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PartⅠ Introductory Text Translation (25 points) 1.

梅贻琦,教育家、天津人。1909年考取清华第一批“直接留美生”,入吴斯特工业学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)学习电机工程。1915年9月应聘来清华大学任物理学教授,1926年出任教务长。1931年出任校长直至1948年底。他仅用几年时间就使当时的清华大学(Tsinghua University)在许多方面跻身于世界名大学之林。作为教育家,梅贻琦有一套完整的教育思想体系,其治校方略可归结为三个组成部分:通才教育(或“自由教育”)、教授治校(或“民主管理”)和学术自由(或“自由探讨之风气”)。

Part II Government Document Translation (25 points) 2.


Part Ⅲ Business Document Translation (25 points) 3.


Part Ⅳ Literary Text Translation (25 points) 4.





卷面卷面分数占期主观题分数 总分 末成绩百分比 Part Ⅰ Part II Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ ___70____ % PartⅠ Introductory Text Translation (25 points) 1.

Part II Government Document Translation (25 points) 2.

Part Ⅲ Business Document Translation (25 points) 3.

Part Ⅳ Literary Text Translation (25 points) 4.



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Part ⅠIntroductory Text Translation (25 points) 参考答案: 1.

Educationalist Mei Yiqi was born in Tianjin. In 1909, he passed the examination and became one of the first Tsinghua students to study in America, majoring in electrical engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. In September 1915 he was invited to work at Tsinghua University as a professor of physics and was appointed Dean of Studies in 1926. He was appointed president of Tsinghua University in 1931 and did not leave the post until by the end of 1948. Under his leadership, Tsinghua University quickly ranked among world famous universities in many aspects in a matter of just a few years. An educationalist himself, he established a complete ideological system of education. His strategy of running the university comprises three parts, i.e., general education (also known as “free education”), professor management (also called “democratic management”) and academic freedom (or “the atmosphere of free discussion”).

Part ⅡGovernment Document Translation (25 points) 参考答案: 1.

Every struggle that the Chinese people fought during the 100 years from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century was for the sake of achieving independence of our country and liberation of our nation and putting an end to the history of national humiliation once and for all. This great historic cause has already been accomplished. All endeavors by the Chinese people for the 100 years from the mid-20th to the mid-21st century are for the purpose of making our motherland strong, the people prosperous and the nation immensely rejuvenated. Our Party has led the entire Chinese people in carrying forward this historic cause for 50 years and made tremendous progress, and it will successfully attain the objective through hard work in the coming 50 years.

Part Ⅲ Business Document Translation (25 points) 参考答案: 3.

Orient Company was founded by myself 6 years ago, single-handed and penniless. What I depended on was the meager 40,000 Yuan loaned from the bank. Yet it has weathered all the difficult years and survived. Small as it is in size; it has developed steadily and become one of the representatives in the field of Chinese Software Localization. I myself now enjoy membership of two institutes of high prestige: I am concurrently a committee member of China National Software Association and China National Terminology Standardization Committee. What is more, in 1999 Orient was awarded as \by China Software Association. I credit all this to its principle of sincerity, creditability, fair play, regularization and its original farsightedness.

Part Ⅳ Literary Text Translation (25 points) 4.

After supper, I saw him in the little shop in the hotel. He was there to buy some hair clips, so I could have a good look at him. He looked thirtish, and very handsome, an orange-colored badge of N University pinned on his breast, indicating that he might be graduate student of that university.

The badge filled me with wonder, not unmixed with contempt: a graduate student with his profound learning, good looks and elegant manners should be so hen-pecked.

I was in the city on business and had checked in at the hotel the previous afternoon. He and his wife stayed just next door. As the hotel was one of those humble ones, the rooms were not sound-proof. What they had been talking about came through very distinctly through the thin wall.

Part Ⅰ- Part Ⅳ 评分标准:

1. For all the texts required to be translated from Chinese to English, if the meaning of the Chinese text is completely transferred into the target language, and there no mistakes in spelling and grammar, a full mark will be given to the respective text.

2. For three spelling mistakes, one point will be abdicated from the respective text.

3. For one serious grammatical mistake, one point will be abdicated from the respective text. 4. A light grammatical mistake will be regarded as a spelling mistake.

