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型号:2100 品牌:Agilent 产地:德国

功能:DNA、RNA、Protein定性定量分析,Cell的流式分析(选配) 技术参数

1. 一个平台,多种应用:可以进行DNA、RNA、Protein和Cell(选配)的分析,4种11个不同的试剂盒,满足不同研究的需要;

The 2100 bioanalyzer is a unique analysis tool capable of handling DNA,RNA, proteins and cells on one platform.4 kinds 11 pieces of kits can meet different research needs.

2. *特定的高灵敏度检测试剂盒,RNA、DNA和蛋白检测灵敏度可达到pg水平,而且具有专门针对Small RNA分析的试剂盒

*the pg sensitivity level can be obtained with Hisen DNA kit, RNA 6000 Pico kit, Hisen P250 Protein Kits respectively; and Small RNA kit special for small RNA analysis.

3. *专利的RIN(RNA Integrity Number)值,RNA质控的行业金标准,对RNA样品进行准确的质量控制

*the patent RIN(RNA Intergrity Number) is the industry gold standard for RNA quality control.

4. 片段分离范围广:RNA:6-150nt 或是25-6000nt;DNA:25–12000 bp;蛋白:5 - 250 kDa

DNA size analysis range:25-12000bp, Protein size analysis range:

5-250kDa;RNA size analysis range:6-150nt or 25-6000nt;

5. 速度快:30分钟完成10-12个样品的分离和分析,并且一个步骤同时完成样品的分子量和浓度定量,

Easy to use: Load sample, run analysis, view data; Fast analyis: 10-12 samples in one kit can be size and concentration quantification in 30 mins;

6. 样品消耗少:核酸1ul,蛋白4ul;

Just need 1ul for DNA/RNA sampling and 4ul for protein sampling; 7. *方便更换的电极:系统内置的卡夹可以拆卸,简单方便,避免实验交叉污染 Removable patented electrode cartridge: easy and contamination- free switch between assays, like RNA and Protein, easy maintenance to avoid contaminations.

8. 数字化的实验数据,可以同时提供峰图,凝胶图和数据表格,重复性好,便于结果保存和比对分析

Digital result, Gel electropherogram and digital table canbe presented, easy to save and comparision.

9. 不同批次之间的实验数据可以进行比对,方便结果分析

Results is easy analyzed by advanced select standard and direct comparision between different batches of results in software. 10.采用先进的微流体技术平台,自动化电泳,减少人工操作误差,无需接触EB之类的有毒物质,使用更安全

Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer desiged with automation, integrity, combined with lab-on-chip technology, need fewer manual process and no harmful chemical reagent such as EB.

