Module3My first ride on a train

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Module3My first ride on a train

Period five Cultural corner



1. 学习一些新单词和短语 2. 了解磁悬浮列车。 学习对象:

单词:downtown, vacuum, rail, ceremony, track, sounenior 短语:at a speed of

句式:Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres, per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. 学习步骤

1:study the new words:

downtown, vacuum, rail, ceremony ,track, souvenior

2: Read the passage carefully, and fill in the blanks. The Transrapid Maglev It is the fastest train in the world using 1___________technology. It runs at speed of over 2_________kilometres per hour. It travel in a(n) 3___________ between two magnets. There are no rails and no noise. It travels very fast and uses less 4___________. On December.31,2002 On November.12,2003 Premier Zhu Rongji and the German It reached a speed of _____________ kilometres chancellor attended the 5______________ of per hour on the track between Longyang Station and The train service and took the train to Pudong Pudong and set a new world record speed for a train. Airport. 3:Read the passage again and answer the questions.

a: what are main differences between the Magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train? b: What are the advantages of travelling on a Maglev train ? c.fill in the blanks according to the text.

The fastest train in the world ,the Transrapid Maglev,1 between Shanghai’s Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in downtown Shanghai. 2 at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can 3 the 30—kilometre journey in eight minutes.

Maglev 4 “magnectically levitated”. The transrapid Maglev is the world’s first high-speed train 5 Meglectic levitation technology. Magnectically levitated trains travel in a in a vacuum between two magnets.. The are no rails 6 no noise. They

travel very fast and they use 7 energy. On December 31,2002, Premier Zhu Rongji and German chancellor attended the 8

ceremony of the train service. Both leaders took the train to Pudong Airport.

On November 12,2003, the Maglev 9 a speed of 501 kilometres per hour on the track between Longyang Station and Pudong, a new world 10 speed for a train.

at a speed of 以…速度 at top/full speed 以最快速度/以全速


Translate fallowing sentences

1. 这辆车正在以每小时100米的速度行驶。 2. 好几千人参加了开幕式。

3. 就在一个月之前,我访问过那所大学。 4. 我住在离济南不远的淄博市。 5. 你介意帮助我吗?

6. 那辆被遗弃的小汽车是中国制造的。 7. 前天我们举办了一场篮球赛。 8. 公共汽车是一种交通工具。

