2018-2019学年山西省应县一中高一下学期期中考试试卷 英语(word版)

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高 一 年 级 期 中 考 试

英 语 试 题

时间:120分钟 满分:150分 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. How did the woman arrive there? A. By train B. On foot C. By taxi 2. Where will they probably go? A. An Italian restaurant B. A Chinese restaurant C. A cafeteria 3. Where does the woman plan to go this weekend? A. The museum B. The park C. The zoo 4. What does the woman mean?

A. The man should be honest. B. The man raises a wolf. C. The man is famous.

5. Where does the conversation probably happen? A. In the hospital. B. In a restaurant. C. In a shop. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

请听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. What’s the weather like? A. Cloudy B. Rainy C. Snowy 7. What will they probably do? A. Drink tea. B. Go shopping. C. Watch a movie. 听第7段材料,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8. What does the woman want to do?

A. Have her car cleaned. B. Have her car filled. C. Have her car repaired

9. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Call them around five. B. Have a look at the car. C. Clean an engine. 听第8段材料,回答第10至第12三个小题。 10. Why was the man tired?

A. He just came back from an exhausting travel. B. He didn’t sleep well. C. He worked all day.

11. What did the woman do while the man was away? A. She went to work. B. She looked after his house. C. She had a party 12. What is the man’s gift? A. Some flowers. B. A bag. C. Some books. 听第9段材料,回答第13至第16四个小题。 13. What does the woman complain about? A. The man. B. Her babysitter. C. Her daughter. 14. What does the man think of the date of carrots?

A. Companies just make it up to get people to keep buying.

B. It’s really important.

C. People should pay attention to the date. 15. Who is Vivian?

A. The woman’s babysitter. B. The woman’s friend. C. The woman’s daughter.

16. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Come over and give her some opinions. B. Be her babysitter.

C. Help her with her daughter.


17. How long was the baby elephant trapped in the well? A. For 8 hours. B. F or 9 hours. C. For 11 hours. 18. What did the villagers do when the first arrived at the spot? A. They stood far away to watch. B. They removed some of the soil. C. They cut some bananas.

19. Who got the baby elephant out of the well finally? A. The mother elephant. B. The villagers. C. The baby elephant himself.

20. What is probably the speaker? A. A writer. B. A doctor. C. An anchor.





London Markets

Without its lively and colorful markets, London would lose a lot of its

charm(魅力). Make sure you find some time during your stay in England’s capital to have a walk around one of these places. Borough Market

Located in southeast London, it is one of the largest food markets in the world. It sells lots of fresh and organic products, as well as homemade sweets, mushrooms, jams, breads and cheeses. It is a must on a Saturday morning for every lover of delicious food. Portobello Road Market

This is one of the most colourful markets in London. It sells everything from books to second-hand clothing. It is especially known as a great place to look for antiques(古董).

Camden Market

This is actually several different markets. The place is considered a huge tourist attraction, so it is very busy at weekends. Different goods include

antiques, clothes, household goods and furniture---in fact it has all those things you realise you need when you see them even though you didn’t plan to buy them when you left home. There are a lot of dishes on offer in the many bars and restaurants in and around the markets. Greenwich Market

Greenwich is known for its fantastic market offering different handcrafted things, paintings and antiques. At weekends, you can get a good deal on antique furniture, second-hand books and rare records. Then, like many other

people---both locals and tourists---you can finish off your market tour with a

walk along the nearby river.

21. What does Borough Market mainly offer? A. Second-hand things. B. Handmade clothes. C. Valuable antiques. D. Different foods. 22. What’s so special about Greenwich Market on the weekend? A. It is only open to locals.

B. Visitors can pay less than usual.

C. Food from many countries is on offer. D. A special race is held by the riverside.

23. Which market is made up of more than one market? A. Camden Market. B. Borough Market. C. Greenwich Market. D. Portobello Road Market.


William Kamkwamba lives in Malawi, Africa, where most people have to grow their own food and have no electricity or running water. In 2001, when he was 14 years old, there was a terrible drought(干旱) and most families, including William’s, couldn’t grow enough food.

Because of the drought, William’s family couldn’t afford to send him to school anymore. So one day, William went to the library near his home to study. He found a science book called Using Energy, which included instructions for building a windmill(风车). Windmills are good sources of electricity, and they can bring water up from underground. William didn’t know much English, and he wasn’t able to understand most of the book, but it was full of pictures.

Looking at the pictures, William thought he could build a windmill for his family.

When William started building his windmill, a lot of people laughed at him, including his mother. But William saw the photo of the windmill in the book. That meant someone else was able to build it, so he knew he could build it, too. He didn’t have the parts and equipment that he saw in the book’s pictures. So he looked for parts in junkyards to build his machine.

William changed his design little by little. First, the windmill powered only one light bulb. Finally, it powered four lights. Then there was enough electricity for four lights and a radio. No one laughed at William after that, and people in his town started to come to his house to get power for their cell phones. Later, William built a second windmill. This one brought water up from underground. After that, William began to teach other people how to build windmills.

Now he uses his website, movingwindmills.org, to educate and give hope to people. His main message is this: “To the Africans and the poor who are

struggling with your dreams...trust yourself and believe. Whatever happens, don’t give up.”

24. What was William’s primary purpose of building a windmill? A. To set up a family business. B. To do a science experiment.

C. To realize his childhood dream. D. To bring electricity to his family. 25. What was William’s mother’s attitude toward his building a windmill at first? A. Hopeful. B. Worried. C. Doubtful. D. Uninterested.

26. What can we learn about William’s first windmill? A. It was sold at a high price.

B. It was made of thrown-away things.

C. It could bring water up from underground.

D. It looked the same as the photo in Using Energy. 27. Which of the following can best describe William? A. Honest. B. Humorous. C. Self-centered. D. Strong-minded


If you walk into the Helvetia Lavender Farm on the right weekend in July, you’ll be greeted by rows of lavender(薰衣草) bushes, white-topped tents, and country music. The owners of the small farm outside Portland, Oregon, have been hosting the event for 11 years.

Walking past the booths(货摊), you’ll see Nancy Miller, who owns the farm with her husband, Don. The couple bought the Hillsboro farm for a few reasons.

“I love lavender, and it grows so well here, and it’s just such a wonderful, fragrant(芳香的) flower,” Miller said. “The farm was also a way to raise

money for the work we do in Ukraine. We run a rehabilitation(康复) center, and work with children and teens.”

Miller explained that besides its beauty and fragrance, lavender has several advantages. “For example, if I had a headache, I put a drop of lavender oil on my forehead, and my headache disappears,” she said. “The other part that’s very important is that it’s relaxing.”

Near one of the entrances to the farm is a booth filled with watercolor paintings by Angela Grainger. She has been selling her works at the

Lavender Festival for eight years, and says that she loves the spirit of the event.

Grainger began painting during a difficult time in her life. “Painting was like my healing process,” she said. “It makes me happy, and I hope that when people see my paintings, they walk away happily.”

Jennie Thompson is also an exhibitor at the event, presenting people with pristine(原始状态的) photographs she took.

“I love photography,” Thompson said. “My favorite part is recording life in families and people enjoying their good times.”

For Thompson, a photograph is a memory recorded forever. She inspires other photographers to “follow your interest, take classes, and stick to your dream.”

28. What is one reason why the couple bought the Hillsboro farm? A. To support their work with kids. B. To build a medical center there.

C. To offer other people a relaxing place. D. To find a treatment for Miller’s headaches 29. What did Angela Grainger get from painting?

A. She became extremely wealthy. B. She grew confident and talkative.

C. She got a better chance of success. D. She got great comfort and happiness.

30. What does the underlined word “inspires” in the last paragraph mean? A. Allows. B. Invites. C. Encourages. D. Prepares. 31. What can visitors do at the Lavender farm event? A. Enjoy pop music. B. Enjoy different kinds of artworks.

C. Develop their painting skills. D.Grow lavender by themselves .


Three French students, using the name “Obvious”, have produced the first artwork created mainly by a computer program to be sold at auction(拍卖). Using artificial intelligence(AI), Obvious created 11 portraits of an imaginary family they called Belamy.

Obvious used 15,000 real portraits to train an AI program which has two parts. One part tries to create pictures that look real. The other part judges the work. If the portrait doesn’t look real enough, the first part goes back and changes its decisions until it comes up with a better picture. These decisions are controlled by an algorithm(计算程序).The students made many choices, helping guide the AI’s decisions. But even so, the painting is “signed” by the algorithm, instead of the students.

On October 25, Obvious’s picture, Edmond de Belamy, was sold at auction at auction at Christie’s in New York. The final price for Edmond de Belamy was $432,500---about ten times more than Christie’s expected.

This is not the first AI artwork, just the first one sold at auction. In fact, many people are not impressed with the portrait. “The work isn’t interesting, or original,” says 19-year-old Robbie Barrat. He should know. He wrote much of the program that created the pictures.

But he doesn’t like the idea of Obvious selling the picture. He thinks it’s too simple and gives a bad idea of what real AI artists are doing. He points out that he created many pictures like these over a year ago.

Obvious doesn’t hide the fact that it used Mr. Barrat’s work, or even that its portrait is not the best AI artwork ever. Pierre Fautrel of Obvious said, “... the goal of our project was to do something that was simple enough for...my mother or brother to understand.”

Obvious got the attention of Christie’s by selling another work, Le Comte de Belamy, for over $11,000 in February. One reason Christie’s chose to auction Obvious’s work is because AI art is unusual now. In the future it will be much more common.

32. What does Paragraph2 mainly explain? A. How Obvious made its decisions. B. How Obvious named its AI artwork.

C. How Obvious’s AI program did paintings.

D. How Obvious got the idea to become AI artists. 33. What can we learn about Edmond de Belamy? A. It’s Obvious’s first AI artwork.

B. It’s Obvious’s best AI artwork ever. C. It’s the first AI artwork highly praised. D. It’s the first AI artwork sold at auction.

34. What does Robbie Barrat think of the AI artwork sold at auction? A. It is of little artistic value.

B. It is worth more than the price paid. C. It is a good example of real AI work.

D. It is hard for common people to understand. 35. How does Christie’s feel about AI art now? A. Worrying. B. Money-making. C. Meaningless.




Tips for dealing with change

Dealing with change can sometimes be uncomfortable and stressful. Here are some things you can do to deal with change in your life a little easier. ? Think carefully and ask, “What’s the worst that can happen?”

We are often uncomfortable with change because we are afraid of the unknown. A good way to deal with the unknown is to think things through

carefully. ___36___, and then decide what would be your best– and worst-case situations.

? Ask yourself how much you can control

When a big change happens, it is important to figure out how much control over the situation you really have. ___37___. If you are going to be working through a role transition(转变), you can make a to-do list and check each item off when you complete it. ? Accept and reframe

Accepting that there are things beyond your control is likely to bring great peace of mind. ___38___, rather than as a setback(挫折). ? ___39___.

If the unwanted change is within your control, take an active method to deal with it. Try some problem-solving skills, or set some goals. Developing a plan of action and asking for advice are useful active methods. ? Seek support

It is perfectly normal to feel stressed if the change you are facing is really big. This is when it might be best to seek support. ___40___. There are always others in similar situations who can give you a helping hand. A. Take action

B. We are in control of how we feel

C. Consider asking friends or family for help D. Imagine all of the different possible results

E. Consider change as a chance to learn and grow

F. Think about the last time you were faced with a big change

G. Understanding how much you can change can help you manage change

第三部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



Grandma made Dad a sweater for his birthday. It was dark purple. Dad ___41___ it. He wore the sweater ____42___: when he walked the dog, when he went shopping and ___43___ of all, when he came to school events at my school.

I was ___44___ when warm spring days arrived and he ___45___ wearing it. But once the weather cooled again, that purple sweater came out of ___46___.

“Don’t you ___47___ to wear your other sweaters?” I asked. “The purple one looks like it is from outer space.” “It is the reason I love it!” He said, smiling.

One day, we ___48___ Uncle Bill’s farm. Dad tore(扯破) his sleeve(a part of

