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必修3 Unit1

1.be meant to应该做某事(尤因某人的吩咐或职责);意在做某事

Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year.(P1)节日是来庆祝一年当中重要日子的时间。

I think the police are meant to protect people. 我认为警察的职责就是保护人民。

Rules are rules.Rules are meant to be followed. 规则就是规则,规则是要人们去遵守的。

Christmas time is meant to bring the relatives together. 圣诞节是亲人相聚的时间。

be meant for为某人/某目的而准备的,打算作……用 mean doing sth.意味着做某事 mean to do sth.打算做某事

mean to have done sth.本打算做某事但实际未做 means n.方法,手段(单、复数同形)

That room was meant for our reading room. 那个房间打算用作我们的阅览室。

Playing computer games means wasting time. 玩电脑游戏意味着浪费时间。

①Its streets were never________for heavy traffic.

A.tested B.meant C.kept D.used ②—Why don't you tell Anna the truth? —________.

A.I meant to.But I didn't meet her B.No.But I wanted to

C.Yes.I was afraid to be scolded D.I meant to have.But I was lacking in the courage

2.Discuss when they take_place,what they celebrate and what people do at that time.(P1)讨论一下这些节日在什么时间举行,庆祝什么,在那个时间人们做什么。 (1)take place发生

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games took place in London. 2012年夏季奥运会是在伦敦举行的。

Great changes have taken place in China(=China has changed greatly=There have been great changes in China)in the last few years.

过去的几年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。 take place/happen/break out/come about take place发生、举行、举 办

常可与happen换用(用具体事物作主语时),但较多地指事情的发生不是偶然出现的,而是按意图、计划进行的。引申用法可表示“举行、进行”之意。 happen发 生、碰巧做 一般用于偶然或突发性事件。 break out发生、爆 发

常指战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的发生,也可以表示突然大声叫喊等。 come about发 生 中性词语,可用于表达正面事物的发生,又可用于表达负面事物的发生,可与happen换用。 On March 11,2011,a big earthquake happened in Japan. 2011年3月11日,日本发生了一次强烈的地震。

When did the second World War break out? 第二次世界大战是什么时候爆发的?

【提示】 take place,happen,break out,come about不可用于被动语态。 take the place of...代替……

take one's place代替某人;就座 take(the) first place居首位,得第一

Nowadays plastics have taken the place of many materials. 现在塑料已经代替了很多材料。


①Terrible diseases________after the flood. ②The meeting will________in the hall.

③The accident________the day before yesterday. ④Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel________.


⑤Great changes________in my school up to now. A.took place B.have taken place C.have been taken place D.was taken place

(2)celebrate v.庆祝

They had a party to celebrate Mother's silver wedding. 他们为庆祝母亲的银婚纪念日举行了宴会。

The occasion was celebrated at many schools by a three-day holiday.



celebrate 指对某一节日、胜利或成功等的“庆祝”,其宾语是物。

congratulate指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示“祝贺,庆贺”,其宾语是“人”,常用于congratulate sb.on(doing)sth.结构。

Let's congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.恭贺你生了个女儿。 He congratulated himself on his narrow escape.他庆幸自己死里逃生。

celebration n.庆祝;祝贺

in celebration of为……举行庆祝活动


⑥The family decided to____________(庆祝) the occasion by a large dinner party. ⑦We____________(祝贺) him on winning the competition.

⑧On October 1st all the Chinese people hold great parties in____________(庆祝) of the birthday of New China. 3.At that time people would starve if food was_difficult_to_find,especially during the cold winter months.(P1)那时,如果难以找到食物,人们就会挨饿,特别是在寒冷的冬天里。

(1)starve vi.&vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死

Millions of people starved to death during the war. 战争中数以百万计的人挨饿至死。

When will the dinner be ready?I'm starving. 晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了。

①starve for sth.极需要……;渴望 starve to do sth.渴望去做…… starve to death饿死

②be starved of=be starved for缺乏……;渴望;极需要 be starving=be starved饿极了 ③starvation n.挨饿;饿死

They got lost in the desert and starved to death.他们在沙漠中迷路并饿死了。 The people in the disaster area are starving for medicine.灾区人民急需药品。


①Millions of people starved________during the war,because the harvest was hard________. A.to death;to get in B.to die;to get C.dying;to get in D.dying;getting

(2)food was difficult to find为“主语+be+adj.+to do不定式”固定句式,意为“某事做起来……”。不定式作表语形容词的状语,并和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式要用主动形式表示被动意义。

The book is difficult to understand.这本书很难懂。


The man is hard to get along/on with. 这个人很难相处。 His room is too small to live in. 他的房间太小了,不能住。

This machine is very easy________.Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. A.operating B.to be operating C.operated D.to operate


②有时候她很难让人理解。 She was____________at times. ③他很容易相处。

He is________________.


Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,who might return either to help or to do harm.(P2)有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为他们有可能回到世上给人们提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。

We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government.我们被置于这样一种境地:要么被迫接受低人一等的现实,要么同政府作斗争。

either(两物或两人中)任一的;(两物或两人中)各一的;也(仅用于否定句) neither两者都不


I made a call to my parents yesterday.To my disappointment,neither of them answered.昨天我和爸爸妈妈打了电话,使我失望的是,他们谁也没接。

There is no electricity or water and even no textbooks either. 没有电,没有水,甚至连课本也没有。

【提示】 either...or和neither...nor连接两个并列结构作主语时谓语动词的单复数形式和相近的主语保持一致,这就是语法上常说的“就近原则”。


①Watching too much TV is not good for teenagers.On the other hand,not watching TV at all is not good________.

②Dr.Black comes from________Oxford________Cambridge,I can't remember which. ③—Do you want tea or coffee?—________.I really don't mind.

④No progress was made in the trade talk as________side would accept the conditions of the other.

5.in memory of纪念,追念

For the Japanese festival Obon,people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.(P2)在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。

I send you this card in memory of our happy summer together. 我送给你这张卡片以纪念我们在一起的那个快乐的夏天。

They set up a monument in memory of the soldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese War.

他们建起一座纪念碑,用以追念抗日战争中牺牲的战士们。 A film will be made in memory of those brave fire fighters. 为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。

in memory of纪念,追念 in honour of为纪念…… in terms of就……而言 in need of需要 in case of万一

in charge of负责掌管 in search of寻找 in favour of支持

It was in honour of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes. 是为了纪念这最后一课他才穿上了他好看的周日礼服。

Ring the alarm in case of fire.万一发生火灾,请按响警报器。

It hasn't rained for several months and this place is in desperate(急切的) need of water. 好几个月没下雨了,这一地区急需用水。

When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside________younger men.

A.in terms of B.in need of C.in favour of D.in praise of



He'll write a poem____________his beloved father. ②种下了一颗橡树以纪念这一盛会。

An oak tree was planted____________the occasion.


③The film was made________the soldiers who were devoted to the liberation of our motherland. A.in praise of B.in celebration of C.in memory of D.in search of

6.dress up盛装,打扮,装饰

It is now a children's festival,when they can dress up and go to their neighbours' homes to ask for sweets.(P2)万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天,他们可以乔装打扮去邻居家要糖吃。

We dressed up for the school ball on Christmas Day. 我们为参加学校的圣诞舞会而盛装打扮。

They tried to dress him up as a“national hero”.他们想把他打扮成一个“民族英雄”。

①dress sb./oneself 给……穿衣服 dress for为……穿好衣服

②be/get dressed in...穿着……的衣服

The boy is old enough to dress his younger sister. 这孩子长大了,可以给妹妹穿衣服了。

The band were all dressed in green and red jackets. 乐队里的人都穿着红绿相间的短上衣。

dress/put on/wear/have on dress

表示动作,意思是“(给自己或别人)穿衣服”,可用作不及物动词;作及物动词接宾语时要接表示人的名词、代词或反身代词。 put on

表示动作,意思是“穿上,戴上”,是终止性短语,其宾语是衣服、鞋、帽、手套、袜子、眼镜等。 wear

表示状态,意思是“穿着,戴着”,除了指普通衣服外,还可指佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花以及留发型、胡须等,含义最广。 have on


用dress/put on/wear/have on的适当形式填空

①Wait a minute—I'm just ________ the baby.

②She got out of the bath and ________ her clothes. ③Do you know the lady ________glasses?

④The little boy ________ nothing ________ except a hat.

7.trick n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门vt.欺骗;诈骗

If the neighbours do not give any sweets,the children might play a trick on them.(P2) 如果邻居不给糖吃,孩子们就可能捉弄他们了。

The boys hid Jon's bike to play a trick on him.孩子们把乔恩的自行车藏起来捉弄他。

