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Part 1 Fill in the Blanks
Some of the villages rarely see tourists and even the humble visitors are treated like VIPs.
(Suggested first letter(s): hu ) 2. 3.
He made great efforts to tame her violent temper after she became his wife. (Suggested first letter(s): t )
You long to get away and enjoy some freedom, but circumstances beyond your control dictate otherwise.
(Suggested first letter(s): di ) 4.
One mark of a writer's greatness is that different minds can find in him different inspirations . (Suggested first letter(s): ins ) 5. 6.
If you see him, please give my apologies for not having written to him. (Suggested first letter(s): apo )
It had been a very hard frost, the path was very slippery, and that night was particularly cold.
(Suggested first letter(s): sli ) 7. 8. 9.
That wild animal is now so tame that it will eat out of your hand. (Suggested first letter(s): t )
After she had panted for a moment in the fresh air, she had a brilliant inspiration . (Suggested first letter(s): ins )
Of course, not all parents would wish to dictate to the school how it should exercise discipline over their children. (Suggested first letter(s): di )
10. He was a humble person; he did not wish people to think that he was better than
(Suggested first letter(s): hu )
Part 2 Multiple Choice
B. explanation
C. meaning
D. sense 2.
Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have ________ ones. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all. A. interpretation
A. complete
B. singular
C. separate
D. different 3.
B. recognize
C. recall
D. reflect 4.
B. take it off
C. take it down
D. take it in 5.
B. consequent
C. consistent
D. continuous 6.
B. go by
The government is determined to _____ the established policy of developing agriculture. A. go after
His results are not very ________. He does well one week and badly the next. A. invariable
If you think you can do my job better than I can, you are welcome to ________. A. take it over
I remember seeing him some years ago, but I don't ________ what he said. A. remind
C. go ahead
D. go on 7.
Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a ________. A. scarcity
B. minority
C. minimum
D. shortage 8.
B. took on
C. took in
D. took after 9.
B. worn off
C. worn away
D. worn through
10. The patient's progress was very encouraging as he could _______ get out of bed without
help. A. nearly B. only
C. merely
He looked ________, as if he'd missed a night's sleep. A. worn out
Shortly after his retirement, the former president ________ gardening and hunting. A. took to
D. barely
Part 3 Cloze
If you choose to be alone on purpose, you can wholly devote yourself to thinking. But how often do you think about thinking?
Several years ago a college administrator told me that if he wanted to do any serious thinking, he had to get up at 5:30 in the morning—I suppose because that was the time 1. when it was best. At that time, no one would 2. interrupt him. More recently I heard a professor remark that when his friends catch him 3. in the act of reading a book, they say, \to have so much free time.\4. even though I am an English teacher—a person who should know better—I find myself feeling vaguely guilty 5. whenever I go to the library to read. It is a common belief that if a man is thinking or reading, he is doing nothing.
It's easy to understand the reasons for this 6. prejudice against thinking. One problem is that to most of us, thinking 7. looks suspiciously like doing nothing. A person in deep thought is an uninspiring sight. He 8. leans back in a state of relaxation. He looks relaxed in his chair as he stares 9. into space. He gives every appearance of wasting time. 10.Besides , he's leaving all the hard work for us!
But thinking is far different 11. from laziness. Thinking is one of the most productive activities a person can 12.undertake . And thinking does 13. require time and effort. It's a common misconception that if a person is bright, wonderful ideas will 14. flash spontaneously into his mind. Unfortunately, the brain doesn't 15. work this way. 16. Even Einstein had to study and think for months at a time. Thinking was necessary for him before he could 17. make up his theory of relativity. Those of us who are 18. less intelligent find it a struggle to create our ideas. To create even a 19. moderately good idea, takes time for thought. I have to spend months for a good idea to enter my head, let 20. alone a brilliant one. So is it right to take thinking as doing nothing?
Part 4 Reading
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.
Choosing a travel companion is at least as uncertain as choosing a marriage partner. The chances of success are perhaps even less.
No law of causality (因果关系) exists to insist that in choosing a travel companion you will lose a friend. But it's not unlikely. The odds depend on the length and the rigorousness (严密) of the trip. Some friendships have a strength that will withstand even travel; others are by nature short-lived and travel merely hastens their dissolution (结束,终止).
Perhaps I should make it clear that in discussing this matter of travel companions I am confining myself to Platonic (柏拉图式的) friendships. Intimate friends may well be the best companions of all. Compromises and concessions from such companions clearly spring from a recognized emotional base that colors every issue. I'll confine myself, then, to companions, male and female, who are sharing a trip solely for company. Why bother at all with a travel
companion? Why not travel alone, shiftily (机智地) pursuing one's goal? Some of the answers are obvious. A pleasant fellow traveler eases the stress and tensions, adds to the delights and rewards and pays half the bills. However, a bad-tempered companion quite often brings you to the point where you devoutly (虔诚地) wish you were alone.
Finding that suitable companion is something of an art and something of a gamble. But the choice should be determined by one important rule: travelers should be going on the trip with the same idea in mind. They should hold in common a theory of travel. 1.
B. one may suffer financial losses
C. one may be trapped in the dangerous situation
D. one may miss the chance of finding the right marriage partner 2.
B. the trip will make them closer to each other
C. they will find the right ways to solve problems due to their relationship
D. they will make more friends on trip 3.
It can be inferred from the passage that the companion talked about here is the person ________.
A. one can think of developing a deeper relationship with
B. one can travel with merely for company
C. one can count on for a free travel
D. one can learn much from 4.
B. Friendships cannot withstand the test of any trip.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Choosing a travel companion won't lead to the loss of friends. When intimate friends travel together, ________. A. the trip will hasten their dissolution
Choosing a travel companion is hard and risky, because ________. A. one may lose a friend
C. A travel companion is badly needed if one wants to take a trip.
D. Like-minded people should travel together. 5.
B. Finding a Good Travel Companion-a Risky Matter
C. Will Travel Damage the Friendship?
D. Should One Travel Alone or in Another's Company?
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.
The term \shock is the effect that involvement in a strange culture has on the unprepared visitor. Culture shock is what happens when a traveler suddenly finds himself in a place where yes may mean no, where a \for insult, where laughter may signify (意味) anger.
The culture shock phenomenon causes a breakdown in communication, a misreading of reality, an inability to cope. Yet culture shock is relatively mild in comparison with the much more serious malady (弊病), future shock. Future shock is brought on by the premature arrival of the future. It may well be the most important disease of tomorrow.
Take an individual out of his own culture and set him down suddenly in an environment sharply different from his own, with a different set of cues to react to—different conceptions (概念) of time, space, work, love, religion, sex, and everything else, then the dislocation he suffers will be severe. Given few clues as to what kind of behavior is rational under the radically new circumstances, the victim may well become a danger to himself and others. Now imagine not merely an individual but an entire society, an entire generation—including its weakest, least intelligent, and most irrational members—suddenly transported into this new world. The result is mass disorientation (迷失方向), future shock on a grand scale.
This is the prospect that man now faces. Change is avalanching (把……淹没) upon our heads and most people are unprepared to cope with it. 6.
B. one expresses ideas and emotions contrary to what he intends to express
Culture shock occurs when ________.
A. one loses all hopes of returning to his home environment Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. Travel and Marriage-Two Similar Experiences
C. one cannot make accurate judgment using one's own value standards
D. one cannot conduct negotiations for goods of fixed prices 7.
B. it affects people on a grand scale
C. it causes personal insults
D. it destroys the foundation of the society 8.
B. disturbs an individual's normal way of life
The word \A. puzzles an individual
Future shock is much more serious than culture shock as ________. A. it concerns the problems of the future
C. helps an individual to function in society
D. arouses an individual's interest in the new culture 9.
One effective way to prevent future shock is to ________.
A. get people prepared for future change
B. keep people informed of foreign cultures
C. have people resist possible future change
D. acquaint people with the harm of future change
10. It can be inferred that the author's tone in the passage is ________.
A. humorous
B. exaggerated
C. radical
D. serious
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