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姓 名 身 高 出生年月 学 历 毕业学校 联系地址 英语水平 爱好特长 证书 奖励情况 求职意向 实践经历 时 间 单位 工作性质 联系电话 性 别 体 重 贯 籍 学 制 民 族 政治面貌 毕业时间 专 业 邮编 自我介绍 自我评价 Name:
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Han
Health Condition: Excellent
Date of Birth: May 15, 1986
Political Standing: Youth Member of Communist Party
Height: 166 cm
Specialization: Computer Science
Graduating School: Chinese Computer Science University Extension
Degree Granted: Associates
Contact Information: xxxx(office) xxxx (cell)
Zip Code: 315191
Email: lw-cn.cn@lw-cn.cn
Personal Qualification:
Excellent skills in specialization; wide hobby range; passionate in computer, music, entertainment; outgoing, confident, easy going, positive, honest, strong sense of responsibility, and enthusiastic
Education and Work Experience:
- April 2004, Graduated with an Associates Degree in Computer Science from Chinese Computer Science University Extension
- April 2004 to March 2005, Technician of Anhui Hengzhen Mechanical and Electrical Ltd
- Oct 2005, Appointment to the Assistant Engineer and the Buyer for computer related equipments
- April 2005 relocated back to Hi Chan Electrical Machinery Factory, AUX Group
Personal Skills:
- Familiar business management orientation and office equipment procurement
- Excellent skills in AUTO CAD、Adobe Photoshop、CAPP、OFFICE related computer applications
- Excellent skills in ERP related application and Lotus Notes(OA)operating system
– Good at mechanical drawing, material input, material establishment and material management;
- Master in various operating systems such as WIN 98、200、XP,installation on computer application and software, hardware such as printer, copier, scanner, digital camera
Career Objective:
Positions in Management, Marketing, and IT
Believe in your choice and trust in your instinct, I will strive for excellence with you and start new era.
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