasure 知道了事实真相没有使她高兴,反而使她更加悲伤。

2.She clutched her purse tightly,threading her way through the throng 她紧握钱袋,小心地从人群中穿过。

3.I liked the photo very much as it is the only photo that shows me in a natural relaxed pose 我很喜欢这张照片,因为它是唯一一张我的姿势自然放松的照片。

4.The special agent sneaked past the guard and entered the building through the back door 该特工从警卫旁偷偷溜过,从后门进了大楼。

5.my greatest preoccupation was to accumulate a sufficient amount of money to travel to Europe 攒够了一笔钱去欧洲旅游是我最大的愿望。

6.It is extremely hard to break the shackles of convention 打破习俗的枷锁是很困难的。

7.Loneliness in old age is the curse modern society 老年孤独(问题)是现代社会的弊端。

8.After long deliberation,she decided to turn down the job offer 长久的深思熟虑之后,她决定拒绝这份工作。 Unit2


1.The woman survived her husband by nine years 这位妇女比她丈夫多活了九年

2.The plot of the novel grabs the reader. 小说的情节吸引住了读者

3.NOT wanting to draw any attention,Roy went discreetly into the lecture hall 为了不引起任何注意,罗伊小心翼翼地走近了演讲厅

4.We learned about her deceased father by reading his obituary in The Times. 我们看了泰晤士报上的讣告才得知她父亲已去世

5.I do not understand how the arranged marriage could conceivably work out in the more traditional societies.


6.The old couple plans to board some students from the university 这对老夫妇计划给一些大学生提供食宿

7.Upper-intermediate English learners are often encouraged to read the classic of English literature.


8.The new business writing course is oriented towards executives and managers who want more individual attention and focused training that will help them write with impact and effectiveness.

新的商务写作课程是针对主管们和经理们开设的,他们需要更多的个性化指导和针对性训练,这些将有助于提高商务写作的影响力和有效性 Unit 3


1.we negotiated our way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.


2.In her opinion ,he will make a perfect husband ;he is handsome ,debonair ,and wealthy. 依她看,他将成为一个完美丈夫;他英俊潇洒,温文尔雅且家庭富有。

3.In the old days the poverty- stricken travelers were often caught dodging fares on the train . 在过去,贫穷的旅客在火车上经常被查出逃票。

4.Could you explain yourself?I’m afraid I have no notion of what you mean. 你能解释一下嘛?恐怕我不能理解你的意思。

5.It is curious that this compact car should have such plenty of boot space. 奇怪的是,这个紧凑的小车有如此宽敞的行李箱空间。

6.The children were awed by the exaggerated contortion of the clown’s body. 孩子们对小丑夸张扭曲的身体惊叹不已。

7.In spite of all the difficulties,his business continues to thrive. 尽管有许多困难,他的生意仍然异常红火。

8.Hosting the Olympic Games has been a massive undertaking to any city. 对任何城市来说,举办奥运会已经成为一个重要的事业。 Unit4


1.She is often misunderstood for the reason that her competitive nature overshadows the other qualities.


2.The international students had to traipse all over Rome to attend lectures . 为参加各种讲座,这些国际留学生不得不在罗马各地奔波。

3.It is believed that North American have made a fetish of punctuality. 人们认为北美人已养成了准时的癖好。

4.The writers recalled that he flunked all his science courses in high school. 该作者想起,高中时他所有的理科科目都不及格。

5.The horseman sat there swilling his gin-and-tonics without a care in the world. 那个骑手坐在那里,无牵无挂,大口喝着他的加奎宁水的杜松子酒。

6.Mrs.Kennedy flicked the dust away from her purse with a handkerchief . 肯尼迪夫人用手帕轻轻地弹掉了她钱包上的灰尘。

7.He is seen as the epitome of the hawkish ,right-of-center intellectual. 他被看作是好战、右倾知识分子的典范。

8.The prime minister hated journalists and did his best to prevent “the great licentiousness if the press in censuring and reflecting upon all parts of the government.” 首相讨厌新闻记者们并竭尽全力阻止“新闻界在谴责和影响政府各个方面时的放肆行为 Unit 5


1.My boss was very supportive and gave me time off work to look after my daughter. 我老板给了我很大的帮助,他给我时间休假去照顾我的女儿。 2.She perceived him as a rather shy man. 她感觉他是一个相当害羞的人。

3.All her attempts to question the authorities on the subject have been met by evasion and prevarication.


4.The eruption in May 1980 of Mount St.Helens,Washington State, astounded the world with its violence.


5.The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement. 反复的争斗可能会削弱达成协议的努力。

6.The soldiers have never faltered their determination. 战士们从未动摇过决心。

7.Clearly either Angelina or Joanna was telling fibs. 很显然,安吉丽娜和乔安娜二个人中有一个撒了个小谎。

8.The doctor who had volunteered to settle down in the poor village became the chief fable of the villagers.

自愿定居在这个穷村庄的医生成了村民们的主要谈资。 Unit 6

1.The Odyssey is an epic of ancient Greece.

2.They were involved in a rather squalid battle as to who controlled the party. 3.Her garden had become a veritable jungle by the same she came back from holiday. 4.Two hurricanes in a month pounded the Caribbean country. I love nothing better than the the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread.

5.I love nothing better than the wonderful of aromafreshly baked bread. 6.The amateur acting group eventually evolved into a theatrical company. 7.Paul Simon writes the lyrics for most of his own songs.

8.An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this morning’s bomb attack.

Unit 7


1.Charles Dickens held that the whole legal system in Britain was becoming creaky and inefficient.

查尔斯.狄更斯相信英国的整个法律系统正变得摇摇欲坠,毫无办事效率。 2.He peered through the mist ,trying to get his bearings . 他在薄雾中凝神看过去,努力弄清自己的方位。

3.I have only some slight acquaintance with your boss. 我和你的老板只是略有交情。

4.His air of detachment lost him his popularity among his peers. 因为他的不合群,他在同伴中不受欢迎。

5.The fact the team won the championship sent its fans into raptures .


6.She felt giddy from too much accustomed exercise. 做了太多的常规训练,她感到有点头晕目眩。

7.The need to be understood overwhelmed her. 她的脑子里充满了需要被人理解的念头。

8.The spokeswoman has always obliged journalists with information they want. 那位女发言人总是向新闻记者透露他们想要知道的消息,使得他们感激不已。 Unit 8

1.He said that Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down and at the London summit.

2.The hostilities had ceased and normal life was resumed. 3.It is unrealistic to believe that perfection is a attainable goal. 4.There has been a historic enmity between Protestants and Catholics. 5.Indonesia is reported to be the fifth most populous country in the world.

6. His time for the 100 meters surpassed the previous world record by one hundred of a second.

7. The minister cannot be impartial in the way the judge would be. 8.The number of casualties was appallingly high in both wars.

