商务英语之(5. RECOMMENDATION)介绍宣传公司实力和相关设备-1213
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商務英語課程概況 之Chapter 5. Recommendation 第五章. 介紹宣傳公司實力和相關設備
一、为什么凡事有万全的准备就能成功? 为什么凡事有万全的准备就能成功 Why we say that making fully preparation is an access of success?
1. 准备英文资料 所谓丈八灯台, 照远不照近. 一旦要介绍自已的公司时, 才惊觉除了跟自已 业务有关的部门外, 其余的事竟然一无所知. 预先知道有外国人要来公司拜 会的思想, 必须要先行准备介绍公司的重点, 以及参观路线的英文书面资料. , , . 经由这种作业程序的准备, 自已也可更加了解本身所处的公司全貌. , . 2. 现场负责人的协助非常重要 在说明公司规模,业绩, 组织以及历史改革时, 应列出具体的数据. 这不仅是 要让对方更容易明白, 同时, 也较具有客观的说服力. 另外, 在参观工厂时, 你不可能知道现场的所有事物, 对你想让参观的地方, 或者对方特别感兴趣, 但又存在很多疑问的事情, 可以事前加以规划. 如果 自已没有太多的自信, 应该要多借助现场负责人员. 这时你只需充当翻译即 可. 如果自已先听听现场负责人的讲解, 那么就能够事半功倍.
所以有了万全的准备就不用惧怕.其后,平时在工作场合多运用具有代表 性的表达方式,跟自已公司的情形相互对照, 并且多加练习,一旦需要时 可以立即脱口而出.
如何完美的进行公司介绍? 二. 如何完美的进行公司介绍 A: 介绍公司a. 关于业绩 (如: Our net profits were…last year) (去年我们的纯利是……) b. 关于组织 (如: Our company consists of three major organizations.) (我们公司是由三个主要部门组成.) c. 关于历史 (如: The company was established in …) (我们公司成立于……)
B. 说明设施a. 促使参观设施 (如: Would you like to look around our factory?) (请问你愿不愿意参观一下我们的工厂?) b.介绍工厂的面积 (如: Our factory floor area is …我们工厂占地面积是……) c.设施的功能 (如: This building is for…这栋楼房是……) d.工场生产能力 (如: This plant can turn out…for month这个工厂每月可生产……) e. 随时尽力介绍公司内容 (如: May I show you our brochure? 我拿份公司简介给你看吧?) f. 遇到不会说的时候 (如: I’ll get someone who can explain it in more detail.) (我找个能说得更清楚的人和你谈谈吧.) g.请对方说出感受 (如: What do you think of our factory?你对我们工厂有什么看法?)
三、介绍公司的具体形式表现在: 介绍公司的具体形式表现在:A: 在会议室里 (1)说明公司的主要业务 ) Our company makes electric equipment. (我们公司制造电气产品) ---用于工厂制造业 It’s not the low prices but their quality which sells our goods. (我们的货物能卖出
, 不是出于价钱便宜, 而是因为质量好, 有保证.) ---用于销售行业 We provide an alteration service, it’s free of charge. (我们提供修改服务, 而且还是免费的. ) ---用于服务性行业 We always distribute leaflets to advertise that we sell the goods exclusively. (我们总是通过派发宣传单来广而告之我们的货品是独家发售的.) ---用于发行性行业
(2)说明公司的主要业务 ) Net profits were over 1 million Yuan last year. (去年大约净赚100多万元.) ---指净赚值 Sales were 1 million Yuan in 1992. (1992年的总营业额是100万元.) ---指营业额 The company has a capital of 5 million Yuan. (这家公司的资本额是500万元.) ---指资本额 (3)说明公司的组织 ) Our company consists of three major organizations. (我们公司由三个主要部门组成.) They are our management offices, research institutes and manufacturing plants. (这些是营业大厅, 研究所及制造工厂.) This is our head office building. (这是总公司大楼.)6
(4)说明分公司及销售网 )We have eight branches and two plants located throughout China. (我们在全国有8个分公司及2个工厂.) We have 15 retail outlets nationwide. (我们在国内有15个零售营业点.) We now command 15% of the market in home appliances. (我们在家电制品的市场上拥有15%的占有率.)
(5)说明公司的历史,员工人数 )说明公司的历史,The company was established in 1989, and we have about 1,400 employees now. (公司成立于1989年, 我们现有员工1,400名.) It was founded in 1986 as a small travel agency, and then expanded its activity into hotel management. (在1986年以一个小的旅行社创始, 后来扩大规模, 并开始经营大饭店.)
B: 在会议室里 (1) 催促对方参观设施Would you like to look around our factory? (你要不要参观我们的工厂?) Let me show you around our factory building. (让我带你参观我们的工厂大楼吧.) Are you interesting in looking around our new plant? (你有兴趣参观我们的新工厂吗?) (2)给对方看介绍工厂的小手册 ) May I show you our brochure? (请看看我们的小手册好吗?) Here are some handouts for briefing guests on the factory. (这儿有些工厂概要说明.)
(3)说明工厂土地的大概情况 ) Our factory floor area is about 5,000 square meters. (我们的工厂占地面积约5000平方公尺.) We have four plants throughout China, and this one is the second biggest.(我们在全国有四个工厂, 这是第二大的.) This one is the biggest in terms of production.(这个工厂的生产量最高.) (4)说明设施的功能 ) That building is mainly for shipping and storage. (这座楼房主要用于仓储.) The offices of the Engineering Department and R&D Department are in that same building too. (技术部门及研发部门也在那栋大楼里.) (5)说明有关工厂的生产能力 ) This p
lant can turn out 5,000 units per month. (这个工厂每月可生产量5000台.) This factory produces 2,000 tons per month. (这个工厂每月生产2,000吨.) The annual output is approximately 24,000 tons.(年产量最高约24,000吨.)
C. 介绍时也顾虑到对方。 介绍时也顾虑到对方。(1)告诉对方现在所处位置 ) We are now in the control room. (我们现在在控制室里.) This is the machining stage of our operation.(这个部分是机械加工.) We are here now. (我们现在位于这儿.) (2)建议对方休息 ) Shall we take a break? (我们要不要休息一下?) We’ve seen half of the plants so far. (到目前为止我们已经看了大半.) The restroom is at the end of the corridor. (洗手间在走廊的尽头.) (3)时常打听对方的意见 ) What do you think so far? (到目前为止, 你觉得怎么样?) Would you like to see some more?(还想再多看看吗?) What other parts of the plants would you like to see? (是否还想看看工厂的其他车间?)
(4)说明遇到困难 ) I’ll get someone who can explain it in more detail. (我去找个人为你做更详细的解释.) I’m sorry, but I’m not familiar with that myself. (真的很抱歉, 我对那个不甚了解.) (5)询问对方感想 ) What did you think of our factory? (你对于我们的工厂有何看法?) What did you find the most interesting? (有没有发现你特别感兴趣的事?) What did you think of our computerized operations. (请问你对于我们的电脑化作业有何看法?)
四、会见时有效沟通方法。 会见时有效沟通方法。 (Effective communication skills for interview skits)
(1) 虽然听起来像老生常谈 但微笑实在非常重要 虽然听起来像老生常谈, 但微笑实在非常重要.有时脸部表情比说话更重要. 此外, 也应该经常穿着整齐.
(2) 直接推广时的目光接触是必须的 直接推广时的目光接触是必须的.如果你不看着客人,便像在说谎. 目光接触有助和客人建立个人关系, 而且 亦给予顾客信心.
(3) 如果知道的话 要说出客人名字 而且要准确的说 如果知道的话, 要说出客人名字, 而且要准确的说.名字对个人来说非常重要, 说出名字时你已经和对方有了初步的个人接触. 如果不知道客人的名字, 尝试在交谈过程中找出来. (4) 时常保持专业态度 若表现得厌烦或沉闷, 肯定难以成功. 认真聆听客户 时常保持专业态度. 所说和尽量帮助他们解决问题, 如果你表现出愿意帮忙的话, 客户会更加 积极. (5)正确的用词也很重要 如果用太多俚语, 可能会影响顾客对你的印象. 应 正确的用词也很重要. 正确的用词也很重要 该使用正确的英语会话, 但不要用太深的字眼在客人面前炫耀, 如果他们 能轻松明白你所说的话, 会更欣赏你的.
五、情景对话 (Skits of scene dialogues.) )(1
)Advanced Studies. 进修 Situation:Shirley Yip of Weston Public Speaking Courses Institute is meeting with Aaron Anthony, who owns an advertising business, to try to get him to offer her courses to his employees. 情景: 威斯顿公开演说课程学院的叶雪莉与广告公司的东主艾朗安东尼会面, 希 望他的员工能修读学院的课程.
A: Agent, Shirley Yip 代理人叶雪莉 P: Prospect, Aaron Anthony 准客户艾朗安东尼 R: Receptionist 接待员A: Hello, my name is Shirley Yip, I’m with Weston Speaking Courses Institute. I’ve an appointment to see Mr. Aaron Anthony. (你好,我是威斯顿公开演说课程公司的叶雪莉,我与艾朗安东尼先生预约了.)
R: Right, this way, please. (请到这边来.) A: Good morning, Mr. Anthony, I’m Shirley Yip, we spoke on the phone earlier today. (安东尼先生, 早上好! 我是叶雪莉, 我们今天在电话中交谈过.) P: Yes, of course. Miss Yip, pleased to meet you. (是的, 叶小姐, 很高兴与你会面. ) A: I’ve brought some more information about the different types of public speaking programme we offer to companies. The most popular one is our one-day programme. It can be done in eight hours on a Saturday or split into two four-hour evening courses. Of course, it’s not as in depth as some of our longer programme, but is still can improve employee public speaking abilities tremendously. How much time do you willing to spend on these courses, Mr. Anthony?
(我带了一些关于适合公司员工修读的公开演说课程的资料. 最受欢迎的是一天 的课程, 这可以是星期六的八小时课程或者分为两个四小时的夜间课程. 当然, 这 个课程不如我们的长期课程深入, 但仍能有效地改进员工的公开演说能力. 安东 尼先生, 你打算花多少时间在这些课程上呢?) P: Whatever it takes, we’ve been having some real problem with a lot of our employees. This course has become almost a necessity for us. (多少时间也在所不计, 我们的员工在演说方面有很多问题. 我们很需要这个课程.) A: Our most in–depth programme is three months long. It’s given on weekends and weeknights, or you can allot a certain number of hours a week that employees can attend the course during office hours. Our instructors are very flexible with the times they give the courses. We try to adapt in as much as possible to suit each particular business’s needs.
(我们最深入的课程为时三个月, 在周末和周日晚间进行, 或者你可以自行分配 时间, 安排员工在办公时间内上课. 我们的导师可是灵活地分配时间, 并能配合 各种不同行业的需要.) P: What if we give one afternoon a week to do the course? How along would it take to get through it? Most of my employees have families, so they can’t give up a lot of their spare time. (若以每星期一个下午为例, 全部课程要多久才完成? 我的员工大部分有家室,
他 们不能付出太多公余时间.) A: Normally the course runs two evenings a week and all day Saturday for three months. One afternoon would make up for one of the evening courses, and employees would still have to come out one night and one Saturday a week. (一般来说, 这课程为期三个月. 星期一至星期五其中两晚以及星期六的整天. 一 个下午只相等于一个晚上的课程, 员工仍要多花一个晚上和星期六整天的时间.)
P: Is there any sort of programme that is longer than one-day seminar, but shorter than the three –month course? (有没有介乎一日课程和三个月课程之间的?) A: We have a six-week course as well. We could give the six-week course over three-month period. Then your employees would only have to come one evening a week besides the afternoon session. (我们有个为期六星期的课程, 这课程可延长至三个月, 那么除了下午一堂课 外, 员工只需多上一堂夜课. ) P: That sounds more reasonable. Has your company given many of these courses in the area? (那似乎比较合理. 贵公司在这区举办了很多类似的课程吗?) A: We only started offering courses in the region a few months ago, and already we have had thirty clients. We’ve had to hire two new instructors to handle the load. (我们在这区的业务于几个月前开始, 而我们已有三十多个客户. 我们要再雇 用两位导师来应付工作.) P: You’re doing quite well then. (那么你们办得很不错喔!)
A: Yes, so far all of our customer have been very satisfied with the results. (是的, 到目前为止我们的顾客都很满意.) P: Well, I guess I’m your thirty-first customer then! (那么, 我就是你的第三十一个顾客了!) A: That sounds great, Mr. Anthony, I’ll just give you a more extensive overview of what we teach in the course, and then we can discuss times for the classes. (安东尼先生, 那真是太好了. 我会详尽地为你介绍我们的课程, 然后便可讨 论上课时间.) P: Okay. (好的.)
(2)杂志和书籍 Magazines and Books )Situation: Martha Fang of Farrington Book Limited is selling books and book club memberships. She is talking to Madison Sand, a potential client. 情景: 梵灵顿图书公司的方玛莎向准客户麦迪生桑德推销书籍. A: Agent, Martha Fang 代理人方玛莎 P: Prospect, Madison Sand 准客户麦迪生桑德 A: Good afternoon, my name is Martha Fang. I’m with Farrington Books Limited. May I have a few minutes of your time to let you know the special deals we are offering this month? (午安, 我的名字是方玛莎, 是梵灵顿图书公司的职员. 我可否用几分 钟时间向你讲解一下我们这个月的特卖优惠?)19
P: What’s Farrington? (梵灵顿是什么公司?) A: We’re an independent selling club. We sell all types of books, everything from novels to encyclopedias, at discount prices. We actually do almost all of our selling through dire
ct marketing sales, and we deliver the books right to your door. (我们是一间独立的售卖组织, 我们以超值价钱卖各种书籍, 由小说到百科全 书都有. 我们大部分生意来自直接销售, 并有送货服务.) P: Do I have to pay some kind of membership fee to buy books? (我需付会员费才能买书吗?) A: No, anyone can buy our books, we do have a membership plan that you may wish to join, especially if you intend to buy a lot of books. Membership cost two hundred dollars and last for a period of one year. If you’re a member you get even bigger discount of books. If really is a good deal if you think you’ll be buying more than five or six books a year. We also sell magazine subscriptions if that’s something you’re more interested in.20
(不需要, 任何人都可以向我们买书. 如果你买很多书的话, 你可参加我们的 会员计划, 会费是二百元, 会籍为期一年. 如果你申请成为会员, 你会得到更 多折扣. 在一年里购买或超过五至六本书籍的话, 那就更划算了.你或许对 我们所卖的杂志更有兴趣.) P: What types of books do you sell? (你们售卖哪些类型的书籍?) A: We have an extensive line of all types of books. We have over twenty thousand titles available, plus a hundred different magazines. Here’s a copy of our catalogues. What type of books do you like? (我们书籍种类繁多, 有超过二万种书和一百种不同的杂志, 这是我们的图 书目录. 你喜欢阅读哪些类型的书籍?) P: I’m a real science-fiction fan. (我是科幻小说的忠实拥护者.) A: Here’s the science-fiction section. See, there are five pages of just that type of books.(这是科幻小说类, 单是这类书也占有5页.)
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