七年级下册Unit4dont eat in class导学案

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执 笔:黄 岩 讨论成员:周冬和、方宁林、黄岩 学案编号:yy70019 审 核:周冬和 审 批:陆 林 授 课 人:

授课时间: 组 名: 班 级: 姓 名: 检 查 人: 预习情况:

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 1a —1c

【学习目标】1、掌握本节课7个单词和3个短语。 2、掌握并灵活运用句型:

What are the rules ? Don’t do sth. We can(not) do sth We must do/be

3、学会用所学知识向对方询问规章制度,并表示许可或不允许做的事句型 【学习重点、难点】:1. 7个单词和3个短语。 2. 祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式

3. 句型:What are the rules ? Don’t do sth.

We can(not) do sth We must do/be)

【导学指导】:一: 熟练掌握词汇: rule,arrive,be on time hallway, hall,

dining hall,listen,listen to,fight, sorry

二: 通过问答对话形式谈论学校规。

【知识点拨】祈使句 表示请求或命令的句子叫做祈使句.它通常省略主语(you),根据语气的

强弱,在句末用叹号或句号,读时用将调. 肯定肯定结构:用动词原形开头,例如Be quiet, boys and girls. Let me help you. 否定结构:用don’t+动词原形, 例如 Don’t eat in class. 有些可以用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句,例如No parking. 禁止停车。


任务一: 会读写本课词汇,个人自读,记忆本课单词小组互相检查单词读写情况



1. 规则______ 2. 到达_______ 3. 走廊________ 4. 大厅_______ 5. 餐厅__________ 6. 倾听______ 7 .听……__________ 8 .打架______ 9. 抱歉的_________ 10. 准时______________ 2).你能通过预习说出下的句子吗?

1 上课不要迟到。 ______ _______ ______ 。 2. 我们必须准时上课。 We _____ _______ ________ ______for class. 3. 有什么规则? What are ______ _______ 【合作探究】

(1)教师课前安排组长检查学生自主学习完成情况。 (2 ) 教师检测学生对本节课的10个单词的记忆情况。

(让学生利用课前3分钟加强记忆,然后选各组同学进行拼读,全班学生进行点评) (3)情景导课:播放一些学生喜欢听的音乐,告诉学生自己喜欢听谁的歌曲,并询


Can we listen to music in class?帮助学生回答 No, we can’t. (4 ) 师生看图,核对1a答案,然后学生齐读句子。 (5)听录音,完成1b,师生核对答案 (6)教师点拨对话。

探究 小组讨论:观察下列几个句子,祈使句的肯定句式与否定句式。 1. Open the door, please. 2. Look at the blackboard, please.

3. Don’t arrive late for class.. 4. Don’t run in the hallways.


1.让学生利用1a中的学校规章制度两两分组进行练习1b中的对话。 示范: A: What are the rules?

B: We can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time.

2. 各组推荐两位同学进行展示,学生给予点拨表扬。 【达标训练】一、英汉互译

play games____________ play the violin____________ the art club_____________ 下象棋___________ 弹吉他________________ 参加英语俱乐部_____________________ 二、选择

( ) 1.Jenny and I can _____ some dumplings(饺子).

A. make B. makes C. making D. to make ( ) 2.-Can Jim play the guitar? -No, ______.

A.I can B. he can C. he can’t D. she can’t ( ) 3.She wants _____English in class.

A. speaks B. to speak C. speak D. to say ( ) 4.-Can you play Chinese chess ? -______, but I can play soccer.

A. Yes, I can . B. No , she can’t C. No ,I can’t D. No , I can ( ) 5.We can play___ basketball, but they can play ____ guitar .

A. /, / B. the, / C. a, the D. /, the

( ) 6.-Can you play chess, boys ? –Yes, _________ .

A. I can B.you can C.we can D. we must ( ) 7.-___ Bob play computer games ? –Yes, he_________ .

A. Can ,can’t B.Can ,can C.Must, can D. Must, must ( ) 8.-We ____ listen carefully(仔细地) in class .

A. can B. can’t C.must, D. need


1.-你会画画吗? ______ you _______? –不,我不能。No, _______ ___________ . 2 .我想参加音乐兴趣小组。 I _______ to join the __________ ____________ . 3 .她会说英语吗? —不,但她会汉语. -_________she _________ _________ ? -No, but she can speak ___________ . 4 他会下象棋,但不会弹吉他 .

. He can_______ _________, but he_________ ____________ __________ ____________ .


通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_________________________________________________ 感到自己有待加强的是____________________________________________________________


执 笔:黄 岩 讨论成员:周冬和、方宁林、黄岩 学案编号:yy7020

审 核:周冬和 审 批:陆 林 授 课 人:

授课时间: 组 名: 班 级: 姓 名: 检 查 人: 预习情况:

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 2a —2d


2. 学习情态动词can/must/have to 的用法

3. 继续运用所学知识谈论学校的规章制度.

【学习重点、难点】: 1. 词组:first day, a lot of, music player, school uniform

2. 运用can/ can’t来谈论学校里可以做与不可以做的事。 3. 情态动词must与have to 的区别 【导学指导】:

一、学会活用下列句型: 1. I /He /She can’t do----,but I /He /She can do----

2.-What are the rules?

-Don’t be late for school. We always have to wear the school uniform.


1)must的用法: 表示主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思为“必须……, 得……,要……”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to, 否定回答要用needn’t或don’ t have to,意思是“不必”;must的否定形式mustn’t表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。

We must find a good method to learn English well.

2).have to的用法: have to表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。如: I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。 Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop. 妈妈不在家,因此我不得不照看商店。

have to的否定形式是don’t have to,相当于needn’t。如: They don’t have to buy a computer at present. 他们目前没有必要买电脑。

【自主学习】:补全对话,一空一词。 A: What are the school ______? .

B: We can’t _______ _______music in the classroom ______hallways. _______

we can listen to it outside.

A: Can we _______ a hat in class?

B: No, we can’t. Oh, you can’t fight _______ your classmates. That ______ the

teachers really unhappy. A: What else?

B: Oh, we also _______ _______ be quite in the library.



(2 ) 情景导课:教师利用下面的问题提问引出新课。

1. What are the school rules ? 2. What can we do at school? (3)听录音,完成2a,师生核对答案

(4).再听一遍,完成2b内容. 师生核对答案。

(5)学生阅读2d对话,组织学生翻译并给予点拨鼓励或表扬。 【展示交流】

1.让学生利用2b中信息两两分组进行练习2c中的对话。 2. 各组推荐两位同学进行展示,学生给予点拨表扬。


探究: 学生分组讨论自己在学校能做的事情与不能做的事情,然后推荐几个同学介绍情况


1. Can we listen to music ? 2. Can we run in the hallways?

2. We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. 【达标训练】


1. Sometimes I arrive late ______ (to/for) school.

2. Don’t _______(listen/listen to) music______(at/in). 3. Don’t _______ (fighting/fight) with your classmates.

4. I _______(have to/can) clean the classroom now. (Do/Can) you wait for me _______ (outside/inside)


( ) 1.-Please be quiet in the library! Look at the sign. It says, “No ______.” -I am sorry.

A. talk B. talking C. read D. reading

( ) 2.Can your brother walk?

A. No, he can’t. B. Yes, he can. C. Yes, he does. D. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 3. –What are the rules in your house?

–I _____ watch TV before I finish my homework. A. can’t B needn’t C. can. D. have to

( ) 4.-Would you like to have dinner with me this evening?

-Yes, I’d like to. But I _____ look after(照顾) my mother. She is ill. A. can’t. B. have to C. may D. could

( ) 5.-Mom, must I clean my room now?

-No, you ______. You can do it tomorrow.

A can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t


1. He doesn’t his homework at home . 2. Not go out at night, Alan.

3. You can’t fight with your classroom, I can’t, too. 4. Don’t listen music, please be quiet. 5. That make our teacher really unhappy.



执 笔:黄 岩 讨论成员:周冬和、方宁林、黄岩 学案编号:yy7021 审 核:周冬和 审 批:陆 林 授 课 人:

授课时间: 组 名: 班 级: 姓 名: 检 查 人: 预习情况:

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A Grammar Focus—3c


2、巩固学习Grammar Focus中含有情态动词can表示请求的用法Can I/we…?的句式。

3、.继续学习情态动词must和have to的用法。



1. 进一步学习否定祈使句Don’t run in the hallways. Don’t fight.

2. 情态动词can表示 请求允许的各种句式:

Can we eat in the classroom? 答句 No, we can’t, but we can eat in

the dining hall.

Can we wear a hat in class? 答句 Yes,we can../No, we can’t.

3. 情态动词have to的一般疑问句及特殊疑问句的用法

Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

What do you have to do? We have to be quite in the library. 【导学指导】:

通过问答训练含有情态动词can和have to的各种句式,从而巩固学习它们的用法。 【自主学习】:

认真阅读语法项目中句型,完成3a、3b中练习.小组讨论,并核对答案. 【合作探究】

(一)教师课前安排组长检查学生自主学习完成情况 (二)教师点拨归纳Grammar Focus中重点句型。

1. 教师可以从各组挑选两位同学,一学生朗读句子,一学生翻译其他学生点评。 2. 教师归纳总结句型及其答句. 3. 学生男女分组问答句型。 (三)师生解读3a,3b内容,核对答案。 【展示交流】

1.让学生利用3b中内容两两分组练习对话。各组推荐一对同学进行展示,学生点拨 Model: A: Does she have to be quiet in the library? B: Yes, she does. 3. 师生利用Grammar Focus中重点句型进行问答练习。

探究: 分组讨论:仔细观察下列句子,你能归纳in class, in the class, 与in the classroom


We must listen to the teacher carefully in class. 上课时我们必须认真听教师讲课。 There are forty students in the class. 这个班上有四十名学生。

When we are in the classroom, we should keep quiet. 我们在教室里应当保持安静。



( )1. — Mom, can I go to play football now?

—No, you finish your homework first. A. must B. can C. could D. may

( )2. Don’t watch TV school nights.

A. at B. in C. \\ D. on

( )3. Mr. Green will arrive Beijing this afternoon.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

( )4. I to clean the floor now.

A. have not B. don’t have C. had not D. didn’t have

( )5. I smoke here?

A. Must B. Need C. Can D. Have to

( )6. draw on the wall.

A. Not B. No C. Doesn’t D. Don’t

( )7. The visitors our school yesterday morning.

A. got to B. reached to C. arrived D. arrive in

( )8. My mother is not very well, she works very hard.

A. or B. but C. and D. too

( )9. do you think about Hangzhou?

A. How B. Which C. Where D. What

( )10. They don’t have to their school uniforms.

A. dress B. have on C. put on D. wear


1. We can wear hats in school. (改为否定句) ________________________________________. 2. No food in class. (改为同义句)


3. I have to do my homework after school. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________?

4. She has to be in bed by ten (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _______________________________________________? 5. Do your homework at school. (改为否定句)


【拓展训练】 (二)句型转换

1. We can wear hats in school. (改为否定句) ________________________________________. 2. No food in class. (改为同义句)


3. I have to do my homework after school. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________?

4. She has to be in bed by ten (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _______________________________________________? 5. Do your homework at school. (改为否定句)

_________________________________________________. 【总结反思】


执 笔:黄 岩 讨论成员:周冬和、方宁林、黄岩 学案编号:yy7022 审 核:周冬和 审 批:陆 林 授 课 人:

授课时间: 组 名: 班 级: 姓 名: 检 查 人: 预习情况:

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section B 1a —1d




【学习重点、难点】:1. 继续学习情态动词can表示“许可”的用法

2. 短语:go out 外出,see friends 看朋友,do the dishes 洗碗碟 【导学指导】:

1. 通过听力训练,巩固情态动词can用于表示“许可”的用法。

2. before的用法:用作介词,意为“在……以前”。例如

You must be here before six o’clock. 你必须六点之前来这里。 用作连词,意为“在……以前”,例如

I must clean my room before I watch TV。我必须做完作业才能看电视。 【知识点拨】:

look, see与watch的区别

都有看的意思,但它们的“看”法不同: 1)look通常表示主动地、有意识地看。单独使用时,用来引起对方的注意,如果跟宾语,要和at连用,例如

Look! Tom is over there. 看!Tom在那儿。 2)see通常指看的客观结果,看见,看到,例如 Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。

How many birds can you see in the tree? 你能看到树上有多少只鸟?

3)watch意为“观看、注视”,指较长时间集中注意力地观看,或注视正在运动中的人或物,如看电视、看比赛、看表演等。例如 Do you watch TV at night? 你晚上看电视吗?

【自主学习】:1. 翻译下列短语

1. 外出 __________ 2. 看朋友 ____________ 3. 做家庭作______________ 4. 练习吉他 ______________ 5.洗碗 _______________ 6. 每天上午_______________ 7.上学期间的晚上_________________ 8.晚饭前 ____________________ 9.每个星期六_______________ 10.上学期间的白_________________ 【合作探究】

(1)教师课前安排组长检查学生自主学习完成情况(教师可以挑选各组同学进行回答) (2 )教师点拨1a中内容 (3)听录音,完成1b、1c ,师生核对答案 . (4)教师解读1b方框中的短语: 【展示交流】

让学生利用1b和1c中的信息,两两分组进行练习1d中的对话。 【达标训练】


1. 放学后不许看电视。 2. 每天练习弹吉他。 3. 上学期间,晚上不要出去。 4 .放学后做作业。 二.用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. She practices ___________(speak) English every day 2. Liu Mei is good at _________(draw)?

3. The little girl helped me __________(find) the way to the school yesterday. 4. He is enjoying _________(play) the piano. 5. They _________(start) the game at 8 last night. 【拓展训练】

三. 用方框中的此完成对话,每空一词

do, watch, into, have, can’t, like , listen, clean, can, don’t A: Do you your new school?

B: Yes. It’s a good school and there are many rules. A: Really? you go out on school nights? B: Yes, we can. But we eat in class. And we can’t arrive late for class. A: Do you to wear uniforms?

B: No, we have to do that. But we have to the classroom every day. We can go the classroom without the teacher. We can _______ to music outside.

A: Can you TV after school?

B: No, we .We have to the homework 【总结反思】




执 笔:黄 岩 讨论成员:周冬和、方宁林、黄岩 学案编号:yy7023 审 核:周冬和 审 批:陆 林 授 课 人:

授课时间: 组 名: 班 级: 姓 名: 检 查 人: 预习情况:

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section B 2a —2c

【学习目标】 1. 掌握本节课的15个单词: make bed dirty kitchen more

noisy relax read terrible feel strict be strict (with sb ) remember follow follow the rules luck

2. 学习阅读方法,根据问题查找有用信息。

3. 掌握句型:There are too many rulers !

After dinner ,I can not relax either .

【学习重点、难点】:1. 掌握本节课的12个单词和3个短语。

2. 复习have to 与must的用法

3. 根据问题快速浏览信息的能力, 提取有效信息的能力。 【导学指导】:

一: 熟练掌握词汇 : dirty, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel,

strict, remember, follow, luck,make one’s bed, be strict (with sb.), follow

the rules, too many rules, read a book, good luck,

二: 通过细读2b中的短文,完成2c练习, 能够运用have to/must, can/can’t谈论



1. strict的用法

1) strict作为形容词,意思为“严格的,严厉的”。例如

Miss Wang is a strict teacher. 王老师是一位严格的老师。 2) 短语 be strict with sb. “对某人要求严格” be strict in sth. “对某事要求严格”

The teacher is strict with us. 老师对我们要求很严格

Her mother is strict in her study. 她的妈妈在学习方面对她要求严格。 2. follow的用法:作为动词,意为遵守规则:跟随。

We have to follow the school rules. 我们得遵守学校规章制度。 【自主学习】:

任务一: 掌握本节课的12个单词和3个短语

1. 个人自读,记忆本课单词

2. 小组互相检查单词读写情况.

任务二: 学生阅读2b中短文,完成练习(划出文中Molly的家规) 【合作探究】

一、检查预习情况 1)教师随机检查学生单词记忆情况



二、师生解读2a, 2b短文,完成相应练习,教师点拨知识 。



1 .规则太多了!_____________________________________________________________ 2.不要把脏餐具留在厨房里。_________________________________________________ 3 .在那之后,我跑着去学校,因为我不能迟到。____________________________________ 4.在学校不准喧哗。_________________________________________________________ 5.晚饭之后我也不能休息。___________________________________________________ 6.我必须在我能看电视之前读一本书。_________________________________________ 7.太可怕了。我该怎么做?___________________________________________________ 8.我知道你的感受。_________________________________________________________ (二)选择

( )1. ________away this dirty shirt and ________me a clean one.

A.Take;bring B.Take;take C.Bring;take D.Bring;bring

( )2. I have ________skirts and this one is ________large for me,so you can take

it if you like. A. too many; too much B. too much; much too C. too many; much too

( )3.---- _________ Tom_______go to bed by ten? A.Do;has to

B .Does; have to C. Does;has to 4. I don’t like her, ________. A.also B.too C.either D.to

( 三 )用too many, too much 和much too 填空:

I have ________ homework to do but there are __________people in my room, they are _________noisy I can’t do my homework.

【拓展训练】从方框内选词并用其适当形式填空。 1. 我不得不做英语作业。

I _______ ________ do my English homework. 2. 我觉得我家的约束太多了。

I think I have ________ ________ rules in my house. 3. 我晚上 10:00 前必须上床睡觉。

I have to _______ in bed _________ ten o’clock in the evening. 4. 你认为你的英语课怎么样?

What do you ________ ________ your English class。 5.我们不能在教室里吃东西。

We can’t________ in the ____________. 6. 放学后我得练弹钢琴

I ________ ________ practice the piano _________ school. 【总结反思】

通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_________________________________________________ 感到自己有待加强的是____________________________________________________________

