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Unit 1

Unit 1 Planning your future career

Reading Focus

Traits of the Key Players

Reading Focus – Global UnderstandingTask 1 (page 10-11)

IntroductionWhat does the term ―key players‖ refer to (Para. 1) Question A: _________________________________________?

a handful of staff you can count Answer: ―Key player‖ refers to ___________________________ on in a given area of expertise to get the job done _____________________________________________. How do companies recruit ―key players‖ Question B: __________________________________________? Answer: Companies recruit their staff either by hiring ―key players‖ from another company __________________________________________, or from ―newbies‖ who seem to have the same traits as _____________________________________________ those top people. (Para. 2) ________________

Reading Focus – Language Point

1. Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. (Para. 1) staff: (n.) the group of people who work for an organization e.g. There is a good relationship between staff and pupils at the school. 以staff 做主语的句子,谓语动词可以是单数,也可以用复 数 e.g. The staff has been cut by a quarter over the past year. The staff are not very happy about the latest pay increase.

Reading Focus

– Language Point

be on the staff of: be a member of 担任---的工作 e.g. He is on the editorial staff of the New York Times. staff (v.) 1. provide with staff 给---配备职员 e.g. How many employees will it take to staff this resort? We have not enough money to staff all our schools. 2. serve on the staff of 担当(某机构)职员 e.g. Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.

Reading Focus – Language Point expertise (n.) special skill or knowledge e.g. A foreign coach has special knowledge and expertise. We are amazed at his expertise on the ski slope. 辨析 expertise (n.) 和 expert (n.; adj.) expert My mother is an ______ at dress-making. expert I thought your handling of the situation was ________. expertise Mary has considerable _________ in French history.

Reading Focus

– Language Point

2. We hold them up to the standards we see in our top people. (Para. 2) Paraphrase: We evaluate them by the standard traits our key players show to us.

Reading Focus – Global UnderstandingTrait 1: The selfless collaborator A. Importance of the trait: (Para. 4) one can’t succeed in an industry According to John Fetzer, _____________________________ ____________________________________________________. environment without the mindset of being collaborative and selfless B. Ways of developing the trait: (Para. 5) a. Working together with scientists from other labs and disciplines ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________

___________. in pursuit of a common goal b. ___________________________________________________ A liberal use of the pronoun ―we‖ and not just ―I‖, when _________________________________________________. describing your accomplishments c. To develop a reputation inside your lab and with people your __________________________________________________ ____________________ as a person who fosters and initiates lab collaborates with this quality gets mentioned by collaborations—and make sure __________________________ ____________________________________________________. those who will take those reference phone calls

Reading Focus – Language Point

3. It deserves repeating because it is the single most public difference between academia and industry. (Para. 4) deserve: (v.) be worthy of e.g. You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done. I think they deserve to be congratulated.

Reading Focus – Language Point

4.―The business environment is less lone-wolf and competitive, so signs of being collaborative and selfless stand out. (Para. 4)

The sentence means: Compared with academia, the business environment requires less capability in doing inpidual research and there are less competitions among inpidual workers, so people or behaviors showing the traits of being collaborative and selfless are easily recognized.

Reading Focus – Language Point

lone wolf: someone who prefers to be alone e.g. He is a lone wolf, apparently wanting no friends and seeking no man.

文中是名词 lone wolf 当形容词用。 stand out: to be very noticeable e.g. We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.

Reading Focus – Language Point

5. Many postdocs and grad students have a tough time showing that they can make this transition because so much of their life has involved playing the independent researcher role and outshining other young stars. (Para. 5) Paraphrase: Many postdoctors and graduate students find it very hard to adapt themselves to this transition since they have devoted much of their life to doing independent research work and trying to do better than their peers.

Reading Focus – Language Point

involve1) imply, make necessary e.g. The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart. 2) implicate person in charge, crime, etc. e.g. The four men were all involved in organizing and carrying out the murders. 3) include sb. or sth. in sth. or to make them take part in or feel part of it e.g. Do we need to involve someone from the computer department at this stage in our discussion?

Reading Focus – Language Point outshine: (v.) to be better or more impressive than sb. or sth. else e.g. Several new players outshone the veterans. 动词前缀 ―out–‖主要有三种意思: 1) doing better than e.g. She outran him. 2) being or becoming bigger, further, greater than someone or something else e.g. She‘s outgrown her clothes. She outlived her b

rother. 3) outside or beyond something e.g. an outbuilding 附属建筑物 outlying areas 郊区

Reading Focus – Language Point

6. You can make yourself more attractive to companies by working together with scientists from other laboratories and disciplines in pursuit of a common goal—and documenting the results on your ré sumé . (Para. 5) 介词词组“in pursuit of a common goal”当状语,相当于 during the process of pursuing a common goal. “and documenting the results on your ré sumé ” 意为“并 . 且为你的个人履历上的内容提供事迹证明。”

result (n.) : the achievement of something e.g. She certainly knows how to get results. For best results, always use fresh ingredients when you are cooking.

Reading Focus – Language Point

document:(n.) a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, esp. of an official type. e.g. A document certifying ownership. I stamp the document.

(v.) prove by or support with documents such as references,certificates and credentials. e.g. His interest in cricket has been well-documented by the media.

Reading Focus – Global Understanding Trait 2: A sense of urgency

Importance of the trait: one way that companies win the According to Don Haut, __________________________________ ______________________________________________________ competition that happens 24/7/365 is to get ―there‖ faster. This ______________________________________________________ trait is a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, ______________________________________________________ but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their ______________________________________________________. own conviction (Para. 7)

Reading Focus – Global Understanding Trait 3: Risk tolerance

Importance of the trait: A. __________________________________________________. Being OK with risk is something that industry demands Supporting evidence: a. Quotation from one of the clients in a job description (Para. 8) _________________________________________________. What Don Haut says (Para. 9) b. Companies consistently look for candidates who can be _________________________________________________. wrong and admit it (Para. 10) B. __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________. Failure is important because it shows you were not afraid Supporting evidence: to take chances a. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. b. What Don Haut says.

