综合英语教程 邹为诚主编(第三版)1-4册课后翻译答案

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第一册: 单元一:

1. 经理先生,明天我可以不来上班吗?我母亲要来看我。

Mr. Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to see me.

2. 警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的线索。

The police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers. 3. 上周我生病时,她主动提出来帮助我照顾孩子。

When I was ill last week, she offered to look after my child. 4. 除了厨房以外,这套公寓应该说是非常令人满意的了。 Except for the kitchen, the flat is very satisfactory. 5. 她去年被提升为部门经理。

She was promoted to branch manager last year. 6. 人人都累极了,只有约翰没事。 Everyone was exhausted except John. 7. 谁在经营这家公司?

Who's running this company? 8. 他伸手到口袋里去拿钱包。

He reached into his pocket for the wallet. 二:


I want to buy a house in town, but can't afford it now. 3.他把房子照料得很好,每两年粉刷一次。 He took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year/once in two years.


He moved the furniture into another room. 5.他们不喜欢住在这个地区,所以想搬到别处去。

They don't like this place, and have decided to move house to another residential area.


Li Ming shares the dormitory with four other students. 三:


I'm afraid that the position is not open to students. 2.前两天我突然看到一封法国的来信。

I came across a letter from France the other day. 3.他把手放在胸口,显得十分诚恳。

He put his hand on his chest as if to show sincerity. 4.我已经填好了申请表。

I've filled in the application form. 5.她身上穿了件外套。 She had her coat on.


I can't help thinking that we've made a big mistake. 7.Fred是Frederick 的简称 Fred is short for Frederick. 8.他看上去三十才出头

He seemed in his early thirties. 四:无答案 五:

1. 上海人的月平均收入是多少?

What is the average monthly income of the people in Shanghai? 2. 她的健康状况正在好转。 She is improving in health.

3. 同5年前相比, 我的收入增加了一倍

Compared with five year ago, my income has doubled. 4. 那次车祸后,他终生残废

After the traffic accident, he become handicapped for life. 5. 调查表明,国产彩电不比进口彩电质量差

Investigation shows that colour televisions of Chinese make are not inferior in quality to the imported brands.


What you said doesn't change my position, but I will take your point. 六:

1. 西湖吸引国内游客,也吸引国外游客

The West Lake attracts tourists from home and abroad alike. 2. 一条小河从我们校园穿过,河的两岸长满了柳树

Through our campus flows a small river, along the banks of which stand a lot of willow trees. 3. 麦田一直延伸到那座小山

The field of wheat stretches to the small hill. 4. 这家餐馆有非常可口的饭菜

This restaurant serves delicious food. 5. 到目前为止,我们对他的工作还是非常满意的 So far we are satisfied with his work. 6. 据说,外宾将来参观我们的学校

It is said that some foreign guests will come to visit our campus. 7. 这家超市货物品种样样齐全,大到家电,小到一盒火柴都有出售

This supermarket sells everything from household electric appliances to matches.

8. 这栋大楼租给了一个商人

This building is let to a businessman. 七:

1. 每天早晨醒来时,我都盼望着会有令人激动的事情发生

Every morning when I wake up, I expect something exciting will happen. 2. 那个穿红色衣服的人是我们的老师 That woman in red is our teacher.

3. 交通状况的改善大大地促进了这个地区的商业

The improvement of traffic conditions has greatly contributed to the business growth of this area. 4. 她激动得连话也说不出了

She is too excited to say a word. 5. 孩子们都喜欢动物故事

Children all delight in fable stories. 6.我经常劝她要细心点,但都无济于事

I often tried to persuade her to be more careful, but my attempts were always in vain.


His face turned red when he realized his mistake. 八:

1. 由于天气不好,我们不可能在天黑前到达目的地

Because of the bad weather, we are unlikely to arrive at the destination before dark.

2. 我发现说一口流利的英文很难

I find it difficult to speak fluent English.


On birthdays, children always expect their parents to buy some birthday presents for them.

4. 写好一篇论文很花时间,它包括寻找资料、列提纲、写作和修改等工作 To write a paper is quite time-consuming. It involves finding materials, making an outline, writing, and rewriting. 5. 如果你不努力,你将一事无成

If you don't work hard, you will end up nowhere. 6.上课时,学生们集中思想听老师讲课

In the class, all the students concentrate on the teacher's lecture. 7.我很失望他没有赢得比赛

I'm very disappointed that he failed to win the game. 九:

1. 他想出了一个好主意

A good idea came upon him.

2. 他的辛勤劳动没有白费,他终于得到了提拔 His hard work paid off. He got a promotion. 3.约翰每个周末都要花一点时间和他的孩子们玩耍

John spends some time playing with his children every weekend. 4. 这篇文章可作范文使用

The article can serve as a model. 5. 你不断努力,就一定会成功

As long as you keep trying, you will surely succeed. 6.你愿意呆多久就呆多久

You can stay as long as you like. 7.会议室里摆满了花

The meeting room is decorated with flowers. 8.她的房间很整洁,每件东西都放在恰当的地方

Her room is very tidy. Everything is in its place. 9.编写一本小说要花很长的时间

It takes a long time to write a story. 10.老师开了个玩笑,课堂里立刻活跃了起来

The teacher made a joke and the class came alive immediately. 十:

1. 科学家认为火星上没有生命

Scientists assume that there is no life on Mars. 2. 不同的民族有不同的生活方式

Different nations have different ways of living. 3. 健康和饮食习惯有关

Health has something to do with diet. 4. 这两张照片如此相像,我说不清谁是谁了

The two pictures look so alike that I can hardly tell who is who. 5. 这篇文章令人费解。

This article doesn't make any sense.

6. 我在去公司的路上一直在想面试时经理会问我些什么样的问题

On my way to the company, I tried to anticipate the kind of questions the manager would ask me at the interview. 7. 据说,这次火灾没有造成人员伤亡

It is reported that no one died in the fire.

8. 这两家公司虽然名称相同,但实际上他们之间毫无关系

Although the two companies have the same name, they have nothing to do with each other.

9. 你想喝点什么,咖啡还是茶?

What would you like to drink — coffe or tea? / Would you like to have some drink — coffee or tea? 十一:

1. 我只能告诉你有多少人丧生于这场火灾,至于火灾的原因,我也不知道

I can only tell you how many people were killed in the fire. As for the cause of the fire, I don't know either. 2. 新的和平条约禁止所有核试验

The new peace treaty bans all nuclear tests. 3.汤姆已向约翰道过歉,可约翰仍对汤姆心存敌意

Tom has already made apologies to John, but John's hostility toward Tom still lingers.

4. 为什么不改变我们的传统的教学方法呢 ?

Why not change our traditional teaching methodology?

5. 减肥很困难,但要发胖却非常容易

It is very difficult to lose weight. By contrast, it's very easy to put on a lot.

6.既然你已聘我作老师,就不该怀疑我的能力 Since you have already employed me, you should not challenge my competence as a teacher.


Ken maintained that he was not guilty. 十二:

1. 你们都喜欢夏天,但是我更喜欢冬天

You like summer. As for me, I like winter better. 2. 他长大想从事摄影

He wants to take up photography when he grows up. 3.突然间他意识到搭错了车

It suddenly occurred to him that he had taken the wrong bus. 4. 她把一生献给了教育事业

She devoted all her life to teaching. 5. 如果你制定了计划,你就一定要照着去做

If you have made a plan, you must stick to it. 6.如果他不来参加会议,我也没办法

I cannot help if he doesn't come to the meeting. 7.作者巧妙地将这些事编成了一个故事

The author skillfully wove those incidents into a story. 8.同学们都急于想知道考试的结果

The students are all eager to know the results of the exams. 十三:

1. 中国式的幽默很难为外国人所理解

It is difficult to get across Chinese humour to foreigners. 2. 天气决定了庄稼的生长情况

Weather determines the growth of crops. 3.见到他走,她也走了

When she saw him go, she went as well. 4. 过度饮食常会导致疾病

Eating too much often results in illness. 5. 这本书对整个一代人产生了很大的影响

This book has a great impact on a whole generation. 6.他偶尔也去钓鱼

Once in a while he went fishing.


This paper represents important findings in our recent research. 十四:

1. 如果你很忙,就不用麻烦来看我了

If you are very busy, don't bother to come to see me.

2. 新的教学方法深受同学们的欢迎,对他们的学习产生了意想不到的好效果

