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Unit 1 Book 1

Unit 1 Book One

Section A Learning a Foreign Language

Teaching Objectives After learning this unit, Ss are supposed to be able to ● talk about their experiences of learning English. ● find out ways to learn English well online and offline.

● grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts in Section A and B. ● learn to write a paragraph of cause and effect.

● improve their reading skill---- finding out word meanings by using context clues and

word part clues.

● conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.

Time Allotment 1st and 2nd period------ Pre-reading Activities

3rd and 4th period------While-reading Activities

5th and 6th period -----Post-reading Activities and Section B 7th and 8th period------Listening and Speaking

Teaching Contents I. Important Points

A. Key words and phrases:

Section A: reward, positive, opportunity, medium, access, participate, virtual, commitment,

assignment, discipline, embarrass, insight, be worth sth./ doing sth.

far from, feel like sth./doing sth., come across, reap the benefits of, trade for

Section B: expand, aware, barrier, reflect, critical, arise, likely, reinforce, challenge, vital,

effective, be/ become aware of, hinder from, in addition, reflect on, allow for, remind sb. of

B. Key Sentence Patterns

1) Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English.

2) Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends.


Unit 1 Book 1

II. Difficult Points

1. I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes.现在分词短语作状语, 使用该结构时,应注意:



2.Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English. (L13)

表示否定意义的副词或短语放在句首作状语时,句子用部分倒装。如: never/little/few/hardly,seldom,nowhere,in no way,under no circumstances no sooner... than...,scarcely (hardly)... when...


3)现在分词在意思上与逻辑主语是主动关系, 而过去分词与逻辑主语则为被动关系。

Teaching Procedures I. Pre-reading Activities

A. Warm-up activities

a) Work in pairs to discuss the following questions to learn about the students’ experiences of learning English

1) When and where did you begin to learn English? 2) Do you enjoy learning English? Why?

3) Is it easy or difficult for you to learn English? Why? 4) What do you think is the best way to learn English well?

5) How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school? 6) How do you learn English? Is your learning of English successful? b) Work in groups to discuss the following questions.

1) What problems do you have in trying to learn English in your middle school? 2) What other things do you think we can gain through English language learning ? 3) Why do you think the computer can help you in learning English?

From our discussions, different conclusions can be drawn as follows:

1) There are some problems in learning a foreign language, such as pronunciation, grammar

rules, and cultural background. And the most frustrating one was how to memorize a large body of new words. English class is very large and few chances are available to practice spoken English in class. 2) For one thing, students have more freedom to set the pace of study for themselves. For

another, they could select the material to their taste or based on their English level. And best of all, they have more chances to exchange ideas with native speakers, without much worry about making mistakes.

3) Learning English can bring us a lot of benefits. To begin with, it can teach us the value of

practice. The more practice we do in listening, speaking, reading and writing, the more


Unit 1 Book 1

progress we make in English. Besides, it can give us insights into other cultures, keeping our mind open to new ways of thinking. And above all, it can help us communicate with many more people than before. Now talking with people in English is one of our favorite activities. Thus leading into the text by saying: Although English language learning is not easy and sometimes frustrating, we can get many things from it. Besides studying English in regular classrooms, we can learn it online. The text we are going to learn is to tell us how one student learned English by using a computer.

B. Background Information

1). Online learning

Online learning, a form of distance education, refers to learning and other supportive resources that are available through a networked computer. With the development of the Internet, online learning often takes place on the Internet. In an online lesson, the computer displays material (often in web browsers) in response to a learner's request. The computer asks the learner for more information and presents appropriate material based on the learner's input. The material can be as simple as traditional lessons and their tests that are transcribed into a computer program. The material can also be a complex system that tracks users' input and suggests learning material as a result. Or the material can be a work session that occurs through a real time chat; learning occurs through the interaction. The material can be presented as text, graphics, animated graphics, audio, video, or a combination of these that are displayed in web browsers or other multimedia players such as Windows Media Player. New Horizon College English http://www.nhce.edu.cn is a good example of a complex online EFL learning system.

2) Junior middle school

Junior middle school refers to the stage in the Chinese education system which follows primary school and includes years six through nine in the school time sequence. Normally, students are 12 or 13 years of age when they begin the sixth or transition year of junior middle school. In the American system, junior middle school most closely approximates middle school or junior high school in which the beginning or ending years of this period may vary slightly from region to region. The beginning age is about the same as that of junior middle school students in China.

3) Senior middle school

Senior middle school, the stage in the Chinese education system which follows junior middle school, includes years ten through twelve in the school sequence. Normally, students are 16 or 17 years of age when they begin senior middle school. Senior middle school most closely parallels high school in the American system which may sometimes include year nine as a transition year. Students who graduate at this level in both systems may choose to write a university entrance examination: The National University Entrance Exam in China and the SAT


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or Scholastic Aptitude Test in America.

C. Key Words and Their Collocations

1. reward : vt. give sth. in return for good and valuable doings 报答,酬谢,奖励

n. + (for) sth. As a return for good and valuable doings报答, 奖赏 Collocation : as a reward 作为报酬、奖赏

in reward for 获得报偿 offer a reward 悬赏

give/offer a reward to sb. for sth. 为某事而给某人报酬

reward sb. with sth./ for sth/doing sth 因。。。而酬谢 reap/ receive one’s just reward 获得应有的报偿

__His persistence/kindness was rewarded. He should be rewarded for his kindness. __The man rewarded the little boy (with $1) for bringing the lost dog. (= He gave the boy a reward of $1 for bringing the lost dog. )

__ As a reward for passing the exams, she got a new bike from her parents. __She got a new bike in reward for passing the exams.

rewarding.: a. ( of an activity, ect.) worth doing, worthwhile ,satisfying值得做的,令人满意的 __Nursing can be a rewarding job. __Gardening is a very ~ pastime. __This job is not very ~ financially. __a rewarding trip/film 值得一......的

cf. award: v. & n. award sb sth.; award sth (to sb.) __ Einstein was ~ed Noble Prize.

__ The court ~ed him the damages of 50, 000 yuan. __ She showed us the ~ she had won.

2. frustrate : vt. 1) make sb. feel upset and angry because sb. is unable to do what he would

like to do

2) cause the failure of sth.; defeat one’s effort — The lack of evidence in this case is frustrating the police. — The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.

Synonym: discourage/annoy/disappoint/upset/dismay/ depress/ set back Word Building: frustrated (adj.). frustrating (adj.). frustration (n.)


Unit 1 Book 1

frustrate: if something frustrate you it makes you feel annoyed or angery because you are

unable to do what you want. discourage: it refers to make somebody think that they will not able to succeed in doing

Cf. something so that they no longer want to continue doing it.

upset: both past tense and past participle of “upset” are “upset”. It refers to make someone feel unhappy or worried.

dismay: here “dismay” shares somewhat the same meaning of “upset”. It also refers to make

someone feel worried, disappointed or upset.

depress: it refers to make someone feel very unhappy. frustrated : adj 1) discouraged, not satisfied

2)unable to be successful in one’s chosen career.

Collocation: be frustrated in; be frustrated to do 在……方面感到沮丧 — She got frustrated as a nurse.

— Film directors are sometimes frustrated actors. —I feel frustrated in my present job.

—He was frustrated to find no support among his friends. frustrating : adj annoying, discouraging.

Collocation: frustrating +to do; frustrating +that-令人沮丧的是 — It was frustrating to live at the sea’s edge and be unable to swim. — I find it frustrating that I can’t speak other languages. frustration: n.

— Every job has its frustration .

— Life is full of frustrations for most people.

3. junior : n. 1) someone who is younger年少者 //be one’s junior 2) some of low or lower position地位较低者,晚辈


— He is my junior by three years./He is three years my junior./He is three years junior to me. junior : adj (to) lower in rank or standing(than sb) be junior/senior/superior/inferior/prior + to表示比较 — He is junior to many other people who work here.

4. positive : adj. effective, helpful 有益的,建设性的,积极的,确信的,明确的,无疑问的 (注意positive在不同语境下的不同意义)

Collocation: be positive about / as to / of / that…确信……, 确知…… __ Being creative and productive are seen as positive values. __ positive feelings like tenderness and joy — There is no positive proof of her guilt.

—We still don't have a positive answer as to how he died.


Unit 1 Book 1

A. misleading B. embarrassing 8. As you sow, so shall you ________.

A. mow

B. trim

C. boring D. demanding C. reap

D. ripe D. profit

9. At present, even selling newspapers will make a very good ________.

A. benefit B. good C. interest

10. The trouble is that there are not many students who really know how to make use of their time to its best _______.

A. benefit B. value C. advantage D. profit

Keys: 1-5 BDDCD

6-10 CBCDC


Unit 1 Book 1

Section B: Keys to Successful Online Learning

I . Reading Comprehension

1. Why is the online environment open and friendly? 2. What should online students do when problems arise? 3. What do successful online students think about online study? 4. What should online students do if they want to be successful?

II. Key Word Study

1) community: n. a group of people living together and / or united by shared interests 社区,


the academic community 学术界 the black community 黑人社区

the European Defense Community 欧洲防务共同体 community of tastes / interests 趣味/利益的一致

[构词法]:com(prefix:共同)+muni(stem:服务)+ty(suffix:性质,状态) Family members:

commune v.交流; 交谈 communion n.沟通;共有; 交往 communicate v.传送;联络;通讯 communication n.通讯;交通 communism n. 共产主义 communist n. 共产主义者 immune adj. 免疫的; 免除的 immunity n. 免疫性 immunize v. 使免疫

2) visual : a. gained by or connected with seeing 视觉的

visual defect / impression / nerve / test /navigation / education 视力缺陷/视觉印象/视觉神经/视力测试/目视导航/直观教育

3) barrier: n. something that prevents you from entering a place or going where you want to

go; obstacle; obstruction 障碍 break down / remove a barrier 消除障碍

build / erect/ set up /put up a barrier 设置障碍

constitute / form a barrier (to)构成障碍 overcome a barrier 克服障碍


Lack of self-confidence is one of the biggest barriers to your success in careers.


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This medicine acts as a barrier to the airborne infection of SARS.

3) perspective: n. way of thinking about something 看法;视角;观点 to view sth. from a new perspective 从新的视角看待某事 to lack perspective 缺乏洞察力

to put sth. into perspective 摆正某事的位置

to see things in their right perspective 正确地观察事物


We must keep the problem of SARS in perspective; it is not so dreadful as is widely thought to be.


Any theory, if seen in its wrong perspective, will turn out to be more of a barrier than a guide to its practice.

4) reflect v. 1). think quietly and deeply 深思,考虑,反省

2). show 反映, 体现

3). turn, throw or bend back sth. from a surface 反射,显示

__You should reflect on this problem before you make a decision. 你得考虑一下这个问题再作决定。 __Her poor grades reflect her lack of interest in school. 她成绩很差,说明她在学校对读书没有兴趣。 __The still water reflected the moon. 平静的水面映着月亮。

__The sky and the brightly colored trees were reflected in the calm surface of the lake. 平静的湖面上映出了天空和色彩艳丽的树木的倒影。

6) speak up: speak out; express sth. freely and frankly 直言不讳;毫保留地说出


If you have anything to say about the issue, you’d better speak up / out and not go beating about the bush like that.

7). effective a. 1). producing the desired result 有效的,生效的,起作用的 2). having a pleasing effect 效果好的, 给人印象深刻的 __Their efforts to improve the school have been very effective. 他们改善学校环境的努力卓有成效。 __an effective speaker 能打动人的演讲者 __an effective photograph 给人留下深刻印象的照

8). allow for take into consideration 考虑到,顾及,为... ...留出余地


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__We must start early, to allow for finding their house. 我们得早点出发,留出时间来寻找他们的房子。

__Allowing for the train's being late, we should be back by half past ten. 考虑到火车晚点,我们必须十点半回来。 Cf.allow of 容许 (= permit)

The current decisive battle against the disease allows of no negligence of duty on the part of the governments at all levels of our society.

III. Text Analysis Text Structure AnalysisIntroduction (Para. 1)Successful online learning depends on some Successful online learning depends on some unique qualities on the studentspart.unique qualities on the students’’part.Development (Paras. 2~15)The seven qualities ---the seven keys to The seven qualities ---the seven keys to successful online learning.successful online learning.Conclusion (Paras. 12~13) Equipped with the seven qualities, the Equipped with the seven qualities, the students are on their way to become students are on their way to become successful online learners.successful online learners.

IV. Assignments

1. Ask students to look up / search for information about online learning; SAT: The Scholastic Aptitude Test; GCE: General Certificate of Education

2. Read Section C, copy a thought-provoking/inspring quotation from it, bring it to the next class

and share it with the class.


