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China pavilion seals roof

The China pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo 2010 sealed its roof atop the concrete and steel frame on the last day of 2008.As a centerpiece of the Expo venues, China Pavilion will sporta distinctive roof featuring “dougong”, a structural element unique to traditional Chinese architecture. Known as the “Crown of the East”, the 160000 sqm building costs about RMB1.5b and is slated for delivery by the end of September. The venue will be used for an exhibition themed “ Chinese wisdom in urban development ” in 2010.

08年最后一天,上海世博会中国馆主体结构封顶。作为世博会一大标志性建筑,中国馆屋顶设计取自中国古代建筑中的元素----斗拱。这座“东方之冠”项目总预算15亿元人名币,总建筑面积达16万平方米,预计今年9月底交付。世博会期间,该馆主要用来展示“城市发展中的中华智慧”。 3G mobile licenses Ok?d

The State Council said Wednesday it had approved licenses for the 3rd-generation (3G) mobile phone services in China. The 3G networks will be based on 3technological standards, including the Chinese-developed TD-SCDMA, Europe?s WCDMA and North America?s CDMA2000.The move is expected to trigger a new burst of revenue for the mobile industry, analysts say.

08年12月31日,国务院宣布同意发放我国第三代移动通信牌照。我国的TD-SCDMA、欧洲的WCKMA和美国的CDMA2000将是我国3G手机的3种制式标准。分析人士称,3G获批将掀起移动通信业又一轮“掘金潮”。 Baby infected with bird flu

A Hong Kong baby girl who lives in Shenzhen was diagnosed with H9N2 bird flu in Hong Kong Monday, the Shenzhen government confirmed Wednesday. Media reports say the 2-month-old baby is now in isolation and in a stable condition. Hong Kong had reported 4 human H9N2 avian flu cases before and all 4 patients recovered. 深圳市政府08年12月31日证实,一名居住在深圳的港籍女婴29日在香港被诊断感染H9N2型禽流感。据媒体报道,该女婴两个月大,正在港接受隔离治疗,情况稳定。香港此前曾发生过4例人感染H9N2禽流感病例,后4名患者都已痊愈。 Late NY Eve for navy at sea

The Chinese naval fleet en route to the Gulf of Aden for an escort mission against pirates said hello to the New Year 3hours later than those in the mainland thanks to the time difference.The fleet had put clocks 2 hours behind before they entered the Indian Ocean Tuesday night after a 4-day voyage from Sanya. Then on the Eve of the New Year, the navy put their clocks one more hour behind and saluted the New Year at 3 am Beijing Time.

受时差影响,赴亚丁湾海域执行反海盗的中国海军护航舰艇编队,比北京晚了3小时进入09年。“海口”舰在08年12月30日晚抵达印度洋时,已向后调过2小时船时。新年前夕,在印度洋,海军编队又向后调了1 小时,在北京时间凌晨3点迎接了属于他们的新年。 Beauty VP to quit Google

Google Vice President Marissa Mayer will quit the search engine company someday in 2009 as her promotion prospects are dimming, US media said recently. Newly-engaged Mayer is expected to join a venture capital firm or to teach at Stanford University in the future.

美国媒体日前称,谷歌美女副总裁玛丽莎 梅耶尔今年将离职,这位美女高管的晋升前景正变得愈发渺茫。据称,刚订婚的梅耶尔将加盟风投公司或到担福大学任教。 Sea lion trained to write

A sea lion named Jackie bit a Calligraphy brush and wrote the Chinese character “chou” denoting

the forthcoming Chinese year of the OX at Hakkeijima Sea Paradise aquarium in Yokohama on December 30, 2008. The performance will continue until January 12, 2009, reports say. 日本横滨八景岛海岛乐园水族馆一名名叫杰继的海狮用嘴咬住一支毛笔,练习书写代表中国牛年的汉字“丑”。据称,杰基的“献丑”表演将持续到1月12日。 Language Tips

?Nothing like leather? 没有什么比得上皮革

There?s nothing like leather. 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

例:He is convinced that his poem will win the award. There?s nothing like leather ,you know. 他深信自己那首诗会得奖。那就是“只有自己的东西才算好”。 Talk Show 耍赖的话:

That doesn?t count. 那不算!

Money has been really tight lately. 最近手头有点紧。 It?s not my fault.. 那不是我的错。

I didn?t know anything about it. 我对此事一无所知。

Thai nightclub fire kills 59

A fire swept through a top Bangkok nightclub on New Year?s Eve, killing at least 59 revelers and injuring more than 200 others, police said Thursday. Most of the victims were foreigners, including tourists from Australia, Nepal, Japan and the Netherland. Police said the fire may have been caused by firecrackers brought into the club by guests or sparks flying from a New Year?s countdown display on the nightclub stage.


E-shopping for Japan goods

A new Internet shopping mall, jointly run by China UnionPan Co and Japan?s Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co, is opening in China this month. It will take payments via China UnionPan cards for Japanese products. The shopping site “” will sell gadgets, clothing and cosmetics from about 100 Japanese companies. Chinese will be able to buy the products through the website and pay with their cards. 本月,一家由中国银联和日本三井住友卡公司等共同创办的网络商城将在华开张,届时中国消费者可使用银联卡在网上直接购买日本商品。将有约百家日本企业在该商城开店,出售小家电、服装、化妆品等商品,消费者登录主页Buy-J.com下单,即可通过“银联”系统支付。 4 dead in Guizhou bus crash

Four passengers were killed and another 13 injured Thursday morning after a bus turned over on an expressway in Guizhou, police said. The bus with 53 passengers on board was heading for Guang?an, Sichuan. Initial investigations showed the bus ran too fast on the slippery road at a sharp turn. 1日上午,一辆大客车在贵州贵新高速公路上侧翻,到目前为止共造成4人死亡、13人受伤。这辆大客车驶往四川广安,载客53人。初步调查显示,事故发生原因是大客车在经过长下坡急弯桥梁路段时,车速太快。 Festivites axed over Gaza

Israel Wednesday turned down a France-proposed initiative for a 48-hour humanitarian ceasefire in the missile-battered Gaza Strip which was aimed to allow the flow of humanitarian aid into the coastal territory. Several Arab states like Egypt, Syria and Jordan have cancelled New Year?s Eve celebrations in solidarity with the people of Gaza who suffered a 5th straight day of bombardment. 以色列08年12月31日表示不寄售法国提出的关于停火48小时的建议。该建议旨在允许援助物资进入加沙地区。埃及、叙利亚和约旦等阿拉伯国家取消了新年庆祝活动,以支持连遭5天空袭的加沙。

Russia cuts gas to Ukraine

Russia has reduced natural gas shipments to Ukraine from 10 am Thursday , according to a decision announced by Alexei Miller, CEO of Russian gas giant Gazprom, Wednesday. The action followed the collapse of talks in Moscow concerning a new contract for 2009 amid differences over new prices and Ukraine?s debts.” All responsibility lies with the Ukrainian side,” said Miller. 由于在天然气供应价格和乌克兰债务问题上存在分歧,俄罗斯与乌克兰在莫斯科就09年供气合同的谈判破裂,按俄天然气工业股份公司总裁米勒08年12月31日公布的决定,俄已与莫斯科时间09年1月1日10时起开始减少对乌的供气。米勒表示,“所有责任都在乌方。” UK?s oldest twins turn 101

Britain?s oldest twins have a double reason to celebrate New Year?s Day after beating odds of 700m to one-by reaching their 101st birthday. Betty Richards and Jenny Pelmore were born half an hour apart in Manchester on January 1,1908, and have barely been apart ever since. The twins say the secret to longevity is “leading an active life”.

2009年1月1日对贝蒂 理查兹和珍妮 佩尔莫来说是个特殊的日子:这对英国年龄最大的双胞胎姐妹将迎来101岁生日,这一情况发生的几率为7亿分之一。她们于1908年1月1日在曼彻斯特出生,时间相隔半小时,之后基本没分开过。她们说,长寿的秘诀是“以积极的心态生活”。 Toys with fish heads

French artist Anne-Echivard,37,makes amazing works by attaching fish heads to doll-like bodies. Taking her inspiration form a film, Anne-Catherine?s depictions of fish are doctors, chat show participants and factory works. She buys the fish from the market and her mother makes the costumes.

37岁的法国女艺术家安妮-凯瑟琳把鱼头安放在小玩偶上,创作出生动有趣的作品。她从电影中获得灵感,纸做的鱼头玩偶包括医生、访谈节目参与者以及工厂工人。凯瑟琳从市场买回这些鱼头,她的母亲则帮她缝制玩偶的衣服。 Language Tips

?Up to the nines? 十全十美 至高无上 Up to the nines 与 dress 连用指 “盛装”

例:He was all dressed up to the nines for the interview. 他要参加面试,穿的西装笔挺。 Laughter

A lady noticed her husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. Thinking he was trying to weigh less with this maneuver, she commented, “I don?t think that?s going to help.” “Sure it will,” he said. “It?s the only way I can see the numbers.”

一个女人看到丈夫使劲收腹站在体重秤上,以为他想称得轻一点,就说:“没用的。” 丈夫说:“当然有用,这样我才能看到称上的数字。

New Year welcomed amid war

Israeli aircrafts attacked government buildings in the Gaza Strip on New Year?s Day and Hamas fired more rockets at Israel while the world was celebrating the New Year. A Palestinian health official said the offensive ahd so far killed 400 Palestinians and left 2000 wounded. Amongthe injured, many are children with 200 of them severely wounded.


Appliance subsidies expanded

The program that offers a subsidy for farmers to buy home appliances will be expanded nationwide from the current 12provinces from February 1 to boost consumption, said the General Office of the State Council. Motorcycles, computers, water heaters and air conditioners have been added to the list.

国务院办公厅近日发布了关于搞活流通、扩大消费的意见。意见指出,从2009年2月1日起,将家电下乡从12个省(区、市)推广到全国。同时,把摩托车、电脑、热水器和空调等产品列入补贴范围。家电下乡是指对农民购买家电给予补贴。 HK most philanthropic city

Hong Kong topped the “2008 China?s 10 Most Philanthropic Cities” list with a score of 0.948, released by the China Institute of City Competitiveness, Hong Kong media reported. Shenzhen and Beijing came 2nd and 3rd. Donations to disaster-struck people and areas, charity activities, enterprises? participation in charity activities and the results of charity projects were the major factors used to rank cities.

剧港媒报道,在中国城市竞争力研究会近日公布的“2008年中国十大爱心城市排行榜”中,香港以0.948分的总分位列榜首,深圳和北京名列二、三。城市捐资救灾、公益行动、企业参与、项目实效等都是排名的主要指标。 Obama?s $75M inauguration

US President-elect Barack Obama?s inauguration is expected to break the record with an estimated cost of $75m. The money will be spent on security, transport, fireproofing and emergency medical aids. At least 2m people are expected to attend on January 20. 4 years ago about 400000 people attended Bush?s inauguration, which cost over $17m.


Black and white twins again

A British mixed-race couple who had one black and one white twin daughter have repeated the miracle. 7 years after having the twins in 2001, the mother has given birth to a 2nd set of twins with different colored skin at odds of one in 500000.

一对拥有不同肤色的英国夫妇在2001年生下了一对“黑白双胞胎”女儿,7年后,他们有奇迹般地生下了第二对“黑白双胞胎”。发生一对黑白双胞胎的几率是50万分之一。 Kaleidoscope 万花筒 Why men enjoy PC games

Men?s passion for computer games stems from a deep-rooted urge to conquer, according to a latest

research by Stanford University. Playing on computer consoles activates parts of the male brain which are linked to rewarding feelings and addiction, scans have shown. The more “opponents” they vanquish and points they score, the more stimulated this region becomes. 美国斯坦福大学一项最新研究称,男性对电脑游戏的狂热来自于根深蒂固的征服欲。对大脑的扫描显示,玩电脑游戏激活了男人大脑终于奖励和上瘾感觉相关的区域。男人征服的“敌人“越多,得分越高,越能刺激该区域。 Go bananas 疯狂、不能控制

例:John is going bananas today. Nobody can tell why. But I think it might have something to do with his girlfriend.

约翰今天有些疯狂。没人知道为什么。但是我觉得这可能和他的女朋友有关 网络聊天常用语:

How are you doing? 你好吗? I?m doing great. 我很好。

What?s up? 出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了? Nothing special. 没什么特别的。

So far so good. 到目前为止,一切都很好。 Things couldn?t be better. 一切顺利。

Israel kills Hamas leader

Nizar Rayan, one of the top Hamas Strip was killed in an Israeli killed in an Israeli airstrike Thursday afternoon. The Israeli war planes carried out airstrikes against Rayan?s house, killing the Hamas leader and most of his family. The attacks continued Friday. Before dawn, Israeli aircraft hit 15 houses belonging to Hamas militants, Palestinians said.

1日下午,哈马斯高级领导人之一的尼扎尔 拉杨在以军空袭中丧生。以军当天对拉杨位于加沙的住所发动空袭,导致拉杨极多名家人丧生。2日,以军的空袭还在继续。巴勒斯坦方面透露,以军的飞机黎明前袭击了哈马斯的15所房屋。 CDIA apologizes via message

On New Year?s Day, the China Dairy Industry Association (CDIA) commissioned China Mobile and China Telecom to send text messages to some of their users to apologize for the tainted milk powder scandal. The CDIA also said that it would sincerely accept supervision from now on and set up a medical compensation found for victim babies.

新年之际,中国乳制品工业协会1日委托中国移动、中国电信向部分手机用户发短信,就问题奶粉事件道歉。该协会还表示将诚恳接受社会监督,并为患病孩子建立医疗赔偿基金。 Oil reserves pile up

Inventories at Petro China and Sinopec, the 2 major oil refiners, hit record highs in December, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said recently, without giving details. The 2 companies cut pump prices nationwide to boost sales, driving fuel prices below the national reference prices issued by the NDRC on December 18.

国家发改委近日透露,国内市场成品油需求回落,中石油、中石化两大集团2008年12月成品油库存上升至历史高位。不过,发改委未透露详细情况。另据报道,为促进销售,来那个大集团纷纷降低油价,成品油价格低于发改委12月18日发布的参考价。 Egyptian ship hijacked

Somali pirates hijacked an Egyptian cargo ship with a crew of 28 Egyptians near the coast of Somalia, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said Thursday. About 15 pirates attacked the Blue Star,

