
更新时间:2024-02-12 19:26:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载


篇一:BBC news

BBC news with Jerry Smit.

Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says those responsible for a deadly attack on an Iraeli military convoy would pay their price for their actions. Israel says 2 of its soldiers were killed and 7 injuried in the attack carried out by Hezbollah.

Whoever's behind today's attack will pay the full price. For some time, Iran via Hezbollah has been trying to establish an additional terrorist front against us from the Golan Heights. The Lebanese government and the Assad regiem share responsibility for the consequences of the attacks disseminating from their territories against the state of Israel. Israel responded by firing shells into southern Lebanon. The UN security council is convening now to discuss the violence.

The family of a Jordanian fighter pilot held hostage by IS group is intensifying its pressure on the government of Jordan to do what it can to save his life. In a video on Tuesday, IS threatened to kill the pilot and a Japanese jounalist Kenji Goto Jogo unless Jordan release an

Iraqi female jihadist. Jordan has offered to release her. But the uncle of the pilot has said he had received word from IS that they rejected the offer.

The financial markets in Greece have fallen sharply after the new left-wing prime minister Alexi Tsipras signals his government will stand by its anti-austerity pledges. The main stockmarket closed about 9% down while Greek banks lost more than a quarter of their value. Mr. Tsipras has said he will review the entire prioritization programme which is the condition of the international bailout. Andrew Walker reports.

Behind these falls lies the new Greek government's desire to end austerity policies and have its debts to the eurozone reduced. If he can not get an agreement with Europe, it's conceivable that Greece might end up leaving the Eurozone. The fact that it's possible means the country's banks could face customers pulling their money out and there are reports that some have done so already. That risk has hit the bank share prices very hard. One Piraeus bank fell nearly 30% and has in total lost almost half of its values since Sunday's election.

The South African city of Cape Town has approved plans to rename a major road after the last white president FW de Klerk. Opponents have accused Mr. de Klerk of having blood on his hands during apartheid. Grant Ferrett reports.

The council says the proposal to rename Table Bay Boulevard after Mr. de Klerk was put forward by eminent figures including archbishop Desmond Tutu to honour his role in the transition from apartheid. But local ANC represent chief was furious. The mayor Patricia de Lille accused him of behaving like fags. She said they spattered police who were called in to prevent disruption of proceedings. Council had eventually retreated to another room and voted to approve the rename of the road with ANC members locked outside.

World news from the BBC.

The Cuba president Raúl Castro has urged president Obama to use his executive powers to bypass the US economic embargo on Cuba. Speaking at a summit of Latin American and Caribbean leaders, Mr. Castro suggested it wouldn't make any sense to restore deplomatic relations unless embargo was lifted.

A private vet is taking place in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires for Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor who was found shot dead in his flat with a gun next to him more than a week ago. Mr. Nisman has been investigating the bombing of a Jewish centre in the city in 1994. He died hours before he was to appear before congress to accuse president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of protecting Iranian suspects in the case.

Iran has chosen a new ambassador to the UN in New York 10 months after the US rejected its orgiginal candidate. The new candidate is Gholamali Khoshru. Nally Tofick reports.

Iran's new candidate is a career diplomat who has served once before as the country's

ambassador and deputy representative to the UN between 1989 and 1995. He is currently Iran's amabassador to Switzerland and it's considered a moderate, having served during the

presidency of reformist Mohammed Khatami and now moderate president Hassan Rouhani, but still looming is the diplomatic illegal to dispute between Iran and the US over the coutry's former designated UN envoy. 10 months ago, the White House refused to grant Hamid

Abutalebi a visa to entre the country because of the alleged links to students who stormed the US embassy in Teran in 1979. Abutalebi says he only acted as a translator.

The French government has released an online video designed to stem young people away from joining military groups in the Middle East. The filming includes the warning that the foreign fighters will be complicit in the murder of civilians and will die alone far from home.

BBC new.


BBC News with Julie Candler

States television in Egypt says that at least 20 people have been killed and more than 30 wounded in a series of simultaneous attacks at the northern Sinai, where the security forces are battling against Islamic extremists. Our Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher reports. The brunt of the attacks was against military and police targets in the provincial capital el-Arish, but other towns were hit as well. A car bomb was set off outside a military base in el-Arish while mortar rounds were fired at other targets including a police club and several check points. Northern Sinai has long been a violent and unstable region. The army has launched major operations to try to stop the violence, but they so far failed. A jihadist group calling itself Ansar Beit al-Maqdis has become the biggest threat there, staging many attacks on security targets, especially since the ousting of the Islamist President Mohamed Morsi in 2013.

Mexico City rescuers are sifting through the rubble of a maternity hospital that partially

collapsed when a truck carrying liquid gas exploded. The federal district mayor Miguel Angel Mancera Espinosa now says a woman and a baby have died. Officials had reported seven deaths. The city's civil defence director said more people probably still in the rubble. Juan Carlos Paris is BBC Mundo correspondent in Mexico City.

Fifty percent of the building was destroyed by this blast. It happened at 7am in the morning here while the lorry was giving some gas, liquid gas, to the hospital. It was given to the kitchen. But the kitchen was very close to the area where the children were in their cribs. Ihave to say that the driver and two of the helpers have been arrested, and they are now being interrogated by the police about what happened there.

At an extraordinary meeting in Brussels European Union foreign ministers have agreed to extend the existing economic sanctions against Russia until September. It did not agree on

imposing new economic sanctions. The EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini outlined their decisions.

"We decided today, so before they expire on 15 March, the extension of the existing

restrictive measures. And let me also underline three different things: extension in the time of the existing sanctions when it comes to the list, preparation for decision in 10 days next week, proposal and decision in next 10 days of new names to add to the list, which is additional; and third, to start the preparation of any further measure."

The president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, who's a long-standing ally of Moscow, has said that Russia is partly to blame for the conflict in Ukraine. He made the comments on the eve of hosting Ukrainian peace talks in Belarus. Mr Lukashenko also warned that Belarus was not part of what Moscow calls the Russian world and was able to protect itself militarily. World News from the BBC

The president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, has said the new Greek

government will seek common ground with its European partners as it attempts to

renegotiate the terms of its financial bailout. He was speaking after talks with the Greek Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras, whose anti-austerity Syriza party was elected on Sunday. The spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General says Ban Ki-moon is deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation in Darfur. The UN says at least 36,000 civilians have been displaced by recent clashes between Sudanese government troops and rebels. The Sudanese government is struggling to quell rebellions in the Darfur, south Kordofan and Blue Nile regions.

American and Afghan military officials say three United States Defence Department

contractors have been killed in a shooting at Kabul airport. An Afghan soldier was reported to have carried out the attack. Earlier Afghan authorities said 16 people were killed in attacks by militants in the eastern province of Laghman.

The government in Portugal has approved rules allowing descendants of Jews who were expelled from the country centuries ago to claim Portuguese citizenship. Applicants will have to prove a strong link to Portugal as Alison Roberts explains.

This might, the government said, be a combination of surname, language used in the family or proof of direct descent. Many of the thousands of Jews expelled in 1497, five years after Spain's own order of expulsion or who fled later to avoid forced conversion to Christianity,

continued to use a form of Portuguese in their new communities in Amsterdam, Istanbul, New York and across Brazil. As the government notes Jews settled in this part of Iberia long before the kingdom of Portugal was founded in the 12th century. At present only a few thousands live here, but according to officials numerous Sephardic Jews from around the globe are now showing an interest in applying for nationality.

In neighbouring Spain a similar law is still being debated.

BBC News

BBC News with Justine Greene

A bomb has exploded outside a stadium in northern Nigeria, killing three people, shortly after President Goodluck Jonathan addressed an election campaign rally there. Police said a female suicide bomber blew herself inside a car, killing herself and another female passenger. Eighteen people were injured. Will Ross reports from Lagos.

The bomb exploded outside the stadium in Gombe just minutes after President Goodluck Jonathan's convoy had left the area. It may not have been as large as other car bombings in Nigeria, but the timing of the attack will have shocked the security forces. The violence is escalating in the run-up to elections due in less than two weeks' time. The attacks are

blamed on the jihadist group Boko Haram, which is against democracy and says it wants to set up a caliphate. Over the weekend there were two other explosions in Gombe and another in the city of Potiskum.

篇二:BBC News

BBC News, this is Mike Cooper.

President Nicolas Sarkozy has secured final approval by parliament for his controversial pension reforms. The National Assembly has followed the Senate in voting to change the retirement age from 60 to 62 after the law was fast-tracked through parliament to try to end a wave of strikes and demonstrations. France's labour minister is Eric Woerth.

"This was difficult to do and not necessarily popular. People don't come to you and say 'Fantastic. I really want to work longer. Thanks.' It's a lot more complicated than that, but we did it. Most people were remarkably united behind the president of the republic, and we proved that we can carry out reforms in France."

The trades unions have called another day of action on Thursday. Jean-Luc Hacquart of the

General Federation of Labour union explained why.

"This bill is unfair. I don't want to work until I'm 67 years old, and I don't want my son to be unemployed. That's it. That's why I'm here. No way. It's not legitimate. It's not fair. They do what they want. We knew that this bill would be approved, but democracy is not a carte blanche given to people who do what they want in-between each election. It doesn't work like that."

The former president of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner, has died of a heart attack. Mr Kirchner, the 60-year-old husband of the current President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, died suddenly in hospital. She took over from her husband as president in 2007 after he'd overseen the country's recovery from a severe economic crisis. He'd been expected to stand for the presidency again. In

Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez praised Mr Kirchner as someone who fought for international justice.

"We have already announced three days of national mourning. I think the bells should chime in Venezuela, in all of Latin America and in all the places where they struggle for a world of equals, for a world of peace. A great man has died. A patriot has died, a great patriot."

The American Justice Department says a man has been arrested over an alleged plot to attack subway stations in the Washington area. It named him as Farooque Ahmed, a 34-year-old Pakistani-American living in Virginia.

According to the Department of Justice, Farooque Ahmed engaged in a six-month Iain MacKenzie reports from Washington.

reconnaissance exercise, taking photographs, making videos and drawing maps of possible targets on the DC Metro. Among them was the underground station serving the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Defence Department. It's alleged that Mr Ahmed would regularly pass on the information to a contact, who he believed worked for al-Qaeda. Although not officially confirmed, it's likely that individual was in fact an FBI agent.

Officials said members of the public were at no time at risk as law enforcement agencies were aware of the plot from the beginning.

This is Mike Cooper in London with World News from the BBC.

Officials in Indonesia say an early warning system put in place after the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami six years ago wasn't working when Monday's tsunami struck the Mentawai

Islands off Sumatra. An official said two devices that measure waves had been vandalized. More than 270 people were killed, and another 400 are missing. Meanwhile, survivors of Tuesday's volcanic eruption in central Java are returning to their villages to find their homes destroyed by volcanic ash. More than 20 people died in the eruption.

Armed men have killed at least 15 people at a car wash in Mexico. Most of the victims were young people who worked at the facility in the western coastal town of Tepic. And a Mexican newspaper says the youngsters lived in a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts. It's the third shooting of this kind since last Friday when 14 were killed at a party in Ciudad Juarez. On Saturday, 14 people were shot dead.

The Rwandan hotel manager, whose efforts to save thousands of Tutsis during the genocide

篇三:BBC news 2012-02-18


BBC News with Nick Kelly

The United Nations says the number of Malian refugees fleeing the fighting between Tuareg rebels and the military has doubled over the past 10 days. It says more than 44,000 have crossed into neighbouring countries. Martin Plaut reports.

People have been crossing in their thousands into Mauritania, Niger and Burkina Faso, where the UNHCR has been registering them. The conflict has been fierce with government forces using helicopter gunships in an attempt to retake towns seized by the rebels. Amnesty International

described the fighting, which erupted in January, as the worst human rights crisis in northern Mali for 20 years.

Italian police have arrested eight people in connection with a seizure of fake US treasury bonds. Police said the alleged crime posed a serious danger to the stability of the international credit system. Alan Johnston reports.

This is a case of attempted international fraud on the most extraordinary scale. The police say that the $6tn worth of counterfeit US bonds were seized in Switzerland. They were found in fake American Federal Reserve security boxes in a raid in January. And now several arrests have been made in different parts of Italy. Investigators say the gang may have been planning to sell the bogus bonds to investors in emerging economies or to more mainstream brokers.

The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton say they are cautiously optimistic that talks with Iran about its nuclear programme might resume. The assessment comes after Iran's nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili sent a letter to Baroness Ashton saying Tehran was ready to restart discussions.

Police in the United States have arrested a man who they say was planning a suicide bomb attack near the US Congress in Washington. American security officials say the man, who's of Moroccan descent, had entered the United States with a family member and had overstayed his visa. From Washington, here's Adam Brookes.

The man was arrested close to the Capitol building, allegedly wearing a vest he thought contained explosives. In reality, the man had been monitored by the FBI for a year, and the explosives,

supplied by undercover FBI agents, were fake. Officials said the man believed the undercover FBI officers he was dealing with were al-Qaeda operatives. They said there was never any danger to the public.

The head of News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch, has told staff at the biggest-selling British tabloid, The Sun, that he's lifting the suspension of 10 journalists arrested over alleged bribery. Announcing that the paper would bring out an edition on Sundays, he said the staff had his

unwavering support, but added that illegal activities would not be tolerated. Journalists were angry 恒星英语学习网

that information passed to the police by News Corporation had led to the arrest of colleagues suspected of paying police to divulge confidential information.

World News from the BBC

The Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Zhai Jun has arrived in the Syrian capital Damascus in an effort to mediate a day after China voted against a second UN resolution condemning violence by the Syrian government. Anti-government activists say 40 people were killed on Friday, some by security forces who opened fire on protesters after Friday prayers.

The World Health Organisation says new research into the H5N1, or bird flu virus, should not be published in full until further analysis of the risks is carried out. The researchers have modified the H5N1 virus so that it might be passed from human to human. Imogen Foulkes reports from Geneva.

Many scientists believe research into bird flu is essential to develop vaccines and treatments, but public health officials fear a mutant virus created in the laboratory could become a weapon in the hands of terrorists. The meeting in Geneva agreed only that publishing research in full was preferable to developing a way to partially censor it, but no date has been set for publication. In the meantime, a moratorium on research into bird flu has been extended indefinitely.

Police in Colombia have arrested five suspected left-wing rebels they believe were involved in the bombing of a police station two weeks ago. Eleven people died when a motorcycle packed with explosives went off outside the police station in Tumaco on the Pacific coast. Four of the suspects are accused of handling the explosives, a fifth with providing a safe house. Police accused all five of belonging to the country's largest rebel group, the Farc.

And a member of the Dutch royal family, Prince Johan Friso, has been seriously injured after being buried under an avalanche in the Austrian Alps. Prince Friso, who's a son of Queen Beatrix, was on a skiing holiday near the resort of Lech when the accident happened. He's reported to be in a critical condition. The Alps have experienced heavy snow in recent weeks.

BBC News

词汇讲解: 1. erupt vi. 突然发生,突然发出 例句:The demonstrations erupted into violence. 示威游行爆发成暴力行为。

2. seizure n.捉住, 查封, 扣押 例句:Seizures of illicit drugs have increased by 30% this year. 今年违禁药品的扣押增长了30%。 恒星英语学习网

3. pose vt. 造成,引起 例句:The increase in student numbers poses many problems for the schools. 学生人数增加给学校造成许多问题。

4. fraud n. 欺骗(行为);诡计;骗局 例句:He was found guilty of fraud. 他被判决犯有诈骗罪。

5. descent n. 血统, 出身, 门第 例句:She is of German descent. 她祖籍是德国。

6. supply vt.供给, 供应 例句:Our task is to supply vegetables all the year round. 我们的任务是全年供应蔬菜。

7. suspension n. 暂令停职(或停学等) 例句:He incurred a suspension on reduced pay. 他受到了降薪停职处分。

8. divulge vt. 吐漏, 泄露, 透露(秘密) 例句:They refused to divulge where they had hidden the money. 他们拒绝说出他们把钱藏在什么地方。

9. mediate vi. 调停, 调解, 斡旋 例句:The state must mediate the struggle for water resources. 政府必须通过调解来解决对水资源的争夺。

10. vaccine n. 疫苗;痘苗 例句:She takes a vaccine against influenza every fall. 她每年秋季接种流感疫苗。

[!]短语讲解: 1. The conflict has been fierce with government forces using helicopter gunships in an attempt to retake towns seized by the rebels.

in an attempt to力图,试图 例句:He studied hard in an attempt to pass the exam 他努力学习试图通过考试。

2. Italian police have arrested eight people in connection with a seizure of fake US treasury bonds. in connection with与…有关,连同 例句:He was in detention in connection with the bribery affair. 他因与贿赂事件有牵连而被拘留了。 恒星英语学习网

3. In reality, the man had been monitored by the FBI for a year, and the explosives, supplied by

undercover FBI agents, were fake. Officials said the man believed the undercover FBI officers he was dealing with were al-Qaeda operatives.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待 例句:Be careful. She is very difficult to deal with. 可得当心, 她很难对付。

4. Announcing that the paper would bring out an edition on Sundays, he said the staff had his unwavering support, but added that illegal activities would not be tolerated.

bring out出版, 生产(某物) 例句:Tom has brought out another new book. 汤姆又出版了一本新书。

5. Journalists were angry that information passed to the police by News Corporation had led to the arrest of colleagues suspected of paying police to divulge confidential information.

lead to导致, 引起 例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever. 一场普通的感冒很快便会引起高烧。 suspect of怀疑 例句:The police suspect him of having taken the money. 警察怀疑钱是他偷的。

6. The Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Zhai Jun has arrived in the Syrian capital Damascus in an effort to mediate a day after China voted against a second UN resolution condemning violence by the Syrian government.

in an effort to为了... 例句:They rebuilt the cinemas in an effort to reach out to the young people. 他们重建了电影院,试图吸引青年人。 vote against投票反对 例句:Eight delegates voted against the motion. 八名代表投票反对这一动议。

7. The World Health Organisation says new research into the H5N1, or bird flu virus, should not be published in full until further analysis of the risks is carried out.

carry out执行; 贯彻 例句:If you make a promise, it should be carried out. 你许了诺言, 就一定要兑现。

8. Police in Colombia have arrested five suspected left-wing rebels they believe were involved in the bombing of a police station two weeks ago. 恒星英语学习网

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕 例句:Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dispute. 不要把自己卷入无谓的争论中。

9. Eleven people died when a motorcycle packed with explosives went off outside the police station in Tumaco on the Pacific coast.

pack with用…充满 例句:The road was packed with refugees. 路上尽是逃难的人。 go off爆炸;(枪炮等)被发射;突然发出响声 例句:He fired but his pistol failed to go off. 他扳动了扳机,但手枪没有发射。

10. Police accused all five of belonging to the country's largest rebel group, the Farc.

accuse of指责, 控告 例句:He was accused of murder. 他被指控犯了谋杀罪。 belong to是(某团体、国家等)的成员 例句:We belong to the new club. 我们是这个新俱乐部的成员。


BBC News with Nick Kelly The United Nations says the number of Malian refugees fleeing the fighting between Tuareg rebels and the military has doubled over the past 10 days. It says more than 44,000 have crossed into neighbouring countries. Martin Plaut reports. 联合国称,在过去十天逃离图阿雷格部落和军队发生之间战争的马里难民数量翻了一番。据说已有超过44,000人跨过边境进入邻国。Martin Plaut报道。

People have been crossing in their thousands into Mauritania, Niger and Burkina Faso, where the

UNHCR has been registering them. The conflict has been fierce with government forces using helicopter gunships in an attempt to retake towns seized by the rebels. Amnesty International described the fighting, which erupted in January, as the worst human rights crisis in northern Mali for 20 years. 成千上万人已经进入毛里塔尼亚、尼日尔和布基纳法索,这些国家已在联合国难民署注册过。冲突愈演愈烈,政府军使用武装直升机部队,企图夺回被叛军占领的城镇。大赦国际形容这场在一月份爆发的战争称,这是20年来马里北部最严重的人权危机。

Italian police have arrested eight people in connection with a seizure of fake US treasury bonds. Police said the alleged crime posed a serious danger to the stability of the international credit system. Alan Johnston reports. 恒星英语学习网

