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Unit2 Growing pains

I. Word checkpoints

1、窗帘 n. 2、触摸 v . 3、混乱,杂乱n. 4、成年人 n. 5、行为,举止n. 6、过错,错误n. 7、惩罚 v. 8、解释,说明n. 9、使感兴趣 v. 10、真诚地 adv. 11、宝贵的,珍贵的 adj. 12、时期,阶段 n. 13、争论,辩论 n. 14、自由 n. 15、建议,暗示 v. 16、自私的 adj. 17、缺乏爱心的 adj. 18、禁止 v. 19、心烦的,苦恼的 adj. 20、垃圾n. II. Useful phrases 1. be common to 对----来说常见 2. turn up/down 调大/小 3. a waste of 浪费

waste one’s time on sth./in doing sth. 做某事浪费时间 4.no more/not any more不再

5. force sb. to do /into doing强迫某人做 6. be supposed to do 应该做---

7. what to do with sth./how to deal with sth 如何处理--- 8. go unpunished/wrong 不受惩罚,出错 9. go out 熄灭 10. instead of 取代

11. be hard on 对----苛刻 12. now (that) 既然

13. feel like dong/sth. /would like to do 想做---- 14. in the form of 已---形式 15. be expected/required to do 有望/要求做--- 16. let….go 放过--- 17. call on sb.拜访---- 18. change ….for/into 交换/变成 19. learn from 向---学习 20. be proud of/take pride in 已---为自豪 21. get good marks 取得高分 22. stay up熬夜

23. mix up…with /be mixed up 混合 24. be nervous about 对---紧张 25. keep …in mind 记住 26. tidy up/clean up 清理

27. make no/little/much difference 没/没多大/有很大区别


28. argue about/over sth with sb. 为某事同某人争论 29. be upset with/about 对---心烦意乱 30. at the moment此刻

31. than /as expected 比预料更----/真如所料 32. insist on /insist that sb.(should) do 坚持要求 33. help sb with 帮助某人---- 34. like crazy 疯狂地 35. after all毕竟

36. explain to sb sth/explain sth to sb. 向某人解释---- 37. be rude to 对---没礼貌 38. be up(to) 忙/干----- 39. every time/each time/每次 40. work on 从事,忙于 41. as though/if好像

42. forbid/prevent/stop/keep sb from doing阻止某人做某事 43. take/follow one’s advice 采纳某人建议 44. stop doing 停止做----

45. be angry with sb./about sth.生某人气/因某事生气 46. for nothing 徒劳

47. think of /consider /treat/look on….as 把---当作----看待 48. clear up 清理;放晴 49. in a mess 乱七八糟 50. can’t wait to do 迫不及待做 51. in charge(of) 负责---- 52. differ from 与---不同

53. in fact/as a matter of fact/actually事实上 54. someone else’s 别人的(东西) 55. shout at 对---大喊大叫 56. at present/at the present time 目前

III.Important sentences

1、Do you have to(调大)your music so loud? 2、I (迫不及待)surprise the boys.

3、You (本应该)come home until tomorrow. 4、What did you (处理)the money we left?

5、Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who(抱着胳膊)and looks angry. 6、(既然)he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he won’t respect us. 7、I didn’t’t get enough sleep so I .(感到身体不适)

8、I didn’t’t think my mum (没有同---交谈)me, but she did.

9、Many people in families(对---心烦意乱)each other over small problems. 10、Sometimes he acts(好像) he doesn’t’t even love us.

11、At present ,to prevent upsetting his mother with an argument, I am (允许他有自由)

12、He and my mother always make me do things I don’t like such as (弹钢琴)and learning Japanese.


13、He has even (禁止我同朋友见面)online at the Internet cafe.

四、Multiple choices

1、He to us that the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates.

A. told B. explained C. promised D. seemed 2、 The old photo reminded me ____ my childhood. A. in B. of C. with D. to 3、 I don’t suppose anyone will cry at the news, ____ ? A. do I B. don’t I C. will they D. won’t they 4、 _____everybody knows about it, I don’t want to talk any more. A. For B. Even C. Since D. However

5、 All of the names of the guests are ___in the list , I am sure I won’t forget any of them. A. contained B. appeared C. formed D. included 6、 ---Why can’t you and Bill go to the movie tonight? ---We are _____a history test tomorrow. A. supposed to have B. supposed to having

C. thought to have D. allowed to have

7、 The old man has no children , but she has been used to . A. live alone B. live lonely C. living alone D. living lonely 8、 The English teacher keeps advising us more. A. to practise speaking B. practicing to speak

C. to practise to speak D. practicing speaking 9、 The car is very old , so it is in badnow. A. situation B. state C. condition D. way 10、 The company _____him since 5 years ago. A. is in charge of B. was in the charge of C. has been in charge of D. has been in the charge of



三、Keys:1.turn up 2 can’t wait to 3.were supposed to 4. do with 5. has his arms crossed 6. Now that 7. didn’t feel very well 8. missed talking with 9. become upset with 10. as though/if 11. allowing him his freedom. 12. playing the piano 13. forbidden me from meeting my friends

四、Keys:1-5BBCCD 6-10ACACD


