英语作业Education pays

更新时间:2023-03-29 04:02:01 阅读量: 互联网资料 文档下载


姓名:朱怡辰 学号:1210030106

Education pays

The bar chart above reveals the relation between the degree level and the

unemployment rate and the median weekly earnings in 2011.From the graph,we can see that there is a strong negative correlation between degree level and the

unemployment rate.On the contrary,there is a positive correlation between degree level and positive correlation.

The unemployment rate of the people whose degree is less than high school diploma is 14.1%,which is 11.6% higher than the one whose degree is doctoral degree.As for the median weekly earnings,the people with doctoral degree can get 1551 dollars,which is 1100 dollars more than the salary of the people whose diploma is less than the high school diploma.The reason is apparently:Firstly,as the economy developed rapidly, it also makes the occupations’ requirements go higher.Secondly,the higher the degree level is,the more efforts the people should make,and as the compensation is proportional to one’s efforts he has made,it’s reasonable for them to get higher salary.

In my opinion,I think whether to chase a high degree lies on what your dream is or to say what lifestyle you prefer.What behind their highly paid salary are their swink and dedication that we can not see.However,if one whose dream is to change the world or make so much money,he should try his best to achieve his goal.



评语: 作者学术词汇使用比较准确,词汇表达较丰富,但仍需增加词汇积累;作者在句法层面做的很棒;全文结构较为严谨,应适当增加文中衔接词的使用

