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II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. 1.

To Kill A Mockingbird (Excerpt I)By Harper Lee

I was fairly sure Boo Radley was inside that house,but I couldn't prove it,and felt it best to keep my mouth shut or I would be accused (21) believing in Hot Steams,phenomena I was immune to in the daytime.

Jem parceled out our roles:I was Mrs.Radley,and (22) I had to do was come out and sweep the porch.Dill was old Mr.Radley:he walked up and down the sidewalk and coughed when Jem spoke to him.Jem,naturally,was Boo:he went under the front steps and screamed from time to time.

(23) the summer progressed,so did our game.We polished and perfected it,and added dialogue and plot until we had manufactured a small play upon which we rang changes every day.

Dill was a villain's villain:he could get into any character part (24) (assign)him,and appear tall if height was part of the cruelty required.He was as good as his worst performance; his worst performance was Gothic.I reluctantly played various ladies who entered the script.I never thought it as much fun as Tarzan,and I played that summer with more than vague anxiety (25) Jem's assurances that Boo Radley was dead and nothing would get me,with him and Calpurnia there in the daytime and Atticus home at night. Jem was a born hero.

It was a blue little drama,(26) (weave) from bits and pieces of gossip and neighborhood legend:Mrs.Radley had been beautiful until she married Mr Radley and lost all her money.She also lost most of her teeth,her hair,and her right


forefinger; she sat in the living room and cried most the time,(27) .Boo slowly whittled(消减) away all the furniture in the house.

The three of us were the boys (28) got into trouble; I was the judge,for a change; Dill led Jem away and crammed him beneath the steps,poking him with the brushbroom.Jem would reappear as needed in the shapes of the sheriff,various townsfolk,and Miss Stephanie Crawford,who had more to say about the Radleys than anybody in Maycomb.

When it was time to play Boo's big scene,Jem would sneak into the house,steal the scissors from the sewing﹣machine drawer when Calpurnia's back (29) (turn),then sit in the swing and cup up newspapers.Dill would walk by,cough at Jem,and Jem would pretend a plunge into Dill's thing.From (30) .I stood it looked real. 2.

What the Bible Says About Money

Most people know Sean Hyman form his regular appearances on Fox Business,CNBC,and Bloomberg Television,but what they don't know is that Sean is a former minister,and that his secret to (31) (invest)is hidden within the Bible.Perhaps (32) can explain why,despite his mysterious ability to predict accuate moves in the stock market,Sean is often laughed at for his unique strategy for investing.

For example,a few months ago Sean appeared on Bloomberg Television.At that time,Best Buy (33) (drop) to all﹣time lows of﹩16 a share.Sean predicted the stock(34) go down to﹩11a share,and would then quickly rebound to﹩25 per share,and after that would restore to 40 per share over the next ye ar.Another commentator on the show actually challenged Sean for his prediction,saying\﹩40 on Best Busy?If that's the case Apple is going to﹩1500.That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!(Editor's Note:At the time,Apple was trading at﹩650per share.) Within a few weeks,Sean would receive the last laugh.Best Buy dropped down to﹩11.20 a shar eand has since rebounded to﹩30 a


share,(35) (continue) its path to﹩40….exactly as Sean predicted.(Ironically,Apple has dropped down to about﹩400 per share.) During a recent private dinner with Sean,once he (36) (bless) the food,I wasted no time (37) (ask) him what his secret is for investing so successfully.I expected Sean to say that it was his years of experience at Charles Schwab or perhaps one of the complicated algorithms(算法) he uses for timing the stock market.(38) when Sean responded that his secret was the Bible,I was thoroughly shocked.

Yes,I knew Swan was a Christian.However,people usually keep their faith separate from things like…investing.But not Swan.For Sean,the Bible is his foundation for investing.

He explained to me (39) there is actually a\Scripture.Certain investment Giants,Sean says,such as Warren Buffett and John Templeton,(40) (already use) this code to store up billions.Finally,Sean used the teachings of King Solomon and Jesus of Nazareth to show how anyone can get out of debt…make sound investments…and morally build substantial wealth.

Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

3.A.aspects B.astonishingly C.realization D.adapted E.inevitably F.peers

G.collections H.pause I.feast J.instincts K.exposed

Here is a lesson that we're going to be taught again and again in the coming years:Most animals are not just animals.They're also (41) of microbes (微生物).If you really want to understand the animal,you also have to understand the world of microbes inside them.In other words,zoology is ecology.

Consider the western corn rootworm﹣﹣﹣﹣a beetle that's a serious pest of corn


