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On Symbolism of the White Whale in Moby


Zhao Cuiting



I would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Shu Jingwei, who is the lecturer in the Foreign Languages and Literature Department for her kindly assistance and valuable suggestions during the process of my thesis writing. His willingness to give his time so generously has been very much appreciated.

My gratitude also extends to all the teachers who taught me during my undergraduate years for their kind encouragement and patient instructions.

Last but not the least; I would like to offer my particular thanks to my friends and family, for their encouragement and support for the completion of this thesis.

First and foremost, I appreciate my country who gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Shu Jingwei, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.

The white whale likes a symbol of the labyrinth. From the people, macro features, small stationary objects almost always have multiple layers of symbolism. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the life of Melville and his writing style and content of the white whale, pave the way for the in-depth analysis of the context. The second part, the writer focus on symbolism from a general angle and narrow angle analysis, and proposed a theory of symbolism, revealing the function of symbolism in literature. The next three parts the writer has an in-depth analysis of the symbolism of the white whale: Beluga incarnation of evil, all-powerful all-knowing God and not to resist nature. Finally, the article has once stressed the importance of the application of symbolism


Abstract (English) ................................................................................. i Abstract (Chinese) ............................................................................... ii Introduction ......................................................................................... 1

A. Introduction to Herman Melville (1819-1891) ....................................... 3

1. His great success as a writer can be attributed to many factors. ....................... 3 2. Nathaniel Hawthorne exerts a profound influence on him. ............................... 3 3. His writing is consciously literary. ........................................................................ 4 4. His style is highly symbolic and metaphorical. .................................................... 4

B. Introduction to Moby Dick ....................................................................... 5

1. Symbolism makes Moby Dick a great success ...................................................... 5 2. Herman Melville was the celebrated author of several big 19th-century novels about the sea. .............................................................................................................. 5

Ⅱ.Extended meaning of Moby Dick ................................................. 6

A. Symbolism ................................................................................................. 6

1. Symbol ..................................................................................................................... 6 2. Symbolism ............................................................................................................... 6 3. Functions of Symbolism ......................................................................................... 7

B. Symbolism of Evil ..................................................................................... 7

1. Transcendentalism and Anti-transcendentalism ................................................. 7 2. The Nature of Evil .................................................................................................. 7 3. Symbols of Evil ....................................................................................................... 8

II. Symbolism of God .......................................................................... 8

A. View of God in Anti- transcendentalism ................................................ 8 B. The Symbol of God ................................................................................... 9

III. Symbolism of Nature .................................................................... 9

A. View of Nature .......................................................................................... 9 B. symbol of nature ....................................................................................... 9

Conclusion ........................................................................................... 10 Bibliography ........................................................................................ 11

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Herman Melville has been considered as one of the greatest writers in American literature of the19th century. The success of this masterpiece is largely attributed to its adoption of symbolism. In light of this, it is both penetrating and comprehensive to study symbolism and to explore the symbolic elements in Moby Dick so as to bring about a deeper understanding of the author's penetration into humanity and liberalism.

At the beginning of the thesis, a brief introduction to the author, Herman Melville and Moby Dick is presented so as to pave the way for further exploration. In the following part, the focus is put on the analysis of symbolism in both broad sense and narrow sense. It begins with the analysis of symbol, which is an important means of symbolism. Furthermore, theories concerning symbolism are put forward, and in the end, the functions of symbolism in literature are displayed to full. The next three parts bring the thesis to highlight by probing into the symbolism of Moby Dick, the white whale, who stands for evil, God and nature from different perspectives. The thesis ends with reiterating the significance of symbolism adopted in Moby Dick.

The white whale likes a symbol of the labyrinth. From the people, macro features, small stationary objects almost always have multiple layers of symbolism. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the life of Melville and his writing style and content of the white whale, pave the way for the in-depth analysis of the context. The second part, the writer focus on symbolism from a general angle and narrow angle analysis, and proposed a theory of symbolism, revealing the function of symbolism in literature. The next three parts the writer has a in-depth analysis of the symbolism of the white whale: Beluga incarnation of evil, all-powerful all-knowing God and not to resist nature. Finally, the article has once stressed the importance of the application of symbolism

Key words: Moby Dick symbolism evil God nature

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关键词: 白鲸 象征主义 邪恶 上帝 自然

Graduation Thesis of University of Science and Technology,Liaoning Zhao 1

On Symbolism of the White Whale in Moby Dick


I am the narrator, announces his intent to ship aboard a whaling vessel. He has made several voyages as a sailor but none as a whaler. He travels to New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he stays in a whalers’ inn. Since the inn is rather full, he has to share a bed with a harpooner from the South Pacific named Queequeg. At first repulsed by Queequeg’s strange habits and shocking appearance (Queequeg is covered with tattoos), Ishmael eventually comes to appreciate the man’s generosity and kind spirit, and the two decide to seek work on a whaling vessel together. They take a ferry to Nantucket, the traditional capital of the whaling industry. There they secure berths on the Pequod, a savage-looking ship adorned with the bones and teeth of sperm whales. Peleg and Bildad, the Pequod’s Quaker owners, drive a hard bargain in terms of salary. They also mention the ship’s mysterious captain, Ahab, who is still recovering from losing his leg in an encounter with a sperm whale on his last voyage.

The Pequod leaves Nantucket on a cold Christmas Day with a crew made up of men from many different countries and races. Soon the ship is in warmer waters, and Ahab makes his first appearance on deck, balancing gingerly on his false leg, which is made from a sperm whale’s jaw. He announces his desire to pursue and kill Moby Dick, the legendary great white whale who took his leg, because he sees this whale as the embodiment of evil. Ahab nails a gold doubloon to the mast and declares that it will be the prize for the first man to sight the whale. As the Pequod sails toward the southern tip of Africa, whales are sighted and unsuccessfully hunted. During the hunt, a group of men, none of whom anyone on the ship’s crew has seen before on the voyage, emerges from the hold. The men’s leader is an exotic-looking man named Fedallah. These men constitute Ahab’s private harpoon crew, smuggled aboard in defiance of Bildad and Peleg. Ahab hopes that their skills and Fedallah’s prophetic abilities will help him in his hunt for Moby Dick.

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The Pequod rounds Africa and enters the Indian Ocean. A few whales are successfully caught and processed for their oil. From time to time, the ship encounters other whaling vessels. Ahab always demands information about Moby Dick from their captains. One of the ships, the Jeroboam, carries Gabriel, a crazed prophet who predicts doom for anyone who threatens Moby Dick. His predictions seem to carry some weight, as those aboard his ship who have hunted the whale have met disaster. While trying to drain the oil from the head of a captured sperm whale, Tashtego, one of the Pequod’s harpooners, falls into the whale’s voluminous head, which then rips free of the ship and begins to sink. Queequeg saves Tashtego by diving into the ocean and cutting into the slowly sinking head.

During another whale hunt, Pip, the Pequod’s black cabin boy, jumps from a whaleboat and is left behind in the middle of the ocean. He goes insane as the result of the experience and becomes a crazy but prophetic jester for the ship. Soon after, the Pequod meets the Samuel Enderby, whaling ship whose skipper, Captain Boomer, has lost an arm in an encounter with Moby Dick. The two captains discuss the whale; Boomer, happy simply to have survived his encounter, cannot understand Ahab’s lust for vengeance. Not long after, Queequeg falls ill and has the ship’s carpenter make him a coffin in anticipation of his death. He recovers, however, and the coffin eventually becomes the Pequod’s replacement life buoy.

Ahab orders a harpoon forged in the expectation that he will soon encounter Moby Dick. He baptizes the harpoon with the blood of the Pequod’s three harpooners. The Pequod kills several more whales. Issuing a prophecy about Ahab’s death, Fedallah declares that Ahab will first see two hearses, the second of which will be made only from American wood, and that he will be killed by hemp rope. Ahab interprets these words to mean that he will not die at sea, where there are no hearses and no hangings. A typhoon hits the Pequod, illuminating it with electrical fire. Ahab takes this occurrence as a sign of imminent confrontation and success, but Starbuck, the ship’s first mate, takes it as a bad omen and considers killing Ahab to end the mad quest. After the storm ends, one of the sailors falls from the ship’s masthead and drowns—a grim foreshadowing of what lies ahead.

Ahab’s fervent desire to find and destroy Moby Dick continues to intensify, and the

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mad Pip is now his constant companion. The Pequod approaches the equator, where Ahab expects to find the great whale. The ship encounters two more whaling ships, the Rachel and the Delight, both of which have recently had fatal encounters with the whale. Ahab finally sights Moby Dick. The harpoon boats are launched, and Moby Dick attacks Ahab’s harpoon boat, destroying it. The next day, Moby Dick is sighted again, and the boats are lowered once more. The whale is harpooned, but Moby Dick again attacks Ahab’s boat. Fedallah, trapped in the harpoon line, is dragged overboard to his death. Starbuck must maneuver the Pequod between Ahab and the angry whale.

A. Introduction to Herman Melville (1819-1891)字体对吗

Born in New York in 1819, Herman Melville is famous for his great work--- Moby Dick, which earns him an everlasting reputation.

1. His great success as a writer can be attributed to many factors.

To begin with, its success has something to do with his rich life experiences, which provide him with endless literary conceits. He was born to a prosperous family engaged in import of foreign goods. However, family business failed at the end of the 1820s despite his great efforts to revive it. Running out of fortune on land, Melville stared his first sea voyage at nineteen, as a merchant sailor on a ship bound for Liverpool, England. Later, he committed to a whaling voyage of indefinite destination and scale on Acushnet, from which he draws lots of inspiration to his works, such as a series of novels about adventures and his philosophy of life. It is those novels that pave the way for the greatest work Moby Dick. 2. Nathaniel Hawthorne exerts a profound influence on him.

Having admired Hawthorne's psychological depth for long, Melville dedicates Moby Dick to Hawthorne, since in his eyes, Hawthorne belongs to a new, distinctively American literature.

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3. His writing is consciously literary.

His rich rhythmical prose and poetic power show his high craftsmanship. He made many references to former authors in their works, the Bible and Shakespeare in particular. In Moby Dick, for example, there are many allusions to classical myths. Therefore, Moby Dick is regarded as the first American prose epic, a Shakespearean tragedy of man fighting against overwhelming odds in an indifferent and even hostile world. The literary quality of Melville’s style makes him extremely difficult to understand. On the one hand, much of the talk in the novel is sailor talk; on the other hand, he wrote in an old style. Some of his language is old-fashioned manifesting Elizabethan influence. He did so purposely to raise the importance of the subject that he was discussing. And there is a threefold quality in his writing: the style of fact, the style of oratory celebrating the fact, and the style of meditation. Melville was influenced by popular American oratory, known as the Lyceum movement in the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s. Melville himself gave such public lectures sometimes. Therefore, he wrote as if he were giving a public speech.

4. His style is highly symbolic and metaphorical.

In this respect he was like Nathaniel Hawthorne. Moby Dick is a tragic epic, a romance of moral inquiry about the nature of good and evil, and about the power of will to defy fate. It is a naturalistic story of whale-hunting, yet metaphorical and symbolic. The ship on the ocean is a symbol of the whole world with people of every land sailing across the waters of life in quest of its mystery. The voyage is a metaphor for search and discovery. The ship is one of the American soul. The ship is also a microcosm of American society. It contains representatives of most social and ethnic groups, and their various reactions to the chase. Moby Dick itself represents the mystery of the universe. This hook has many non-narrative chapters, and this is how Melville changed an adventure story into a philosophical novel. Many chapters in the hook have nothing to do with\chapters give factual background information about what goes on aboard the ship on a routine day. It contains all of life. He used the technique of multiple views to achieve the effect of ambiguity.

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B. Introduction to Moby Dick

Moby-Dick is a symbolic work, but also very interesting, because it also to the natural history and other problems. Other topics include delusions, religion, idealism and pragmatism, revenge, racial discrimination, hierarchy, and politics

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville, published in 1851, is regarded as the embodiment of American Romanticism, for it is \one, and from the very opening it conveys a sense of abundance, of high creative power, that exhilarates and enlarges the imagination.\39) In a large sense, Moby Dick has secured Melville's place in American literary history. 1. Symbolism makes Moby Dick a great success

The story depicts the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on the whaleship Pequod, which is in the charge of Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab intends to take revenge on Moby Dick, a white whale of tremendous size and ferocity. With the development of the plot, Ahab's fervent desire to find and destroy Moby Dick has been intensified, which prompts him and the crew to a tragic end.

What makes Moby Dick a great success is more than its plot. In Moby-Dick, Melville employs stylized language, symbolism, and metaphor to pore into numerous complex themes, including history, philosophy, religion, in addition to relationship between human and nature. Through Ishmael’s journey, it presents a panorama of the society in 19th century.

2. Herman Melville was the celebrated author of several big 19th-century ovels about the sea.

Moby-Dick (1851), the story of the fanatical Captain Ahab and his hunt for the great white whale of the title, is now considered one of the classics of American literature. Melville's other novels include Typee (1846), Omoo (1847), and Billy Budd (published posthumously in 1924). Melville published little after 1860 and it wasn't until the 1900s that he gained his reputation as one of early America's great authors.

Captain Ahab hates Moby Dick--“the white devil”--because he lost a leg to the white whale in a fight. Now Ahab, the captain of a whaling ship, can only think of one thing. He has

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to find Moby Dick and kill him.

Many of the other sailors on the ship don't know about their captain's plan. Ishmael is a young sailor and this is his first whaling job. He and his new friend, Queequeg, sail with Captain Ahab on this exciting-and dangerous--trip. Also on the ship are Starbuck, Srubb, and other whalers from different countries. He is prepared to sacrifice everything, including his life, the lives of his crew members, and even his ship to find and destroy his nemesis

Ⅱ.Extended meaning of Moby Dick

A. Symbolism

Arthur Symons (2004) said: \Symbolism, no literature\Symbolism in literature came into being in the latter half of 19th century and lasted to the early 20th century. It is the forerunner of twentieth-century modernism, a period when symbols and evocative suggestion take place of direct statement. 1. Symbol

It is essential to probe into symbol before dealing with symbolism, since symbol is an indispensable medium of symbolism. Only by symbol can symbolism achieve its goal of being musical, suggestive and mysterious.

Combined with both literal and evoked meanings, symbol realizes the goal of expressing abstract meaning by using a specific and objective image, which enables the writer and the reader to seek the implied idea in a specific context. 2. Symbolism

\can be defined as the art of expressing ideas and emotions by not describing them directly, nor by defining them through overt comparisons with concrete images, but by suggesting what these ideas and emotions are, by recreating them in the mind of the reader through the use of unexplained symbols.” (Chadwick, 1971)

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3. Functions of Symbolism

It is Paul Valery in French, Rainer Maria Rilke in German, and W. B. Yeats in English that carried the tradition into the 20th century, and hardly any mater of modernism was unaffected by it. American literature of the early 20th century undoubtedly has been profoundly influenced by Symbolism. It is its great function that makes it has such an effect on literature.

B. Symbolism of Evil

1. Transcendentalism and Anti-transcendentalism

Transcendentalism is an idealist philosophical tendency in and around Boston in the mid-19th century. Growing out of Christian Unitarianism in the 1830s and influenced by German and British romanticism. Transcendentalism affirmed Kant’s principle of intuitive knowledge not derived from the senses, while rejecting organized religion for an extremely individualistic celebration of the divinity in each human being.

The leading Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson issued the movement’s manifesto in his essay Nature (1836), which presents natural phenomena as symbols of higher spiritual truths. The nonconformist individualism of the Transcendentalists is expressed in Emerson’s essay Self-Reliance (1841) and in Henry David Thoreau’s Walden (1854)--a kind of autobiographical sermon against modern materialism. The Transcendentalists’ manner of interpreting nature in symbolic terms had a profound influence on American literature of this period, notably in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Walt Whitman. (Chris Baldick P228) 2. The Nature of Evil

According to the Transcendentalists, Man is more than the word good can describe; instead, man is divine because they are blessed with Divine Intellect awarded by God. Hence, in their eyes, evil does not exist, let alone development.

From the perspectives of psychology and philosophy, evil can be defined in different ways. In psychological terms, evil is a deviation from the ego. An evil ego holds the view that

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terror is the most effective force to dominate others; hence, he has a strong desire to dominate other egos by making terror. On the other hand, the dominated ones are subject to such a fear that they can hardly take effective action to defend them. Under such circumstance, an evil person can do anything to them as they wish. By such means, there emerges a vicious circle. In religious or spiritual terms, evil is an aberration of the soul. Since the soul is created in the image of God, therefore, it is peaceful, loving, happy and eternal in nature. On the contrary, evil is hostile and cold-hearted in nature, furthermore, it brings disasters and sufferings to human beings. 3. Symbols of Evil

To Captain Ahab, attacked on the previous whaling voyage by Moby Dick, the whale symbolizes all evil in the universe. Therefore, he takes a personal fight against the whale. In the process of destroying the whale, Ahab is destroying his own fears and evils that he is confronted with in the world. And in a large sense, the ship Pequot is the vehicle of evils. In the beginning, the savage-looking ship is nothing but a tool of traditional whaling industry. The development of the plots has close connection with the ship, when Ahab makes his first appearance on deck, balancing gingerly on his false leg, which forebodes something awful. As the Pequot sails toward the southern tip of Africa, whales are in sight but unsuccessfully hunted. On the third day, the boats are once again sent after Moby Dick, who once again attacks them. By then, the evils are displayed to full: Fed Allah’s corpse is lashed to the whale by the harpoon line; the Pequot is sunk; Ahab is caught in a harpoon line and hurled out of his harpoon boat to his death; all of the remaining whaleboats and crew are trapped and struggling in the vortex created by the sinking Pequot.

II. Symbolism of God

A. View of God in Anti- transcendentalism

For Jewish, Christian, and Muslim, God is an eternally existent being that exists beyond space and time. Since God is the creator of the universe, he is almighty, unexplainable and unknowable.

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Unlike Transcendentalism, which takes God as the Over soul, the soul of the Universe, God is regarded as a destructive force, unknown to human beings and can not be defied in every possible means and on every possible occasion. Furthermore, God inflicts pains and suffering on human beings, and it is impossible to find a way out even trying to avoid him as much as possible.

B. The Symbol of God

Ishmael is the narrator of the novel Moby-Dick. It is through his eyes and experiences that the panorama of the full story of the ship Pequod, and the fight between Captain Ahab and the white whale presents itself in front of readers. At the beginning of the novel, the whole story revolves around him; however, with the development of plot, he recedes into the background as a commentator.

III. Symbolism of Nature

A. View of Nature

Nature, in the eyes of Anti-transcendentalist, is a symbol of everything unexplainable. For them, Nature is vast and incomprehensible, reflecting the struggle between good and evil; Nature, created and possessed by God, can not be understood by human beings.

In Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil (1836), Anti-transcendental idea about nature is well illustrated throughout the story. The literature builds the idea of humanity and nature in totally different perspectives, which reflects the principle ideas of Anti-transcendentalism movements.

B. symbol of nature

Since the religious beliefs has exerted great influence on the novelist, Moby Dick is unavoidably has the makings of pessimism. To some extent, Moby Dick, chased and hunted by Ahab, is not the actual whale but a symbolic one, but a whale that stands for the ultimate mystery of the universe, the mystery of nature. He, immortal, omnipotent and almighty, can

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be found almost everywhere. Moby Dick with her supernatural and mythical power represents the hostile world of nature.


Based on a systematical analysis of the use of symbolism in Moby Dick, we can see that Moby Dick is rich in symbolism which functions on several levels and a variety of ways. One of the most important qualities of Melville’s symbolism is the way it is fully integrated into the plot, so that the symbols seems naturally to grow out of the action rather than existing as mere abstractions.

The white whale stands for many concepts: first, she stands for evil, since she is the source of all sufferings in Ahab’s eyes, and the white whale is the incarnation of evil, unconquered, and tends to develop flourishingly and bring sufferings and disasters to human beings eventually. Second, the white whale symbolizes God, all-powerful and unexplainable. Third, the white whale stands for nature from different perspectives, since both nature and the white whale share similarities.

By adopting symbolism, Melville reveals his view of relationship between nature and human beings: either fall as a victim to nature and ending in tragedy or live in harmony with nature by not disturbing nature.

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