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甘溪中学 吕丽

UNIT2 I used to be afraid of the dark.

(Section A 1a-2c)

学习目标: 1.学会用句型used to谈论过去曾经做过或喜欢的事

2.掌握描述人的性格的形容词,shy ,serious, outgoing 等 3.重点短语:used to wait a minute play the piano be interested in on the swim team 中考考点:used to 的用法

学习重点:谈论过去曾经做过或喜欢的事 学习难点:used to 的用法 教学流程: 一、课前检测 二、自主学习

1. 写出描述人的性格和外貌的词或短语 外貌的词 : short hair 个性特征的词 : quiet

2. 谈论你熟悉的人的过去并完成填空

My friend _______ used to be . He used to wear and have hair. 3.熟读新词,词组和重点句子,译一译。

play the piano __________________ play soccer ___________________

be more interested in ___________________ on the swim team_________________

used to wait a minute

Don't you remember me?____________________________ ? 三、探究展示

1.People sure change. 2.be on a team

I'm _____a swim team.我加入了游泳队 3.句型used to 的用法

例句1:Mario used to be short.

2. He used to wear glasses. 在这个句型结构中used to的含义为“ ”。表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯

When I was a child, I ____________ chocolate. 当我还是个孩子时,我常常喜欢吃巧克力。 3.used to+动词原形的否定形式:

主语+didn’t use+to do 或 主语+usedn’t +to do

例如 He _____use to study hard = He ________to study hard

4. used to do 的疑问式及其回答

(1) Used + 主语 + to do---?回答;Yes ,sb used to/sb usedn’t to (2) Did + 主语 + use to do---?回答;Yes,sb did/No,sb didn’t 如:she used to clean the room every day.(变一般疑问句)。 (1)_____she use to clean the room every day ?

Yes,she ____./No,she _____.

(2)______ she to clean the room every day?

Yes ,she____ _____./No,she ______ ____.

5.反意疑问句:You used to be short, ________/_______you? 6. 与be used to的区别

be used to 后接名词或动名词,表示“习惯于……..

I am used to________ hot food 我习惯于吃热的食品



1. 我以前很内向。I _______ ______ ________ quiet.

2. 他爸爸从前当过兵. His father ____________ ________ ____________ a solider.

3. 难道你不记得我的名字吗?_________ you ________ my name?. 4. 请等一会儿,汤姆马上来。

Please ________ _____ ________.Tom is coming at once. 5.我喜欢游泳,我在游泳队。

I like swimming and I am _______ ______ ________ ______. 五、中考链接

1. 选择正确的选项: ( )1 .Last year ,Mike was on the school team and he sports clothes. A .weared B.was used to wear C.used to wearing D.used to wear

( )2.Amy used to be very short she.

A.used B.didn’t C.didn’t use D.usedn’t to

( ) 3.They are very interested pictures.

A.at drawing B.to draw C.in draw D.in drawing

( )4.That little girl is afraid snakes.

A.at B.to C.of D.with ( )5.You’ll be used to in countyside.

A.work B.working C.to work D.worked

Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark

( SectionA 3a--4)

学习目标:1运用used to谈论过去曾经做过或喜欢的事

2 重点词汇:airplane,terrify, on,be terrified of, go to sleep,be alone,be afraid of 中考考点:used to 的用法 So+be/助/情+主语 学习重点:学会用英语谈论自己的过去和现在的心态变化。 学习难点:I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.

教学流程: 一、课前检测 二、自主学习

used to fly in an airplane

go to sleep watch ... on TV do ... at school straight hair

wait a minute speak in front of a group be terrified of move to 三、探究展示

1.I’m still afraid of being alone.

1)be afraid of be afraid to I used to be afraid of dogs.__________________________ He is afraid of going /to go out alone at night. ________________________. 2).alone 为形容词,意为 “独自的、单独的”(表状态),只做_____语,不做定语,侧重说明独自一人,没有同伴,alone 还可用作副词如:live alone意为___________。

lonely意为__________,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,如:feel lonely 感到孤独,寂寞,它在句中可作表语或定语,,作定语时意为荒凉的,偏僻的. She was alone in that room._______________________________. Tom lives on a lonely island. ________________________________. 2.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on 1)go to sleep 指渐渐入睡的过程,

go to bed意为 强调脱衣上床的动作 .

It’s time to go to bed now.______________________________. 2)with my bedroom light on 为介词短语,作_________状语。

The teacher came into the classroom with a book under his arm.

3.Now I'm tall. And so are you! So+be/助/情+主语,表示“另外一个人也如此”。助动词的选择取决于前一句话的谓语动词和后面的主语。

1)Tom can swim very well. So _____ I.

2)Lily practices English every day. So_______ I 3)I am interested in swimming. So _______ my mom. 四、达标检测

1.他以前很矮。He very short. 2.我弟弟以前在校足球队。

My mother on the school football team. 3.他的老师以前经常在晚上弹钢琴。

His teacher the piano at night. 4.你以前常常早上读英语吗?

you read English in the morning. 5.我的朋友昨天迟到了,我也迟到了。

My friend was late yesterday and so I. 五、中考链接 单项选择

( )1.Jack is afraid of flying.He feels before he gets on the plane.

A. excited B. terrified C. interested ( )2.Some people like to sleep with the door . A. open B. opened C. opening ( )3.---Are you ______ afraid of the dark? ---Yes, I am. I am terrified of it.

A. yet B. already C. still ( )4.________ study in No.43 Middle School?

A. Did you use to B. Do you used to C. Did you used to ( )5.---Are you afraid of______ at home ,Linda? ---No, I've grown up.

A. alone B. being alone C.being longly

( )6.---My brother made a study plan last night. ---____________. A. So I did . B. So do I. C. So did I.

( )7.---Look!Lucy is reading English aloud to practice her spoken English.


A. So is Lily. B.So was Lily. C. So does Lily.

UNIT2 I used to be afraid of the dark



2.掌握句型used to didn't used to Did you use to …?

中考考点:used to 的用法

学习重点:学会用used to谈论自己曾经做过或喜欢的事


We used to walk to school. We have to take the bus to school. 教学流程: 一:课前检测 二:自主学习

paint pictures_______________ love gym class_______________ music class _______________ used to do sth_______________ walk to school__________ all the time _______________ worry about _______________ take the bus________ chew gum


1.used to 意为_______________ 肯定句式_______________ 疑问句式_______________ 否定句式_______________

I used to get up at 5:30 in the morning last term.(变为否定句,疑问句)_____________________________________________________________________ 2..短语辨析

1). six-year-old/six years old

This is a _____________________ boy. The boy is ______________________.

2). worry about/be worried about 选择短语完成句子。 别担心他。______________________________

我们为他担心。_____________________________________________ 3). take the bus/by bus 选择短语完成句子 He goes to school________________________. He ______________________________ to school. 四:达标检测 系统小结

used to 意为_______________ 肯定句式_______________ 疑问句式_______________ 否定句式_______________ I used to get up at 5:30 in the morning last term.(变为否定


1.____________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 五、中考链接


( )1.Tina used to ________ short, but now she is a tall girl.

A. be B. being C. is ( )2.---Don’t you remember me? ---- ________.

A. Yes, I don’t B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do. ( )3. ----He is a very good student. ----- __________

A. All right. B. That’s all right. C. That’s right. ( )4.Yao Ming is _________ the Huston Rocket team.

A. in B. with C. on

( )5.---I used to be quiet. ---But you are very ______.

A. out go B. go out C. outgoing

( )6.Behind the factory there used to ______ much waste, ____? A. have; usedn’t there B. be; usedn’t it C. be; usedn’t there ( )7. When I was young ,I________the dark.

A.was terrified with B.terrified to C.was terrified of

UNIT2 I used to be afraid of the dark

(SectionB3a---self check)


2.能写出自己及他人生活的变化的文章 。 中考考点:writing skills

学习重点:chat, daily, comic, these days, all day, go right home, chat with sb,spend….doing sth,hardly ever,miss the old days, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends. But now I have to study.


教学流程: 一、课前检测 二、自主学习

1. 熟读新词,词组和重点句子,译一译。

chat with sb. these days all day go right home hardly ever daily life miss the old days spend time doing sth. 2.阅读3a ,回答下面的问题。

1) What is Tang’s biggest problem?

2) Why does Rose Tang have this problem?

3) When did Rose Tang begin to have this problem?

4) What did she use to do before starting high school? 三、探究展示

1. When I was young,I used to have so much time,but these days I gey up early and stay in school all day.

1) 此句是由连词 but连接的 _________ 并列句。如:Tom likes violin but doestn’t like piano 2) so much意为“如此多,这么多”,表示不确定的数量,修饰_________名词。. I have so much homework to do.____________________________. 3) in school相当于__________.school 前不加冠词。 He is at school today.__________________________.

2.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends,but I just don’t have the time anymore.________________________________________. 1)spend 意为“花费(时间,金钱)等”主语常常是____,常用于spend..(in)doing sth./spend… on sth.结构,意为_______________或___________________. Most students spend much time learning English grammar.____________________________.

2)cost常用作主语,多指某物花费某人多少钱和时间等。结构是:sth cost sb money/time/life,cost还可作 ___ 词,意为“价值,价格”。 The car cost me 89650 yuan.__________________________.

3) take花费,句型是:It takes/took/will take sb some time to do sth.此结构中it是_____ 主语,真正的主语是 ____, 多指花费_____.如:It took me two hours to finish my homework.

4) pay构成的结构中,一般以_____作主语,常用结构为 pay sb money for sth. Gina paid 300yuan for her cost.___________________________. 四、达标检测

( )1.She spends much time __________ for the final exam.

A. to read B. reading C. have read ( )2.He could hardly believe her words,____________?

A. did he B.couldn’t he C.could he ( )3.Sorry, I can’t join you. I _______ do my homework.

A. used to B. may C. have to ( )4.These days I’m busy _______ for the mid-exam.

A. a lot of B.studying C.to study ( )5.Yu Mei has changed _________.

A. a lot of B.lots of C. a lot

五、中考链接 假如你是李华,今年上初三了,请根据下面的表格写一篇文章介绍一下自己现在的生活和以前的变化。字数要求60---80词。 Used to Now Get up at seven Get up at six,read English for half an hour Watch TV and go to bed at nine Keep doing homework until eleven Play tennis Spend all my free time studying

课题:Unit2 Reading

学习目标:1 读懂并理解阅读材料,完成相应任务。 2 提高阅读理解能力,尝试复述课文。 3 握短文中出现的短语和句型。 中考考点:Reading skills

学习重点:短文中出现的短语和句型。 学习难点:提高阅读能力 教学流程: 一、课前检测 二、自主学习

1. 熟读新词,词组和重点句子,译一译。

a fifteen-year-old boy make a decision change one's life at last = head teacher to one's surprise take pride in = pay attention to give up change one's life pay for as...as sb.can get into trouble change one's mind no longer = be able to do sth. even though = look after = 2.默读课文,回答下面的问题:

(1) Why did his mother have to work? (2) What did she make a decision to do?

(3) Did the conversation with his mother change his life? (4) What is very important for parents? 三、探究展示

1. afford to do sth支付得起…的费用

I _______________to see the movie. 我看不起这个电影。 2.His mother looked after him as well as she could.

(1)“as+形容词/副词+as one could”意为________,也可用“as+形容词/副词+___________”表达.I will study English as hard as I could. _____________________________.

His mother looked after him _________ she could.他的母亲尽可能好好照顾他 (2) as well as为并列连词,意为,连接两个相同的句子成分,“不仅…而且…;又…;也。。。”

Living things need air and light ____________water. 生物不仅需要水,而且还需要空气和阳光。 She helps Tom ________________ I. 除了我以外她也帮了汤姆的忙。 3.even though=even if“即使”

_________I have to walk all the way, I’ll get there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。

4.no longer=not …any longer不再,已不

意义相近的短语:not …any more英式 not…anymore美式 (不再,已不) They _____________ use animals to do farm work.他们不再使用动物做农活了。


( )1. My father an English teacher.

A. used to B. is used to C. used to be ( )2. Amy used to have long hair, she?

A. used B. didn’t C. usedn’t to ( )3. Where live before you come here?

A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to ( )4. These boys are very in football. A. interested, playing B. interested, playing the C. interesting, play the

( )5. The boys don’t know .

A how do they swim B. how swim C. how to swim ( )6. --Why are you going in a hurry?

--Because I’m about late for school.

A. worried, being B. worrying, be C. worry, being ( )7. He will go there me, because I am too busy at home. A. instead B. instead of C. taking ( )8. I always go to sleep the light .

A. in , on B. with, on C. and , in 五、中考链接

( )1. She hardly ever goes to school late, she ? A. isn’t B. does C. doesn’t ( )2. –Don’t you remember me? -- .

A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t C. No, I do ( )3. --She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she? -- , though she was not feeling well.

A. No, she didn’t B. Yes, she didn’t C. Yes, she did ( )4. I spent half an hour my homework.

A. finish doing B. finishing doing C. to finish doing ( )5. It takes a long time by the way.

A. write B. to write C. writing ( )6. She is girl.

A. an 18—years—old B. an 18—year—old C. a 18—year—olds

( )7. Would you mind the door? It’s too hot here.

A.to open B. openning C. opening ( )8. Jack bought useful book. book is also very interesting.

A. a, The B. an, The C. an, A

