2015届高三人教版英语总复习 全国通用活页作业27Word

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1.Xiamen is______most beautiful coastal city and I believe I will come for______second visit.

A.the;a C.the;the

B.a;a D.a;the



2.—Mom’s gift?She ______ have chosen a better one for me. —She ______ be very happy to know it. A.should;must C.couldn’t;must

B.might;wouldn’t D.mustn’t;can’t



3.It is what you do rather than what you say ______matters. A.that C.which

B.what D.this

解析:考查强调句。强调主语部分。原句为:What you do rather than what you say matters.。 答案:A

4.The soldiers soon reached ______ was once an old temple ______ the villagers used as a school.

A.where;what C.where;which

B.what;which D.what;where



5.—Are you glad that you came to Washington?

—Yes,indeed.I ______ going to New York,but I’ve never regretted my decision. A.considered

B.am considering


亿折网 C.had considered D.have considered

解析:考查动词的时态。由于动词consider发生在动词came之前,所以用过去完成时。 答案:C

6.—Do you mind my smoking here? —______! A.No,thanks C.Yes,please

B.No.Good idea D.Yes.Better not

解析:此处表示委婉的不同意。意思是“你最好不要抽”。(You’d better not smoke.)。另外表示不同意的用语有:No,I don’t think so./ I’m afraid not./ I don’t agree with you.等。


10.The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front ______ to arrive. A.is expected C.expects

B.is expecting D.will be expected




亿折网 11.She didn’t find it any use ______ together with him. A.to live C.live

B.living D.lived

解析:句中的it是形式主语,any use是宾语补足语,又由于it is no use doing是固定句型,因此选用


12.This photo of mine was taken ______ stood the famous high tower. A.which C.where

B.in which D.there


解析:where引导的从句在句中作地点状语,并且where在状语从句的句首引起倒装。 答案:C

15.We must find a dictionary.______ will do. A.Some C.Every

B.Any D.Each

解析:any表示“任何”一本都行。句意:我们必须找到一本词典,任何一本都行。 答案:B 二、完形填空

I had a bad experience that happened last year.My wife and I__1__a landscape design company to plant grass and flowers and put in a stone walkway in our backyard.After they did the work,my wife looked over the__2__and realized they had charged us a lot of money for plants that were__3__planted.When we brought the__4__up to the owners of the company,the first thing


亿折网 they did was refuse to__5__it.They said they were innocent. When we asked them,they said they weren’t__6__since my wife and I could have removed the plants.In fact,they were trying to put the__7__on their customer. When we__8__them through the backyard and it was clear there was no way we could have moved away the plants(it would have been a lot of plants and clearly noticeable),they then__9__to pay us back only 75% of what they owed us.We thought it was__10__but decided to accept it.

But wait.There’s more.A few months later,the stone walkway they put in__11__.When I asked the company to__12__it,they said they would do so,__13__a month later they still hadn’t done it.More cracks(裂缝)showed up and things got worse.

__14__,I will never do business with this company again.They provided us with the worst customer__15__I’ve ever had.It made me shake my head,get frustrated and__16__how someone could do business like this and survive.One person who feels cheated by a company can__17__millions of people through Facebook,Twitter and online review sites,which will have a negative__18__on its brand.A company can no longer__19__its customers.They can’t treat them__20__and expect to thrive(兴旺).

作者遭遇了一次糟糕的客户服务经历。 1.A.ordered C.begged

B.permitted D.hired

解析:根据后文提到的纠纷可知,作者和妻子雇用了一家公司。 答案:D 2.A.plan C.cndition

B.bill D.material

解析:根据句中charged us a lot of money可知,这里指账单。 答案:B 3.A.ever C.never

B.sometimes D.often

解析:根据第二段中my wife and I could have removed the plants可知,作者的妻子发现,有些植物没有种植,却被收了钱。

答案:C 4.A.matter C.reply

解析:作者和妻子向公司经营者提出这个问题。 答案:A 5.A.explain


B.history D.result


亿折网 C.share D.balance

解析:根据后句They said they were innocent可知,他们拒绝承认问题。 答案:B 6.A.confused C.responsible

B.disappointed D.curious

解析:根据句中my wife and I could have removed the plants可知,他们认为自己没有责任。

答案:C 7.A.blame C.cost

B.credit D.attitude

解析:根据下文there was no way we could have moved away the plants可知,他们就是尽力把责任推给客户。

答案:A 8.A.picked C.employed

B.walked D.pulled

解析:根据句中through the backyard可知,作者和妻子带着他们查看情况。 答案:B 9.A.accepted C.offered

B.afforded D.required

解析:根据句中pay us back可知,他们提出赔偿。 答案:C 10.A.ordinary C.essential

B.unfair D.reasonable

解析:根据前句中only 75% of what they owed us和本句中but可知,作者和妻子认为不公平。

答案:B 11.A.turned up C.made progress

B.caught fire D.broke down

解析:根据后文More cracks showed up可推断,走道坏了。 答案:D 12.A.repair C.produce

B.place D.add

解析:根据后文内容可知,作者让他们来修理一下。 答案:A


亿折网 13.A.although C.but

B.so D.because

解析:根据句中they still hadn’t done it可知,这里表示转折。 答案:C 14.A.Probably C.Similarly

B.Fortunately D.Obviously

解析:通过作者遇到的问题可知,显而易见,他再也不会和这家公司有往来了。 答案:D 15.A.service C.price

B.attitude D.method

解析:根据前文内容可知,这个公司为他们提供了最差的服务。 答案:A 16.A.imagine C.wonder

B.predict D.study

解析:根据句中It made me shake my head,get frustrated可推断,作者想知道这样的公司怎么会发展。

答案:C 17.A.fool C.follow

B.reach D.count

解析:根据句中through Facebook,Twitter and online review sites可得到答案。 答案:B 18.A.future C.experience

B.reason D.impact

解析:根据句中negative和语境可知,这里指影响。 答案:D 19.A.visit C.appreciate

解析:根据前句内容可知,公司不能忽略客户。 答案:B 20.A.wrong C.hard

B.equally D.specially B.ignore D.leave

解析:根据句中expect to thrive可推断,公司不能错误地对待客户。 答案:A 三、阅读理解


亿折网 I am a psychologist.I first met Timothy,a quiet,over-weight eleven-year-old boy,when his mother brought him to me to discuss his declining grades.A few minutes with Timothy were enough to confirm that his self-esteem and general happiness were falling right along with them. I asked about Timothy’s typical day.He awoke every morning at six thirty so he could reach his school by eight and arrived home around four thirty each afternoon.He then had a quick snack,followed by either a piano lesson or a lesson with his math tutor.He finished dinner at 7 pm,and then he sat down to do homework for two to three hours.Quickly doing the math in my head,I found that Timothy spent an average of thirteen hours a day at a writing desk.

What if Timothy spent thirteen hours a day at a sewing machine instead of a desk?We would immediately be shocked,because that would be called children being horribly mistreated.Timothy was far from being mistreated,but the mountain of homework he faced daily resulted in a similar consequence—he was being robbed of his childhood.In fact,Timothy had no time to do anything he truly enjoyed,such as playing video games,watching movies,or playing board games with his friends.

Play,however,is a crucial part of healthy child development.It affects children’s creativity,their social skills,and even their brain development.The absence of play,physical exercise,and free-form social interaction takes a serious toll on many children.It can also cause significant health problems like childhood obesity,sleep problems and depression.

Experts in the field recommend the minutes children spend on their homework should be no more than ten times the number of their grade level.As a fifth-grader,Timothy should have no more than fifty minutes a day of homework(instead of three times that amount).Having an extra two hours an evening to play,relax,or see a friend would soundly benefit any child’s life quality.

本文通过一位名叫Timothy男孩的个案,探讨了学生课业过重的问题。 1.What does the underlined word“them”in the first paragraph probably refer to? A.Timothy’s parents. C.Psychologists.

B.Timothy’s grades. D.The students.

解析:文章结构题。从were falling right along with...可知them所指的东西是正在下降、下滑的东西,正是前面提到的his declining grades。


2.Timothy did homework________. A.between 7 pm and 8 pm B.between noon and 4:30 pm C.between 4:30 pm and 7 pm D.between 7 pm and 9 or 10 pm




