21世纪英语报第三期 九年级报纸阅读命题(全)(1)

更新时间:2024-06-10 19:06:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Together, they make up 26.46 percent of the world’s land area, 42.58 percent of the world’s population and 50 percent of world economic (经济的) growth. They are BRICS, an economic group the whole world is looking at.

BRICS stands for the first letters of the five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. From Sept 3 to 5, leaders from the countries met in Xiamen for the Ninth BRICS Summit (峰会). They talked about a series of issues (问题), like working together on trade, cultural exchanges and fighting against terrorism (恐怖主义), reported People’s Daily.

BRICS was built in 2006 to join hands in economic and trade development. The past 10 years has seen BRICS make great achievements in different areas. Some of the achivements have brought changes in our everyday life.

More Chinese tourists are visiting other BRICS countries, with Russia and South Africa becoming the most popular. Russia’s ice cream, South Africa’s wine and Brazil’s nuts attract a great number of people in China.

For many young people in the other four countries, studying in Chinese universities has been a goal to achieve. Xiamen University, for example, now has 360 students from other BRICS countries.

BRICS also made a movie together for the first time – Where Has Time Gone (《时间去哪儿了》). It will hit cinemas on Oct 19, telling five short stories about life in each country.

At the summit, BRICS leaders have agreed to continue working for the next “golden decade” (金色十年), reported Xinhua. China will contribute 500 million yuan for further development among BRICS countries, such as railway construction (建设), artificial intelligence (人工智能) research and scholarships for university exchange programs.

1.The underlined expression stands for can be replaced by ________. (推测词义) A. works for B. comes from C. stands with D. sits on 2.Why was BRICS founded at first? (查找细节题) A. To fight against terrorism in the world.

B. To work for economic and trade development together C. To join in trade and cultural development.

D. To talk about trade and terrorism among the countries. 3.What kind of reading is this passage? (逻辑推理) A. A school notice. B. A police report. C. A bedtime story. D. A piece of news. 4. The passage is mainly about ________. (文章主旨和拟标题)

A. the importance of BRICS B. the development of BRICS C. the achievements of BRICS D. the introduction of BRICS


Can one paper bag change the world? Sarah Murphy believes it can and she tries to do something about it.

The seventh grader from Massachusetts, in the United States, decorates (装饰) lunch bags for the homeless. She wants to bring hope to those people. The decorated bags, together with a lunch, will be given to homeless people in the town of Beverly, through a charity (慈善) program.

To attract the help of more children, she reached out to a local library and made a program. They set up a

coloring station in the library. Children may take a bag, draw and write a message of hope and leave it on the front desk. They can also take it home and return it after coloring.

The program began on the first Saturday in August and has taken off (迅速发展) since then. Murphy bought 100 brown lunch bags and put them in the library. Children at the library have colored them. She will happily buy more.

Murphy first heard about the charity program from her friends. She has great interest in charity. She once donated money to charities and made gift bags for seniors at her school. So she wanted to do something special.

A summer reading program she joined further inspired her with its theme, “Build A Better World.” After that, Murphy got the idea of coloring lunch bags and feeding the poor to make the world a better place.

1.How does Sarah Murphy do to help the homeless? (查找细节) A. She provides the homeless with a lunch. B. She decorates lunch bags for the homeless.

C. She calls upon more children to color lunch bags with a lunch. D. She buys lunch bags to help the homeless.

2.How does Sarah Murphy feel after the program has taken off? (逻辑推理) A. Pleased. B. Annoyed. C. Regretful. D. Ashamed. 3.The underlined word donated means ________.(推测词义)

A. saved B. earned C. gave D. lent 4. Which is the best title for the passage? (文章主旨和拟标题)

A. Bag decoration B. Bring hope to the helpless C. Colorful bags of hope D. Coloring stations in the library


Typhoon Hato, Pakhar, Mawar and Hurricane (飓风) Harvey. They have been harming Asia and North America during the last few weeks. Do you know how these storms got their names?

Hurricanes used to be named after saints (圣徒) and latitude-longitude (经纬度) positions. During World War II, US military (军队的) weathermen named hurricanes after their girlfriends or wives. It was easy to remember. So after the war, women’s names continued to be used for storms. Finally in 1979, men’s names started to be used, too.

Now, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO, 世界气象组织) is responsible for hurricane names. They keep six lists of names in alphabetical (按字母表顺序的) order, with one list used each year. This means each name will be reused every six years. So, the 2011 name list is now being used again in 2017.

However, if a storm is especially damaging (破坏巨大的), such as 2005’s Katrina, that storm’s name will not be used again.

Typhoons are the brother of hurricanes, though they happen in the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) instead of the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋) (where hurricanes usually take place).

The new naming system for typhoons has been used since 2000. The WMO asked each of its 14 members in the Asia Pacific area to hand in a list of 10 names. Members include China, Japan and South Korea.

But instead of picking human names, scientists decided to name the extreme (极端的) weather after animals, plants, places and even food.

For example, Hato, provided by Japan, is a constellation (星座); Pakhar, provided by Lao, is a kind of fish living in the Mekong River; Mawar is from Malaysia, meaning rose.

1.Which is TRUE among the following sentences? (查找细节)

A. Hurricanes began to be named with human names from World War II. B. Hurricanes is named by military weathermen now .

C. Hurricanes will be reused every six years even if it is damaging. D. Names of typhoons come from the list that some countries offer.

2.The word they in the fifth paragraph refers to ________.(判断指代关系)

A. hurricanes B. typhoons C. storms D, names 3. What can we infer from the passage? (逻辑推理)

A. Typhoons were once named after latitude-longitude positions. B. Storms were named after women after World War II. C. Typhoons usually take place in the Atlantic Ocean.

D. We’ve used the new naming system for hurricanes since 2000.

4. According to the passage, we can know ________. (文章主旨和拟标题)

A. how the storms are named B. how the storms are formed C. how the storms are remembered D. how the storms are decided


You must have read or heard of the sad love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. But can you imagine the two singing opera in English instead of speaking poetic Chinese?

Jia and Lin are two characters from the classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions(《红楼梦》), written by Cao Xueqin (1715-1763). Now the book has been made into an English-language opera. The opera was first performed last September in San Francisco, US. This month it comes to Beijing, Changsha and Wuhan.

Many of the opera’s creators have backgrounds (背景) in both Chinese and American cultures, including the director and playwrights. Their understanding of both cultures helped them to change a Chinese classic into a foreign-language opera.

The book, which covers the rise and fall of the Jia family, has 120 chapters and hundreds of characters. But opera writer David Henry Hwang cut down the number of characters to just seven. Huang, a Chinese-American, focused on the love story between Jia and Lin and tried to write a heartbroken tragedy (悲剧) that everyone would understand.

The art director Timmy Yip, from Hong Kong, tried to help foreign people understand the characters using costumes (服装) and stage settings (布景). He compared Lin to water and gave her a light green costume. When Lin shows up on stage, there is usually water around her on the stage.

The creators consider it to be a meaningful job to introduce a Chinese classic to Western audiences. Hwang told China Daily he was happy to “have made a contribution to the land where my parents were born.”

1. The following are all true EXCEPT ________.(查找细节)

A. The first English opera of A Dream of Red Mansions was had in US. B. The opera writer cut the original short to focus on the love story. C. The English opera is going to be performed in China next month.. D. The creators of the opera are very proud to introduce Chinese classics. 2.What’s writer’s purpose in writing this passage? (逻辑推理) A. To advise people to read the Chinese classical opera. B. To tell people the importance of the Chinese classics.

C. To introduce a Chinese Classic singing opera to the audience. D. To encourage Western audience to enjoy the singing opera.

3.The word it in the last paragraph refers to ________. (判断指代关系) A. helping foreign people understand the characters in the opera. B. changing a Chinese classic into a foreign-language opera. C. cutting down the number of characters in the opera. D. introducing a Chinese classic to Western audience.

4. What does the passage mainly talk about? (文章主旨和拟标题)

A. The classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions is made into an English opera because it is not good enough.

B. The classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions is made into an English opera to make the Chinese culture known to the foreign countries.

C. The classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions is made into an English opera because it is too long. D. The classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions is made into an English opera because the creators want to help others to learn English.


Watch out, Taylor Swift fans! The 27-year-old US pop singer is back and badder than ever. Her new song Look What You Made Me Do became a hit online. Swift changes her image (形象) and looks like a “bad girl.” Read the review by TEENS foreign staff Jordon Shinn to find out why. I knew this would happen. The white swan becomes the black swan. The perfect beauty turns into the worst. In her new song, Swift becomes a zombie (僵尸) that rises from the grave (坟墓) of her “dead reputation” (名声). She lies in a bath of diamonds. She sits on a throne (王座) of snakes. She screams and shows her teeth. She reaches out her hands like wolf claws (狼爪). And she blames (归咎于) her anger on somebody else.

Why does Swift blame her “bad” attitude on another person? “Look what you just made me do!” she shouts. Oh, really? Well exactly who made her do what? In fact, she has a choice. I just don’t believe her.

Swift’s new song and music video are not surprising. Many other pop stars began their careers (事业) as children and went through image changes. Just like Brittany Spears or Justin Bieber. They both started as cute and innocent (天真的) kids who touch the hearts of fans. Later they became rebellious (叛逆的) teenagers, then finally sexy pop stars with crazy night lives.

In her new video, Swift in her tight black clothes looks like Madonna. Similarly, the “King of Pop” Michael Jackson wrote a song titled Bad. He also stared in the film The Thriller (《颤栗》), where he becomes a zombie and chases his girlfriend.

For Swift, this is just the next step in her career, though a sad one. In real life, she’s been a bad girl for a while. At the end of her song, Swift sings, “The old Taylor can’t come to the phone now. Why? ‘Cause she’s dead!”

1.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph given by the writer implies that________. (判断指代关系) A. the black swan becomes the white swan

B. pop stars want to be zombies after they are dead.

C. pop stars themselves choose to change, even into worse image. D. people are often forced to change themselves. 2.What is Not True about Taylor Swift? (查找细节) A. Taylor Swift has once been bad in the real life.

B. Taylor Swift wants to change her image through the new song. C. Taylor Swift's new has attracted great attention on the Internet.

D. Taylor Swift's new song surprised audience because none did so before. 3.What page does the passage belong to on newspapers? (逻辑推理)

A. Entertainment page B. Science page C. Advice page D. Politics page 4. What is the passage about? (文章主旨和拟标题)

A. It is about an opinion on the reasons for Swift’s change. B. It is about a review on how Swift changes.

C. It is about a comment on why the writer doesn't like Swift.

D. It is about an explanation Why does Swift blame her “bad” attitude on another person .

